How to Record Guitar with a Backing Track in REAPER

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hey guys Alex is here guitars calm as you can see from the title of the video today I'm going to show you how you can record guitar with the backing track in Reaper and quite frankly I thought that this was a very easy thing to do but apparently it's not because I've had some of you guys asking me how to do it so in this short video I'm going to show you how to do it so without further ado let's start we go to the Reaper we open up go to select a new track so here is a new check in on this track we're going to have the backing tracks or go to I go to menu insert media file and you go to the folder where you have your backing tracks and you select one so let's say this one okay we go to the beginning of the track here we select another one and on this one we're going to have the guitar so I go to effects I choose the Guitar Rig okay now let's choose a preset let's say this one let me adjust the volume a little bit okay so now you can hear the guitar because I haven't switched on the monitors and I have to arm it now you can hear the guitar okay so let's get rid of that okay all right so we have the track which is the guitars on we have it armed do not arm the track with the backing track because you're going to hear erase it so that's what you want to do just the guitar track armed and this one stays like that so let's make a little sample here also just another quick tip to show you that I've enabled and metronome here and it's just for the as you can see have ticked the counting before recording it gives me a little bit of time to put to prepare usually it's just two measures so two bars so you when you click it when you start recording it counts you in and then you start you know put the backing track because not every baking track has the counting anyway just a little quick tip here so let's make a recording so I hit the record and here we go [Music] [Music] okay so that's enough so what do you do now you save it now we have recorded guitars now with the effects on so let me just show you if I engage the and the solo so I'll get back to the beginning now I have the just the guitar okay so you can hear with the effects on if I switch off the effect I just have a dry guitar which is sounds like this okay so now with the backing track goes like this now what would you want to do is you have to level the volumes of recorded guitar and the backing track so you do that individually okay so you can use this volume up or down you know but watch out for these red so you don't go into red and you can adjust also on the master here so when you level out of the volumes of both tracks so what you want to do now is you want to render so let's do it like this so I select the area that I want to do let's try this a little bit like this okay so now we go to file we go to render here let's say Black Sabbath just sample now here I choose time selection because I've chosen it here with the white as you can see if you want to you know render the whole thing then you choose entire project but for this one is just the time selection you can choose the output format in WAV but it takes a bit more space I should choose mp3 and you go and render so now it goes rendering as you can see it goes really in a lot into red so what I want to do is I'm not going to use this one so I'm going to lower the volume a little bit here and also on individual tracks as well I mean these are small details which are going into the mixing thing and you know it's a different thing but anyway I'm just going to show you so again do it again render and it's going to ask me do you want to overwrite because the same file already exists and I say yes overwrite okay so we'll go just a little bit since - less than okay 1.7 anyway so you know you lower the volume more but full for the sake of this lesson just going to show you so showing fun in finder and here is your backing here's your recording okay so let's hear how it sounds like [Music] [Music] okay so the volume on the guitar needs to be brought down a little bit more but you know I'm just for the for the lesson just going to show you how it goes the mixing thing is a totally different thing so basically that is it as I said before you select a new track you put here the backing track through the insert button and now and then you select another track where you're going to record your guitar so after that obviously you want to switch off all that stuff and you leave your effects on on if you want to record with the effects on okay with a preset if you switch it off you're going to have just a dry guitar and that's pretty much it okay so that was this short video of showing how you can record with the backing track I have another video where I show more of how to use the river and how I what other stuff I use and I'm going to provide you with the link in the description box so you can go and check out the other video where I talk about the reaper like it's under chain the whole thing and what I use for audio interface and so on and that is it for this video I hope you liked it if you liked it please give it a thumbs up also don't forget to comment share subscribe if you're new to my channel if you have any other questions please leave them in the comment section below that's it from me hope you liked it and it was useful to you and I'll see you in next video and there's always let the force be with you [Music]
Channel: GuitarForce.Com
Views: 32,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaper, recording guitar, how to record guitar, reaper daw
Id: S25qFyQ6U2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2017
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