COMMON MISTAKES | Dip Powder Nails | Beginner Basics Series

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[Music] hi guys welcome back so today's youtube video is going to be about common mistakes i've been there i made a lot of mistakes when i first started doing dip powder nails there's so many things that i did wrong and i want to show them to you guys and then show you how to fix them or prevent them so you make sure you don't do the same mistakes that i did when i first started dipping if you've been following along my beginner basic series some of those mistakes and corrections have already been talked about so flat nails how not to flood your cuticles making sure you get all the supplies before you even start those are going to be included in here but they're not going to be as in-depth as those videos so definitely check out the rest of the beginner basic series if you're interested in seeing other awesome techniques so i don't want to hold you guys up any longer so we're going to get right into the video [Music] buckle up now queens this is going to be a long and chatty video be sure to check the time codes below to skip to any tip that you want to see when i first started doing dip powder nails i didn't really understand all of the supplies that were required to do it because it's not just as simple as buying a starter kit from a company the company's starter kits don't come with every single item you need to do your nails you're going to need files you're going to need buffing blocks you're going to need rubbing alcohol you're going to need a cuticle pusher cuticle oils a duster brush everything that i have here are just some of the bare essentials that i have discovered over time that everyone needs for their beginner starter kit so if you guys want to watch a video on all of the supplies i highly recommend you purchase before you sit down and do your first dip powder manicure definitely click the link i have here in the cards and go watch that video because every single item here i think is essential [Music] did you know that not all dip liquids are created equal yes when i first started dipping i used the same dip liquids from a company for about a year before i branched out and then i realized that not all liquids are created equal and some are better than others so definitely read the reviews for the company you're looking at purchasing because some are thinner some are thicker some just smell awful some are better and i think if you're just starting out it's important to have liquids that don't glue shut and that are easy for beginners to use one mistake that i made when i first started dipping was flooding my cuticles what i mean is getting too much liquid on the cuticle area so depending on the liquid you're using some are runnier than others which can definitely cause flooding so i'm going to use a liquid that really isn't runny here today and i'm going to show you guys how i'm able to flood the cuticles so if you notice i started at my cuticle and i worked my way down but my brush is not touching my skin so i'm just applying a nice finish layer of liquid to my nails or what i think is thin and then i'm going to dip in my dip [Music] powder you will notice as i take my nail out of the dip powder and you really focus on the cuticle area where the skin meets the nail that there is wet liquid there that means my dip powder is touching my skin so this is not a good thing so i'm going to take this tool right here and i'm going to separate it from my skin to show you how much flooding actually occurred and i didn't goop on the dip liquid so it's not a thick layer it's just i started my brush at the wrong area of the nail i started it at the cuticle so starting at the cuticle can cause flooding so this is how i think you should fix it i did a video on this but i'm going to recap it here so i'm going to use my favorite dip liquid here which is triple d and i'm going to show you guys what is important first off it's important to make sure that you wipe the brush on the inside of the bottle neck so you get as much liquid off the brush as possible so when it's coming in contact with your nail it's not flooding it then i start my brush at the center of my nail not at the cuticle and i brush it down to the free edge covering the entire bottom half and then i fan my brush up towards the cuticle area making sure not to touch my skin so again i think it's really important to wipe off as much liquid off your brush into the bottle as possible and then also start the brush at the middle of the nail not the cuticle area using a cuticle stick around your cuticles will definitely help prevent flooding as well i am so guilty of making this mistake so many times when i first started out i've done thick layers of dip liquid on my nail and then when i go ahead and dip it in the dip powder my dip powder is still wet because there's so much liquid on my nail as for a second dip this is really what i want the bulkness to be on the third dip so for my second dip to already be like this i'm i'm putting on too much liquid on my nail to be honest and i keep having to dip back in the jar so that the liquid absorbs the powder so that there's no more shine on the nail but it's taking me a couple attempts to get the shine completely off of my nail so there's literally too much liquid on my nail and it already flooded my cuticle area and i had to wait a long time for this to dry before i could brush it off and then you can tell there's so much liquid that i'm able to dent my nail it's still soft it should really be drying a lot faster than this but because there's so much liquid i'm able to dent it and that's not a good thing in order to show you how to fix this i'm going to repeat something i did on the last step so it's to wipe off the brush on the inside of your bottleneck before you put the liquid on your nail and then start in the center of your nail and then wipe it down before you move up towards the cuticle area wiping the liquid on the inside of your bottleneck will make sure you take off the most excess amount of liquid off your brush you do not want too much liquid on your brush also some dip brands have thicker liquids than others so definitely read the reviews of the brand you're looking into to make sure that they don't have reviews of being too thick if you notice that your powder is still shiny and wet after that dip keep dipping it back in the jar until the shine is completely gone you want to make sure all the liquid is absorbed by the dip powder and if it's too thick don't worry you can file that away later but you do not want a wet dip powder [Music] if you are using a soft dusting brush to brush off your excess dip powder i highly recommend you switch to a stiffer brush there's several reasons why one it's so difficult to get off any excess dip powder in the nooks and crannies of your nails the second reason is because if you have too much powder on your nail and you apply your basebond liquid on your nail again that basebond liquid goes back into the bottle so you're putting powder into your bottle not directly but through leaving too much powder on your nail so i recommend taking a denser dusting brush i use toothbrushes from the dollar tree but you can actually get manicure brushes from the dollar tree or other nail stores as well so don't worry you don't have to use a toothbrush i just personally like it so you can see all the excess powder is gone using a brand new file can really hurt you if you don't prime your files so if your file is too abrasive or it's just too new it can hurt your side walls your cuticle area wherever you're filing that comes in contact with your skin for me oftentimes that is my cuticle area and my side walls so what i'm going to teach you guys is how i prime my files my brand new ones so i grab a new file or a used file and i file the edges of the new file so right where the edge would meet my skin right here i file that so that it softens the edges so when those edges come in contact with my skin it's not tearing up my skin so this is very important if you're using new files around your cuticle area make sure you prime them so they're not damaging your skin [Music] have you ever applied your activator and you were impatient and filed shaped or buffed a little too quickly i have and it literally filed away chunks of my nails if you don't give your activator enough time to do the chemical reaction that it needs to do with your dip base and your dip powder then your dip powder is still going to be soft and you're going to file away chunks of the manicure you just work so hard to do so make sure you give it enough time before you start buffing after you've given it enough time i want to tell you buff your heart out so if your nail is completely rock solid the activator has done its job then it's time for you to start buffing often times when we're doing our nails it becomes lumpy or bumpy or the shape isn't there and you've basically lost hope like there's no salvaging this yes there is buff your heart out what i mean is take your buffing block and just keep on buffing do note that some colors will lose pigment if you buff too much so i recommend capping in clear dip powder if you've noticed that a pigmented color is starting to turn white after buffing a little too much but i really do think you need to buff your heart out just keep buffing and buffing and buffing to get all those lumps out so i've buffed on one side of my nail right here on the left and the right side is still lumpy so you can see the difference between a smooth buffed nail and one that hasn't been buffed at all keep buffing i promise it will look amazing when you're done takes me about a minute per nail to buff it completely smooth it really depends if i have really lumpy nails that day because i applied too much basebond and too much liquid but if i'm having a good day it's usually about a minute a nail so i've completely buffed this nail nice and smooth and this is what it looks like when it's completely finished so this is a two in one so one i recommend that you encapsulate all of your glitters in clear dip powder because it's going to make sure you don't buff away and tarnish the glitter and they're as shiny and beautiful as possible but also i recommend if you have clear dip powder and white dip powder that you double check which color you're picking up when you go to encapsulate so i've opened two jars right now can you tell me which one is the white and which one is the clear to the naked eye white and clear in a jar look almost identical and it's hard to tell it apart unless you know the difference in name revel nail sells a clear called vivian and they sell a white called veronica while i don't have veronica i do have their color illuminate which is a white glow so i'm going to flip these jars over and show you which is the white and which is the clear the white is on the left and the clear is on the right but their white is also called veronica i have two colors that look almost the same in the jar start with a v and for my final mistake that i'm so guilty of doing is hardening my dip powder top coat every company has different instructions on how to apply their dip powder top coat so definitely read their instructions before following it i use triple d liquids and her suggestions is to apply your activator layer let it sit for two minutes and then to wipe off the activator layer with rubbing alcohol and let that dry then you can apply your dip powder top coat it is so important to follow the instructions because if you don't you can harden your powder brush and ruin your liquid so what i've done here is i didn't follow the instructions i waited about 15 seconds after applying my activator and i applied my dip powder top coat and the chemical reaction between the dip powder top coat and the activator cause the top coat to harden that also causes your brush to harden so i'm gonna show you guys my brush after i do this second layer of top coat and show you how it's starting to stiffen up so the brush does not fan out as well as it did when i first used it it is starting to stiffen up luckily i don't have too much activator on the brush but you can see here that it's not fanning out so it's very very important that you follow the powder instructions of that brand to a t another tip that i have when you're applying your dip powder top coat is to have either a lint-free wipe or a paper towel handy i think that wiping your brush off between each layer of dip powder top coat is so important to prevent activator from getting inside of your bottle if activator gets inside your bottle then your dipped liquid your top coat liquid starts to thicken and it becomes unusable over time so this part is really just handy for any brand that you're using it doesn't matter what brand to prevent contamination of the activator getting inside of your top coat bottle welcome back thank you guys so much for watching that video i hope it was helpful if there's something that you feel like i missed please let me know in the comments below because i'm sure that list of common mistakes goes on and on and on but i wanted to talk about the ones that i found to be most common in the tip powder community and just to tell those to you guys and really hit the nail on the head on those so if you found this helpful be sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe because i have another video coming bye [Music] you
Channel: Carole Annette
Views: 44,256
Rating: 4.9140987 out of 5
Keywords: dip powder, revel nail, dip powder tutorial, kiara sky, sns, peppi gel, dnd nails, glam and glits, sparkle and co, gelish, madam glam, Maniology, Moyou london, dip with me, dip powder nails, dip nails, nail tutorial, dip powder nails at home, nail art design, stamping nail art, nail art, nail polish, diy nails, acrylic nails
Id: 3fCSfeN-JE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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