How to use HOMAX Wall Texture

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okay today I want to use a home ax wall texture pro-grade orange peel and you can use it for knockdown uly4 anything has different adjustments on these things are made and it's so technical now and there's a couple of bucks you buy these things and you just go to town it's just totally worth it for small small jobs anyway so it's not totally awesome here you want if you want to do is take off this little tab here and save it pull right up so sorry to do it with him pull it out there then take this little tab off here just snap it off just snaps right off there you need you're going to adjust this this way here for thick texture like lockdown and this one here more for orange peel and here pressure is higher low and right now it's set combined with that set at high that's where I want and so I'm just going to take that and push it to high right there is well here you want to says right here texture you heavy or fine I want heavy to match the existing so I'm ready to go you want to shake it like crazy put it upside down and shake it like crazy for a minute I already did all that and so then your your wall you want to have a totally mess off mask up everything you don't want to get texture on nobody wants to be cleaning up a bunch of stuff takes two seconds to mask and takes an hour to clean don't clean mask mask everything anyway so now that's really all is all ready to go all the patches are done now I want to spray it I'll show you how it works okay you're good that's what I'm looking for in that she's perfectly very moment I got a hopper gun here I don't want to vet your hopper guns it's a small job this is just perfect and yeah this perfect méditerranée knock gun right there nice alright guys so we're go out and buy this product for doing small repairs like this one here it's not worth getting out the gun your competitor and all the stuff and make it a big mess okay show you how to do knock down when you want to match your existing knockdown texture so it looks like I don't know what you're gay but that's we knocked down luck it's called Mediterranean knockdown and it's have you knocked down and when you when you put it on you I'm using the home axe little canister works fantastic so what you want to do is spray it on which looks perfectly the same exact texture right there and then soon as you see a sheen go away like right now you can still see moisture in it I don't if you can see it I can see it perfectly so you're looking at the sheen that's not good you won't don't knock it down yet if you have to smash it to nothing to become just mud you wait for it to harden up which so you see the sheen go and then you start knocking down do a real small test area first like find an area up in the corner and see if it moves out perfectly and if it does then you continue on the rest of the project without a detriment okay so just go ahead spray it on give it a few minutes to set up and so as you see the sheen going away for the most part it's setting up then you'll be able to make little plateaus out of it because right now it's just all round it we're going to run our trial across that make plateaus it'll be perfect okay okay once the oh you see the glistening machine go way up of texture you want to just lightly run your trowel across it this is see how the knockdown is going to work out you can see here it's having a thing all the little plateau just like you're looking for so again if you don't want to do it too early or to just match all the texture down to nothing but if you do just right you've blended a christ want to go in all different directions so not just one direction so you get rid of all your lines at the same time also okay so like that in all different directions and you'll be fine after it's all dry and setup you can combine ah coughing me the boogers they're still hanging out okay
Channel: Jon Hughes
Views: 471,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homax, texture, mud, drywall, easy, can, spray, Knockdown Texture, How to, diy
Id: gKVztowyirY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Fri May 30 2014
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