How to Remove Breathe in Your Voice Overs [Using Adobe Audition]

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have you ever been recording something for your  e-learning course and you've noticed that your mic   is picking up all your breaths well today we're  going to learn how to take all that out [Music] all right welcome back my name is Jeff batt  and if you haven't checked out my website   already go ahead and check out my website at here you can check out all   previous blog posts with different tips and tricks  on Camtasia storyline captivates X API and all   over the place you can also check out different  templates articulate storyline templates and X API   templates and then you can also get full courses  everything from A to Z on the topics of articulate   storyline 360 Adobe Captivate xapi fundamentals  articulate rise custom scorm and HTML5 video   and I'm wrapping up my Camtasia course so you  can check that out as well very soon now one   thing that I struggled with is especially when  I'm recording with a microphone that's pretty   close to my mouth is it picking up the breaths so  you can have different Azure breathing as you're   talking it will pick up those breaths so how  do I get rid of those do I have to go through   and edit each one of them and make them silent  well there's an easier way using Adobe Audition   that allows you to quickly take out those breasts  and I'm going to show you how to do that today so   let's go ahead and open up our project I have this  audio file right here if you want to on my website on this blog post you'll be  able to download this audio file so I'm going to   go ahead and pull up Adobe Audition now with Adobe  Audition you can go ahead and just drag in this   audio file or you can go to file and then open and  then open up that audio file as well now this is   an audio file from one of my previous recordings  I believe it's for a voiceover recording for just   screencasts and stuff but if you scroll in you can  find different parts where they do have breasts   now depending on where you place the microphone  you can reduce this and anything that you can   reduce during your recording will save you a whole  lot of time post edit so keep that in mind so I'm   going to scroll in and the way that you zoom in  is quickly on your mouse if you have a Mac mouse   you can just move your finger in the middle just  one finger and then that will zoom in and out or   if you have a regular Mouse then you have a mouse  wheel you can just hover over this area and just   use that to zoom in now the way that I can see my  breasts are in between if I just highlight this   by clicking and dragging and then hitting play  you'll be able to tell that that's kind of your   breath area now this is at least for me my breath  area so I can go ahead and just pick up on that   an important part of you know identifying what  my breasts are are identifying kind of the uh the   level of what my breath is and so you can see  it's at a lower level than most of my regular   voice I want to make sure that I get it exactly  right though so what I'm going to do is go into   window and then go into amplitude statistics  this allows me to get some information about   the levels of the selection that I have which  right now the only part of the selection that   I have is my breath I'm going to come in here  and click on scan selection and this will tell   me that my breath the peak amplitude is at about  negative 39 DB so that is about the range that I   want to keep in mind when I'm about to go into  this next part with that in mind I'm going to   go ahead and do control a or command a on a Mac  to select everything inside of my my voice over   here and then I'm going to go into my effects and  go to amplitude and compression and then Dynamics   now if here allows me to adjust a couple different  things the first thing is the Auto game now the   auto gate is designed to get rid of those breasts  so you choose that negative 39 DB or whatever your   target is depending on your voice and then you  could just say get rid of everything at that level   this could also work for like comes or anything  like that and if you're trying to get rid of like   a hum in the background there's other ways to do  that but this mostly is for like breasts so if I   want to get rid of the breath here so what I need  to do here is click on auto gate and then I need   to adjust that threshold that threshold is what we  just got before so that negative 39 I like to go   ahead and just adjust this to a little above that  negative 39 because that negative 39 was just one   of my breasts my other ones could be louder or  other things like that but I don't want to go too   much so about a little bit uh below that or above  that is going to work just great so I can come in   here and hit play and then I can listen to it and  you can see as I'm listening to it it starts to   turn red so it will turn red every time that the  audio actually picks up that negative 36 or below   and so it automatically takes care of that and  just kind of Silence it anytime you see the red   it's basically silencing it and I don't hear that  which is nice now if it does sound awkward then I   can adjust my attack that's how quickly it will  actually attack or turn on and then I can adjust   my release that's how quickly it will turn off at  the end of it as well as you start to play around   with this you can and listen to it you can get the  right attack and release as well now if I go ahead   and hit apply notice that that selection that I  had before inside of my audio is now completely   gone because it got rid of those breasts for  the most part you can scroll through and see   that those kind of low tones where the breath  part is completely gone so now if I I listen   to this it should be a lot better so that is a  quick and easy way to be able to get rid of your   breath but then you could come in here and just  export out your file then you can export it out   as an MP3 file put it into Camtasia put it into  storyline or Captivate whatever tool that you're   working with and then you have that all breath  free basically so this is a quick and easy way   to be able to get rid of the breasts inside of  your audio recording but I highly recommend you   take a look at the different microphones that you  use the placement of the microphone and different   things like that so keep that in mind if you want  to check out more blog posts go into my website   at check out my blog post of  previous videos on Camtasia storyline Captivate   audition and augmented reality you can also check  out my different templates on storyline and X API   and then my full courses on storyline 360 Adobe  Captivate X API fundamentals articulate rise   custom scorm HTML5 video and then soon Camtasia  so that's all that I have for today if you have   not already go ahead and go to my YouTube channel  click that subscribe button click the like button   and hit that Bell notification so you get notified  of any future videos as they come out and if you   have any recommendations feel free to leave those  in the comments and let me know what else you   want to learn about but that's all that I have so  thanks everyone and I'll see you next time [Music]   thank you
Channel: Learning Dojo
Views: 6,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eLearning, Instructional Design, Voice Overs, Adobe Audition, Learning and Development, Remove breathe from audio, How to remove breaths from audio files, e learning, learning development, adobe addition tutorials
Id: -mrIncp15kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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