How to make voice sound better in Adobe Audition (2024)

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you can improve your voice sound much better in Adobe Audition in many different ways I will show you a way that is easy for beginners to follow it will require very little technical knowledge to follow this process I will improve the piece of audio you see on the screen let's hear the original raw recording during this recording the AC unit is on and the microphone is pissing in the direction from harda is coming offers a bit more flexibility than other city in noise reduction okay the first obvious issue is the volume level of the sound it is on the Lower Side while recording audio hit around -12 in this meter to have some Headroom for post-processing my raw recording volume is hitting around -12 DB in the meter and needs to be raised especially if I want to use this audio on YouTube or any audio sharing platform you can easily increase volume from audition favorites the effect we will be using to raise volume is normalize normalize sets the peak amplitude or the amplitude of the loudest part it is generally accepted to normalize to -3 DB for voice recording at this level the audio becomes clearly audible in addition if you do not select any part of the audio an effect is applied over the entire audio so when I need to apply an effect on the entire file I ensure no part of the audio is selected I will normalize to -3 DB it is normalized and the peak is touching -3 DB in the waveform the volume level is now increased and I will play it again to check how it sounds during this recording the AC unit is on and the microphone is facing in the direction from higher the AC wind noise is coming the volume level is okay and if I want to share this audio anywhere it has the perfect volume level but another issue arises with the increased volume level I can now hear a strong hissing noise in the silent parts that hissing noise is also present in the talking parts of the audio this kind of hissing where white background noise is very common AC units nearby refrigerators laptop fans ceiling fans Etc are generally the cause of this hissing noise even the audio interface microphone and preamps generate some light noise audition has a world-class noise reduction effect and we will use that I will enable the spectral frequency display to get a better noise reduction the spectral display shows the energy of a sound in a particular frequency the more energy a frequency has the brighter it shows in the spectral display from the waveform we see a noise only part in the beginning but if you pay close attention to the spectrogram you will see a slight change in the pattern some vertic vehicle lines here and a DOT like color here noise reduction in Adobe works best if you give it a uniform noise sample that means the kind of noise you select is also present in other parts and that's the noise you want to remove with the spectral view I can select a uniform noise sample an audition can remove that noise very well I have a better uniform noise here and I will select that I will also enable the loop button and listen to this noise several times I will go to the noise reduction process with the noise sample selected I have to capture the noise print first I can either do it here or I can do it directly from the noise reduction process I will do it from the noise reduction process you can see a capture noise print button and click on it to capture the noise print a default noise reduction setting is now active you can configure these settings to get an optimal result for your audio I will play the audio and configure some of the settings you can make the effect active or inactive from this button while playing audio let's do it and I will explain briefly what I did and why during this recording the AC unit is on and the microphone is facing in the direction from where the AC wind noise is coming I think Adobe edition offers a bit more flexibility than audacity in noise reduction during this recording the AC unit is on and the microphone is facing in the direction from higher the AC wind noise is coming I think out of addition offers a bit more flexibility than audacity in noise reduction I have changed three of these settings which are important to configure you can leave the rest of the settings to their default value the noise reduction percentage sets how aggressive the audition will be in noise reduction 100 means the audition is very aggressive but that can also degrade the talking parts of the audio so choose a value for which noise reduction works okay but not destroying the audio reduced by sets the amount of noise to be reduced when a matching noise is found I have set 20 DB but it depends on how loud the noise is try to set this value to less than 30 DB with higher values your audio can be distorted in general you should try to set a low value on these sliders where you get a satisfactory noise reduction without degrading the audio quality with higher values more noise will be reduced but the sound quality will be hampered I have also set the spectral Decay rate to 42 percent this rate should be around 40 to 70 percent with zero percent you get the maximum noise reduction but that can introduce new sounds while removing the noise if you set the spectral Decay rate to 100 very little noise will be reduced so try to be around 40 if that gives a satisfactory noise reduction if I play the noise only part from the beginning you will see less noise than before that much noise is not clearly audible or not distracting if you share your audio on places like YouTube that much noise is not an issue but still if you want to remove some more noise you can adjust the Blue Line in the graph in this graph the yellow dots have a higher noise floor than the threshold value the threshold is the green dots noise reduction will work below the threshold noise floor or green dots at the start we saw the noise more strong in the graph so I will drag the blue line on that end as I drag the Blue Line the green dots become closer to the yellow dots I will play the audio to ensure the audio quality is not compromised during this process during this recording the AC unit is on and the microphone is pissing in the direction from where the it works quite well so I will apply noise reduction noise reduction works on a selected part of the Audio I can either select the entire file or I can apply the settings without selecting anything if you apply an effect without selecting anything in the waveform audition applies that settings to the entire file the noise reduction effect is applied to the entire track I will close the spectral display as my next effect will not need analysis from the spectrogram the next effect will be a multi-band compressor if you have some experience in audio editing you can think multiband compressor as a combination of EQ and compressor it compresses audio by frequency range and then boosts or cuts that audio as you set though it may seem a bit technical but audition has some good presets by selecting a preset and listening to that audio you can decide which one is working best I will start with the default preset and change it while playing audio you will hear the difference during this recording the AC unit is on and the microphone is facing in the direction from higher the AC wind noise is coming I think other Edition offers a bit more flexibility than other city in noise reduction during this recording the AC unit is on and the microphone is facing a as you listen there are some useful presets like raised vocals or kill the harshness my favorite is the broadcast which makes the audio Lively with the broadcast preset the meter gets into the Red Zone frequently in the meter I will decrease the gain to take the volume down so it avoids getting into the red zone that much in the direction from higher the AC wind noise is coming this meter has a maximum value of zero if something goes over zero we cannot see it but if any audio gets over zero the audio will become distorted I can set the proper volume level with a normalization later if I play the audio and notice the meter you will see it avoids the red zone during this recording the AC unit is on and the microphone is pissing in the direction from here is this coming I think Ado addition offers a bit more flexibility than other City I decreased the gain by -4 DB but it depends on your audio I will apply the multi-band compressor with these settings I avoided the details of multiband configuration as any of the presets will do the most common jobs I will normalize the audio again to -3 DB after applying the multi-band compressor the dynamic range changed so I normalized it again to take the audio to a proper level it is my final audio and has become way better than the raw recording during this recording the AC unit is on and the microphone is facing in the direction from higher the AC wind noise is coming I think Adobe edition offers I have some mouth noise here and there and I can delete those if necessary I can get the improved audio to an audio file and use that file in other projects give the file a name and choose a location to save I will save this file to my desktop I am keeping the file format as wave as that is an uncompressed lossless format you can see here the exported audio file I hope now you understand how a simple normalize noise reduction multi-band compressor and normalize again can make the audio better thanks for watching and see you next
Channel: Master Editor
Views: 6,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make your voice sound better, adobe audition tutorial, adobe audition, make voice sound better in audition, sound better, how to use adobe audition, adobe audition cc tutorial, better voice adobe audition, make audio better, make voice better, make sound good, make audio good, make sound louder, remove noise from audio, audition tutorial
Id: fU5n9eyDZHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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