Dip Powder Problems!! And how to avoid them!

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[Music] hey guys welcome back i am glad you're here you clicked on the right video we're gonna talk all about your dip issues and some of mine so this video was something that was highly requested oh by the way the manny on my right hand this is the cassiopeia that you saw in my mermaid collab with gigi i just buzzed off everything and left it as the dip itself so that was that i'll leave it in the cards so the first dip issue that i hear so many people talking about is lifting and lifting is generally caused by not prepping your nails well enough there are exceptions to this if you have very oily nail beds that might just be something that you can't really prevent i mean you kind of can but you kind of can't we'll get into that too but prep is the key to having a manny not a lift or one of them at least and the way i prep it a couple of different ways you guys have probably seen me use my little ball bit my diamond ball bit with this e-file and you don't have to use an e-file you can do this with um you know a gentle like 180 grit file if you have that or you can use the e-file like i am this is a 240 grit sanding band and i am just as you saw i pushed back my cuticles i don't have many because i do my nails so often but you really want to get up all that dead skin that dead cuticle junk and because that as it flakes off your nail like skin generally just flakes off you lose skin cells every day and your nail does the same thing so as that flakes off it's going to take whatever's on top of it with it and that is where you're going to lifting so for me my perfect prep to keep my nails on and when i say that i think my longevity test that i did a while back i was able to keep the mani on for just shy of three weeks i believe it was 18 days with zero lifting at all and that is to exfoliate that cuticle area really well get off all the dead tissue take the shine off your natural nail and you can do this gently you don't have to like buff the heck out of your nail and then dehydrate um i use two products to dehydrate i go back and forth between the two um this is the triple vitamin like prep liquid it's a dehydrator i think it's called keratin bond but i also have used and like the mia secret prep dehydrator this just removes all the oils from your nail plate which again will help with adherence so i'm going to go in with my peel off base coat just because i haven't used it in a while i don't really i felt like it was i don't know damaging my nails in some way but i had a feeling this mania was going to go awry just because if i'm like not that i'm trying to create dip issues i'm more trying to explain them to you um but if i'm demoing something and i know i'm probably going to wind up messing it up i'm going to use my pillow base coat and this stuff is great if you're the kind of person who changes out mayonnaise every couple of days like moi then this is a great liquid for you to use it will allow super easy pop-off removal from natural nails of your dip mani i have heard of people having success using the peel off base coat over clear acrylic i have not had such luck i wish i could say i have but i have not so i'm just gonna keep doing what i do and put it over my natural nail and hope for the best so i did let that dry for a good like five to ten minutes and now we're ready to get into application now another issue that i know you guys have been mentioning bringing up trying to get help with is cracking cracking usually occurs for one of two reasons your nails can crack and they'll typically crack horizontally across your nail around that stress area and that is generally because your nails are too thin and there's not enough of an apex to support a free edge either either way so what that means is that you need to bulk up your nail just a little bit and this is more for the people that have a little bit of length to their nails like i do i typically will do like a three quarter dip or a half dip in um it clear or whatever you can use color if you want to but clear has a little bit more strength it's not compromised by pigment i am using my triple vitamin base just busted her up because i haven't used her in a while so i'm going to go ahead and start my application and we're going to talk about a couple of other issues so nails can get very uneven and bulky and this can cause vertical cracks so cracks that run from your cuticle to your free edge and that can happen if you're using liquid in too thick of a layer does that make sense if you're not using thin layers um or if you're allowing like if you have a quick dry base one side will dry before the other side dries then you have to go back and put more product on the other side and inevitably what winds up happening is your layer is uneven it's heavier on one side than another and that can cause those vertical cracks down your nail another issue is a ledge at the front of your nail i've seen this so many times i've done it myself and that is generally caused by not fluffing up your powder so i think you guys saw that i stirred my powder around i give it a shimmy shake loosen it up a little and then i'm very very gentle when i put my nail into that powder i almost like scoot it forward instead of going down into the powder that just prevents that ledge from creeping up at the you know free edge of your nail and then definitely brush off your excess i tend to prefer a fluffy brush i know a lot of people prefer a stiffer brush like a manicure scrubby brush or even a toothbrush but you do want to make sure your base is dry before you go in with a you know rougher brush because you can take away product you know like and you can disrupt that base underneath the dip if you are too quick in going in with a harder brush so i'm always making sure i don't have product near my skin and that's why i use that orange wood stick if you get product on your skin and you leave it there it can cause a couple of issues it could cause sometimes and i haven't seen this often with dip liquids but absolutely with gel liquids it can cause allergies especially if left uncured if you're not curing properly or you're not using a lamp that's got enough wattage to cure a gel you can you can get allergies from leaving product on your skin also that could cause lifting because as your skin or if your nail grows away from your skin because your nails grow you know over time and if your product is attached to your skin and your nail is growing what's going to happen is the product is going to pop off because it's it can't move so what's it going to do it's going to come off so that's another reason why you could get lifting with your dip powder application so i'm gonna let you guys watch a little bit more of this application i am building up my opacity a little bit with this color and you're gonna see towards the end of this video another issue um which we'll talk about when we get there i suppose but it has to do with filing off your color and that's why we cap in clear so actually you know what i'm going to stick with you guys for a minute because i'm going to cap and clear i'm going to tell you why i do that so once you reach opacity with your dip powder you have it just the way you want it it's the perfect color everything is looking good i would highly highly highly advise capping in clear and this is why so unless you are stellar outstanding and perfect at applying your color to powder you're going to want to file and buff it the cr the career what i'm trying the clear acrylic is what's going to act as that buffer layer between the file and your colored acrylic so you don't file any of it away after the fact does that make sense what it does also is it adds another layer of strength because as i said the clear is stronger than colored acrylic because pigment does compromise the strength of the acrylic so you're doing two things you're protecting the color from filing and buffing and you're also adding a bit of extra strength to your nail including that free edge because we don't want to break nails breaking nails sucks and it's a pain to try to fix so now i'm going to go ahead and activate and i as just a rule of thumb i always do two layers of activator and that's only because i have had the experience of like filing my nails after i'm done and filing chunks of powder of dip powder off just because it wasn't cured all the way so now i always do too just in case because i'm neurotic i understand you don't have to but that's what i do so that is flat color problems now we're going to get into some glitter problems because i know not everyone likes the flat colors and glitter is super popular i'm not the biggest fan of glitter these days i don't know i get like into different moods sometimes i like matte nails sometimes i want flat nails sometimes i want glitter bling nails i just haven't been feeling glitter lately but i did want to just show you um something that i've learned about applying glitter dip and that is you definitely want to build your nail first with the clear glitter doesn't adhere to a natural nail very well i mean this glitter in particular has acrylic in it so it it will adhere to some extent but for the most part you definitely want to build your nail as much as possible with clear acrylic it'll just make adhesion easier and also makes removal a little bit easier because glitter sticks to everything now this particular dip from sparkling co and i will have everything linked in the box down below for you guys but this particular one has literally everything in it there are pieces of glitter there are flakies there's just everything so the best way i found to uh just me personally i'm sure there are other ways to do things and if it works for you if you're doing something totally different by the way and it works for you don't even listen to me mute me fast forward me i don't care but if it works for you do what works for you what works for me is i apply my base and i tend to apply my base slightly thicker than i would if i was using a flat color and if you can see i put my nail flat on the surface of that powder i feel like it helps the glitter just lay flatter because if your glitter is sticking up even if you encapsulate you can risk cutting through that glitter and it may not look as pretty because glitter in the center is typically silver so unless that's a look you're going do you guys hear my voice i'm losing my voice i'm talking too much it's like one of my lives oh gosh anyway you don't want to cut into that glitter and not have it look as good as it could so i do go just push my nail directly down into that powder and then i do pat it down with my finger just to make sure everything is flat and definitely brush off excess and i'm going to do one more dip of this clear cap that and we're going to get into some filing i'm not doing anything crazy it's my normal filing routine but you will see towards the end when i'm e-filing my pinky nail my pinky i over filed my pinky nail and i'm going to show you how to fix that so i wanted to chit chat just for a bit about filing stuff now i do have two in detail filing videos one is using a hand file only and one is using an e file i'll leave them either in the cards or in the box in case you want to reference that but this is a great opportunity when you're e filing or when you're hand filing to try and get up any product that may be on your skin by your side walls or in your cuticle area that shouldn't be there because getting rid of that will help prevent lifting um if there are any other dip issues that you guys have been having definitely leave me a comment or better even yet shoot me an email um or you can dm me on instagram whatever you're comfy with uh i'll tell you leave me a comment but comments typically can get lost or i don't get notified of all of them so if you have specific questions emails probably the best way to get me um also feel free to join my facebook group uh i'm not a pro i'm not a licensed nail tech at all not even a little but in my facebook group i have a great mix of like seasoned diyers other youtubers that do nail videos like me and professional nail techs so if you're having problems whether using dip powder or gel or whatever products you're using the group is a great place for you guys to go if you have specific questions also and i would love to have you there i really would it's a great group of ladies you guys probably sick of hearing about it but i love it there and i know you would too anyway i'm gonna go on with my filing and stuff um i'm not going to keep you with watching the filing for this video if you guys are missing my filing because i have left it out of a couple of videos i'm sorry i'm trying to just switch it up a little bit i really wanted to just show you on the two nails that i actually showed you so as you can see i'm using the same exact filing techniques on both nails i've been very into contouring with a hand file lately crazy i know someone call somebody marlo is broken i'm hand filing oh god so um i'm just i when i went in with my hand file the first time i went very straight to straighten out my sidewalls and my free edge and now i'm just rounding everything out so it's nicely contoured has that nice c-curve and all that fun stuff i'm going to get into e-filing um i am using my igel beauty file and i'm not sure what bit i'm using we shall see but as you can see i have filed off the colored dip on my pinky nail and i'm going to show you real quick how to fix that super easy fix um i'm not sure i think i did this in a previous video gosh seems like so long ago but i'm taking that color again and i'm just going to do a patch job and you're going to see it all shake out i'm just going to apply base to the bald area it does get a little bit on the rest of the nail not the rest but like just the edge of the colored part i just wipe it off with my finger no big deal i'm going to do that twice and then i'll cap that little spot and clear and we'll be good to go and i'll show you what it looks like later you can't even tell wouldn't even notice so i'm gonna let you guys watch and then i'll come back so don't go anywhere [Music] so patch job is done and it came out perfect you saw the whole thing now i'm going to get into e-filing and here's what i tend to do with e-file this is the igel beauty e-file diamond bit thing oh it's in the box so when i'm e-filing and again you can do this with your hand file check out that video i am de-bulking the cuticle area and the sidewall areas because another reason you might get lifting is if your product is too thick in those areas you want the product to be thickest in the center of your nail especially for my nails that you're seeing right now the length that they are that center of the nail is where my stress area is and that's the part you want the strongest so you want to debulk the cuticle area and the side walls and i'm going to let you watch that and then i'm going to top coat and we'll come back for some final thoughts i don't know if you guys notice or not but my ring light for some reason i don't know why it started flickering i don't know if you can notice if i i'm hoping not to give y'all seizures but i just noticed it and i'm like i don't know what was up with my light that day it never acts funny ever um oh if you guys were wondering about the light and like the tripod and stuff that um that i use for filming i get questions all the time never think to like talk about it but it's actually a very simple like vanity ring light that has a phone holder in it and i'm using a pretty heavy duty tripod just because my iphone is heavy and the little bitty rinky dink tripod that came with the ring light it's just not strong enough to hold my phone so i will leave um actually in the box below you'll see my amazon storefront yes i am commissioned i gotta make money somehow y'all so i'm gonna leave um my tripod and my ring light in my storefront so you guys can check those out if you are looking for stuff like that i don't know if you are you don't have to be a youtuber or a vlogger or whatever just if you want a good overhead light to do your mayonnaise i'd highly highly recommend the setup that i have it's just it's awesome so i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna get filed up i'm going to top coat i'm not doing any nail art or anything i wanted to keep this super simple it's all about the problems and i'll be [Music] so here is the finished manny i'm not even gonna lie i was not crazy about this manny at all but i didn't really care about the colors it was more about like the teaching moment i guess i don't know showing you the contour of my nails right now they are perfectly contoured and smooth and everything looks good at least i'm happy they're my nails that's all that matters so i'm finishing up my candy skincare cuticle oil i get a lot of questions about cuticle care and between the prep that you do and using cuticle oil daily i use cuticle oil at least once a day usually three to four times a day and it keeps my skin and my cuticles super healthy and also promotes nail growth you're stimulating the matrix of your nail which is where the milk grows from it's right in between your cuticle area and that first knuckle so super helpful tip there i hope you guys took something away from this if you did give me a thumbs up so i know you did and i will see you guys in my next vid love you bye
Channel: Marla Kris
Views: 192,951
Rating: 4.9258218 out of 5
Id: w-wZhi11aj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 57sec (1557 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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