How to Remove Noise in Lightroom

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noises terrible isn't it now noise in photographs is really frustrating and it tends to happen when you take an underexposed photograph and you correct the exposure once you start pulling those sliders in the light room that is when you increase the chance of introducing digital noise which kind of looks like this now it's not very nice and it's very easy to fix so I want to take a photograph I'm going to correct the exposure and then I'm going to fix the noise that I introduced by correcting the exposure all will be revealed stay tuned [Music] so here is a lovely photograph of a man on a bike in the early evening in Madrid now I say it's a man on a bike but you can barely see him and that was because the photograph is massively underexposed so I'm gonna fix the exposure and then I'm going to correct the noise now you might be thinking well I can't see any noise but trust me noise is on its way once I start lifting the exposure in this shot that Nori's will appear and I'm going to use the detail tools to correct the noise so let's make a start so firstly let's take a look at the histogram which can be found just above where the tools live and we can see that in this left-hand corner we've got blacks then we move across we've got shadows general exposure highlights whites now clearly everything of this a major part of the information in this photograph is on this left-hand side where the blacks and the shadows live now that indicates to me that this shot is underexposed and of course we know it's under expose because we can see that just by looking at the image so we need to start correcting the exposure using the basic tools to bring the exposure to where it should be so that's the first thing I'm going to do now obviously we want to start doing this this is when you'll start to see the noise appear in the photograph so first of all let me show you exactly what a noise looks like so I'm gonna knock the basic set of tools and I'm going to lift the shadows up to a hundred and then I'm going to zoom in so you can see the noise no noise loves an area of one flat color and you can see as the sky has an area of one flat blue color in this case you can see that the noise is appeared and it's quite strong it's not as strong on the buildings but trust me it is there but it's more noticeable as a say in this area of one flat color and as I continue editing this shot and fixing the exposure that noise is likely to get worse and we will use the detail tool to get rid of that noise both first of all let me continue with the shot in fixing the exposure so let me put the shadows back to where they were and and I'll take you very quickly through how I correct the exposure in this shot so firstly I am gonna lift the shadows but not as much as it did before so roughly roundabout there now it's kind of blown out a little bit in the center of the build and there isn't it so I want to drop the highlights never drop them too much it goes to a murky horrible gray color so I want to back that off and maybe roundabout there should do it because I will be lifting the whites now let's lift the blacks now up to I don't know that's just doing this by eye I reckon roundabout there should do it and as I said I will lift the whites as well so I'm gonna lift the whites up two roundabouts there that looks pretty good also I think I will add a little bit of D haze which is like a lot for me add a little bit of contrast I kind of like that and I may put a bit of texture in later on but for now I want to leave that out and then I'm just gonna do a general exposure lift not too much though but probably to around about there maybe 40 okay now that's looks much better doesn't it but like I said earlier the more I pull the exposure and lighten the shot the more chance there is of adding noise and you can see the noise has gone even worse than what I showed you earlier on when I just increase the shadow areas so that is a lot of noise to get rid of so my next job here is to get rid of that noise so do that and when you used the detail tools so let's jump across to the tools live and open up the detail and you can see there that we have a sharpening set of tools and a noise reduction set of tools I'm gonna start off with the luminance slider so when you begin to remove noise from your it's a good idea to zoom in because you can see things obviously and in greater detail and you can watch that noise hopefully just disappear now I suggest that you put your finger on the alt or option key dependent have you got a PC or a Mac when you do that nothing happens until you start dragging the luminance slider and it will turn the image into black and white now it does this only temporary because sometimes watching colors on your screen can be a bit distracting so it's a good idea to kind of remove the colors so you can see in black and white now look at that that noise is disappear doesn't it so one of your left back go take me finger off the alt or option key and you can see that that noise has disappeared once you've done that you can then play around with the detail slider and the contrast slider to maybe bring some of the details back if I just have a little play around with that you always conscious the fact that you're not going to bring more noise back into the shot now your image that your correct and is obviously going to be different to mine I don't need to mess around with those guys too much so I'm gonna with that in mind I'm gonna jump straight to the sharpening set of tools and I'll begin to sharpen the image now again like I did previously with the alt or option key I'm gonna put my finger on there and I'm gonna drag this bottom slider and this will show me exactly where I am gonna make the sharpening Corrections and really you just want outlines and you don't want to make you wanna make sure that you're not bringing any more noise back in I reckon somewhere around about there looks pretty good and then I can start to bring in the sharpening and again keeping me finger on the alter option key will take it to black and white again and I can play around what I'm looking for is to bring the detail back into this brickwork here I don't want to be losing any of that the detail in the bricks or the stonework that's not too bad I can see the joints you know between the stones and that locks fire doesn't it so let's just take a look at that and that looks marvelous there's no that looks really really good now it's never gonna be perfect you're not gonna get rid of a hundred percent of the noise and sometimes there is a danger that if it's an exceptionally noisy shot which this one was once that made these those basic Corrections you might introduce some blotchy or banding areas into the shot this isn't too bad I've seen worse but unless I go looking for you it doesn't look too bad does it I think that looks great here is a before and after then so this is the way that image started off now maybe you've got images like this that you've taken and you thought crikey that's not worth keeping because it's underexposed but it just shows you that just some basic Corrections using the basic tools and then applying some noise reduction on some sharpen and it can go from what you can see on the screen here there's something that looks like that and I think that looks great doesn't it and that's all very very I mean how long did that take it was really quick wasn't it so have a go on some of the images that you've got that are perhaps underexposed or noisy and best of luck so who knew removing noise could be so simple and I hope you enjoyed that video please consider supposed to look well who knew well who knew who knew removing noise could be so simple now hope you enjoyed that video and if you did please hit the subscribe button and a little Bal I can't to be notified of the videos but above all else thanks very much for watching I really enjoyed you caught me and I'll see you in the next upload take care the best afterburn boats company take it for company
Channel: Perfect Photo Company
Views: 21,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lightroom tutorials, free lightroom training, free lightroom tutorials, lightroom classic, lightroom for beginners, removing noise, the detail tool, perfectphotocompany, perfect photo company, frank minghella, removing noise from a photograph, removing noise using lightroom
Id: AjmYR57ZNgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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