Arnold Render Passes in Maya 2018 : Diffuse, Ambient Occlusion & Wireframe

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hey guys welcome back well it's Monday so it's a deep dive time and we're gonna be looking at Arnold rendering in this video I'm gonna show you guys how you can do an ambient occlusion pass a renderer how you gonna do a wireframe render and how you can do a diffuse map render okay now after you have watched a video please stick around for a little bit longer because I got a couple of announcements and I don't want you guys to miss that all right okay enjoy the video all right guys well what's going on today well we're gonna do render passes where I'm gonna show you guys how you can render a diffuse pass for example an ambient occlusion pass or maybe even a wireframe pass all right now I set up a very simple scene in order for us to do that and I'll just walk you through it so basically we have a simple backdrop which is a plane with a bevel on it we have a very simple model of a bench and I've applied to Arnold materials to everything so there's an Arnold material default shader on the floor on the bench and I just change the colors up a little bit right now next thing I did is I set up a bookmark so if you go to view and bookmark and new there you go we'll have everything in shot and also I added some lights so if we open up the attribute editor you'll see I got a bench and I got a sky dome light going on there right now we're gonna do here like I said is we're gonna do a couple of render passes and the first one they're gonna do is a simple diffuse right so let's say close this down I'm gonna do is you're gonna go up to the little button up here which looks like a movie board or like a directors board with little cube in it ready click on that and when we open that up we see scene render settings a Ovie's lights and so forth and then we have this guy with the little plus sign on it okay so let's click on that and that will create a new layer and we're gonna call this defuse right and we're gonna hit enter now we need to tell Maya what we want to have included in that diffuse pass right so we're gonna do is we're gonna go in here and we're gonna right-click and we're gonna create a collection and the system is gonna ask okay so what do you want in that pass and what I'm gonna do is open up my outliner and I'll just move this over here and I want my entire model including the light so basically everything right all of that stuff so with all of that selected I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna click on add as you can see it has now all been added right here so now if I go in and I render this scene as is for my diffuse and I'll just click on this guy you know on I'll just make sure that's rerunning you'll see that that works properly now keep in mind that you know it's not about the model as per usual it's a very simple model but that's how it works okay so we have the diffuse now what's next let's say we want to have an ambient occlusion pass so we're gonna minimize this guy we're gonna go back into this render setup here and we're gonna click on the plus sign once again but in this case I want to have a mini fusion pass so let's call that ambient occlusion I mean it was in the past depending on what you want we're gonna enter and again we need to add a collection so what do we want in our ambient occlusion pass so I'm gonna right click and I'm gonna create a new collection like so and as before I now need to decide what I want to put in here so I'm gonna go into my outliner again and for my I mean occlusion pass what I initially need is everything with the exception of my life because I don't need a light source from ambient occlusion so there we go so we need the light alone okay I'm gonna go to add and everything in there but the problem now is whenever I rendered this now I would either get a blank black scene because nothin alight and I still have all my colors on there so what I need to do next is I need to go in here into my collection and I'm going to right click and I'm going to add a where is it a material override right here create a material override so I want to overrule all the diffuse colors in my scene so far okay and for that I need to go to the right and I need to choose an override material now when I click on that I will have the option to go to Arnold because that's my renderer of choice and I go to the shaders I'm gonna open up surface shaders and what I'm going to look for is my ambient occlusion material so I'm gonna click on that and now what I need to do is select ok so what layer don't want to want render right now well I don't want my diffuse so I got this I option to turn that on or off I do want my ammunition path though so I'm gonna turn that one on right and then as before I'm gonna go up and click on the little eye icon and hit render let's hit this guy right here and there you go perfectly nice and being the occlusion pass pretty neat right ok so what do we have left well let's say we want a wireframe pass now I'm not gonna say that this model is gonna have a perfect wireframe at something I did like a zillion years ago but it doesn't really matter it's about your model and your scene not mine so let's go in here and give it a go I mean to minimize this guy and once again we're gonna add a new layer so there we go and we'll call this a rar frame pass why not just want to use that word apparently okay so wireframe pass now what do we need to do we need to right-click once again we need to go in and create a new collection and then we need to decide what do we want in our wireframe Pass so once again I'm gonna open up my outliner let's bring this in here and what I want is for everything to be in there including my light so there you go all selected and I'm gonna click on add now all of that stuff has been added to my wireframe pass and once again I need to create an override so instead of using our diffuse colors or instead of using the ambient occlusion colors what I want is an Arnold material called wireframe so I'm gonna go in here once again I'm gonna right-click I'm gonna do an override so create material override there you have it and then I need to go to the right and I need to choose what type of override material that's gonna be so we're gonna go in here we're gonna click on this guy and once again and let's see we're gonna go under Arnold under a shader to surface shader at once again and here we have an Arnold wireframe material okay we're gonna select that and now as before we're gonna have a look and make sure that we only have that path selected okay so the eye icon here on ur diffuse is turned off the eye icon on em in occlusion we need to turn that off and then the eye icon on the wireframe pass we're gonna turn that one on there you go okay let's move this over to the right and we're gonna go in here and once again we're gonna do a render so here we go and they have it there's our wireframe so that is an easy way to do that before you guys go and please hang on one sec I have an update for you guys what I want to tell you is that I did a little poll recently on social media and I asked you guys about the videos that I was making and what I need to change anything or not well apparently you guys are not a huge fan of my time lapses and you would rather have longer videos in more detail so I decided to do that okay so from now on no more time lapses I will be doing the full workflow videos and then the next thing that you guys ask me is okay can you do more intermediate or more advanced tutorials now I got that question a lot I'd love to do that no problem whatsoever the thing is though that what do you consider intermediate or advanced one person thinks it's advanced the other things it's simple so what I like you to do is leave in the comments section requests that are very very specific and also mentioned whether you consider that to be intermediate or advanced right they'll give me an idea of what you guys are looking for this channel is all about you guys so if you can do that for me that'd be great and I will move towards doing that okay then finally before I sign off you probably saw that the 3d modeling challenge entries are in voting is in progress voting will shut down on December 1st winner will be announced on December 25th so if you haven't voted yet please do that now and if you enjoyed this video do not forget to hit that subscribe button ok well that's it for me for today thank you so much for watching as always and I'll see you guys soon bye well thanks for watching and before you go please hit that MH button to subscribe ok see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Mike Hermes
Views: 50,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, maya, blender, zbrush, keyshot, tutorial, mike, hermes, 3d, virtual, augmented, channel, youtube, ambient occlusion pass in arnold, wire frame pass in arnold, maya 2018 tutorial, mike hermes, mh tutorials, rendering in arnold for maya, free 3d tutorials, how to become a 3d artist, arnold for maya 2018, rendering tutorial, 3dsmax, cinema4d, compiling render passes in photoshop, intermediate tutorial in maya, diffuse map rendering
Id: gmQ7YUnsrcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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