How to Render Occlusion and Wire frame using Arnold in Maya 2018

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hi in this video I'm going to show you how to render diffuse occlusion on our frame using unknown renderer in my 2018 so let's see how to render those things so here I am using this model did a tutorial on modeling this go ahead and look at the description to find that so here I'm going to first create a ground plane for this so let's create the polygon plane so it's create and scale it big okay let me scale it big and let me increase few divisions here let's say 20 maybe so that I'll get some more divisions when I render wireframe I'll get some lines okay so this is my ground plane and then I'm going to set up my camera so I can do that by just creating a new camera go to create cameras and camera you don't have to do this step but let me show you how to use a camera new camera and how to set a view so this is my camera and let's use this plate view here so I'll get a two split view and I'm going to change this left side view to my in camera so let's go to panel for that and I'm prespective here you can see my camera 1 so this is my new camera here and let me turn on the digital Sun gate so that I'll know which is the render area so let's click on this little icon so here's the render area if I maximize this you can see how it looks let me adjust or navigate this view so it's basic basic navigation so let me set this angle okay let's say this is the beautiful angle I want to render so let's lock this view then so this is the second option here to lock this camera so once you lock you cannot know navigate this view okay now let me go to this second view here you can see I can move the camera as well so that's a lock and the angle is low now let's create some lights so let's go to Arnold tab here and let's click and create a new layer like the first one click on that and we'll get a are no Lydia light so let's scale it and position it'll kind of from the top-down angle and front from top-down angle let me scale off a little bit let it scale big let's say this okay now I want to render this view so right mouse click on this view to activate this view and go to Arnold menu here and click on this render to get the unknown renderer here here you can see it's totally black the first thing I'll do save the camera actually so let's go to render and go to camera here now you can see it's set to prospective still so I want to change this to camera shape one because this is my camera here this camera and still it's black because I don't have sufficient light so let's go to this light and go to that to boot editor by clicking on this icon and here I'm going to increase this intensity or the exposure so let's say the intensity let's say 210 and you can see steel let me click on this little red color play button to render it you can see a little bit of no lighting here so I can keep increasing the intensity or I can just put two here to actually double the intensity you can say it's kind of a multiplier of intensity so let me choose five maybe you can see kind of I am no multiplying five with this value so both works the same way you can no just keep increasing this now you can see I have 20 here and if I multiply that to 10 it's kind of too much so let's 5 or maybe maybe maybe 6 7 be good I think 7 is good here let me look at this so this is kind of my diffused layer let me show you how to render the occlusion or airframe in different layers so initially Maya had the layers here the no render layer now it's not here he can go to here on this render setup and let me create some layers here now I can see I don't have any layer I have just a by default scene layer here which is no my rendering right now so let's create some blank layer here and let's give it let's say diffuse which is my color layer and I want three more layer let's create one layer for occlusion these are by default no empty layers let's click one layer for where frame so I just know created some layers and gave them the name I want here so now let's start with the diffuse here I want to add all these things here now you can see let me turn off this view here so here I want to add these all these models and lights so let's select all this model camera and lights everything basically and let's go to here and right click here create a collection and inside this collection once these things have selected click on this odd okay now these things are added to this collection of this diffuse layer that means all these things are in this layer ok so this is the diffuse layer and for the occlusion layer I can go ahead and create a again collection but for the occlusion I don't need the light so I don't have to add the light here so except that I need to add everything like the model and the camera again to this collection so let's click on this I so now I have set up two layers diffuse and occlusion let's render those things and let's see if they work so if I want to render this diffuse let me first open the renderer here if I want to render this diffuse I can just click on this I to isolate it or render it you can see now it's rendering but the view camera is changed let's again go to render and change this camera to camera step one here you can see I am rendering the diffuse and if I click on this little icon of the occlusion it's still it's rendering this layer but we are not getting in your clusion effect because we have just set a layer and put all those things in the lair and it's not going to give us the occlusion for the occlusion we need to go to this no collection right click and we need to material override and we need to assign a material to the whole layer so click on this material override and here you know get this thing just follow this checker here click on that and go to Arnold Seder and choose this ambient occlusion as soon as I chose that you can see it immediately rendered the occlusion because now this occlusion material is override to this layer this occlusion layer if I click on this diffuse I now you can see I'm rendering the diffuse if I click on the occlusion I it's rendering the occlusion again because of this material override okay so if I click on this way Prem it's not going to render wireframe and it's not going to render anything because I have not no added anything to that layer that's an empty layer okay so now I need to create a collection again I need to select everything again I have to go to a different layer so that I can see if no all the things here I just need to add everything except this light again so let's add to this layer and here now you can see if I again I need to change the camera so this is occlusion if I click on this wireframe you can see I'm still rendering the diffuse again we need to add a layer over right so let's go to the collection right click no material over right and again like follow the path and sader this time we are going to use this AI over frame so occlusion over frame both had different setters now you can see it's like rendering the word frame but the only problem is it's rendering the triangulated over frame you can just click on here to get options here you can see it's a two triangles by default we need to change this to polygon so click on that to get this drop down and click on polygons now I can see I'm rendering these we're friends you can see here so now it's just the matter of no saving and you can always go ahead and combine everything let's say I want to composite this wireframe on top of my diffuse I can do that in Photoshop or any other software so let's see how to do that so to save the image go to file save image and here let's say this is the wireframe and let me save all this thing into desktop folder that is the wireframe render or frame let's save it in TGA format so you can type the TGA format or just choose the teaser here so let's cut from the TGS save it and let me render the other know layer so let's go back here and let's render the occlusion just click on the I it's going to render once it completed then you need to save it okay now let's go to save image and here I want to save the occlusion so let's say OCC dot T G A Okay save this image and let's render the final diffusion so this is my diffuse you can see there are so many noises in order to get rid of that you need to go to the light and you can increase the samples but I'm not going to do this because if I do that it will take more time to render so let's say for the purpose of this tutorial I am NOT going to do that yeah so let's go to save image and save this image and here I'm going to say let's a diffuse dot TGA so I have saved all these three different layers the occlusion where frame and diffused now this is the time to compose it so let's go to photoshop and here I'm inside Photoshop let's open all those image go to text of the images and let's open all those images let's go to the desktop here I have saved okay open every images here can say I let's see how to compose it wireframe on top of the diffuse and occlusion as well let me start from the occlusion that will show you how to composite occlusion on top of the diffuse for that let's work on the diffuse and let's bring other images into this image so here I am inside occlusion let's hold shift and drag with this move tool hold shift so that it snaps exactly to this view otherwise it will move like this so hold shift and drag then it will automatically snap to this area okay here I am with occlusion on top of my diffuse you can see so now I'm seeing the occlusion only so here I can go to the layer blending mode and let's set multiply to this occlusion layer you can see when I set multiply all the whites are gone and just the dark value are there so if I turn off this visibility you can see the effect of occlusion on top of the diffuse this is without occlusion and if I are the no occlusion on top of diffuse you can see I am getting some details here at this area the noise are still there just avoid those because we didn't know increase the samples so you can see the occlusion detail how it's bringing that shadowing effect and sometimes the occlusion is too much so you need to decrease the opacity in production we tend to set it to 40 50 somewhere so that we get that no effect but it's not like too obvious or too dark okay so this is the way to set occlusion on top of the field you just need to set it multiply that's it okay let's see how to do this know where I am this is the same thing you just need to drag hold shift and drag let me delete that and again here you can use the multiply again because everything is white except the lines we can multiply it and we'll get over from on top of the model here you can see the diffuse so this is the simple way to composite the frame or knock clothes on on top of top of the diffuse layer so thank you for watching this video hope you like this video if you like this video please like share and subscribe my channel to motivate me to continue with this and thank you so much
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 32,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arnold render, occlusion, wire frame rendering, maya 2018 rendering, arnold in maya 2018, render passes using arnold, render layers in maya 2018, render passes in maya 2018
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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