Recording Vocals is Easy! | FL Studio 20 recording vocals for beginners.

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what's good everybody's your boyfriend aka mr different your favorite never hairducer back with another video man i've been sick for the past week and it made me feel like but i'm back with a video and in this video i want to go ahead and address like a commonly asked question all the time on my videos even overvisimente pads where people still do not understand how to set up recording for fl studio i mean i made like three videos at this point where how to pretty much set your microphone up and everything up for recording and people still don't get it so this is going to be the last and final video i am making on the topic where this is going to be recording vocals is easy in fl studio this is a beginner guy where i'm gonna go over every little step because i feel like a lot of you guys are watching these videos at 1 000 times speed and then when it goes past you and it's like a blur because so fast you can't your brain can comprehend it that you don't you just keep messing up so oh man this gets really frustrating but the same time i understand a lot of people are just impatient and want to be a quick easy button but it's not that easy or this simple especially in fl studio so in this video i'm hopefully going to get you guys up and running with recording vocals in fm studio the easy way and this is a very beginner basic tutorial so be prepared for me to go over every little detail to help you guys out because i'm tired of making videos like this and i'm tired of getting questions and comments about why it doesn't work why i can't hear myself why i can't record it blah blah this video is going to show you everything so let's get right to it so here we are inside of fs2 now before we begin i want to say make sure you have a microphone a interface maybe some headphones and also you got a computer or laptop as well because i think a lot of you guys probably skipped that part as well so i'm gonna make sure i make it very busy for you guys so make sure you got those very basics right now before you get yeah we get into that make sure you have an interface microphone all that good stuff and it's all plugged up to your computer usb thunderbolt whatever and you know we're good once you got that now we can move on so just make sure you got that so anyway here we are inside the fx2 left side got a little beat pulled up right now but we'll get to that in a little bit first we're going to start off with going to the options and pretty much getting everything kind of set up for how we record so if you go to options you want to go to audio settings now in audio settings there's a thing where you have the uh the azure driver so basically you want to select the seo driver for your interface now if you have a focusrite you want to make sure to set the focus right thunderbolt usb if you have a presonus you mentioned your personas if you have uh i'm using the artorial one use the arturia one you want to make sure you use the azure driver for your interface that would give you the best results right there it makes you use azure driver and not direct sound because these are just the low latency drivers built into your interface so these gonna give you the best results don't use these up here unless i mean there's really no use to use that if you don't have an interface that has seo drivers use the azure for all and you should be able to set that up as well i might make a video about azure for all cause another thing so once you got that set up you want to set your buffer size now for recording purposes you want a low buffer size now this is going to be the demo person i really care about that but for recording the lower the buffer size the better usually i like to record around 64 samples or 128 depending on you know the session how many tracks i got that will give you the least amount of latency meaning when you talk into the microphone how fast you'll be able to hear yourself back into it so if you want to record with effects or hear yourself recording you want a low number now if you don't care about hitting yourself back or anything like that then you can actually eject the um the latency up you know you actually have it up so you can put more effects or whatever later that wrote but for mixing purposes you also want to have a higher buffer size because it allows you to put more effects on there but i said for recording purposes keep it low if your interface can go to 64 that's really good and go lower than that then even better but 128 is usually a good one i like to say for most interfaces um we got thunderbolt or usb type c and you can pretty much go 64 or maybe even 32 depending on you know your system as well remember the lower you go the more powerful a system you'll need for it's like laptop pc or whatever so just keep that in mind and a better interface so i'm just going to go ahead and set the 64 is probably gonna do a little glitch in real quick i'm gonna go and save the 64 and i'll be right back okay now that we got that set up so we got there i got our buffer size set up we got our driver set up we're all good at this point you're ready to start recording actually setting up our microphone next so now we're going to move on to my phone so like this beat i said massage dragons beat shout out to my homie carter x using one of his beats real quick for this video so i pretty much dragged the beat into fstudio you know drag and drop all the good stuff i double clicked it and i did send it to uh channel one so this beat is actually playing on channel one as you can see and that's just good if you want to put a fix on the beat maybe some you know something on there or you want to change the volume of it you know it's good to send your beat to a separate channel look like the fb studio doesn't automatically do that like most dws out there so you'll need to do it yourself um now we're gonna set up our microphone so i'm just gonna set up track number two to record my microphone now you wanna go right here to input and you wanna select your microphone look there are two different types of inputs there are the top ones up here which are stereo meaning you're using two microphones or a stereo mic or whatever but we're using mono so when you use right here now if your microphone is plugged up into uh in input one you will pick line input instrument one or if it's in input two two three four depending on whatever you have your microphone plugged into that's what you're gonna use for this so for me the microphone is played in the one so if i hit in here now you should be able to hear me inside the f6 it should be doubling a little bit so i'm just gonna uh mute that now i want to show you guys a quick little thing this is where a lot of people mess up when it comes to recording fs2 as you can see i have it hooked up to input one and you see we have level going into input one and you see it's a pretty healthy level i'm gonna talk about gain stage and all that in a little bit um but as you can see if you want to hear yourself back inside your headphones while recording you want to make sure you click your channel and you want to route it to the master channel once you do that you'll be able to hear yourself back in real time so as you can see now it's doubling you can hear me twice blah blah you know good stuff right there good things but you know that's if you want to hear yourself a lot of people unmute that and don't hear this so i'll show you what happened when you record and why people get mixed up with them i'll show you exactly how to fix that issue so if you want to hear yourself make sure you route the actual channel to the master channel that way you'll be able to hear yourself if you don't want to hear yourself you can actually unlink it and you're you're good but if you want to hear yourself play back again you have to make sure you link it back to the master channel if you do not do that you will not hear any audio and a lot of you guys keep doing that and hit me up with questions and comments i can't hear myself that's why i'm gonna show you how to fix so now we got that router if you want to you can add effects to it all that good stuff that's cool this little red button right here is the arm button this pretty much tells fstudio what track is on for recording meaning what track fsu is going to record from so you can unarm it and that mean you know nothing's armed but you arm it now emphasis is going to record through this channel so for example i'm about to mute my main mic and obs and we're gonna just record a little freestyle inside of here i'm gonna show you guys how to you know mess around with that and all that good stuff so let me go and do that now i'm able to hear myself back inside fx studio let's go ahead and record a little bs freestyle real quick just for the f of it they say once you want to count off you want to hit the one the three two one button as you get a little count off you want to arm your track and if you're recording into the playlist make sure you're on song mode not pattern mode make sure song mode and then hit play let it count down and start recording yeah yeah uh it's your boy different back better show you guys how to do this i mean hopefully you guys can record and do this right so yeah i mean i'm tired of helping everybody out so stop running your map what i'm doing it's just a bs real quick so let's go ahead and unmute that let's go ahead and unmute myself and i'm himself babe himself back all right so now i'm back inside of obs and you know sounding good and all that hc we have a recording now if i play it back just unrecord play it back yeah yeah uh it's your boy different back better show you guys how to do this i mean hopefully you guys can record and do this right so yeah i mean i'm tired of helping everybody out you know there you go right there as you can see there it is um and it's pretty much it's done okay so now you're thinking to yourself okay well now i have an ender recorder how can i actually add a fix to it because none of my effects are working well you got to send it to his own channel so if you double click it if you hit the track button right under here i think this feature is only in 12.5 or higher or whatever but if you hit this little track button it should send it directly to his own mixture channel so you hit that now it's sent it to number two it said actually number two because i recorded so like i said i can actually unmute this as you mute this and now it should be coming through channel here [Music] oh but wait there's no audio coming through and this is where a lot of people get messed up every single time you got to remember you have to route it back to the master channel and once you do that yeah yeah uh it's your boy different back better show you guys how to do this i mean hopefully you guys can record and that's where a lot of people mess up and get irritated and hit me it becomes like why can't i hear myself bad why can i hear myself back play back when i'm done blah blah blah blah blah that's reason why you're not routing it back to the master channel after you take off all the armor on it now you can add in effects compressions eqs reverbs all that good stuff and you have a track like that way and i say if you want to what i would recommend is to not record again if you have something say you have um some tracks right here in this channel i would not record in the same channel i would actually make like a a random channel like maybe down here it records like a random empty channel because if you try to record once again in this channel say for example i bring my microphone up back up so i'm gonna do it one more time so you guys can hear me now if i try to record again it's gonna record not only what i'm saying now but it's also gonna record this as well so i'll show you examples so you can avoid this yeah okay that's different and you know trying to uh yeah that now if i mute this one it's actually gonna be recorded it actually recorded this plus this as you can see and let's just go here we'll just send it to the track let's send the track number three oh gotta make sure it's routed once again to the master channel yeah it's your boy okay it's different you that is know one super big annoyance that i hate with fs student that's why i don't really record vocals in fs studio because of that stupid little issue right there that you know just can't be really fixed unless they just redo the whole record thing make sure that if you do record audio record it to a random like down the road type of arm channel and just um you know route your stuff manually into your own channels that way that way you just don't have that over dubbing effect and it records both this and that cause i see a lot of people having an issue as well and that's why it's doing that and that is why it's messing up that so yeah i mean that is pretty much it that is the bare basics on how to record fsu though hopefully this video made sense to a lot of people hopefully you guys now understand why some issues are going on when you're recording why you can't hear yourself back why record the previous thing plus this all kinds of that hopefully this video makes sense if you still having issues i can't save you you just need to stop recording you need to just stop recording and get a different daw or just stop doing music all together because there is no other help this is basically the easiest way to understand how to record vocals and if a studio but like i said episode isn't the best for recording vocals anyway why am i still doubling so annoying but whatever but yeah fs2 just not the best for you know doing that but yeah so i don't know what to say if you have any questions leave a comment below and hopefully we can help you out hopefully there will be no issues but with that being said y'all know who it is your bustling akm is different not motivated by the money but the like comments go out and views except the comments about this which i just showed you again so you should be able to get it so hopefully you guys understand it if you got any more questions feel free to leave in the comments below i'll try to help you guys as much as i can but hopefully this will alleviate a lot of issues and you guys can you know go about recording fstudio which i don't really recommend but you can anyway but it's what it is so yeah let us say we enjoy always catch you guys next video i'm out later yee
Channel: MrDifferentTV
Views: 12,673
Rating: 4.9281044 out of 5
Keywords: MrDifferentTV, Mr Different, how to record vocals in fl studio 20, how to record vocals, how to record vocals in fl studio 12, Recording is easy, Recording is easy FL Studio, How to Record Vocals in FL Studio, fl studio tutorial, record vocals in fl studio tutorial, how to record vocals tut, fl studio vocal recording 2018, vocal plug, how to record vocals in fl studio 12 new, How to fl studio, recording in fl studio 20, FL Studio 2021, record vocals in fl studio 20, FL 20
Id: 88EYcQx1WCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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