How to REMOVE HUD from Gameplay Clips for Montages / Edits! | 2 EASY METHODS

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yo what's up everybody here welcome back to a brand new video in this video I'm going to be teaching you how to remove the HUD from your gameplay Clips I'm going to be using valorant Clips but this will work on any game at all this has been a really highly requested video I've had loads of comments asking me for it so here it is today now of course you're never going to get it as perfect as recording the clips with the HUD disabled in game so I really only use this as sort of a last Stitch attempt if you have a really sick clip that you definitely want to use but you have the HUD enabled and the results are really going to vary from clip to clip how much movement there is which Maps you're playing and what the size of your HUD is for example having a smaller mini map will likely produce better results in this video I'm going to show you two methods one is quick and easy inside of Adobe After Effects but it can be a little bit hit or miss with the result I also know not everyone uses or likes editing inside of After Effects I'll also show you another method which I actually prefer doing it the second way and I often find the results to be slightly better if you guys do find this video helpful make sure to drop a like on it subscribe so let's check out the other videos on my channel I've made loads of editing tutorials all evolving around gaming and Valentine Montage everything and without any further Ado let's get into it okay so for method number one we're going to start inside of Adobe After Effects now if you don't have After Effects already and you would like it then I'll leave a link in the description to where you can go and get it I'm going to create a brand new project and now all we're going to do is drag and drop our clip into Adobe After Effects if you can't drag and drop it in you can come up to file and import file and you can get it that way now we're going to select our clip drag and drop it onto the create composition button and you'll see we have our clip now for the sake of the tutorial and to save time I'm only going to do this for a few seconds of gameplay obviously I'm assuming your Clips will sort of be a little bit longer than that but do your best to try and trim it down to just the sections you want to remove the HUD from because it's going to save you time and resources so you don't have to bother removing it from the entire clip if you don't need to so in my case I'm just going to do it for sort of till about I don't know here what's this just like two seconds I'm gonna trim the end of my clip off by holding alt and right square bracket and then press n to snap the end of the work area to the playhead and then Ctrl shift X to trim the composition to the work area and as you can see I have about a second and a half of video here now Michael clip is actually inside of a death match so the HUD is ever so slightly different than in an actual game but this will work either way this is just a clip that I happen to have available to me right now and let's get into it so so we're going to want to start by navigating up to the top of the window and clicking on the pen tool and then with the viewport window selected we can tap the tilde key which is next to the number one and above tab on the keyboard and using the scroll wheel where you can zoom in and out of our clip now if you hold the space bar and then click and drag you'll be able to pan around and when you let go you should see that you select the pen tool if you don't then just make sure you select it now we're going to want to start by masking out the parts of the Hub that we don't want so when doing this you want to try and preserve as much of the original frame as possible whilst also not getting it too close that you can see here for example the HUD ads are sort of Darker area you're going to want to make sure that you mask that out otherwise it's going to be obvious that the HUD used to be here and you're also not going to want to get so close that with the sort of compression artifacts around the HUD stay in the clip because again that's going to be pretty obvious so I'm just going to do it pretty rough for this tutorial but if you're doing this for real then spend a little bit more time and you'll get a better result you'll see I'm just gonna mask around and try and preserve as much of that original clip as possible now you can see we've masked out this section we're going to want to essentially rinse and repeat this so every single part of the HUD so by tapping the tilde key we're going to go back and with the clip selected if I press M to bring up the current masks I'm going to change this mask to none and you'll be able to see that we can see the rest of our clip now with the pen tool selected if we go full screen again with the tilde key we can select this bar here that we also want to remove so I'm going to do that you can see it's hidden the rest of the clip again I have a feeling if we change one of the masks to subtract there we go and then put this one to subtract um yeah we'll continue to see the rest of the clip and this is actually what we're going to want to do in the end with pretty much wherever the checkerboarding is is transparent so we've cut out these sections from our clip and I'm going to continue to do this for the rest of the HUD as you can see I've been masking out certain elements of the HUD but things like this kill element here as well as the kill feed I'm actually going to keep again you can choose to remove these if you want to but I actually quite like having them in the clip the kill feed is pretty handy unless you want to do a custom one for example if you'd like to see a tutorial on how to make a custom kill feed then let me know and I'll be sure to make that as well and it's also slightly tricky because it doesn't stay static and it moves masking out could also be a bit difficult but if you want to spend the time to do it then of course you can do that as well now for the top part of my clip here you can see it's slightly different to what the game would typically look like um so here I probably could go around each of these individually and mask them out for better results for the sake of the tutorial I'm not going to but uh for the HUD in sort of a comp game for example that would just be sort of one element so you would mask it out as it's as a single object I'll put an example on screen of what that looks like if you don't really know what I mean so yeah like I said I'm just gonna disregard everything in there and continue masking around um whereas yeah if I was doing this for real I would probably mask them all out individually and there you go you can see that I've masked that um and now I'll do these little health bar sections now when I said I'll do them individually you can go around each one one by one but because of the amount of space that's in between I'm not really sure it's worth saving so I'll just do them all together in one just like that and do the same for the other side and there we go I think that looks alright again if I was doing this for real I'd probably mask out this section in here as well uh just to save a little bit more of the sky and give the algorithm a little bit more to work with when it comes to trying to fill what should actually be there but again for now I'm just gonna leave it and finally we get over to arguably the most difficult part and that is the mini map now the reason this is so difficult is because of how big it is um the algorithm will often struggle when trying to recreate what should be behind this minimap it's also difficult because as you can see this indicator as to like how far my footsteps can be heard comes outside of the minimap so if I were to just mask around the edge of the minimap and I turn my camera for example you'll see that this will move so if I sort of go through do you see how it's moving here if I were to mask that out on a single frame I'd have to do this for every single frame and that's that'll be a right pain especially since I'm trying to do this quite quickly so what I'm going to have to do is essentially mask out a bit further than I really need to because I'm only using such a short clip I'm just going to check and see if there's anywhere that it absolutely won't appear and it looks like basically from here to there is where I need to be a bit careful and everywhere else I can get pretty close so let's start masking from here and as you can see that is the minimap masked out now I'm going to leave it there again if you have teammates talking in chat over here you may need to remove that but I'm satisfied with this and now much like our first two masks we need to set all the others to subtract so I'm going to select the first mask hold down shift select the last mask and change the blending mode to subtract and you can see that it's now removed those sections of the HUD for us now this is where the sort of quick and dirty part comes from inside After Effects there's a tool called the content aware fill tool similar to that of Photoshop although I do find that the Photoshop one tends to do a slightly better job although the Photoshop one does exhibit more flickering because in After Effects the algorithm can see the frames before and after whereas in Photoshop it treats it as a single image so when we get on to trying method two it may also be handy to have a version of method one and then you could sort of fade between the two depending on which has got better results okay so now to fill the sections that we've masked out with our clip selected if we come up to window and find where it says content aware fill and select that you'll see this window will open down here if you're in the default tab content aware Phil is just there and you'll see we have a few options so the alpha expansion basically is if you get the mask too close so for example when you generate the fill layer if there are some edges that are still visible you can just increase the alpha expansion and you'll see in this little thumbnail here that it shows that it's getting larger increasing that will basically just make the mask slightly bigger alternatively if it's just one of the masks you can just select it and then there's a mask expansion option here as well which you could use just to try and save as many pixels of the original clip as possible now for fill method there are three options typically object is going to be your best bet although I would recommend trying surface as well depending on how much movement is in your clip Edge blend is very trivial the way that it works and I typically don't get very good results with it but of course feel free to try it that will start off by trying object so we'll select object under lighting correction for a HUD like this especially in a video game you don't need any lighting correction the lighting correction is going to be more for sort of dynamic real life shots with a lot of with a lot of Bloom shadows and things like that and for the range we will do the work area so we're going to go ahead and generate the fill layer straight away so with the clip selected if we click generate fill layer you'll see it's going to start analyzing essentially it's going to do a Passover the clip try and figure out what's going on and what should sort of be in these areas and then it will start to actually generate the uh the images overlay on top and fill the gaps that we created with the masks and as you can see it's just finished rendering if we deselect our clip you'll see the mask will disappear and we've got a somewhat decent usable uh outcome from this now with a lot of heavy effects and stuff on top if you're using it in like an over edit for example this will probably do but as we scroll through the clip you'll see there's quite a few artifacts like if you look at the bottom here under the overkill section uh there's a lot of issues and especially up here where it's got confused with this island and it's sort of stretching it now the reason it's doing that is because we use the object fill method so it thinks that what we have selected which is actually just hard elements is an object in the scene for example we could have masked out jet or something like that it's looking at trying to remove yeah a physical object in the scene rather than just something that's pasted on top of it like the HUD element would be so that's why we end up with some artifacts like this now for the most part it's done a decent job with the minimap and again I think this clip might be pretty favorable because it's more or less a solid color if you have a lot of movement then the minimap will struggle so if you do feel like this is something you're going to have to do regularly I'd recommend playing with small of a mini map as possible but as you can see for the most part it's not crazy noticeable but it's better than having the HUD there in my opinion if we wanted to go back and optimize The Masks then we can literally just delete this full layer and regenerate it no problem at all if I hide the clip underneath you'll see that this is actually what the fill layer looks like so it literally has just taken those sections and filled them with pixels that it thinks should be there an advantage to doing it this way is we've done it directly on the clip we don't have to bother saving pngs or anything like that like we would have to with the second method so we also preserve the audio and stuff like that so we could just render this straight out as it is I then went on to test both the surface and the edge blend modes for the content aware fill settings this is what the surface version looked like and this is what the edge full version looked like as you can see you're probably better off sticking with object but if you're getting particularly bad results then maybe just try one or the other so now what you can do is you can select the two clips and pre-compose them into a single clip and then go about your day and edit with this and that's pretty much all there is to to Method number one now just before we move on to the next method I'm going to assume you're a video editor if you're watching this video and I'm sure you can relate to the struggle to find the right music for your YouTube videos that you can use and avoid getting demonetized I'm going to share with you the best way to find and license music for your videos and of course it's none other than the longtime friend of the Rocklin Channel licked licked is an amazing service offering the biggest music catalog for creators with over 1 million mainstream songs for you to choose from for use in your videos and edits while still being protected against any copyright claims click the link in the top of the description and start browsing their playlist to find the perfect song for your edit lick makes it super easy to find exactly what you're looking for with their list of categorize playlists to suit any video with tracks on some of the biggest mainstream artists like Drake juice world and Justin Bieber help your channel grow as audiences watch and engage more with your content when you use recognizable music perhaps you do something like this [Music] zombies or even this get down let's get down to business not only do they offer mainstream music but they also have an amazing stock music catalog including over 100 000 tracks with unlimited use across any social media platform all for just one subscription so stay protected against copyright claims sign up select with the link at the top of the description for 14 days free stock music and 50 of your first mainstream track okay so for method two you don't need any specific video editor just any video editor that can convert MP4 video into pngs I'm sure there's going to be some online converting tool you can use as well but in my case I'm just going to use After Effects since we have it open already so I'm just going to click and drag our clip and make a new composition and I'll cut it to sort of a similar time just like that and now I'm going to come up to composition add to render queue again you can this is going to be just like rendering the default video in any editing software whether that's Premiere Pro DaVinci Resolve Sony Vegas whatever and when exporting you're going to want to make sure that you set it as a PNG sequence you could use jpeg or any other other image format if you like but PNG uses lossless compressions so you're going to maintain the the quality from your original clip so I'm going to hit OK I'm going to choose whether you save to so I'm going to just Chuck them in this PNG folder here and hit save and we're going to render this out and you'll see inside this folder it's spitting out all the individual pngs so we can scroll through them just like their images and as you can see it's exported all of our pngs and we can exit out of our video editor now for this next step you need an image editing software ideally Photoshop I'm going to be using Photoshop but I believe you'll be able to use or something like Photo P or there's plenty of other free photo editing softwares or paid software like for example Affinity photo out there you essentially need a photo editing software that has a Content aware fill tool and also has batch processing capabilities so that we can process multiple images at once rather than having to do them all manually because in my case I have 91 frames which is actually quite quite little because there's only like a second and a half of video at 60fps you work potentially gonna have hundreds so I'm gonna select a image right click and I'm going to open it with Photoshop as you can see the image is now opened up inside of Photoshop if you don't have Photoshop but you'd like it I'll leave a link down in the description to where you can go and get it otherwise like I said already any image editing software with content aware and batch processing tools will work fine although the exact way that you do it will differ obviously from software to software but you should be able to follow the same general steps from this tutorial you just may have to look at how to configure batch processing and recording macros on whichever software you're using specifically so much the same as before we're going to want to mask out the HUD elements that we don't need so I'm going to create a new layer I would recommend that you do this now the reason we're going to do this on a new layer is because we're going to basically save out a mask file which will have the sections of the HUD that we want to replace now you don't have to do this you can just record the masking directly um but I wouldn't recommend doing that because it's going to be harder to change later on and also you can then use this mask to do future Clips or if your Photoshop settings get set back to defaults and you lose your recording or things like that so I find just creating a mask image is a bit easier so on this separate layer we're going to start just as before we're going to zoom in so you press Z to select the magnifying glass tool and zoom in you can hold alt and click to zoom out I'm going to press L to select the lasso if you hold down on the lasso make sure you're on the polygonal lasso and much the same as before we're just going to start masking out the sections of our HUD that we want to make invisible once you've selected an area with our top layer or our mask layer selected with the brush we're just going to fill this section black and we're going to continue to do this for every element of the HUD that we want to get rid of it doesn't have to be black it can really be any color you want just make sure that you're filling it with a solid color now just like last time I'm going to just mask this all out in one go um I would recommend masking them out individually but for the sake of the tutorial I'm not going to bother doing that and once again with the mini map we're going to want to obviously make sure that we keep this section out in my case I know that this mini map only really ever comes to here and sort of somewhere around down here from doing it in after inside of After Effects but because we're in Photoshop we can't really sort of navigate easily through the pngs again we could pull it up and sort of like scroll through and try and figure it out but as a general rule we're just gonna do one ellipse around this so we're just gonna find where the edge of this is so we can see it's here and that's pretty much as far down as it's gonna as far outwards as it's going to come and we'll go down to about sort of there so we're going to want to essentially so that we can get the idea of sort of where we can make a box around this and then once we've done that we'll be able to use the elliptical Marquee tool and now we've set out our little sort of guidelines if we click we'll be able to sort of make a circle around so we hold shift to make sure it maintains its aspect ratio and select around the minimap you'll see that we can get a pretty good selection around that whilst also saving as many pixels as possible so now with this this indicator here can move all the way around the map and it's still going to be contained by this circle and we'll just fill that in like that and we'll use the rectangular Marquee tool to get rid of this section as well and there we go that is pretty much it so we hide the layer below we've now got our mask and it's covering all the parts of the HUD that we want to get rid of so I'm going to hide this layer below and file save a copy and we're gonna we're gonna call this HUD mask and save it so that now we have a standalone Standalone image here of our HUD and we can then use this universally for any valorant clips that we want to and now comes setting up the macro so so that we can batch process these images so let's delete our mask from here and if we come up here to the top right we can hit this play button alternatively window actions will also bring this up oh so I'm going to create a new action by clicking this new button here and we're going to call it HUD removal and removal like that don't need to mess around with any of these settings and we're gonna click record now you'll see it's automatically start recording because this little red dot has appeared to indicate that we are currently recording so what this is going to do is it's going to record anything that we do inside of Photoshop whilst this icon is selected so I'm going to bring in our mask that we just removed just like that and apply it and you'll see that it's added place to the action so let me click this down arrow you can see what image it's grabbed and if we've needed to translate it or move it anywhere but in our case because it came from this Frame it's perfectly lined up now we're going to hold Ctrl and click on the thumbnail of the HUD mask to select it just like that and you'll see it says set selection then we're gonna hide this mask to hide the current layer and we're going to select the layer underneath now we need to be aware of this here because we've just selected a layer called layer zero so when we come to batch processing it if it's not called layer 0 it's going to throw an error and I'll show you how that we how we fix that later now with the Marquee tool selected we can just right click anywhere that's been so collected from our HUD and choose fill content aware and hit OK and you'll see that it has now removed our HUD and I think this has done a much better job than after effects did now you'll see we've got this section here where it's added some text but again we can do another pass and try and get rid of that but for the most part I think this has done a significantly better job than uh after effects did the only problem with this you can see up here we've sort of got some weird duplicating going on and that may result in some flickering in the final video because after effects can see the frames before and after whereas here Photoshop is just treating this as a single image so now that we've filled that we're going to want to tell it how we want to save this image so we'll come up to file save a copy we're going to choose PNG it doesn't matter where you save it because we're going to pick later so we'll just call this like test and may as long as we save it with the file type that we want it's going to say so we'll just save it as a large large file size whatever and now we can stop recording so essentially it's now when we call this HUD removal action it's going to place the mask it's going to select the mask uh it's then going to hide the mask select the base layer content aware fill it deselect it and save it so let's close out of this I want to file automate batch so under our action we're going to select HUD removal which is the one that we just created our source is going to be a folder because we're using a series of pngs we're now going to find where our pngs are so they are in here select folder and make sure you tick suppress file open option dialog and suppress color profile warnings otherwise I believe you'll have to manually select OK every single time an image is opened if it encounters either these problems errors stop for errors and destination so we're going to want to save it so we'll choose inside of our pngs folder we'll make a folder called hudless which will put our images that have had the HUD roofs or select the folder and make sure you tick override action save as commands now I'm going to hit OK and it's going to run through every single PNG in this folder now as you can see it says the command select is not currently available so it's a select layout layer 0 is the action that it's trying to do and our layer is called background so so that's not going to work so we're going to stop that command was canceled do you want to continue with x file or stop so it will stop because if it doesn't work now it's not going to work then so let's do let's remove the select layer option let's get rid of that and we're going to select where it says hide current layer and we're going to record Another section of this action so we'll hit record we're going to unlock the background and set it just like that and stop so now it's going to place the mask layer select the mask layer select the mask hide it select the background fill it and then save so we'll close out of this now and we'll try running it one more time and you'll see it's now going to just run through and you won't be able to see any of the changes that it's making but if I open up the hudless PNG folder as you can see here every time it saves it's adding a new PNG to this file and the HUD is removed so it's just essentially going to run through and do exactly what we did when we were inside of Photoshop and batch process all the images basically so I'll be back when this has finished okay so as you can see it has finished and we've got all of our pngs here so if we quickly flick through them you can see that the HUD has been removed on every single image just like that and now all we have to do is stick them back together into a video so for this I'm going to use Adobe Premiere Pro you know I used After Effects earlier just to show you that it doesn't matter what editing software you use I'm going to use Premiere Pro this time I'm going to create a new project and I'm going to import our and I'm going to import our PNG so come up to file import we'll find find our pngs hudless select first one make sure the image sequence is checked and open I'm going to right click on this modify interpret footage it is all automatically assumed as at 25 FPS I know that I recorded this clip at 60fps so I'm going to press OK and I'm also going to drag our original clip into the composition just like that now I'm going to right click on the original clip new sequence from clip and I'm going to drag our pngs over the top so you'll see as I enable and disable the pngs on top you'll see the HUD appears and disappears so now I'm going to drag our clip down to fit the section that we made hudless so if it's not snapping then make sure you press s on your keyboard to enable the magnet or s for snapping um and then it's going to trim the clip perfectly we can then select our main clip press command Ctrl L to unlink the video from the audio and delete the video layer drag rpngs down to the first track and now if we play this through we should have audio and a video without HUD now the unfortunate thing with the Photoshop method is every single frame in my opinion looks a lot better than the after effects version so every individual frame is better looking however when you play it as a video you'll notice at the top in particular there's a lot of flickering which again is unfortunate and like I said at the beginning of this video this is sort of a last-ditch attempt to convert a really good clip for example that you want to use hudless but you didn't record without the HUD this is sort of the only way of achieving that really if you were using After Effects you could also you could also use the separate version which I showed off how to do earlier and then adjust the opacity to choose almost on a frame by frame basis whether you'd rather use the Photoshop version or the after effects version and that way you can sort of get granular control over if one frame looks better in the Photoshop version or a fun frame let's put on the after effects version you could choose to show that frame sort of over the other one for example another thing you could do to sort of Remedy this problem is if you added black bars so you can put a black bar on the top and a black Barrel on the bottom that would help to hide any of the Little artifacts that you're getting from where we remove the HUD at the bottom you can see there's the last fact here and the flickering at the top or you could do like a sky replacement and put a nice CC over the top of it again gonna be less noticeable when you've got these sort of flickering issues if you'd like a tutorial on a sky replacement or CC tutorial or something like that then please let me know in the comments but yeah that's pretty much how you remove the HUD from gameplay Clips if you found this video helpful then make sure to drop a like on it leave a comment with any other videos you'd like to see on the channel again big shout out to Lex for sponsoring the video thanks for watching and I will catch you in the next one foreign
Channel: Rocklan
Views: 19,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remove hud, edit out hud, remove overlay, disable hud, remove hud from video, delete hud, how to edit hud, valorant, cs2, csgo, how to capture dota 2 gameplay, record dota 2 gameplay, how to record dota 2 reply, how to get inventory to display fortnite, how to remove dota 2 hud, how to hide hud dota 2, how to, how to remove hud, how to hide hud, how to display hud, csgo how to toggle hud, csgo how to disable hud, how to hide heads up display, after effects, photoshop, editing
Id: HGdwqpw0nfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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