How to make a VALORANT MONTAGE like ZISHU! | Editing Tutorial

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[Music] what's going on this is welcome here welcome back to a brand new video in this video i'm going to be teaching you how to edit your valid montages just like popular valor and youtuber zishu now i'm assuming if you clicked on this video you already know whose issue is but in case you don't he posts awesome highlight montages of his valentine clips of some sick editing similar to other youtubers like gladly for the cj i'm sure you've seen them all over youtube so if you want to see me cover how to edit like any of these other youtubers let me know by dropping a comment down below and i'll be sure to do that for you just before we get started i want to mention that i'm not trying to rip off zishu here he does have a service where you can book one of his editors to make a montage for you so feel free to check that out if you want to however i do know a lot of people either don't want to pay or they want to make their montages themselves so in this video i'm going to be teaching you how to do that i will be editing in adobe after effects although this video is more to serve as a method of doing things rather than being software specific so you can definitely still follow along regardless of which editing software you're using just some of the tools and settings might be called something slightly different depending on which software you're using but i'll do my best to explain it all so let's get into it in my case i'm going to open up adobe after effects you can see here that i've already got the project from the intro that you saw at the beginning of this video open if you want to download this project file for that intro edit or the project files from the rest of this tutorial they'll all be available over on my patreon you can check that out the link in the description as well as if you want to edit an adobe after effects i'll leave a link in the description to where you can go and download that so i'm going to do is create a new project so you also probably open up something like this just going to want to come over and hit new project and it'll open you onto a screen like this and just come up to file save as choose where you want to save it and give it a name so i'm going to call mine's issue tutorial and i'm going to hit save and create a new composition this could be called a sequence or timeline depending on which software you're using i'm just going to give it a name this will be main edit and you want to set the resolution to match your clips so if your clips are recorded in 1080 says it's a 1920 by 1080. i recorded mine in 2560 by 1440 so i'm going to leave it like that as well let's set the frame rate to 60fps these shoes videos are at 60fps and i'm going to set the duration to be about a minute we can always reduce or extend that later on but i think a minute is a good starting point and i'm gonna hit okay now comes the first and arguably the most important step of creating any gaming montage and that is picking the music now you'll notice zeshi uses a lot of mainstream music in his videos and you'll see i did the same for the intro of this video too now you must be thinking how did i do that without risking a copyright strike or losing monetization well that wasn't a problem thanks to this video sponsor licht licht is an amazing service with an extensive catalogue of over 1 million chart songs for you to choose from for use in your videos that edits completely copyright claim free click the link at the top of the description and start browsing their playlist to find the perfect song for your edit lick makes it super easy to find exactly what you're looking for with their list of categorized playlists to suit any video perhaps it's something like this [Music] [Music] every song you've heard or yet to hear in this video i got from licht not only do they offer mainstream chart topping music but also have a great stock music catalog including over 100 000 tracks with unlimited use across any social media platform all for just one subscription so don't get your videos claimed sign up to elect of my link for 14 days free stock music and 50 off your first mainstream chart track okay so now you've downloaded your song from licked you're gonna want to drag and drop it into your project so in my case that is no lie by sean paul and juliepa which is what i used in the intro of this video and now it's in your project bin or wherever audio clips are stored in your editing software you're going to drag and drop it onto your timeline now what we're going to do is add markers to our song layer so that we know where the beats are so we can sync our clips to it so in after effects i'm going to double tap l whilst having the song selected and that's going to bring up the waveform you should be able to access some form of waveform in any editing software if it's not already there by default and now what i'm going to do is listen through to it and decide which portion of it i actually want to use in my edit [Music] okay so i've decided i want to use this kind of area so i'm just going to cut my clip about here so in after effects a shortcut for that is ctrl shift d in premiere pro you press the c key to bring up the razor tool and then you cut your layer with the mouse hopefully you should already know how to cut a layer in your editing software of choice and i'm going to delete this portion of the clip that i don't want and snap my song layer to the start of my composition so now if i zoom in i'll decide where i want the clip to end so i've decided i want it to end here so much the same i'm going to control shift d and delete that and now what i'm going to do with the help of markers is mark where each of the beats are so in the waveform you can see where these peaks are and a lot of the time where these peaks are is where the beats are going to be but depending on your song you will need to listen through to it and decide for yourself which portions you want to sync to to add a marker in after effects you press the asterisk key on your numpad just like this and you'll see we'll add this little marker here if you don't want to add them to your song layer if you don't think you'll be moving it around then you can press the key without having the layer selected and it will add a marker to the entire composition that way if you have lots of layers you can scroll up and down and they'll still be visible at the top however if you do think you're prone to moving the song layer around then you should definitely apply the markers to the song layer otherwise the markers of the song will be out of sync so now all i'm going to do is listen through to the song and i'm going to tap the marker key in time with each of the beats [Music] and i think for me that's probably about enough this song is pretty simple it has a really simple pattern certain songs may be a bit more difficult as long as you get it roughly accurate it should be good enough again you can always use the waveforms down here to help you decide where the beat should be a trick you can do is add a bass and treble adjustment again this is another pretty universal effect and all you want to do is drag the treble down as far as it will go and increase the bass as high as it will go and now you'll have a really bass boosted version of whichever song you're using and although it will sound terrible it should hopefully make the beats a bit more prominent so it's easier to mark too so i'll show you what this sounds like and you'll see my markers are pretty much always on the beat and now we're done with our song so the next step is to import the clips you're going to be using so i'm going to just import one at a time i'm going to start by importing this operator clip so i'm just going to drag and drop that into my project and onto my timeline and i'm just going to scroll through and find the portion of the clip that i want to use so this was the last clip in the edit you saw at the beginning of this video around here you can see i got the kill here i'm just gonna go back so that i have a good portion of the clip to work with beforehand and i'm gonna cut the layer there get the kill there and i'll leave sort of up to about there and cut the end of that off now we're gonna want to do is go through your clip and find exactly the moment you get the kill so if you're using a scoped weapon the point you're going to want to mark is this the frame you come out of the scope so in my case that's here if you're using a rifle or something like that time it to the point that the kill appears in the kill feed so i come out of the scope on this frame i'm going to add a marker to my clip so i can align that with one of the markers in my song so i'm going to use the first marker on my song and i'm going to drag across my clip so that the marker lines up with that and that way on the first beat of the song i get the first kill now what you're going to want to do and what z shoe does a lot is slow down the part of the clip after the kill so you'll notice that a lot of his videos he'll get a kill and it will go to super slow motion whether that's when he's pulling out a knife or cocking back the shotgun or reloading or anything like that now where you slow down the clip is going to be quite clip specific a lot of the time you can just cut it exactly where the kill is and then just slow this second portion but because i have this motion where i sort of spin to the right i'm gonna time it with when the knife pull out happens so i'm gonna cut it about here and then this second portion of the clip i'm gonna slow so in after effects select your clip right click select time and then time stretch and you'll see the stretch factor here 100 is its original speed 50 would be double speed so twice as quick 200 would be half speed so we're going to go for about 300 on that so i'm going to preview what that looks like and this is what it looks like you'll see it is slightly choppy because we've slowed it down so our 60fps clip is obviously dropping frames what we can do to fix that is if we come over here on the left side and double click this box here you'll see this is the frame blending setting so we've just set it to pixel motion frame blending and what that's going to essentially do is create new frames where previous ones were lost i did make a video recently about how to make super smooth videos and using an ai that turns your 60fps clips into 240fps clips that way we can slow them down without dropping any frames we don't need to use any frame blending i'll leave a link to that as the card on the top right corner as well as in the description as well as this is a very simple way of syncing and slowing down clips i have two other videos one for after effects and one for premiere pro which both go into a lot more detail about time remapping and syncing again i'll leave links to them down in the description as well so feel free to go check them out if you want more information about this and how to make it look as smooth as possible but now that we've done that this is essentially what the clip looks like and you can see it slows down when you when you bring the knife out just like it would in zushi's video now what we're going to do is add some kill effect so we can add a blur a glow you can add a shake if you want to i'm just going to keep it pretty basic in this video but i do have a ton of other videos with effects and things that you can apply as well so feel free to go check out any of those to do this i'm going to right click over in my timeline new adjustment layer and drag my song layer to the top i like to have the markers visible at the top at all times again most software will have some form of adjustment layer it might not be called the same thing but essentially all an adjustment layer is is an invisible layer you can see if we hide it nothing happens it's just a layer that we can apply effects to and the effects we apply to that layer will apply to every layer beneath it just like an adjustment layer in photoshop for example if whatever reason your software doesn't have this then you can just apply the effects to the clip directly you'll get the same result this is just better if you want to copy and paste the same adjustment layer and use it multiple times that way you can save some time so i'm just going to shrink down my adjustment layer to just cover above where my clip is because we really don't need it to span over the entire montage and now i'm going to zoom in make sure that i'm exactly on the frame where we get the kill that also lines up with the song and i'm going to come over to effects and presets and i'm going to add a brightness and contrast adjustment drag and drop that onto my adjustment layer i'm going to go back one frame before we get the kill keyframe the brightness by clicking the stopwatch up here go forward one frame and i'm going to increase the brightness to 100. if you double tap u when the adjustment layer selected you'll be able to see the keyframes in the timeline so we go from a value of zero on the brightness to 100 and i'm just going to drag a bit further into the clip so about here maybe and i'm going to keyframe our brightness back to zero that way you'll see it will fade out over time after we get the kill now i'm going to also add a lens blur so you can see blur and sharpen camera lens blur drag and drop that on as well go back one frame just like we did with the brightness set the blur radius to zero and keyframe that go forward one frame and we're just going to drag up our blur radius to something like this 16 is good again select your adjustment layer you can double tap u to bring up all the keyframes and i'm going to go to where our brightness adjustment ended and i'm going to keyframe our blur radius to zero as well so that way now if i play our clip you'll see on the first beat of the song we'll get the kill and there'll be a flash and a blur just like in z shoes videos and there you go that is like the super watered down basics to making a zishu style montage slow motion with a blur and a brightness adjustment you can add it again you can add some shake if you want to i have plenty of other tutorials about different effects that you can add just make sure that you switch it up slightly even if you tur even if for example you know you don't use a brightness adjustment and use exposure instead or something like that just to add a little bit of varieties that you're not using the same effects over and over again whereas you could use glow instead for example add some glow like this maybe it really depends on your personal preferences you just keyframe it exactly the same as we did with the brightness and contrast if you need any more ideas for any effects to add to your montages i'll put on screen six videos that i made using my top 15 effects to add to your montages in both adobe after effects and premiere pro those videos will be linked down in the description so feel free to go check them out and yeah essentially to start with that's all you're going to want to do mark your songwriter on the beats mark your clips on the kills match them up add some effects on the kills and then rinse and repeat for every beat of the song now you don't necessarily want to have a kill on every beat of the song you could have a transition on a beat instead or some other movement or you could skip every every few beats depending on the kind of song that you're using but essentially that's the gist of it if you need any montage transitions i'll also leave links to a couple free packs that i've made in the description as well now i'm going to show you how to create three of z she's most common effects used in his videos so for the first one i'm going to drag and drop a different clip into my composition and you'll see this is a clip that i've used you'll recognize it from the intro of the video and now we're going to want to do again just like with the previous one find where you get the kill so when i come out the scope i'm going to cut the clip here right click time time stretch and i'm going to do this one by 250 as well as add the pixel away from frame blending so that it's smooth and i'm going to add a new adjustment layer above my clip like i did with the previous one and i'm going to trim it down to start when i get the kill now you can use this instead of the brightness and blur adjustments that we used before or you could use it with it it's really up to you because i've already shown you how to do that i'm just going to show you how to create this effect on its own but of course feel free to layer them and the first effect that we're going to want to add to our adjustment layer is called find edges you'll see over here i'm going to drag and drop that onto the adjustment layer and it's going to do something like this now in the effect controls i'm going to invert it so that now our clip looks like this now as issues videos he doesn't tend to have random colors like this his lines would all be one color so to do that we're gonna use the effect tritone you'll see here under color correction try tone drag and drop that on the adjustment layer as well and you'll see it's basically just made it all one color now what you can do is come up to the tritone effect and basically pick which color you want you want your effect to be so i'm gonna go with like a bright blue like this and then you're gonna want to come up to the highlights as well and pick a lighter shade or whichever color you used so i'm gonna go with a light blue like that might actually make the the mid tone slightly lighter as well something sort of like that and now finally you're gonna want to add the glow effect as well so under stylize you should see glow drag and drop that onto your adjustment layer as well and the settings i'm going to use is a glow threshold of 30 and a glow radius of 50. and you can see what that looks like again feel free to mess around with any of these settings to create an effect that you're happy with and now much like with the brightness and below adjustments we can keyframe these to dissipate over time so i'm going to skip forward a little bit and i'm going to keyframe blend with original under find edges blend with original under tritone and i'm also going to keyframe the glow intensity double tap u on your keyboard with the adjustment layer selected again you can see the keyframes and i go forward in time to about here and i'm going to increase blend with original on the fine edges to a hundred then with the original on the tritone to 100 and i'm going to decrease the glow intensity to zero and now you'll see over time the effect disappears just like this in the intro video i just use a transition between this clip and the next clip rather than having it decrease like this but i just thought i'd show you how to do it anyway in case you wanted to now for the next common effect that's used in zushi's videos i'm going to show you how to mask or rotoscope out elements of the video and manipulate them individually now predominantly z uses these for transitions but really you can do whatever you want with them so in this case i'm also going to do it as a transition so i've got this clip below which is the one that you're seeing currently so if i hide it you see that's the clip that's underneath and i have this other clip above uh where the sofa is so in this case i want to cut out the sofa so that i can animate it coming in from the left right up down scale it in that sort of thing i have another video where i show you how to do a first person transition effect where i cut out sage's hands during her old animation and have them appear on top of another clip before it fades into the second clip i'll put an example of what that looks like on screen if you want to check out that video card in the top right corner or down in the description you can go learn how to do that but for this video i'm just going to use masking just to keep it simple so i'm going to duplicate our layer here by pressing ctrl d and i'm going to right click time freeze frame and you see now this entire clip here is just this single frame so i'm going to go one frame ahead and cut the clip there and discard the rest of it so you'll see we have this freeze up until i want to transition to the scope so on the final frame of this clip right here i'm going to select it zoom in in the viewport and i'm going to come up to the pen tool in the toolbar up here alternatively you can press g and essentially i'm just gonna start cutting around this character i'm gonna do it pretty roughly but for your montage you may wanna be a bit more careful with it you can pan the screen around by holding down the middle mouse button and dragging your mouse as well as scrolling in and out to zoom again most software will have this feature it's just basically creating a mask and there we go we have silver masked out now you won't notice much of a difference initially because the clip underneath is identical so if i hide the clip underneath you'll see we now have this silver layer that we can drag around and do pretty much whatever we want with and that is frozen in time just like that so we put it back to the original position and unhide the layer beneath i'm just gonna go back and discard the beginning of the clip beneath so that the sofa transitions perfectly into the second clip just like this you see it lines up perfectly now what you can do with this is select the masked out clip press p on your keyboard to set a position keyframe just click the stopwatch over here and this keyframe guarantees that on the last frame before the transition silva will be in the correct position so regardless of whether we move him over here by the time we get to the point in time where the transition is he'll be in the right place now what you can do with this is animate it doing pretty much whatever you want so if you want to scale it for example or in my case i think i'll just have it appear off the left side of the screen and i'm just going to select the mask layer and i'm just going to click and drag this over off this corner like this and now you'll see when you do this you'll get this sort of line showing you where the animation happens so you can see here and it transitions pretty much perfectly you can manipulate these handles you'll see these big circles at the beginning and end of of the line to create any sort of shape you want so in my case i'm just going to make this sort of arc and you'll see silver will follow this arc and jump straight into our next clip just like that so if i play that full speed this is what it looks like it just flies into the frame now you can control how this motion happens pressing f9 then select both the keyframes right click on position and hit separate dimensions select the keyframes on the axis that you want to manipulate go into the graph editor and make sure you are in value graph not speed graph go into value graph and then you can manipulate this graph to make the transition faster or slower as well as mess with the path that it takes and now for the final common effect you'll see in sushi montages i'm going to show you a scope effect that you can use in your montages now to create this effect right click on your timeline make a new solid you're going to want to make this a black solid i'm just going to call it black make sure that the width and height is enough to cover your frame in my case it is so i'm just going to hit ok and you'll see we have this black solid above our clip now i'm going to do is hide that layer so that we can actually see the clip below and i'm going to go to the point where we are scoped in now with the black solid selected it should be invisible but with it selected come up to the top select the ellipse tool if you can't see it if it's on rectangle click and hold go to ellipse with the ellipse tool selected hold shift to scale it evenly and we're going to want to try and cover the scope as best we can once we've got the mask there we can press ctrl t and that will let us move it around and scale it if need be so i'm going to just scale it down slightly when you're scaling make sure to click and then hold shift so that we scale otherwise you'll end up with weird shapes like this and i'm going to position this just perfectly something like that so that it lines up with our scope and now when we enable the black layer again it should look something like this we select our solid and press m on the keyboard it will bring up the mask properties we can click invert alternatively what i would do is change the mask to subtract and now we can see we've got this black circle around where our scope is now i'm going to go to the point just before we shoot which is right here i'm going to mark it on eclipse i know where that is by pressing the asterisk key on our numpad and i'm going to keyframe the mask expansion on the solid layer now i'm going to go back to where i want the animation to start so it's going to be when we scope in just like this and i'm going to increase the mask expansion until it disappears from our viewport and now you'll see if i drag through we have this nice animation of the scope coming in and then we can just cut the rest of the layer off afterwards so that it's no longer seen and essentially that is a quick and dirty scope effect which you will see quite a lot in zika's videos with slight variations here or there if you want more details about different scope effects you can do then check out the video in the top right corner right now where i go over three easy scope effects for your montages including something very similar to this one and yeah that's pretty much it for my video on how to edit like zishu now you've got your montage made you're probably gonna need a thumbnail so check out the video on the end card where i show you how to make thumbnails like valerent montage youtubers like zhu and cj as well as check out licked of my link in the description using that link you'll be able to get 14 days free stock music as well as 50 off your first mainstream chart track license if you did enjoy this video or found it helpful please slap a like on it as well as subscribe leave a comment with any other videos you'd like to see on the channel follow me on all my other social media thank you for watching and i'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Rocklan
Views: 270,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zishu, zishu montage, zishu valorant, zishu valorant montage, no lie zishu valorant montage, zishu best valorant montage, valorant montage, valorant montage edit, montage valorant, valorant, how to edit valorant montage, valorant edit, best valorant montage, how to make valorant montage, valorant montage tutorial, valorant montages, montage, how to make a valorant montage, valorant sync, zishu editing tutorial, edit like zishu, zishu editor, valorant editing tutorial, tutorial
Id: IXYO9zhVmwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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