California patch

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I'm no expert but in this video I'm gonna demonstrate how I do the California patch so here we have a door that's been crashing into the wall and it's punched a nice hole there so going to you start by measuring the dimensions of the hole taking into account the distance behind the hole where the drywall punches out bigger behind and in the front so I'm going to start by taking a piece of drywall and I'm going to mark out my measurements now my measurements are two inches bigger in each direction then I've determined the hole would be on the backside of the wall now I'm going to mark out my measurements drawing a nice straight line now I'm just going to cut these lines I prefer to use an exacto knife for all my cuts because it makes less sawdust or I guess drywall dust so just going to cut it and it also has a cleaner edge so I'm just cutting the piece off here and now on the back side because I made it 2 inches bigger just gonna mark a 1 inch on each side just making my marks and then drawing all my lines to make sure I have one inch all the way around now I'm just going to cut the back side being very careful not to cut all the way through and then you just very carefully break and tilt the pieces off this gets harder with bigger patches but just going to do that for all the sides cutting carefully making sure not to go all the way through and also you want to cut make sure you make your cuts in such a way that you don't cut all the way through the paper when it comes off the edge that's why I left that piece there till I had cut the other sides now just breaking off the last piece here just very carefully take your time make sure that's a nice edge and now we have a drywall patch where the paper is acting as the drywall tape so now I'm just going to mark that on the wall putting it on place and then just going to trace around the edge this is a lot quicker than making my hole making sure my piece is the right size for it just putting the piece on the wall marking around it and now again I'm going to start with a exacto knife but you could use a drywall saw instead you just want to make sure that whatever you're using you cut pulling out because the paper on the back is going to really want to be pushing in and ripping a bigger hole so you want to do kind of a sawing or cutting motion where you're pulling toward yourself and cutting on the back stroke not the pushing in so you wouldn't be pushing the paper inwards and then just cutting all the way around making sure to get all the paper cut and not just punching it back in and this here is an example of someone who did not patch it well you don't just start filling a hole with drywall mud and paper that is not a solution well it's not a very good solution but we still have our issue here so what we really need to do is we need to add a doorstop so I'm going to do that at this point just mount a little doorstop down here to make sure that the door doesn't mess up the new patch and there it is so now we can proceed now I'm going to cut a bit of an edge here just a bit of a bevel and that's going to be for the drywall mud to get better adhesion on this so you just want to put a bit of an edge so there's more space for drywall mud making sure to do it on all the sides now here's the drywall mud I'm just going to take some of the drywall mud and put it onto the patch making sure to get it fully covering and on both the drywall piece itself and coming out on the makeshift tape I guess quote-unquote and so making sure to get it solidly all the way around and then once you've got lots of drywall mud you want to make sure there's excess and then just stick it in place and then make sure to get it all squeezed out nicely and then now it's just too start doing it like you would a normal drywall patch adding mud in layers and sanding them until you have the finished product now I'm not gonna demonstrate that all right now so there we go thanks for watching please subscribe
Channel: Make it work
Views: 245,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, patch, diy, home repair, wall patch, reno, renovation
Id: C0mxQfnNDoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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