How to Remove Video Background in Canva | 1 CLICK NEW FEATURE

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every once in a while canada comes up with the mind-blowing feature like a game changer and today's video is about just that indeed canva just announced the video background remover which allows you to get rid of the background of any video in just one click so in today's video i would like to dive deep into this feature and show you how it works let's go what is up everyone ronnie here i'm super happy to be back with you on the channel today to discuss a very important feature the video background remover if this is your first time here first of all i would like to welcome you to our channel this is the right place for you to learn anything about canva we have about 300 tutorials on the channel and publish new ones every single week so if you aren't yet subscribed to the channel now would be a good time because you don't want to miss all of that good stuff all right today we are going to talk about this brand new feature that canva just announced in their canva create live event and i'm talking about the video background remover canva now makes it easy to remove the background of any video in just one click so that is the promise basically what they did to photos they are doing to video now and video background remover is going to make your life a lot easier if you are a content creator if you deal with video on a regular basis or simply if you want to get creative with videos [Music] alright let's start by answering the question who will have access to the video background remover well just like the photo background remover this feature is going to be a paid feature so you will need to be within one of the canva paying subscriptions either canva pro canva for teams canva for non-profits or canva for education to be able to access the video background remover which kind of makes sense since it's a very powerful feature and one the photo background remover that has been driving the sales of canva pro for years now people love that feature and are very happy to pay for their canva pro subscription just to be able to use that feature so unfortunately if you are a free user you won't have access to this feature but we do have something for you you know we got you covered we do have our 45 day free trial for canva pro which is our affiliate link with canva there will be a link in the description of the video so if you want to try the feature the video background remover for 45 days without having to pay the link is in the description so make sure you click on that it is an affiliate link just want to make that clear all right that being said video background remover the topic of this video i suggest we jump into canva and we start the demo [Music] and i'm going to demonstrate three different use cases for the video background remover the first one is that i'm going to use the background remover for videos i have uploaded into canva okay all right so this is a video document but the video background remover will work with any type of document in canva what's important is that you work with video all right so the first thing i want to demonstrate is how to remove the background of a video i upload into canva so for that i'm going to head over the uploads button okay and by default you will probably land on images but if you click on the videos tab you should see the videos you've already uploaded into canva right so for me i have a screen recording here but i want to upload a talking head video of myself that i shot earlier okay so i'm going to click on the upload files button locate my video which is this one right here and bring that into canva all right my video is uploaded i can see it's 17.1 second and it's right here it's just me in the video studio that we used to have in sydney with our blue background so this is the video it's a talking head video i can click on it bring it to the editor right here and it's going to take just a few seconds there you go this is the clip now in order to find the video background remover you need to click on your video first so make sure you click on that go to the edit video and you should see the video background remover right here you see background remover remove the background of your video in one click it's still a better version meaning it's a new feature okay so it is going to improve over time but let's give this bad boy a go i'm gonna click on it and see what happens we'll see that canva will be kind of processing i see here a percentage number of my background being removed so i have this indication this process is going to take a little bit of time it's not too long you see we are already eight percent but it does require some processing some things going on i don't know what's going on to be very honest with you but something kind of magical is taking place here it's the canva magic and it's already at 27 i'm not going to speed this up because i want you to see how long canva needs to process this 17 second video so i'm just gonna comment on it just like i was commenting like a soccer game like you know just filling up the space 86 percent already we are very close to the end of this narrative commenting of the video background remover what a nice performance guys 90 this is very exciting what is going to happen is the 100 guys we made it so let's see how canva wraps up this video background removing and there we go my background is gone let's now see how this worked now i have my video here the blue background is gone so what i'm going to try is just to play it like so what is up everyone welcome back to the channel welcome alright the job seems pretty well done so now it is time for me to get creative so step one is to remove the background of your video but step two is to get creative with that same video so what am i going to replace the background with because the goal of removing the background is obviously to put something else behind your original video so i'm going to start by adding a different color background okay so from the blue i can choose any color with the background selected here let's say i want to go with this purple right here so there we go and i can play the video today i have a very special thing for you okay so this is looking pretty good i can delete this purple background something else i can do is simply to add a photo behind my background so if i find a photo of a beach for example so i want to be at the beach like uh let's find one under photos that looks kind of realistic okay like this one right here i'm gonna stretch this over the entire screen and position it with the position button backwards and now ronnie is right here at the beach if i play the video from the beginning what is up everyone this is ronnie from canva welcome so this is pretty neat actually the background remover i'm pretty happy about the quality of what happened here i can see i can use a still image in the background but the beauty of this is that i can also search for a video let's say i want a video of the beach let's say something that moves or maybe let's change beach for an office and i want the office to be something moving let's see or maybe a city let's have like a city yeah let's use that and i'm going to again stretch it so it covers my entire screen position it backwards what is up everyone welcome back and now i can preview this video let's hit on the preview button right here what is up everyone this is ronnie from canva and i will have let's pause this i will have the video playing in my background plus my video my talking head with the background removed so this looks very cool you can have fun with this you can really unleash your creativity add still images colored background video background you could use patterns you could use textures you could use pretty much anything you want a gradient would look nice for talking head videos or i could also and i'm gonna show you with another video i have uploaded right here which is a screen recording i made earlier so you could have a tutorial like this one like we often do on this channel like so and my talking head so i'm going to push this video recording the screen recording backwards keep my talking head i'm going to reduce the size of the talking head slightly and i can reduce this if i want so i can position myself right here in the corner and now let's preview this what is up everyone this is ronnie from canva welcome and now you have a very clean tutorial with yourself right here in one of the corners you can position your talking head wherever you like you can position it in a bubble if you want you can give this a background so for this you would simply go to the elements and by clearing your search if you scroll down a bit you will find your frames okay so you can choose any frame let's say i want to have this irregular shape frame right here i can position my video in the frame and resize the frame if i want to position the frame wherever i want also let's detach the video from the frame like so i'm going to duplicate this frame by ctrl c control v on my keyboard and position the runny talking head in one of the frames click on the second frame and give it another color for example let's see i want this yellow and now i can position both frames on top of each other select them all by clicking outside of the frame selecting them both unselecting my video background here so holding my shift button and clicking on the background so i have only these two frames selected grouping them and now i have this nice talking head uh frame with the yellow background playing here and if i preview this what is it it's gonna look like that okay so these are just a few examples of what you can do with the video background remover used on one of your uploaded videos so this is going to be super useful for cleaning up your talking heads positioning yourself in front of a cleaner background for example if you don't have a blue background like i had in my studio you're just shooting in your living room or in your kitchen maybe you want to have a clean white background behind yourself so you could use the video background remover for that you could also be creative and put yourself in the frame like i just showed you or really the possibilities are endless but this is the first use case of using the video background remover with a video you upload now i don't know what you think guys but i personally was pretty impressed by the quality of this background removal on that specific talking head video maybe it's because i had like a plain background behind me making it easier for canva to remove it because of the contrast the high contrast between myself and the background let me know in the comments like have you tried removing the background of your talking head how did it look like was it clean like this one or was it more messy let me know in the comments what you think and now i would like to move to the second use case which is to remove the background of a video from the canva library so for that i'm going to delete everything i have here so just clicking on this page and deleting it i'm also going to go back to my templates page right here all right so in order to show you that i need to be fetching videos from the canva media library so i'm going to move over to the second tab right here that says element okay so clicking here or if it's already in your object panel so the left side menu click on video here if you don't see video if this is not available just click on the more button and you should find videos here you can also access videos from elements searching for anything let's say break dancing and filtering by videos so you will find a bunch of videos of breakdancers video clips from the canva library so what i want to do is to select one of these for example this guy right here it has a nice white background but i would like to take that person and remove the background and put that on another video so just to show you that there is a background in this video i'm going to add a colored background and you see now there is a white background so similarly make sure you click on the video clip you need to click on the clip and go to edit videos okay remove the background of your videos in just one click so click here and you see this time it was instantaneous there was no buffering no loading time that's pretty amazing that means these videos probably have been pre-rendered so that the video background remover is instant and look at this again like this is very clean probably again because of the high contrast between the person who is wearing black and the white background so that was very good let me click and try something different let me try something more complex for example this one has a more complex background okay let's try this one edit video background all right let's play that and we see here it's a little bit more messy since the person disappears sometimes sometimes they reveal a bit of the background with their legs their arms so it's not as perfect as with the higher contrast background but it is something and also we have to realize this is the very early days of the video background remover just like the photo background remover this feature is going to improve over time with the canva ai the artificial intelligence becoming more and more intelligent as users use the feature and more and more iteration of the video background removing so we can definitely expect this feature to become better and better with the weeks and months to come so what i noticed is that for now it works great with high contrast videos with like the subject being in high contrast with the background usually plain background it doesn't work that well for noisier or busier background and the video background remover struggles more to isolate the subjects on these more complex backgrounds but we are on the road the feature is live and that's the good news all right there is a third use case i would like to show you and this one not many people will talk about it because it involves a little trick a little work around i'm talking about removing the background of gifs you will find in the gifi extension in canva let's look into that but before i go there i would like to ask for two seconds of your time not one second of your time just the time to hit that like button on the video this is going to help us get more visibility and spread the video over youtube so we get more views and the channel gets discovered so thank you for liking the video now third use case let's remove the background of a gif that we find in giphy alright so giphy is located under the more button right here so if you click on more and you scroll down a bit you should see this extension okay called gifi so click on that and canva is going to bring you to the gifi extension which is basically what you can find on the gifi website but straight into canva right here all right so what i'm going to do is to create a new page i'm going to delete the other pages and change the color of this background for this blue right here uh go back to giphy and i'm going to search for a gif that i would like to remove the background of so let's find a gif about someone who is excited okay so typing excited let's see uh oh i can see this jimmy fallon right here dancing and being excited being ecstatic about something so this is nice okay so by clicking on the gif it will open in your working area right here in the canva editor but if you click on this there is no button to allow you to remove the background of this gif it is not yet a video it's just a gif imported from giphy so the work around that is very simple first i'm going to stretch this gif so it basically covers the entire page or at least in height and then i'm going to download this okay so i'm going to click on the share button download mp4 video yes and download so canva is going to download this video okay my video is ready it's downloaded it's right here so i can close that window what i'm going to do is simply take that document right here and drop it into my object panel right here you don't need to be on the upload button canva will automatically switch to that right menu so don't worry you don't need to do these extra steps i can clear that video download and you can see the video is uploading right here so i can actually get rid of my gif because what i want to do is to simply use that clip that we exported and re-uploaded into canva and it is now a video see this is now a video i can delete the background the blue background of my page right here so you see the video with the gif in the middle the blue lines because this actually didn't cover the entire screen but it is now an mp4 video so i can use the video background remover on this clip right here so let's do that and see what happens all right it took about 20 seconds 20 25 seconds but my clip is now ready i can play it and you can see the gif doesn't have a background the cutting is pretty clean actually even though the background was not like a plain background it was some sort of a curtain behind jimmy right here but the result is pretty good so i'm pretty happy about this the quality because it's a gif is not going to be super high definition though it's not too bad and now i can get creative once again by for example adding a gradient behind jimmy right here so for that i can simply go to my elements button type in gradient and either create my own gradient okay by choosing one of these graphics right here that allow you to create a gradient let's do that so i can choose my two colors let's go for a green with white something like this okay so i can create the gradient i'm gonna push this backwards and now i have my video right here playing let's preview this against my gradient colors so you see you can really get creative with this and really invent new ways of showcasing your videos one other thing you could do right here similar to my talking head you could make this small and instead of this background you could put your d toward gif into a frame or into a bubble or something like that to pop for a couple of seconds like we do in our tutorials we like to do this i know our video editor has fun with this when she edits our video so yeah you can now also do it to add some fun into your videos using this technique all right this is almost a wrap guys we have just covered how to remove the background of videos you upload in canva how to remove the background of videos that are already in the canva media library we've seen that these are pre-rendered so it's actually much faster and also how to remove the background from your animated gifs that you can find via the giphy app i absolutely love this new feature it is not perfect yet i mean let's be honest some videos like the job is not super well done especially with the more complex backgrounds but hey this is the very first day this is the very first week canva has been working on this and it's going to get better and better with the week so be patient but start using it if you are kind of a pro user and i love it because you don't need a green screen anymore to create professional videos in our studio back in sydney when we were still living there we had this huge blue aqua background and we shot all our videos against it so we could have a clean cut out of our talking heads and do all sorts of creative things with it but now with this feature you don't need that green background anymore you can really work from the comfort of your own place your kitchen your living room and still have a pretty good result also i like that this allows you to really be creative once you've gotten rid of the background you can use your video in so many creative ways you can really be wild you can really be creative so that's really a good thing in my opinion [Music] all right guys let's wrap up the video with a couple of faqs but before that i want to remind you to like the video if you haven't done so yet yeah come on like it alright faqs the first question that is going to pop very often is is it free okay i'm sure i'm going to read this question in the comments or that is for canva pro you have to pay the answer is yes you do have to pay this is a paid feature it's only going to be available for canva pro users canva for teams canva for education and canva for non-profits okay if you're a free user you won't have access to the video background remover unless you use our 45 day free trial for canva pro so you will have access to the feature during the period of that free trial but then you will start getting charged after the 45 days so if you are interested into this offer check out the description of the video you will find the link there okay next question how long does it take to remove the background of a video well canva told us that it takes approximately 45 seconds per 30 seconds of hd video so if you have 30 seconds of high definition video canva will need about 45 seconds to get rid of the background of these 30 seconds of video they also told us that this could be or this would be faster if you're not working with hd video but if you are using lower resolution videos also canva is working on improving that processing time and we can reasonably expect the process to be faster in the weeks if not in the months to come so be patient next question do i need to stay on the video while the background is being removed the answer to that is actually no you don't have to just sit there and look at this rendering and percentages going up while removing the background of a video you can actually continue working on your video project in the same project and canva will work its magic behind the scenes removing the background of your video while you continue working in your project so that's a very good thing i guess you don't have to sit there and wait next and this is something i already mentioned do i need to use a green screen to remove the background the answer is no you can definitely use the video background remover on a video that wasn't shot against a green screen however we've observed that this process works much better when you have a plain background behind you like a wall or curtain and when there is a high contrast between the subject or what you're wearing and the background behind yourself so just consider that but you don't need a background and that's the beauty of the video background remover you can work from anywhere and make it look like you are in a professional studio or actually using a green screen next and this one is actually very important can i use the background remover on videos of any length the answer here is actually no you are limited to videos of maximum 1 minute or 60 seconds that's why it's gonna be very difficult for you to find a video clip in the canva media library the video library which exceeds 60 seconds so this limit is really for you uploading your own video if your video is longer than 60 seconds you won't be able to use the video background remover for now i believe canva is aware this could be a little bit frustrating like kind of a limit that probably shouldn't exist but i guess since it's the early days of the feature they had to go through this so this probably will be lifted in the future this cap this 60-second cap but right now it is not possible it is also not possible to take like a five minute video chop it down export it into one minute clips re-upload them into canva and try to use the background remover it will not work maybe what will work is if you cut that with another video editing software and upload that into canva i am not sure i haven't tried this work around but this might be a way to go here now moving on to the next question which is going to be the last question and then i will wrap up this tutorial can i export a video clip with a transparent background well the answer to that is actually no as well you cannot export a video with a transparent background as of today but you know what let's lit up a candle and hope this happens in the near future because this would be a very cool feature especially to create your own stickers your own gif without having to leave canva so let's pray for that to happen very soon and that's where i'm going to stop the video for today i'm going to leave you with our 45 day free trial for canva pro so that you can all try the video background remover for free for 45 days it's right here and it's really good try it
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 158,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to remove video background in canva, how to remove video backgorund in canva, how to remove video background in canva pro, how to remove video background without green screen in canva, canva video background remover, how to create transparent background video, how to make a transparent background video, remove background video without green screen, remove video background free online, transparent background video canva, video with transparent background
Id: L9Mp0bFzxpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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