How To Remove Video Background In Canva

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how to remove video background in canva hey guys welcome back to the YouTube channel today we'll be taking a quick look at how you can remove your video background in canva so let's get into it now this is a paid feature on canva so if you don't have the pro version or the teams or the educational version of canva you cannot get access to this feature but you can get a free trial of the pro version of canvas so if you want a free trial you can go on ahead get a free trial on canva and you can easily use this feature for 14 days and then later on if you like it if you think it's worth your money then you can choose to subscribe to their Premium plan and it charges around six dollars and 80 cents so I do think that it is pretty worth it for all of the different features you're gonna get so let's open up a blank video so I have a video and I'm just going to open up a blank video now you can remove background of any any kind of video you can do this with gifs you can do it with your own uploads you can do it with media that you have imported from canva so to do it with your own videos what you're going to do is open up a blank video go into your uploads over here so once you go into your uploads you're just going to go into videos and you can upload your file so you can just click on upload files and upload the video that you want to remove the background from so for me let's say it's this video over here and this is just a video of my teddy bear so I'm just going to expand it over here and once you place your video however you want it because we're you know we're removing the background anyways so what you're going to do is you can trim the video if you want I'm just trimming it a little and what you want to do is click on the video box and once you have clicked on your video you will see on the top left corner you have this option called edit video you just want to click on that and then on the left side you will see background remove mover they just want to click on that and just like that you can see our background has been removed of our video now in terms of how long it takes to remove background for removing a camera says it takes around 45 seconds to remove backgrounds of 30 seconds of video and that is dependent on the quality of the video as well depending on how busy the background is as well but that is their estimate the lower the quality of the video the faster it is but if you're doing HDR videos and you're removing backgrounds from them then it's going to take you 45 seconds per 30 second of video so that is how long it takes now you don't have to sit around and watch the rendering process you can go to another tab do your own thing and then come back to this tab and it will remove your background by the time you've come back now this is how you can remove your background from your own videos how can you do it from canva videos it's pretty much the same let's just go into elements and let's just search for Dance Now you guys can see there are a bunch of different dancing videos over here now one thing to note is the busier the background of the video the more difficult it will be for canva to remove the background so if it's a very basic background like this one it just has a very basic black background it's going to be very easy to remove this is a solid color background as well so anything that's easy uh you know anything that's plain is going to be easier or faster so if you're looking for a faster speed then definitely go with simpler backgrounds but you guys can see this background is not very simple but this video it's relatively simple so I'm just going to show you guys how it's going to look like if I try to remove the background on this I'm just going to click on it click on edit video remove background and this is around 14 seconds of footage and just like that the background has been removed obviously the edges are not super sharp but they are pretty sharp on this and this is probably a better job than what I would personally be able to do on Photoshop obviously there are a few mistakes you can clear them out later as well but just like that I have the background removed of my little item now how can you do this with shifts so with chips it's gonna be a little different so if you want to remove backgrounds in your gifs first off let's just go into uh apps and just search for GIF and we're going to open up Jiffy click on use and this will open up Jiffy and let's say meme so let's say I want to remove the background on this now if you use a gif not a video you don't get the edit video option which is going to allow you to basically uh remove the background so if you want to do it with a gif what you want to do is you just want to paste your GIF onto your canvas on canva send it to whatever size you want once you have your GIF on your canvas you want to click on share and you want to click on download and you want to download it as a mp4 file so we're just going to click on download over here and we're going to start our download for archith now this is important because once you download your GIF it gets converted into a video file and then you can easily remove the background of your video file and we're just going to wait a couple of seconds for our download to be completed so you guys can see our download is completed now let's just open up our little video so now you can see this is the same GIF but in a video file this was the original gif file now what I'm going to do is I'm going to just take this GIF now and I can just select it as a video click on edit video and then I can remove the background of this specific item so in this way you can basically remove a background of any kind of item you guys can see depending on the background the quality the overall size of your file it's going to take some time the estimate is pretty basic and it doesn't take very long for short clips to be removed from background obviously if you're doing longer videos then it's going to be a little more difficult and depending on the complexity of the background it can take a little longer so you guys can see now our video is processing I can leave the page and do my own thing I don't have to actually be on the page to make sure the background is removed but it has been removed and you guys can see it has been removed like that and now I have this cute little GIF and you know let let's say I want to add it to my little videos or something so you can just click on this layer it and click on send to back and you have your background removed item now the best part about removing backgrounds is that you can add your original footage or you know any of your footage any of your Gypsy and stuff two backgrounds with canva so to do that we just have removed our background from our video over here now I can click on elements and let's say I want it to be uh New York I'm just going to search for New York and I have these videos over here and we have this busy street on New York I'm going to just expand this to the entire frame and then I will do a right click click on there and click on send to back and just like that this has been added and now if I play this video so you guys can see what it's going to look like it looks pretty cute and you can do this with any kind of footage as you wish so you can remove the backgrounds of your own footage and add you know creative little backgrounds if you have videos of you talking with a plain background you can't creative backgrounds to the back you can also do this with any item it doesn't really have to be a person it can be items as well just make sure that you keep in mind that this is a pro feature so um you do have to purchase a Premium plan on canva so I hope you guys found this video helpful make sure to leave a like And subscribe and I will catch you guys in the next video
Channel: The Social Guide
Views: 4,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to remove video background in canva, canva video background remover, remove video background, how to remove video background in canva pro, canva background remover, how to remove background in canva, how to remove video background without green screen in canva, video background remover, remove background video without green screen, remove background in canva, how to remove photo background in canva, remove video background in canva
Id: lGBb5gc2TrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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