How to REMOVE Dip Powder Nails | Fast & Easy

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this video is for anyone out there who wants to know how to remove these the easy way I guess yeah the easy way okay hey guys welcome back to my channel I know it's not Monday so it's technically not monthly mani Monday but I wanted to introduce more nail videos on my channel than just one a month but I still want to do them more on Mondays but anyway it's Thursday and that's a nail video it's fine in this video I wanted to show you guys how to remove your nail tip powder from your nails and I say it's the easy way because none of its really easy like no matter how you get your nails off it's not gonna be super easy but this is the easiest way that I have learned how to remove my nails and it's the fastest way that I know so the first thing that you want to do is make sure that you have 100% acetone this is the stuff that I use it's ony ex-owner onyx I don't know how you say it but I use the blue kind there's also a clear kind that you can use I prefer the blue kind because it smells a little bit like coconut which is kind of nice it has a little bit of coconut oil in it so it's not as bad for your hands but I mean it's still bad for your skin it's 100% pass to it let's be real honest but yeah but that's the kind of nail polish remover that I use and that is the best nail polish remover that I've found there's my hubby getting ready for work we did by the way yeah my kids are actually in bed Malachi woke up really early but then now he's back sleeping and Aria is still asleep so this is like amazing and I decided that I was gonna record this but that's neither here nor there anyway back to nails you want to get a bucket or a Tupperware container of hot water as hot as you can stand to the touch you want to also get a gallon baggy is best but I don't have that right now so I'm gonna have two different quart size bags one for each hand but if you have a gallon maggot you can just put two hands in that bag and then you want to make sure that you have a paper towel folded up in the bottom of this baggie or some people use those bungees like the scrubby's for kitchen sponges but I use that once and I got like little sponge bits on my fingers and not fan so I prefer the paper towel route but anyway so you want to make sure that you have the paper towel folded up in the bottom of your baggie and then after you have that in there you want to take your 100% acetone and pour that into your baggie until the paper towel is soaked and you have a little bit extra acetone just sitting in the bottom of your baggie because you don't want to have too much acetone you also want to make sure that you have enough - oh yeah I also forgot to mention before you do this water and baggie situation you want to make sure that you file the first clear layer off of your fingernails so that gel coat if you used a gel coat if not you can still file your nails a little bit it'll just help the process go a little bit quicker so you want to make sure that you file your nails a little bit over the top over the surface of them before you do this so yeah anyway then you make sure that you have your baggies all together and your water is still hot and then you take your baggie and you put it in the hot water while making sure that you're not getting any water on the inside of the baggie so you want to make sure that your water is not too full like the top of our container you're using isn't too full so when you put your hands in the baggies in the water it doesn't like overflow up the sides of the container and get into your bag I've done that before and when the water mixes with the acetone it does not work very well at all so you just want to make sure that you have just enough hot water in your Tupperware container to have your hands sit in it without going up the sides and then into the baggie itself so now you have your hands inside the baggies inside the whole hot water container now what do you do you just sit there and you wait and you do this with your fingers so pretend this is the paper towel on the inside of your baggie you want to take your fingernails you just want to rub them back and forth like this on that paper towel and like just try to move them every direction and don't forget about your thumb and your pinky finger and your ring finger because those ones are the hardest ones to get off especially if they have glitter on them those are really hard but you just want to make sure that you're constantly rubbing your fingernails because that will help the process go quicker if you're just sitting there it'll work but it'll take a long time and I don't like my fingernails fitting in that stuff for a really long time also we remember to take off your rings with or you do this because the acetone kind of creeps up your hands cuz you're just sitting in a baggie so you don't really know where the acetone is hitting on your hands so you just want to make sure that you take your rings off and any other jewelry that you don't want to be sitting in acetone once your fingernails are in there for about two to three minutes you can like pick them up and like check on them to see where they're at in the process sometimes some of them are looking pretty good and you'll also get a sense of like which nails you need to rub a little bit harder to get more stuff off peek at it a little bit and then put it right back in the acetone you don't want to keep moving it in and out of the acetone because then it's going to defeat the purpose of try to go fast in total it'll probably take around five to 10 minutes depending on how many layers of dip you used what kind of dip you used if it was a really chunky glitter or if it was just a solid color so you'll see on mine that it's a little bit harder to get the glitter off itself and so whenever I get to the point where I'm like ok I think I'm done with this process sometimes I'll wait until they're all completely off of my nails but I'm not a very patient person so if I see a little bit of dip powder still on my nails but most of its off I'll take my nails out and I'll use my little metal scraping thing I have no idea what the technical term for this thing is but I'll have it linked below along with all of the other tools and everything I use on a weekly basis to do my own nails but I use this little metal scraper thing to scrape off as much extra gunk I guess you'd say because at this point is not really nailed it powder it's more like a gunky gummy consistency until it starts to air dry then it'll get hard again so you want to use this scraper thing as fast as you can to get all the gunk off before that gunk re hardens so I try to use this metal scraper thing on all of my nails on all of my fingers before I go in with my nail file to like touch-up or sometimes I even go in with my nail file my um a drill a drill electronic drill efile that's it sometimes I go in with my e-file because that's faster and I do ceramic tips very important to use those instead of the other ones that like burn your fingers those are also linked below and I make sure I get all of that nail with dip powder off and I'll use my fingers so I'll just try that like pick at it and see what needs to come off still after it hardens I can picks on that off because I'm I'm a picker and I like to do that too if picking doesn't get it all off and if the metal scraper doesn't get it all off then I'll use my efile and I'll use that to get the rest of it off with my ceramic fist and then once I'm done that then I go right into doing my nail process and you guys know all about that I'll link the playlist for you below but yeah that is my process of removing my nail tip powders if you guys have any questions for me about any of this stuff leave them in the comments below thank you guys for watching this video I will see you guys very soon for another nail video my daughter is calling me she just woke up so I gotta go keep smiling keep finding the joy thanks buddy I want to math so yeah mmhmm yep yeah let me guess let me guys know yep that's good yeah file your nails [Music] tomorrow
Channel: Maggie Rose
Views: 18,138
Rating: 4.8959537 out of 5
Keywords: How to remove dip powder nails, how to remove dip powder nails at home, how to remove acrylic nails, how to remove acrylic nails at home, how to remove salon nails at home, how to remove salon nails, fast and easy way to remove nails, how to soak off nails, how to soak nails, removing dip powder nails, removing dip powder nails fast and easy, fast and easy way to remove dip powder nails
Id: Q7WAK1yqnDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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