How To Remove Green Screen, Keep Green Foreground in DaVinci Resolve

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This is a VERY underrated channel. You more than earned my like and subscribe with this one. Great video, very professional, and to the point. Keep doing these -- they are fantastic.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GamingTrend 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] every single time i shoot something on a green screen i have a big problem and that's this i'm going to show you how i'm able to key this out while keeping my logo intact [Music] this lesson is brought to you by if you love to learn and love to tinker is the site for you single board computers maker tech and home automation all from their american support center shop with a company that we know and trust visit today i was perusing our slash davinci resolve today and stumbled upon a question from youtuber plus extra so i checked out his channel and turns out he's brand new on youtube and i'm all about helping new youtubers new content creators whenever they have trouble that's exactly what the show show is all about i don't pretend to be the go-to source for all things video editing but i know some things i've learned some things and as i learn things i love to share it and so i'd like to help this youtuber today so i'm going to show you real quick what's what he's encountering you see his microphone how it has the ey that's actually part of the screen behind him because as his microphone pulses in and out of colors these are rgb lights it hits green and suddenly because he's on a green screen it keys out and you can see the text behind the microphone so you the microphone basically goes invisible then it goes back to other colors that are not green and then it's going to go invisible again but the problem that he's encountering most of all is when he wears something like this shirt for example that falls toward the green spectrum and then he's got green in his hat that's a problem we're going to address all of these issues i'll show you really really quickly what plus extra is encountering i'm going to bring up my qualifier switch to 3d as i've shown here on the show show in the past and let's just remove that background really quick and dirty and there we go and so now you can see that we've got a little bit of a bleed on the edge so what am i going to do i'm going to de-spill right watch his shirt in particular ready go now we've pulled all the green we've got rid of the dec uh the spill but his shirt is now it's not the right color that logo all right watch his hat this is important that's his logo d spill and it pulls the green from the hat that's a big problem so i'm going to help him fix this issue today i'm hoping that this will help you as well but let's uh let's be really thorough here let's first of all talk about this microphone that to me looks like the quadcast s from hyper x so i did a little hunting and i wanted to know can you actually control see how we're going translucent again because he's green on the green screen can you can control the actual colors of the rgb lights and sure enough i'm going to post a link in the description below hyperx includes uh software that you can download ingenuity which is a better software available for windows only but the hyperx ingenuity is a powerful and intuitive software that will allow you to personalize your compatible hyperx products set button bindings blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah control all you want set up lighting and effects it allows you to control the rgb colorings of your hyperx quadcast s so install that this is what i want to tell you pop that onto your windows computer and set your microphone so it never touches green in the spectrum and i want to see how that affects your next videos now let's jump over to this now this of course is done with the permission of plus extra so he sent me this behind the scenes clip to show me um you know how he's shooting and see what we can do to fix this for him so first of all you've got a great chroma key here buddy this looks really really good i love it you've got good lighting you're not casting a lot of shadows it's probably better than my own chroma key here at the studio so that's a very good you're going to get a good key there so let's fix it first thing i want to do is grab this video track this is kind of interesting this is we're going to have a little bit of fun here and i'm going to show you how i do this and again i don't pretend to be like i'm not going into fusion because i i'm not there yet i'm not that advanced i'm basic but i i think with that because i'm willing to show you how i would do it i think you're going to find that this is a really really easy way to correct this so i've actually duplicated this why because i'm going to pull the green from one and then i'm going to use masks from the other i'm going to show you how i do that so i've i've turned off this video track so i'm only looking at the bottom video track i've highlighted it and they are both perfectly aligned i'm going to go into my color correction and i'm going to use 3d qualifier i've got a video that previously has shown how to use this but i'm going to pull the green from the green screen here and we're going to do a nicer job so i'm going to change that and i don't need to explain this because i already have follow the links and you'll be able to see this okay so we've got some splash down here from shadows we've got some down here from shadows that's great so we're getting a good key um boom and then i'm gonna d spill and now his green is gone from the stuff that we want the green in now next up i'm going to go into our what is this called they call it window and i'm going to grab a square window and i'm going to put this up at the top left of your green screen because it's kind of on an angle see that and i'm going to go like that and then i'm going to grab the right hand side whoa don't want the red one ah there we go bring that right to the edge and bring this down all right and right there so basically i'm just cropping out that background where you were kind of bleeding over the edge and so now we've got a pretty darn decent key i want to confirm that so i'm actually going to move these up one i'm going to add a solid color underneath just with my generators and i'm going to change that to white and go up there and now turn that one on because i move these up right so i got to fix that so you can still see a little bit of spill down here and over here so i'm going to fix that not spill but shadows so i'm just going to use my clean black to fix that so right highlight there go into my qualifier and bring up my clean black see how that removed those now we've got a perfect key but we've lost the logo color and we've lost the shirt color and the microphone color happens that the microphone's in front of you in front of the shirt that we're about to fix so that works out in my favor so now i'm going to remove that white background whoop i want to use my backspace not my delete key and then i'm going to turn back on this layer so now we've got a layer that has all the correct colors and a layer that just has you with out the background okay so now i'm going to turn this one back on and i'm going to highlight it and then go into my color and now this is again we're learning the magic of davinci resolve i'm going to start with your shirt this is going to be kind of fun so i'm going to bring up my window i'm going to create a circle and i'm going to put this circle down in such a way that it's going to kind of cover all of your shirt logo without going outside because we don't want it to ever touch the green and then it's got a feathered edge see this this is the feather so how big do you want that feather we don't want it huge but we want it to be really really clean so you see over here what's happened is that this is only the shirt so now if i go back to well first of all if i i don't even need to go back anywhere i'll just add alpha output and then add it now notice i've removed the key because i've got that like that but i've fixed the color of the shirt see that it's too damn easy but if you move which you're not doing any moving so i could just i'm happy with that but if you did move you're going to step outside of that and we're going to have a problem so we're going to use motion tracking in order to fix that if you were moving more than you are then i would use tracker with this circle highlighted and just rewind to the very beginning of the video press play and see what it's doing it's doing this magical 3d tracking of uh of your shirt um and i i say 3d actually what i've done is i've selected and i did this previously i should have fixed this and and mentioned it but typically out of the box you're going to have pan tilt zoom rotate and 3d enabled we've been through this before on the show show but because you're you're not moving forward and backwards i've turned off zoom and we want to turn off rotate and 3d because you're not a drone flying through through space you're just sitting there uh in front of your camera so so that that has now tracked the shirt right so that's going to follow as the shirt moves we're going to need that for the hat for sure the one concern that i have with this hat is that anytime you look up let's see if we can find a spot there you go see that it kind of disappears so we have a potential to accidentally reveal the green from the green screen right there so that's going to be a risk that we're going to take but i think i have a way we can minimize that so leaving this with pan tilt and none of the others i'm going to go back to to our window and i'm going to click this button up here to add a second circle now see what it does isn't that cool it's revealing whatever but to see what it did to the hat it's revealing the uh the green behind now i'm gonna make this super small i'm gonna bring in the feathered edge and then place this over the logo but you'll notice if i put it over the entire logo oh you're gonna love this see it's revealing the green behind okay that's dangerous what i love and what i think you're going to be thankful for is when you have this logo designed or when you design this logo the green is at the bottom so we can actually take this and bring it in and we don't need to have it over top of the blue we're just going to put it over the green like that bring in the feather and we're just going to put we're going to get that green i don't need any of that blue i'll just do that [Music] and bring this down bring this up see that wonderful right so it looks good in a still frame but we know that your head is going to be moving all over the place so if i start skimming watch what happens so skim here oh he's outside oh he's inside oh he's outside that's where davinci resolve tracking comes in so now that i've got that positioned at the right spot i've rewound the video all the way to the beginning and positioned it i'm going to go into my tracker and i'm going to track it follows it so now jumping back to my video and skim what do you see the green stays but the background is gone so i think that is how i would approach this it's super simple this is how i'm able to quickly correct the fact that the logo on my shirt is green but there we go so now i'm going to jump back over to your video and oh we've got some green spill under your arm that might be from the circle i might have this out too wide so i can change that like this and just kind of move it over we don't want to get too close in because we don't want to damage the edges but let's see if that fixed it yeah that's pretty clean that's pretty clean that looks great i mean you put that in the corner of your gaming video it's gonna be fantastic okay so now i'm gonna scrub the timeline and look at the hat and look at the shirt oh we stepped outside see how we did see when you looked up be mindful of that as you shoot that's one of the things as you shoot video is you kind of learn what you can and can't do that's going to be something that you can correct if you want to kind of manipulate that spot you can do that i can show you how let's jump back to where it happens there we go but you don't need to be too overly anal about it i mean you're probably not even going to notice it it happens so quickly in playback but right here i can actually just i can just ah if i back up a little bit and set a keyframe and then move forward and bring it down just a little bit manually now set a keyframe and then move forward does that work see if i can bring this down set another keyframe and then skim i don't think it got my first keyframe for some reason so i'm going to move that back up again maybe i didn't click hard enough there we go all right so now at that point where it was going outside ah still getting it i need to bring that down and right there i don't know that yeah see it won't let me put it because it's so oh i didn't mean to do that uh it's so close to this other keyframe so you know you're going to have to decide if it's really worth being that anal about it um the keyframes can't be that close together it seems so but i mean we're getting a really good key and that's a very very minor look at that it's so minor if i push play that's what it looks like so you occasionally get that little blip of green screen because of when you look up we're hitting it but otherwise i mean that's perfect there you go so that is for plus extra but i think you may use this in your production as well it looks great that's a perfect key if you appreciate this tutorial or any of the other ones here on the show show i would be so grateful if you would please subscribe to this channel i want to create the show show in such a way that i'm helping other youtubers content creators to learn what i know about content creation and video editing but in order to do that it costs money now a subscribe click costs you nothing but remember this is a brand new channel on youtube and until i get to 1 000 subscribers youtube won't let me monetize the channel please help me to create this free content by simply subscribing thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: The Show Show
Views: 2,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green screen, davinci resolve green screen, davinci resolve tutorial, green screen with green on clothes, green screen troubleshooting, motion tracking green screen, davinci resolve motion tracking green screen, fix foreground green screen, davinci resolve chroma key, davinci resolve green foreground, davinci resolve, problems with green screen, how to fix green screen, how to fix chroma key, how to key green screen, advanced green screen, hyperx quadcast s, HyperX NGENUITY
Id: gHRvkIDGllw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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