7 Ways To Fix Curling Leaves On Your Pilea Peperomioides (Chinese Money Plant)

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hi guys this video is going to cover curling leaves on paleo pepperonis and how it affects them so the chinese money plant or paella pepperonis is really popular and it's quite unique looking because it's got lovely round green leaves that set out on big stalks or patios one of the things that people complain about is sometimes the leaves don't stay flat they curl and this can spoil the look of the plant in many people's opinions now there is a lot of confusion and conflicting information about why paleo pepperonis gets curled leaves so this video is really just to share my experience and my thoughts and opinion about why these plants get curled leaves and how i think you can go about fixing your plant my name is andrew from smart garden guide and i hope you enjoy this video so starting off we've got our paleo pepperonis here and generally most of the leaves are pretty flat and round and it's quite healthy but it does have a few curled leaves particularly at the top um the leaves can curl in a number of ways so firstly the leaf edges can curl upwards so they can so they curl upwards and it forms like a cup shape secondly the leaves can curl downwards the edges can curl downwards and you get a dome shaped leaf and the third way that they can curl is you get a mixture of this pattern so you get waviness of the leaf or just irregularities that take away from the flatness and i think the pattern of the curling can tell you some information about why the plant as a whole is getting curled leaves so we're just going to run through some of the common causes and what i think you should do to try and fix your plant so first of all we'll start with the most obvious reason and a reason that isn't a problem and that's new leaves so when new leaves emerge from your paleo pepperonis they will be curled so if you see coral leaves just at the top of the plant and it's the new delicate light grain leaves emerging from the top of the stem you have nothing to worry about when the leaves emerge they will grow in size over the space of a few weeks maybe up to a month and they'll slowly unfurl and flatten out can take a very while from the flat night maybe up to four to six weeks so if these are the only curled leaves in your plant you've nothing to worry about just let it be and the plant will grow happily and the leaves will flatten out with time second reason is lighting um these plants will curl their leaves in response to either too little light or too much light i think where i've noticed this most particularly is in low light conditions so in low lighting they seem to form this dome shape with their leaves where the edges curl down and the center of the leaf sort of pokes upwards and i think the reason why they do this is the plants trying to maximize the amount of light that's falling onto the leaves so by doming the leaf and you know it's trying to collect as much light as possible i noticed this whenever i bought one of these plants online and it had obviously been delivered in a package where the plant wasn't exposed to light for quite a few days and when i opened it the plant was generally healthy but a lot of the leaves were quite significantly domed now i just put this plant in good conditions in my home and over the space of a few weeks the leaves flattened out and certainly from things uh information that i've read online low light seems to be a common cause of leaf curling and in particular doming so you want to make sure that your paleo pepperonis is given bright indirect light because this will generally prevent leaf curling you want to avoid direct sunlight because this can damage or scorch the leaves and it can actually cause curling of the leaves as well and similarly you want to avoid putting your paleo peppermints in a dark corner because i think you will almost inevitably start to see some leaf curling after a while so the second thing is watering and over watering in particular seems to cause leaf curling and again i think this does tend to be where the leaves dome outwards and this is caused because the plant absorbs an excess amount of water from the roots it goes to the leaves the leaves swell and i suppose by distorting their leaf shape they're able to hold more water and that this is what i think causes the curling of the leaves and over watering other signs of overwatering of course if you notice that the soil is very soggy all the time or if the leaves generally start to turn yellow that can be another sign of over watering and similarly if your soil or your pot doesn't drain very well it makes over watering more likely so you just want to take care with watering um i've heard some conflicting reports about how much water these plants like they do have some succulent tendencies so they do hold water in their stems and their leaves are quite flashy so they tolerate underwatering reasonably well so i would probably leave the top half of the soil to dry out before watering and always do check to see if your plant needs water before you water it so the next one that i'm going to cover is temperature a lot of house plants prefer temperatures that are similar to are the temperatures in our homes 65 to 75 80 degrees fahrenheit but this plant paleo pepperonis actually prefers cooler temperatures and its native habitat it sort of grows in sort of 55 to 65 degrees fahrenheit which is about 13 to 18 degrees celsius so that's quite a bit cooler than a lot of other house plants like it and it does seem to get curled leaves if the temperature is too warm so just watch that so it's maybe worth putting your plant just somewhere a little bit color and you know rather than you put it in a really warm room where it's maybe not going to be as happy as it uh you know as it could be so the next cause i'm going to cover is actually another watering issue it's under watering or inconsistent watering so although these plants do have some succulent tendencies they do need watered from time to time and if the soil dries out completely they will wilt and they will also try and conserve water by other means and one of the ways that a lot of plants do this is they change the shape of their leaves to reduce evaporation or transpiration of water from their leaves and paleo pepperonis tends to curl their leaves up so the leaf edges curl up they form a cupped chip and this decreases the surface area of the leaves and uh you know causes them to curl the other thing that can cause curling and particularly if you're seeing um curling there's no real pattern you know their leaves seem to be curling in all different directions is inconsistent watering so if you underwater your plant and then over water it and then maybe under water it again the plant doesn't really know what to do and the leaves are starved of water and then there's a an excess water supply so the plant takes up loads of water the leaves change shape with all the water that they're taking on and then they dry out and then again they're shrinking and they're they're curling so they become deformed over time and of course the way to fix this is to just keep an eye on your plant every few days feel the soil check the condition of the plant feel how heavy the pot is to see how much water is in it and water it once the top half of the soil dries out and you should generally avoid this problem so the next issue that i was going to discuss was actually humidity now a lot of people have said that humidity can be a factor in leaf curling i haven't really seen that with this plant or any of my other paella pepperonis they seem to be quite tolerant of a range of humidity levels i know that they prefer moderate to high humidity levels but um and a lot of plants in low humidity will develop leaf curling um but i honestly haven't seen much of that with this plant so those are my thoughts about leaf curling on paleo i know this is a reasonably controversial and not deathly well understood topic so a lot of you may disagree with my thoughts and opinions about the leaf curling a lot of this is just based on what i've read and what i've experienced with my own plans so please if you have any um ideas or questions or suggestions please leave them in the comments below and if you've enjoyed this video i'd love it if you'd subscribe to the channel thanks very much guys all the best bye now
Channel: Smart Garden Guide
Views: 36,719
Rating: 4.926024 out of 5
Id: TYy4FzuB6c4
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Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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