How to Use Luminosity Mask and Color Mask in Lightroom | Lightroom Tutorial

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in this episode I'm going to show you how to use luminosity mask and color mask in lightroom hello everyone if we just met my name is Will and I'm a travel photographer I do video tutorial on photographt and travel vlogs let's get into Lightroom get into today's topic I would like to I would like to talk a little bit more about luminosity masks and color range masking just in case some of you don't know about these tools so these two tools they are ways to localize your adjustments more precisely so for example luminosity masking allows you to apply your adjustments only to a specific Luminosity and color range masking allows you to localize your adjustment to to a specific color range usually you'll find these more advanced tools in Photoshop I actually have a tutorial on how to use luminosity masks in Photoshop how to use luminosity masks in Photoshop it's coming up in a few weeks if you're interested in how to use luminosity masks in Photoshop stay tuned and make sure you have subscribed okay so I'm gonna start by okay so I'm gonna start by showing you guys how to use these tools individually and then I'll show you how to use them both in a actual retouching process so let's start with luminosity mask so let's say I want to keep the viewers attention in this area so what I will do is to use a gradient filter to darken the sky I went a bit overboard just for the purpose of demonstration okay so yes we have darken the sky but we have also darkened the clouds and the tower which we don't really want but but by using the luminosity mask we can only we can target our adjustment to the brighter part of the sky ok let's scroll down and find the range masking option and select luminance since we're going to mask out the darker so let's drag the left cursor on the range slider cursor on the range slider so let's hold alt or option key and drag the left cursor to the right and the purpose of holding alt or option keys is to show the actual mask and a refresher on the masking concept which is what reveals the adjustments and black conceals the adjustments so what we trying to do here is to make the cloud and the top of the tower as dark as possible okay let's take a look at the before and after so this is before and you can see the adjustment is also affecting the top of the tower the cloud and after applying a luminosity mask these two places they're not affected by the adjustments so let's have a look again okay now let's move on to color range it's a similar technique so let's say I want to darken the sky a little bit more so what we usually do is apply the gradient filter just like before and again as we're applying the gradient filter it's also darkening the tree in this case we can avoid that by selecting color mask so how it works as you click this color selector here and hold down the shift key and start selecting the colors that you want the adjustment to be applied on so let's click on the sky there we go and if you want to fine tune the masking you can go to the amount slider here so like before let's hold down the alt or option key to see the actual mask and drag the slider here okay so I think right about there is pretty good so let's have a look at the result so this is before the color range masking and this is after the color range masking color range masking okay now that we understand how these two tools work I'm going to show you how to use them in actual retouching process so this is a photo of Sienna in Italy it's a very nice place but I remember the building was glowing in the sunset that day so I so I want to recreate a mood that I witnessed that day and we can do so by using the local adjustment tool so let's go to the radial filter and let's drag a circle again let me invert the mask first so the adjustment is only limited within the circle okay since the light is coming from this direction so I'm gonna place that circle here and drag it and adjust the size of the radial filter and just like before since I'm creating light I'm gonna make a little bit brighter increase the temperature to make it warmer somewhere like that I'm gonna move the dehaze slider to the negative side to make it a bit softer somewhere like that now since the only one the adjustment to be applied on the brighter part of the image so I'm gonna use the luminosity mask to mask out the dark part of the image so let's hold down the alt or option key and drag the left cursor to the right somewhere like that and we're going to increase the white points to make it pop a little bit more and I'm gonna lower the highlight a little bit because I want to see some details in this part let's drag that down slightly then increase the white point yeah somewhere like that okay so let's have a look at the before and after so this is so this is before the radial filter and this is after the radial filter so now I want to keep the viewers attention in this area so I'm going to use gradient filter to darken the sky let's drag it from this direction because the light is coming up from this direction so it makes more sense that the gradient starts from here right so let's darken the sky and to make it a little bit cooler and again I'm making the adjustment more aggressive than usual for the purpose of demonstration so let's drag it down here like that and now as you can see the top of the tower is affected by the adjustment and we don't want that so let's go down to the masking option here and select color and select color let's click on the color selector and start selecting so let's hold down shift and start clicking there we go right and okay let's see if we need to fine-tune the masking so let's hold down the alt or option key so let's hold down the alt or option key and click on the cursor here and actually I think the masking is pretty successful so so I'm just not going to adjust the amount okay so let's have a look so this is before the color masking and this is the after the color masking ok that is it for today if you find this video helpful please leave a like and if you wanna see more tutorial in the future the future please subscribe to my channel and if you like the way of how I edit my photos I have Lightroom presets available on my website I'll put the link in the description and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Wilhelm Chang
Views: 32,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lightroom tutorial, photography tutorial, post processing tutorial, image processing tutorial, image editing tutorial, photo processing tutorial, photo editing tutorial, adobe lightroom, lightroom cc, photography, photo makeover, learning lightroom, Lightroom教學, 攝影教學, 後製教學, 修圖教學, 攝影, 後製, 修圖, luminosity mask, color range, color mask, 明度遮罩, 顏色遮罩
Id: zLjzgQI6fs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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