How to remove water stains and rubbing alcohol stains from wood table - It works!!!

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we're going to try to remove the stains from this gorgeous table it happened when I was away and whoever was here they placed some wet packaging and things on the table because I don't think they knew that you should not do that we saw a video saying that you can iron this out with an iron with the steam off with a cloth so that's what we're gonna try to do [Music] mm-hmm what it's magic okay keep going we're getting there we're gonna try that big one for a little bit we used to have a big square right here it's way better now the wood gets too hot and so we have to be moving around we found that if we iron iron and then lift a little like faster it's easier and more efficient there you have it this is how you remove water stains from wood
Channel: Precious Feelings
Views: 15,059
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Keywords: how to remove water stains from wood furniture, how to remove water stains from wood table, how to remove alcohol stains from wood table, how to remove water rings from wood, how to fix water stain on wood table, diy water stain remover, water stains on wood, alcohol stains, alcohol stains on wood, water rings on wood removal, water damage on wood table, white stain on wood table, remove white stains from wood table, water stain on wood removal, water stain on wood floor removal
Id: PvgzsZTIEjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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