Remove Gel Polish from Natural Nails with Water! No Acetone EZ Peel Off Gel Polish

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hi I'm Susie I get a lot of great questions and how you can remove your gel polish without damaging the natural nail this video is for the natural nail wearer how would you like to remove your beautiful gel manicure without using any acetone you can simply peel it off let me walk you through it let's get started [Music] I am a nail technician I do nails day in and day out so I don't have many friends or clients that have natural nails but my daughter does have natural nails and they are absolutely beautiful and they're long and I would just love to get some acrylic on them hello Kylie hello welcome to my set for the very first time she's ever been in one of my yeah the first time I've been this chair I've walked through this room many times but I used to live in this room actually it used to be her room Coco and Claire is a product I've had on my table many times I really like their gel polish actually Coco and Claire's sponsoring this video and they're actually here hi guys hi hi Cheryl and Debbie are the creators of Coco and Claire can I say how you got got the name because it's pretty adorable sure that's okay it's their first names of their children they're girls which i think is really cute Coco and Claire it was just drawn to the name I thought it was adorable [Music] so the first thing you want to do is you want to give a manicure and now her nails are actually in really good shape you don't really have any problems on them at all I'm going to use this beautiful rose gold manicure tool and I'm just gonna gently push back the cuticle and the reason why we do this is because we want a natural nail plate to be completely clean so the product can hang on there if you don't remove it it's kind of bumpy and lumpy and it's not even and it can really interfere with the adhesion of the product okay so I'm going to take a file and I'm going to just gently buff off the shine of the natural nail you always want to do that because the oils can interfere with the adhesion of a product we're just going to gently buff that and make it nice and smooth near the cuticle so we can get a really smooth flow of the product going on top okay so I've done this to the rest of them and if you're gonna get a little bit particular you can also with a nice fine file just make sure the free edge is nice and smooth for that application these all look really pretty good these are kind of a perfect length to them do your nails grow fast yeah you cut them all the time um well so I play guitar I teach guitar actually you know that you should know that I do know that I'm actually trimming them probably not properly okay that's good um every week if not every two weeks they go Wow holy cow do they ever okay well okay so that is the first step you just wanna make sure they're nice and clean so like if you're painting a wall you want to sand it and then dust it off get all the oils and dirt off of it that's exactly what we've done here with all of these nails and now we're gonna put on the first step but you know I will say sometimes when you're working with a system that has steps it can be a little confusing especially if you're not a nail technician if you're doing this yourself but these guys are smart these guys are smart they have caught these excellent I like this one I'm working with you can get all your gel products on top of here like sometimes you make a bit of a mess but you can wipe it all off I believe you can throw this in the can you throw this in the wash you shouldn't need to just use a little bit of polish remover no pan you can run whatever you get on it that's fantastic so this look at this it shows us all the steps it even gives you a little quick diagram of all of the names of the nails that's pretty cute and then of course along here they have all the steps to show you how to go through it properly I love that you guys that's brilliant makes it simple oh it sure does that's right maybe I should just keep it right under cardies hands there so she I can see okay so the first step and it does say right on there it is clean and that's what we're gonna use for the very first step okay I'm just going to show I gently paint it on top nail [Music] second step is so prep is actually pretty cool if you want to do you like to change your nail color you don't really know I never wear nail polish but I have a few times before but again I play guitar so it can chip pretty easily right and that's nail polish that's polish and then gel polish stays a bit better yeah yeah so if you want this to have a longer wear than you want to paint the whole entire nail and this is an air drying product but if you just want to change it out let you wear it for a night yeah exactly you want be able to change it out you don't want it to stick on too hard but you want it to stay on for the duration so just put it on the edge of because that's where it's chips exactly's the edge that's right that's where most of the breakage is mm-hmm so we're just gonna gently put it on there you know very end that's cool it is cool and I didn't I've been working with this product for a while I didn't actually know that mm-hmm that's cool this is actually perfect for someone like me with natural nails where I don't wear Polish very often but if I'm going to a party or it's the holidays and I want you want some nice nails for like an evening or two then I can because I've removed gel polish before and how did you do that tell your my daughter you're not supposed to remove it badly but you did you don't have to do it it was I had to wrap my nails and foil and I guess acetone that is that what I did yeah and then wait for like a long time and then scrape it off yeah and that's what we don't want you to do so yeah an alternative to that would be really nice the acetone part and removing that you did that right but you just don't want to scrape it off so if I understand that donation paper cuz it didn't come off properly basically yeah I think yeah but then it didn't yeah so in that case if you're doing that you just leave it on a little bit longer and it will actually flake right off it may be just done I'm just not a patient enough where do I get that from what impatient oh yeah I was coming up now from me okay so I'm just gonna let that dry that's an air dry step hey Suzie yo just a little yeah when you're applying that prep to the free edge of the nail your wearability is up to about 10 days oh that's really good on a natural nail on a natural nail that's fabulous that's really good - yeah I'd be very curious to see because again that's the part that chips so you should have really good exactly what wearability on there now we're gonna put on the base I think the best tip for the base is actually two thin coats for the base if you're really experienced you could do one thicker coat but you don't want to over flood that cuticle so two thin coats I think is really a great tip [Music] Cocco and claire you guys like to cap the edge don't you yeah you recommend that yes the edge of the nail has to be capped so that the product doesn't peel back on its own we want to wait until we actually file it for it tissue to break the seal yeah that makes sense so if you want a real smooth top coat on the application so there's no little bump at the end paint the end first and then do the nail the last time I think I polished your nail you were ten yeah I used to do a little fake French on me oh right your polish the white cute coat the rest thank you yeah just a sec they did you do that for my prom too okay that was for the last time yeah I've had so many nails I can't remember I knew I painted them but I didn't member the French part yeah I did the French that's classics yeah that's right so this is a little Coco and Claire lamp and you just click the little side button and it's already timed for you don't have to count it out but it needs to care for about 45 seconds for this base coat okay we're doing color now so now I've got the two coats and they're both cured at 45 seconds each because the lamp is already time for that and now we're gonna do like we're gonna get a little jiggy so these are the colors that she's picked and we're gonna use one nail is the accent [Music] okay now that the girls are here that Cocola Claire girls are here you can hear them you can't see them but I'm gonna ask them because they are here do I cap the edge with the color you guys or just with the base coat was that okay with the color as well you do with the color as well so if you're gonna do the color then you do need to well my best tip is paint the end first so you don't have that bump exactly yeah [Music] it's cute the pinky it is actually cute pinky doesn't get you know a lot of attention and now it's the feature nail that's true okay so I'm just gonna give this a nuke and it's 45 seconds for the color I'm gonna do two coats yeah I like to close now I'm gonna ask this question because we are going to peel this off that's the beauty of this product but I will ask the experts because they are here should you do this coat a little bit thicker the color coats a little bit thicker so it does easy to peel off or do you really want to do that it isn't necessary the color would really the thickness of the color wouldn't have anything to do with how it peels off it's all about the proper application of the base yeah which is why we're doing the two coats first as the one okay good it's kind of handy having you guys here is asking questions whenever I want I should show everybody a picture of my dog Ferris can I show them a picture of Ferris yes I'd love to see it so this is like fresh off the presses this is on our wall three days ago mine's better it's like all October - look at those leaves it's pretty cute he's like in life he can be very patient I take mines like their minds cute well I took that photo I know it's out yeah okay I'm gonna go ahead and do them all with a second so I've got two coats of the color on and then I went back into the thumb as well it's beautiful color I love it what color is this you know it is Mallory loves mustard when'll centered it's a good measure though it's pretty how many colors do you guys have I think we're 117 and Counting in high that's great it's really hard to get a nice yellow where am i wearable yellow yeah this is like not too harsh but it's not like faded too much and it's really pretty yeah I did okay so I'm gonna do the top coat now now I didn't know this the girls had brought me a matte top coat usually I always go with shiny we're gonna do the mostly shiny but we're gonna do a matte on there as well okay so I'm gonna do the top coat shiny but I'm gonna start with the index finger because it's easier to work from your front finger and move over to the pinky because left to work from the right to the left unless you're left-handed you work from the left to the right cuz you don't to get your arm in it I find that a problem so I'm gonna clear cap the edge as well I'm gonna do that first before I paint over top but we will and if you can remind me matte pinky [Music] I really like this color look at its matting up really good I shouldn't be surprised I'm like God but I didn't know what was gonna wow is there a sticky layer I have to there isn't but you know if you apply a little bit of clean and give it a wipe anyway it goes even more matte really what it looks velvety okay so now this is the fun part this is what we've done all this for we are going to use a file and we're going to break the end of the seal here so we can leave it in the water and that's when we can peel it off you guys leave it in there for 10 minutes so right now I'm just going to do just that on every single finger you know it's so pretty I don't want to take them off but I'm here to do that so but you're putting them back on yeah yeah they're pretty cute actually okay so I'm gonna break the seal on the end because never we you know cap the end to make sure that it was gonna stay on there so let's say you've worn these for a week or ten days right just for a couple nights right or your event today you went to you got it and then we are going to just buff the surface of it you want that water to get in there and soak in there so that these will lift off nicely that's why you can wear them in a hot tub or while you're doing dishes just float off and into the a very good point yeah so don't break the seal before you go into the hut exactly right okay and just don't do dishes I a great idea yep the entire surface doesn't need to be oh it doesn't know it's just a little a light buff honestly we've done it just even just breaking the seal oh really oh that is pretty good to know I was just getting down in every little corner there okay good to know okay now we're ready to soak okay just put it in his place all right you're something to get your love anthem so we just have to let this sit for 10 minutes right ladies yes yeah ten minutes okay oh it's hot water with a little bit of soap in there yeah you don't need this phone you don't need the soap yeah that's what you guys are saying so fun my hands wanted a bubble bath yeah that's right so that was that was my docket um how about after when you remove it and then you put them back on you also do my toes oh my goodness yellow okay yeah they work specially on toast how long does it last on toast weeks five six weeks that's pretty cool yeah no don't do that would you do my feet yeah beat in your face you won't combine no I dare you to find someone who would to pay them hard cash this videos going all wrong okay we're gonna soak this for ten minutes and then we're gonna peel it off so now we can peel them off they said more little bath you ready to get money your little bath there no I'm not that it was okay so now you just get a little edge this little tool is perfect look at this you guys can you see that camera Wow look at oh good this is fun oh yeah satisfying enough kind of is like wood piece [Music] Wow Wow look at that there's my nail yeah let's do another one no it's easy yet it doesn't hurt at all no not doing any scraping no peeling no poking no pulling off layers of your knife it's almost kinda reminds me like a face mask but for me yeah that's right tell the mask it's pure [Music] but that just it literally comes off effortlessly and leaves basically no residue whatsoever will they come off like that with on a fake nails - absolutely it does yes probably good job so if you find us a little hard to get off it maybe just in the air a little too long it'll harden up a little bit so that you just put back in the water again but you know we're third finger in now and it's still coming off really nicely ooh we could do another color look at that wow oh wow that's perfect oh my goodness think I would like well then after if you could keep them and just put them on again later there's also other reasons I don't only wear nails is because you're the upkeep and the aftermath of them yeah you know well this was easy this was easy and shadow easy well that is I've never seen anything like that that is pretty good going girls that's pretty cool I love it okay Wow that makes it really convenient yeah it does it's unbelievable well thanks Connie thanks for joining it with this video you were perfect model for this and thank you girls thank you - Coco and Claire for joining us for this video then walking it right through so we understand how to do it step by step right to the beautiful smooth end I love them we will include one more photo so you can see a close-up version of cardies beautiful nails after the P Lee's came off and they still look beautiful thanks for joining me you guys and I'll catch you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Nail Career Education
Views: 571,093
Rating: 4.9088349 out of 5
Keywords: nail, nails, acrylic, nail fill, sculptured nails, nail school, nail polish, hand file, beauty, sculpting, nail application, nail career education, Suzie, acrylic application, Susan Moskal, nail care, Victoria, tutorial, Suzie Moskal, artificial nails, nail technician, nail art, Nail District, Langford, British Columbia, Canada, Step by Step, How To, DIY, Koko & Claire, peel off gel, nail files
Id: 0QokAuuNA70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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