Facial Rigging in Maya with Advanced Skeleton - PART 04 - Face Rig

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hi so here we are at video 4 of rigging with advanced skeleton and we're going to get cracking with the facial rig this time so the facial rig setup I'm going to go straight in and just explain the process here we don't need the body anymore so we're going to go straight down to the face setup there's a lot of helpful hints and tips that we're going to follow and guides that as we go through you'll get used to as you go through even after rigging dozens of characters I still always check these help fast for positioning so everyone's character is going to have different topology different density so basic placements are the same but obviously they will change depending on your character obviously my girl's got a little big head and big cheeks so you know I mean you can even rig fish and and animals and stuff positioning you're talking animals and things so let's let's dive straight in I'm going to hide the hair let's get rid of the hair it's in our way at the moment and I'm also I want to put I want to put the that's hide the eyes and I want to put this stuff like the lashes and the brows on its own layer understand the mouth inside just so we can turn it on and off when we need it let's go to the mouth grip as well which is the teeth inside about teeth and tongue make thinner you can see the mouth bag inside I'm going to layer great layer from selected hold it whatever you want save hide that back to shaded view okay so we're going to jump into any side view and we don't need to see anything but the polygons at the moment so show none show polygons side view go into shaded view I am going to we don't need to you don't need the models smooth I mean so this is where we are the first step of the face now this very first step and change it has changed quite a lot so the developer does keep it one skeleton up-to-date it makes improvements all the time so as of this very latest version this this first step has changed again it's basically selecting the area of what's going to be affected and it keeps being improved so let's click on the little helper file and you can see the selection of polygons is selected there I normally work on two monitors so I'll try to cram it on here so let's go to sir I'm right clicking here faces and we're just going to drag and and and let go and select I'm going to hold down both keys of a shift and ctrl to group select more let's have a little ice have a little look so you know we want to try and get it sort of similar to what to watching the instruction so you know just before the ear and we're not going to want the ear to to go much less let's select those again shift the shift keying control key to select and if I let go the shift key and highlight again that removes it and obviously I'm exactly on the site so just doing it to the other side as well so let's have a look we're going down the side of the year let's select this one let's zoom in here let's get all the jaw in here because it does it does jaws gonna pivot from here so we will see the flesh there let's deselect these and just need a little bit of the neck selected maybe just for the throat let's let's just take these ones away it looks pretty good okay I'm gonna close that and what you do now is you click the button so we're going to go through these steps one by one click the button mask and you'll see at the bottom it's going to go through and create a mask of all of all the polygons next step is face so just follow instructions it's just certain this one's pretty simple just says select the face object so I'm going to of this select if you've got if your character is it's heads cut off except from his body obviously you want me to select the body so I'm gonna select face and it adds there this one is all head so it says select all the objects that will be affected by the face setup so we're going to select all those objects I'm not going to include the hair because we have done that separate because we added their own joints so I'm now gonna turn on all my mag parts again as I said before don't select the groups you need to select the actual objects so from a side view I am going to select every object including the head that's already been selected before so we've got the eyelashes all the eyebrows the teeth that gums the tongue and the face shape and click all head and this was um come up with we need to create a new skin cluster because as before we didn't actually skin the teeth or the eyebrows or anything like that so yep go ahead and click create new skin cluster and we get a new skin cluster for all these different objects then I'm going to go back into my perspective mode I'm going to turn on my eyes and it's asking us to simply select the character's right eye so don't forget this is the right if we're looking through the character this way this is the right this is the left it's not screen left and screen right so right eye again it's gonna say correctly skin cluster because the saw before we did actually have joints and you can you can just parent them to the joint but we want to use as much skeletons skinning to get that fleshy eye I'm gonna go create new skin cluster and then I'm going to go we don't need to click on left eyes obviously just select left I left I great new to gain cluster and here we go it says these ones here are optional but we definitely want them so let's go and select the upper teeth I'm going to hide the body it's actually let's put the body on and on a separate layer for now I know it's on that high but it's attached to other other objects as well great new layer body just gonna hide that for now so we want the upper teeth and that does include the gums if you've got them as separate objects select both of them here we go so select the upper teeth this says this this step is optional if your character has no teeth there is no need for this step if your model has the teeth and face parts of the same mesh then select the poly faces for the teeth at this step and so I wouldn't recommend having the teeth and the gums actually model as part of the the character but if you have you would you to select the Polly's and it would still work so upper teeth and they're going to select my lower teeth and gums lower teeth I'm gonna select the tongue so all quite simple and they're going to select two eyebrow geometries and now I'm going to select the eyelashes and there's an option for extras select any actual just such as mustache beard I don't have any of that for now so I'm gonna leave that off I'm gonna bring my body back what I'd like to do here actually is I like to save a file because as I said I'm very cautious so it's going to be rig 3 but this one is gonna be three face run so I'd like to save a version before we click the run build build with lots kitten face and that's just extra safety click save as it's just saving okay now this section here it is is new so you've got rig type joints or blend shapes and you might you might want to do a bit of research on this google it but here's a basic bit of information obviously joints really creates a joint base rig and blend shape creates a fence blend shape based rig there are various pros and cons with the two types of Facebook's so read through this it's basically saying the blend shape can be better cuz you can sculpt them but I and my animators we you know we prefer the joints because we need controls extra controls on top to the other animate so I'm gonna go with the joint trick there's an option for non symmetrical so if you've got a character that isn't symmetrical before it was really hard to do the face recruitment scale and now it's a bit easier I haven't tried this yet but it says here is recommended to have a model of the symmetrical but but for character that could not be made symmetrical this function lets you do the fitting for both left and right side separately so you know that option is there now now this option here game engine this is new as well and to be honest this is brilliant because we my small studio have started using Unreal Engine to do real-time rendering even for you know like video work TV film and non game stuff it is the way the introduced moving is first you know we can chat about this in another video I'm gonna click on the little helper what it does is it strips out heavy going things that aren't that don't work in unreal or unity which is like Delta mush head squash custom controllers so it is really good that was it was it was more difficult before to get it into the game engine I'm gonna leave that off for now because we don't need it and you can have a look at some of these the characters that do not have a robust body rig it's not required so basically what it says is is they've now added this option to if you don't have an advanced skeleton body break you can still rip your face again you know whether you've got like having a disc or you use a different for you Rick great so I'm gonna go the joint space I'm not gonna use a game for this set up okay and this is where we are actually going to start running through we've set up everything all the selections for advanced skeleton and we know we need to run through these so what would do is we just click the eyeball button if we click the helper just says it's just gonna wrap the placement for us so let's see what happens let's tap let's go show all we don't want I don't want joints on okay so let's see what happens if we click eyeball and this will replace the eyes from the body setup so this is what we want because we want the man skeleton facial rig with the fleshy eyes click OK as you can see it's added added a this or lopat low polygon object inside with with a with a locator and that's what we want and now we're going to go through the selections this is where the trickiest bits comes in and takes a little bit time up first so if we click this what we now need to do stop making edge selections this is going to define the different areas the eyes the the nose the mouth the lips to create all the phenoms the mouths speaking them speaking films so I'm going to hide the eyelashes and everything because they're going to get in the way at the moment so we did did make it a layer here and she looks a bit weird but that's cool right so here we go so for the outer eye again this is gonna change depending on your character so what you need to do is just select and edge leave so I'm gonna go to edges and she's got very big eyes here so this is the outer it looks like it's like not the eyelid but the this or top before the crew so let's let's see what selection we can make ideally would be good if it just made a selection although ranker sometimes that's not possible and we have you know you know got a bit of a different topology here so let's just see what we can do here it needs to as you can see it needs to run quite wide let's go it's just before the crease so let's go this way and then double click and we want to continue up to here so double click and you go and for me that's that that's too low that's going into the dust going into the cheek so let's let's fix that she does have quite funny I geometry I'm even gonna go in a bit here and that's too much on the eyelid so we're gonna have to do a cup I was trying to get a complete circle early but we're not gonna be I just so we're gonna have to we're gonna have to go around so we're gonna have to go here with this one and I'm going to deselect I'm gonna deselect these and I want to bring this in I think I think around this one it's just let's just see what these look like yeah double click to extend this selection and then I've got a I'm gonna go across it's good to show you with the with the model like this because some you do just get the edge of it but this this actually covers you know I'm showing you how to do it when you've got not sort of even topology or you know we've had to unbreak it up here because otherwise we read about too many too much density there okay so let's go out I'm alright that looks okay so I'm gonna close this down and make sure we've got show NURBS surfaces because this is how it's gonna create the curve I am going to click also loop open it's saying not a complete edge loop so let's just go back and undo a selection and see where we have gone wrong here so that's selected there let's just do a number four and as you can see I have very stupidly selected some extra edges so there you go may be good to do this in wireframe all right let's go but let's try this again eyelid outer and there we go I'm gonna go back to shaded mode and there we go let's move on to the next one I did main to this is for writing close on the eyelid this so this is going to give us the ability to to close the eye let's go edge and I want this one to be I think around here and we've got a complete edge loop in here so it's much easier to do and we could go in tighter but I think it's gonna it's gonna close over the eye here so yeah I think we'll try it we'll try that and see how ago I did me click the button let it run then we go and now we want eyelid inner now the eyelid inner needs to go on the inside at once skeleton has this really clever feature if you can't see into the eye where you just click assist and it creates a soft selection and deforms I hate for you to select it but I don't have much of an eye bag so I'm just going to simply hide the ice I'm going to just go I'm gonna click three key to smooth I'm gonna go in and I'm just going to easily select my inner edge loop for me that was just easier but give it a go it's all it's all good fun anyway and click then let's flick the eyelid inner and straight away it gives you the defining area there you go that's our first area now we move on to the lips once you get used to this you'll be able to bash through this in sort of you know 10 15 minutes I'm just going to go through it very slowly let's go with a lip outer again it gives you a really nice diagram we're where to go so let's let's select I've got a very sort of wide flat mate flat face to mag here I'm going to go to edge and let's say so we'd want to the outer edge eyes properly and just have a look I know then the lip color is only goes to there the way we textured it but it might be better to go here just to give us some more room because we look at the it's more to do with the shape of lips not the color if we select here I think that's too that that's too thin so I'm going to go with this one so so obviously my characters very flat face so just think about this the lip is going to roll you know from here so if I if I chosen that one it wouldn't have given us much place to do lip rolls so I'm gonna hide this I am going to select lip outer there we go I'm going to zoom in and now we want the lip main again that's let's have a look this I'm going to press my pen up she's already smooth that's great let's what we're doing getting two edges so this edge is going to be the one that's this edge later it's going to be the one that's quite tight inside and let's see if we do this one is it is it enough yep I think that's good to go that one so let's click lip main and then we want lip inner which does the inside so you can either zoom that you can either zoom in or go inside I mean you know you can see the back of the lip here or I'll show you the lip you know the lip assist button so what you do is you just click assist and it creates a soft selection zooms out for you to see it it's very useful I'm gonna click this edge loop as the let's have a look at what they've chosen as the inner so it go it does go in and round the back so you're giving it space to roll basically so that I think that one is gonna be okay see there's a thing when you use the assist at the stretchy so I sometimes would rather see it in place but I think we could be good with that and when you when you click your lip in it it does remove the soft selection and puts everything back in place for you there we go I'm gonna hit save so on savers that go along everything out we're saving this preface run here okay this one we're now under brows it's pretty easy these what I want to do though is I want to see when my brows are so I'm gonna turn on mouth parts but I'm going to turn on template because I want to be able to see my selection here let's let's go for this eye bright now let's choose one of the vertices right on the end I think these ones are a bit easier to do so it's just I break in a eyebrow outer I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with this one here actually I know it's not quite touching the geometry but I know that I want some more in between so let's go over at outer and then we have an eyebrow Center which is not the center of the eyebrow it's the center of the brow so the vertex I'm gonna go in line with this select this single vertice press eyebrow Center now we do have the options for extra controls to control more of the brow which I like to use so here you've got extra one that's gonna be an extra three here so we need to be see what we can fit here one two three maybe so let's go let's go here one just check in there select another vertice let's go here and finally if you can check out the helper if you want but it just goes in between a little bit of space here here I break three there we go what we need to do now is to find the forehead I'm gonna select the the helper tool I always need the helper tool in this one and just good to have a little look where we're going so we need a complete triangle where the skin's gonna deform so if you look here it comes out of the crease of the eye you know my eyes are pretty pretty pretty different let me just turn them back on a set so we're gonna come out it's supposed to be a corner really but I'm gonna come out here I like to come up somewhere where I can join it in a line so let's go up I'm gonna hold down the shift key and I'm going to hi do we want to go let's go I mean you don't want to go too high but we are we are gonna break out of this line let's follow this follow this along and come down to you can see here it out with the crease of the the corner of the eye so if we follow this line down probably talking here so we've got a three vertices selected if i go into wireframe you can see them one two three I've gone to shaded mode let's have a look that was pretty good maybe this one could go higher top of the nose yeah I'm just gonna go one higher probably won't make any difference but [Music] look no I'm gonna go back again sorry about that it's just you know sometimes you did you tweak these things I'm just wondering if I should go up one high on here to get this let's try it like this let's give it a go let's go click the forehead there you go see if we have had a nicer line you wouldn't get so much of a break there let's just have a little look at this again yeah I mean if you wanted if you wanted to redo it it's pretty easy you just if I just hit undo it undoes it but you can also just hit the button you can hit the tick button and it takes it off there's a few different ways of redoing it let's do this again for head maybe we could just do one enough defamation I'm just gonna bring this one up just to see what it looks like you know there's no harm and try it you can always bring it back and do it again yeah that might be better listen let's get that I go save then we're gonna go on to the jaw pivots so this is a job pivot you might think that's pretty high but actually that is really jaw pivots from you've got your jaw corner but your jaw pivot is up in front of your ear so let's go to here then that looks pretty good it does come under the eye except the things would meet with minds I've got big eyes that it mines actually coming across the eye his um you know theirs is coming way under it's completely different shape I'm gonna go one lower cost because purely because of the shape of my chubby little face let's give that a go so that is jaw pivot click the button jewel corner so I have a think where you want your jaw to pivot from I think here's a good point not you're at the corners this is the pivot point as I said before you get this kind of like l-shaped form in this this sort of mouth bag okay let's so I think that was pretty good it looks like from the front you know we could come forward a bit maybe here but no I think we're going to fit our with that jewel corner jaw this is very easy it's just the actual jaw which goes underneath basically underneath your chin as you can see here and this will ask us if we're going to replace the the jaw setup which we are ok I'm gonna click Save again and let's mehron throat is very easy it's just just that where the throw is so that's here actually one up throats cheek now she's got massive puffy cheeks so I'm gonna go um I'm gonna go here I might want to go get lower actually and because the Cho that cheap razor will be there you want to spread them out a little bit I'm gonna go one lower with mine cheek cheek bone so this is up just underneath the eye to raise the cheek bone up I'm gonna go go here might be a bit too close but obviously my cat's got these such huge eyes and then the nose is in line with the bottom which is obviously very abnormal so let's go let's go there see well that gives us cheek bone then you want the cheap razor so what this does is it sort of raises the cheeks in front I'm gonna go here smile bulge this is to get the character to smile so it's kind of like from the crease of the mouth up this way and it does go sort of in line with the nose as well so I'm gonna I'm gonna go here okay it could be too far away I mean this might be better [Music] yeah let's go here see what we get smile bulge frown let's go here again your characters are going to be different completely different but you know the basic placements the same but depending it not just the character the topology as well is going to affect how yours goes so let me move on nearly there and notice it sprang right on the end of the nose around the button it's gonna go here support an easy one nose nose under so the nose under is just under here in your felt from I think the word is gonna go right there nose under nose corners for the nostril so that is gonna go I'm gonna go here you do have the option for these extra nose controls I'm not I'm not going to bother with this one it mean you know she's got very flat nose anyway but feel free to add them in if you want you've also got like a nostril as well in the middle you can pull out but I find these controls are usually enough I'm gonna say it again now from here we're gonna do the tongue and you don't need to select anything it says no selection needed what you do need to do is position the the locators into position so if you clicked if you click tongue it's added the tongue controls inside make sure you've got show locators showing so I'm going to go to a side view I am now you're gonna hide my body so I can see what we're doing in here here we are here's the hitter tongue controls you wanna and there's my tongue there I'm just going to so we can see it I'm going to use the reference instead of templating I'm going to bring this down and you want to spread them out evenly through the tongue to get those nice mouth shapes you know when you when you're speaking with the therfore sign and things like this and also to be animate the tongue this one here goes right on the front of the tongue that looks pretty good I'm gonna move this forward a bit really because my tongue goes way into the head my mouse back finishes here actually let me just turn thee you know there you go that my Mac back finishes here so you know you're not even gonna see I use these let's bring these forward a bit you want to so don't tend to use the back too I only ever animate the first three or maybe the fourth one a little bit sometimes there we go that's all you need to do for the tongue okay we are almost there so apart Scotland does come with these really good options for doing eyes now I don't need these because I've actually got controls to change the size of the iris not anything anyway but this is really good you can have a look at this you can select a naturally and it it will add animation controls to enlarge the pupils and the irises you got iris and pupil which is really good obviously you will have to add a texture to those to those polygons you know whether that's good for you or not you've got another optional extra which is the up mid load controllers which your life's for bending of the entire face so this makes kids you read a cartoony squashing face and I'm not gonna bother with that now I don't need that and there we go we've set everything we need so far and I'm gonna make sure this is saved as preface one so if anything goes wrong we've got it to go through so what we're going to do now finally is we are going to run the advanced guilt and facial set but just clicking this button it's gonna run through everything automatically it does you know depending on your character it can take could take a little time but it is fun to watch it go through I'm gonna hide the clothes so we can see exactly what's going on just good it's good to watch it go through you'll see it actually go through and make face shapes and change the weight all automatically I'm feel free to you know fast for this bit if you if it's too long now I just want to go over this bit if something does go wrong at a certain step you can go back and you can run through every step separately so it says use this section if normal build has errors or to modify the build result so like I said if anything is going to go wrong it's all it's only really everyone the face set up but if you've done everything correctly it should be okay what you might want to do is is you might find that oh you know we've selected too much in you just go back to your file um you know click the little tick button to say remove forehead or you might want to move the eye controls you can you can go back and do that any of that just click one and redo it and that's the beauty of it so let's just close this and let's save the final save and here we go I'm gonna run the Builder on skin and face that's watch to see what happens so here we learn the bottom it says execute step 1 prep and the percentage is going here 35% so it's because my head and body is all one mesh it does take a few seconds longer but it's not too bad here we go oh so we do have some it's saying some select diversities and not symmetrical even though we went we fixed that before so that could be a tiny little glitch but let's you know I've had this on a few occasions I've just run it through em because I am NOT seeing it's supposed to be selecting them maybe they're out of range I don't know let's let's carry on and what it's doing here it's actually creating the controls you can see it's running through the I setup which me might want to adjust later like a save moment when I go back is you know trial and error and we could execute step for eyelid so these two dots here are the actual eye controllers which is just created for us and there you go you can see it sort of it's really clever the way it just like you know affects the skin for you obviously we can adjust these things afterwards there we go it's running through some blinks now it is doing the eyebrow setup step 6 eyebrows there we go now it's moving on to step 9 so we've managed to get through that which is the lips there you go that's the control placements coming in here the circular ones and there we go it's selected what those yellow braces that come up with the was the area selected then go running through some small polls you can see it's really it's really clever stuff a developer is there's a genius on this and it does push the poses to extremes and there you go is adding the cheeks it's doing step 13 which is your way in doing the weights on the jaw so you might want to walk away and just get a drink while this is going but you know something but with a with a medium rare character it does only take maybe maybe two three minutes but I've had characters take longer there you go you saw the mouth quickly open there it quickly flashed I quite like to watch this go through especially if you noticing it before didn't execute step 14 I don't if you can see that the bottom my screen jaw open there you go that's just on the tongue behind the scenes there you can see that then if you can see the nostrils I don't want to zoom in because I don't want to interrupt anything I'm not gonna touch the mouse on my screen step 23 finish and that is what we want to see face build complete boom that's great so that means we you know we went through without any areas so you know with all the precautions we took even though it did come up with that tiny error I mean I've seen that before even though it is dead symmetrical we did run it through there cleaner so now what I like to do here is quickly save it now as that's for and this will be post phase one so that we now might test the rigging we might find or we want to we want to change the placements great we just go back to the other file so let's have a little look at what we got here this is all the controls you can see what it's put on here what we'll do is we'll select this this main controller here which is the mouse control it's a great little one to use because you can look at that we haven't had to do anything and we've got this so the mouse running I mean I don't tend to animate with this anyway I tend to use the draw controller so I'll just quickly show you we've got a dual controller we can rock it left and right we can open it we have got the main small polls and the size of these the ones that I like to use so you've got up here you can do anything you want here you've got lift controls lower lip controls I'll just move up to show you we'll just select the select the two eye controls these are great if I go up to here you've got blink and squint so let's see there we go flex your eyes are working now if I yep there's the blinks eyelash is all attached we might need to adjust some weights and stuff later but if I move these around the looks right I mean look at the eye controllers okay so what I've noticed is that when we select the eyes we only selected the outer shell not the inner shell so I'm gonna go I'm gonna have to go back and and put that in let me just go into shaded mode and you'll see the you know what the eyes do when they are rotating so you've got these lovely fleshy eyes going around and you can actually I think changed our squishy they go as well at some point let's have a little look at the eye controllers there we go you can use this up down left right so yeah and then what you can do is you can grab these extra controllers move these around you've got the nose we've got the cheeks you've got extra eye controls we can bring these down you know manually as well you've got little ones here that's a lot you can do with this rig so now you also have this extra button that's come up before we had go to build both we've now got a go to face and go to build polled on the face as well so I'm going to quickly show you some extra stuff as well on the on the main mouth metrology you do have all these ones here as well so you've got things like lips slide lower pucker you see it rolls the for getting your F sounds and things you've got lower squeeze and press and we haven't gone over this yet but if we haven't used these other buttons up here you've got if you click on this you get a GUI that comes with advanced scaling to collect this select the different things on the rig but you also get one for the face so in here you can select any of the tongue you can to open the jaw what you can do is why you're animating you might want to move some of the teeth so you've got a set of teeth control for each one you've got the know if if I this is the tongue control so if I select one of them select the rotate there's the control but you can actually hold shift shift shift then you select and it selects all the controls for you so you can select multiple controls there you go it does come I'm going to go back to build pose it does come with a few expressions but again you know you're better off animating your own you've got a happy angry surprise and and yep emotions you do have these as well this is the the cheek a sort of small bold frying everything which is essentially the same is moving these around I prefer to animate and these you get more control you can do a mixture of both whatever you want really let's have a look yeah looking really good let me just bring the hair back in and if we can move the head around of course I need to fix these eyes which we didn't attach yeah looking really good the face rig works well I hope that helped guys what we're gonna do next is we're gonna actually go through and I'm going to show you some different things we're gonna go through and smooth these out a little bit with a with is with a clever tool called Delta mesh we're going to go and perfect some of the weights on the rest of the character and then we're going to do little extra bonus of putting some extra controls on the dress I hope that helped and I will see you in the next video thanks very much [Music] you
Channel: Animator Artist Life
Views: 21,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advanced skeleton, maya rigging, facial rigging, rigging a face, autodesk maya, maya 2017, maya 2018, maya 2019, maya 2020, maya tutorial, joint based, facial animation, facial rig, advanced skeleton face rig, advanced skeleton face rig error, advanced skeleton face rig tutorial, advanced skeleton 5 face rig, advanced facial rigging in maya
Id: SCPBbn_QlOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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