How to Record & Mix Vocals in FL Studio (99% STOCK PLUGINS!)

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what's up soul tribe i have something really exciting planned for today you guys are gonna be witnessing me record an fl studio for the very first time i get a lot of comments from the fl gang and i'm trying my best to learn these different daws so that i can have content created for all of you guys another major reason why i wanted to do this video is because on my website i'm i have four vocal templates for fl studio logic ableton and pro tools and i've already done a full vocal lesson on the logic in the ableton one so today it's fvl's turn in today's course we're going to be using my song with smack it's a cover of sweet dreams and it's out on spotify in all platforms so if you like the song you can go check it out but let's get started so this is the file that you get when you buy my template on my website the flp file we're gonna double click that okay so the first thing that we're gonna do is drag my instrumental in and we're gonna drag it onto my track one the bpm of the song is 125 so i just click this and drag it down to 125 and move it to the beginning so this is my metronome here it's on right now if you don't want it on you just click that off but i'm going to use it so i'm going to leave that on so i'm just going to rename this beat and now that i renamed it i'm going to right click go to track mode audio track and reassign it to number one beat and now for the track below it i'm gonna do the same thing but for lead vocal so lead right click track mode audio track and assign my lead to number two now i'm going to open up my mixer as you can see my lead is assigned to track 2 and to be able to see the vocal chain i'm just going to click on it now it's time to connect my microphone over here you can see where it says none i'm going to click that and assign my microphone to input 1. now that my microphone's set up i'm going to actually mute it in here because as you can tell you were hearing me double and i just want to hear myself through my uad console when i'm recording so now would be a good time to load up our auto tune now this doesn't come with the template because i wanted you guys to have the freedom to use whatever tuning that you wanted so to do that we're going to come over here and hover the mouse and just scroll down so we're making space at the top for the auto-tune to sit now i'm going to click go to more plug-ins so that i can search for my real-time auto-tune and i'm going to grab the one with the letter m here because it is a mono channel my song is in b flat minor so i'm going to go ahead and set that and we're good to go so let's close our mixer and enable recording by clicking r i don't want to start recording from the beginning i want to start somewhere over here so i'm going to drag this over and then click the space bar to start [Music] are recording of this who am i to deserve i've traveled the world in the 70s everybody is looking for something some of them wanna use you some of them wanna get used by you some of them wanna abuse you some of them wanna be up abused so before we go ahead and record a second take i have to mute this first one by going over here clicking the mute tool and muting that so that it doesn't record with my next take sweet dreams are made of this who went back to a dessert i traveled the world in the seven seas everybody's looking for something sweet dreams are made of this who am i to disagree let's start with going back to our mixer and turning our channel back on and our mic off perfect we can close out this window and go back to our muting tool so that we can turn on the clip that we want to hear [Music] okay so it sounds like it recorded in late so i'm going to go ahead and zoom in by clicking command and scrolling in and i can drag this over by holding option down and then dragging it over sweet dreams are made of this okay i'm gonna do that for my other takes as well next i'm going to disable my record button by clicking r now i'm going to be turning on my other two takes so that they are not muted as well i'm going to pick which take i want to listen to by only having that one on and i've already listened to the first take a couple times i want to go ahead and listen to the second take so i'll mute these two everybody is looking [Music] so now that i found the first take that i like i'm going to cut this section with the c tool and drag and i'm going to drag it i think here and then i'm going to click b to go back to my normal tool and then drag this section down to track five and this is where i'm going to be compiling my comp i traveled the world okay now let's listen to our comp sweet dreams are made of this going back to a disagree i traveled the world in the seven seas everybody is looking for something some of them wanna use you some of them wanna get used by you sounds great some of them wanna abuse you some of them wanna be abused now that i have my comp done i want my lead to be on the lead channel so i'm gonna make another by clicking insert one click my selection tool highlight and drag this down to this empty take never a good thing to delete anything so we just want to make sure that we always save because you never know when you're going to need to go back to that now i want to drag this up so i'm going to select this and there we have our finished comp for our lead let's record some doubles the first thing i'm going to do is collapse this playlist we don't need that anymore and we're going to assign our double tracks so we're going to right click track mode audio track and double left go ahead and do that for the rest of them double right now we need to assign where we're going to be recording so we're going back to our mixer and clicking our double left channel coming back here where it says none and clicking the first input and now we're going to mute it again so we don't hear double and close out this window now let's hit the letter r and the space bar to start recording some of them wanna use you some of them wanna get used by you some of them wanna abuse you then some of them wanna use you some of them wanna get used by you all right doubles are done now let's switch the recording to our harmonies we're gonna go ahead and click our harmony left and give that the mic insert and since we just assigned the harmony to our microphone we have to take it off of our double so click our double left and change that to none now we're ready to start recording our them harmonies use you some of them wanna get used by you some of them wanna abuse you drag that one down do it one more day's looking for something some of them wanna use you some of them wanna get used by you some of them wanna abuse you okay awesome now i want to add more harmonies so the easiest way to do that is by clicking the channel i want to duplicate coming up to this little arrow clicking file and we're going to drag this onto a channel that's not being used and i'm going to hold shift and click and i'm going to call this bgv left i'm going to do that again by clicking harmony right file drag shift click bgv right i'm just gonna do two more and now i have my background vocals set up now let's attach them to the timeline so i'm gonna exit this window i'm just gonna use the tracks that aren't being used so i'm going to right click on my track 11 track mode audio track and assign that to my bgv left and i'm just going to continue that down the line let's put our microphone on the correct channel and take it off of the one that it was on so we're gonna put it on our bgv left change this mic input uh take it off of this one change that to none okay so now we are ready to record let's click r and spacebar to start recording [Music] [Applause] you okay and then i'm just going to harmonize these one time and then we are all done with the background vocals some of them want now i'm going to go ahead and change the microphone so that i can record my ad-libs and that's the last thing i need to record change this to none my ad-lib channel and give that the mic input all right let's record our ad libs okay so all of my ad libs are recorded it's time to now clean up my vocal to get it ready for mixing so the easiest place to start is just by deleting all this extra stuff for the background and i'm going to start by clicking my c tool dragging that down here getting rid of all this stuff select tool highlighting this and deleting i'm going to zoom in a little bit more so i can just see what i'm doing better and just go ahead and repeat that same exact thing now that i've gotten rid of most of the empty space back here i'm going to delete all of my breaths in the background you do not need multiple takes of breaths you only want to keep your breaths in the lead so i'm going to go ahead and cut this straight down i'm going to just go ahead and do my cuts first so i don't have to change my tools all right my select tool highlight all of these and get rid of them now that i cleaned up all my backgrounds harmonies and doubles i'm going to be adding fades to this now the easiest way to do that is by double clicking any clip and we're going to go over here and pick a fade preset and my favorites are these bottom three i think i want to do a medium size fade so i'm just going to go ahead and do that on every channel because it affects all the clips on each channel and that's a really easy way of doing it and efficient way the only difference is for my ad libs i'm going to pick the longer fade so this one is going to be crossfade bleeding actually for these i'm going to do the longer fade as well since it's an area vocal okay so all of our backgrounds are done let's go ahead and tackle this lead so for the lead i'm gonna go and do a much more detailed edit take down the breaths because we want the vocal to sound natural but we also don't want it to be taken over by heavy breathing i usually delete my first breath no matter what so i'm just gonna cut that and a breath here i want to lower the volume of this right click on this little arrow here and click make unique so that when i turn the volume down by double clicking it's not going to affect the entire channel okay so now that i cut a couple of these pieces i'm going to make all of them unique and turn the volume down on all of them so there you have it recording vocals in fl studio now it's ready to mix so carrots just recorded a great lead vocal accompanied by doubles harmonies backgrounds and an ad-lib track since this template was made using kara's vocals it's already a perfect chain going in here for her vocals now we've got everything balanced let's dive into our effects a little bit i think i just want to hear one effect at a time let's just pick which ones we want to add by default the template comes with all of them on but that might be a little bit too many effects although it does sound pretty good let's just start with the dry then we'll add the reverb and all of our delays afterwards to see what they do sweet dreams are made of this let's have some reverb everybody's looking for something now let's try that again with some half notes delays on sweet dreams are made of this who went back to the desert sounds kind of distracting from the lyrics let's try a quarter note delay that might be what i'm looking for sweet dreams are made of this who went back to the desert i traveled the world in the seven i like that a lot let's check out what an eighth note delay adds to this sweet dreams are made of this i really like that at a tucked volume compared to the quarter note delay and then let's turn on our slap and see if we want to tuck this in there too sweet dreams are made of these two i really like the slap delay it actually can run at a pretty high volume just like the quarter note delay so that's my favorite way to mix effects just to solo them one at a time find the perfect volume for it and then i found that actually three out of these four delays worked really well on this vocal so the last thing i want to do to automate this lead is just have it be completely dry during this last line where the beat pauses i really want you to feel what the vocal says so let's open up our mixer and i'm just going to right click here and type in balance and that's going to take us right to fruity balance and hit enter now i'm going to right click on the volume knob and we're going to create an automation clip for this and that is going to show up right here we can close our mixer and now let's drag this clip to where on the timeline we want this mute to start which would be right here just grab the end of this thing and we're going to grab the end of this back and we want it to last just the length of that pause in the beat so it's going to go from here to here now i'm going to right click on here to create a pivot point and then i'm going to right click on that pivot point and i just want to use the one called hold now this is just going to do a hard mute we don't want to curve this we want this to be like a surprise mute and we're going to do our hold like that and then let's point to make delete that and then let's grab this point and make it go back up at the end and you can tell that we're back up at full volume because up in the top left corner it says 80 percent you can see when i move it the percentage moves and full volume or at least zero volume is eighty percent i actually just drag this out a little bit because we want our meter to go back up boom so now when we have our pause and our beat we'll have a pause in our vocal effects awesome the only other thing that i want to automate in this lead vocal is maybe some little alter boy i know that's not a stock plug-in here in fl studio but it's just such a good plug-in that can't not use it so i'm going to go to more plug-ins and let's type in alter and this is what we did in the actual version of the song that was released so we figured we may as well show you what we actually did and to do that i'm just going to tweak the parameter that i want to automate and then go to the tools menu last tweet create automation clip that's a really handy shortcut to make an automation clip out of any knob on any plugin during the mute we're gonna do two automations here and we're gonna go just grab the end of it and let's zoom out and let's drag it back and let's zoom in and let's have this go down so i'm just going to right click here boom and that create a thing we don't want to do a hold on this we're going to do a slope so i might do smooth and then let's have that go down to this point and let's create another point where it goes back up to 50 which is going to be our default volume on this plugin so boom right at 50 on that and let's listen and maybe instead of going all the way down we're just going to go down a little bit and let's go start a little bit earlier [Music] awesome so we just shifted our automation over just by shifting that clip over a little bit so that's a really easy way to automate any plugin really simple let's just close our playlist we don't have to look at that anymore and we're good to go and we can even just create another track we'll hit insert one and then i'm just going to hit this and let's just put this up boom and let's make sure boom and that's a really convenient way just to hide all of our automation clips down there inside the playlist out of sight out of mind let's take a listen to what our ad-libs are doing there's only a couple everybody is looking for something some of them [Music] and they're feeling a little bit too bright for this song it's a really dark themed song so let's just put this at a dark atlas everybody's looking for something some of them some of them and i don't think they're really uh process sounding enough so i'm gonna hit them with let's do something from the flanger menu let's do just the regular old flanger [Music] [Applause] awesome and the last thing i want to do is add some more brightness to my entire acapella think of this as like mastering your whole acapella with a plug-in i'm going to drop this eq filter and i'm going to do a boost at the very top i'm trying to bring out the very shiniest brightest part of the vocals [Music] now that we have this all automated and mixed let's take a listen to our final acapella sweet dreams are made of this who went back to the desert i traveled the world in the seven seas everybody is looking for something some of them wanna use you use it some of them wanna get used [Music] hey and there you have it how to mix a vocal from recording it at the very beginning cleaning it up adjusting your template to be perfect for your song and adding some automation if you want to get your hands on this template you can get a copy for every daw including ableton pro tools fl studio and logic over at and if you want to learn how to create a vocal sample pack how to learn more about the music industry we've got courses on as well so we'll catch you guys next time in another tutorial peace out
Channel: KARRA
Views: 527,028
Rating: 4.9493809 out of 5
Keywords: how to record & mix vocals in FL studio, how to, vocals in FL studio, recording vocals in FL studio, FL studio, KARRA, Reid Stefan, FL studio stock plugins template, stock plugins, fl, vocal template, mixing in FL studio, karra tutorial, splice, vocal samples, comping in FL studio, best vocal plugins, vocal tutorial, vocal recording tutorial, vocal tips, best DAWs, fl studio tutorial, reid stefan FL studio, fruity loops, vocals in fruity loops, recording techniques, logic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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