Audacity 3.1 - No Time Slider button - Whats new- New Version - Audacity Tutorial

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another audacity tutorial i'm josh meyer of i'm a professional voice talent i've done over three thousand paid voiceovers i got into that through writing music and i just so happened to be an expert in audacity so today we're talking about the new audacity 3.1 had some really really great upgrades i'm going to show you what i perceive to be the most important and how it's going to benefit you before we get started thank you all so much to the creative community you guys have been amazing and thank you so much for all the amazing feedback on the eq course um it's it's it's being called gold and it is good you know i definitely spent a lot of time putting and compiling together a ton of valuable information so if you're interested in having the ability to create custom eqs for yourself feel free to reach out you can also check uh the description maybe i'll have a button you know therefore you know upon payment you will be sent to a download page either way if you're interested in that feel free to reach out but let's get this going so first and foremost i want you all to notice here that the time slider tool is gone and i'm happy that it is so i'll show you where it is now so audacity just made it much much easier for us to move audio all around all around and i'm going to create another track to show you some of the capabilities of this thing it's uh it's pretty solid okay here's another random recording just a track for us to have some waves to play with okay so notice that we have this little ribbon up here this light colored ribbon and when we hover the mouse over that this little hand pops up so when i click down it grabs it and now i can move this anywhere i like and not just side to side ladies and gentlemen but up and down as well pow just like that isn't that cool so we don't have to sit here break our arms going back and forth okay let me click the time slider tool i'm going to move it now i've got to click the selection tool no more of that so this is automatically going to make your editing more easy another thing to note trimming is different as well so notice what happens if i click right here if i click on this track click right around here there we go get these double-sided arrows to show up and i can trim like this i can trim the other side if i like let me just move this over there we go we can trim it just like this and let's say we copied it right so i'm going to do control c copy and then i'm going to paste it here so it pasted the exact same track that was up here but what is really cool about this is even when we trim it it sh it saves the prior information even when we copy and paste it it still has the prior information so let's say we wanted that stuff back there we go look at this boom it saved the entirety of the track so that is a really really cool trimming feature really really cool feature here's another feature we now have loop back so check this out i'm going to click loop on and we can set the parameters of where we want it so if i just wanted to play whatever was from two seconds to three seconds and i wanted that to loop back then it would just play it over and over and over again let's see here back just a track just a track just a track just a track and then you can expand the parameters boom back for the random recording just a track for the random recording just a track for the rant oh my gosh that could get annoying pretty quick but you get the idea with the loopback now these are the biggest features um that that are new in 3.1 and i'm telling you man the ability to go ahead and grab these tracks and move them around wherever we like is really cool and also the ability to trim and then have the old information saved if we wanted to revert back you know this is a this is huge because prior let's say you wanted to get that whatever recording was back you made a mistake you did not mean to cut that off and then you moved along with the project many many steps you would have to go edit undo edit undo undo a ton of stuff just to get back to where you had deleted that information and now that is no longer the case you can simply get it back at any point in time so that is definitely definitely cool those are some of the updates i have for you all um the ability to be able to move this stuff around just so easily it's awesome it's really awesome up and down tracks doesn't even matter wherever you want it wherever you want it boom let's move this over maybe i want to move this up here pow you guys get the point so this one to me right here is uh you know definitely huge solid upgrade to be able to get rid of the time slider tool and just move tracks at will whenever you're ready up and down side to side doesn't matter where everyone would go um another huge feature is the ability to you know trim these tracks and then have the information saved so if we move along with the project we're not just undoing so many things so many steps just to get that piece of recording back that we accidentally chopped off so big thanks to the audacity team for this they're doing a really great job and i think that's it for this video i've got plenty more coming out with new cool stuff definitely stay tuned like subscribe and of course if you're interested in the eq course feel free to reach out you will not be disappointed you will not be disappointed either way until next time stay safe stay positive i got your back
Channel: VoiceOverMaster
Views: 14,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audacity 3.1, audacity new version, audacity no time slider, audacity time slider, audacity time slider missing, audacity tutorial, audacity for beginners, audacity EQ, audacity equalization, audacity time loop, audacity 2021, audacity 2022, new audacity, audacity tutorial for beginners
Id: 3P5Fx48ejyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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