How to use Garageband for podcasting with Pat Flynn | Tim Ferriss

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hey what's up everybody this is pat flynn from smart passive income calm and smart passive income podcast I wanted to create this video for Tim and for all of you out there we're going to be starting your podcast very soon specifically to teach you how to record and edit using GarageBand now if you aren't going to be using GarageBand because maybe you're a PC user or you might prefer something else like audacity or adobe audition that's okay most of those pieces of software all work the same way and this video will still be extremely helpful for you because I'm going to show you how to be incredibly efficient when piecing your show together because hopefully you'll just be doing more than one episode now before we get started I got some housekeeping things to take care of that's going to make your life so much easier down the road so let's dive right into my computer and I'll show you what's going on all right so here you're on the whiteboard which is where I'll do I'll be doing some instruction here for you let me just say what's up to all Tim's family what's up toons fans uh now when creating the episode there are some people out there who have the ability to complete an entire show in one full session meaning their intro and outro music and even their interviewer sort of recorded live and all pieced together in one moment and by the end of that their episode is ready to ship I am NOT one of those people and most of you probably aren't either and I found it very convenient to think of a podcast episode sort of like a like a movie that's made up of different parts that when put together just create sort of a seamless show and that's how I want you to think about it so I'm going to talk about the different kinds of files or the different pieces of your show parts of your show that you can potentially have all recorded separately and pieced together so the first thing you want to think about having is something like a pre-roll and a pre-roll is a unique identifier for each particular episode so for example might sound like hey what's up this is Pat Flynn and welcome to episode 108 of the smart passive income podcast and that is very useful for people because a if they've listened to that episode before they probably know you know it's good to have order to all of your episodes but secondly you know it gives good identifiers for people if they want to share it or reference it later now that is typically followed by the intro music which is always good to have not everybody has intro music but that's okay you could choose and that's a really bad note but you could choose to have music if you'd like that's up to you and the music is typically followed by your intro you're sort of what you know again a unique sort of introduction or welcoming for each particularly episode after the music and this is actually really important because this this within typically the first minute will be the deciding factor whether people stick around or not and in that intro you want to give all the juicy sort of teasers that you can to make sure people continue to listen on because if you don't give them something to look forward to they're just gonna they're just going to leave now if you do have interviews this is typically where you'd put the interviews and five then you might do sort of a unique post role you know something to end the show typically you want to put a call to action in there as well and then six I didn't give myself enough room the outro music and now each of these different things can be different files that you could sort of plop together in a timeline let me show you how to do that in the next segment but before we do that I want to talk about some specific types of files that you should have handy so that when you do open garage band or whatever editor you use it'll just make it incredibly easy for you to find them alright so right now you're looking at a sample podcast folder and I think it goes without saying that you should obviously have your own dedicated folder for your particular show but the way you organize those folders within that podcast folder is really important so let me go over how I organize the folders and this is again for maximum efficiency and organization so first you can see here obviously a folder for all the episodes so every time you create a new net a new episode they get saved in there there's one for all of the graphics that you have from your cover art to you know anything that anything promotional for your podcast as well that goes in there you also want to have a folder for all of your recorded interviews so whatever recording software you use plop them in there and then also I like to have a folder for screenshots because you're going to want to take record of you know the high rankings you get in iTunes and elsewhere now let's look at these master files really quick this is what's going to save your life having master files incredibly and easily accessible for you each time you create a new episode so you can see here I have three master audio files here which will be easy to drag and drop into your timeline so I can I have one for your intro you can have one for your outro as well and then if you have any audio transitions in between different segments of your show you can have them in there as well and to keep it easy I just have them with little dash and and all caps so that they're easy to find the - just puts them at the top when they're put in alphabetical order now you'll also see a master episode template here this is my GarageBand master episode template and this is important because it's a file that you create that you'll open up each time you record a new episode that will already be set up with all the proper track names and settings for your show this way you don't have to start from scratch with each new episode and mess with the settings each time so let's get into GarageBand right now and I'll show you how to set up your master template and then after that I'll go over a sample episode with you so you can see just how easy it is to piece your entire show together okay so as soon as you open GarageBand you're going to be asked to create a new project now this is the OS Mavericks version there's going to be new versions in the future and you might be using an older version of GarageBand either way you're going to be creating your master template file the same exact way so open up an empty project and hit choose and then you'll be asked sort of what you're going to do with your particular file now again remember GarageBand was made for musicians so there's a lot of instrumental things going on here we don't need that you just want to record using a microphone and just make sure the input is on input one typically unless you're doing something different it's going to be on input one if you're using the line-in on your iMac or your MacBook Pro so I'm just going to hit create to start our master template file now here's the interface that you're going to be familiar with down the road I'm not going to go over every single bit and piece of it but I'm going to give you some specific things to do right and immediately after you start this file again this is to make it podcast friendly because typically musicians are using this software so the very first thing you want to do is turn off the metronome and that can be found here on the right hand side it looks like Cal Bell you know we need more cowbell but not when you're recording a podcast episode what this is is it keeps time for those musicians that are out there using this software but we don't need that so we're going to turn that off we're going to also turn off this count in which is sort of a pre sort of four counts before you start recording we don't need that the last thing you want to do is also change the sort of LED area here from beats to time so you want to show the because you want to know sort of how long you're recording and sort of what time you're at in different parts of the show we don't need to know what bar or measure we're in so those are the first two things if you're not using this version you can look around in the settings to change again turn off the metronome turn off the count in and change from beats to show time so those small little setting changes actually are really helpful for you so you could actually save this master template file right now if you'd like however there's a few more things we're going to do with the tracks to make our life easier so that we'll know when we drop in our audio files exactly what's going on so let's organize our tracks here you'll see one track here called audio one we're going to add more tracks specify them for different parts of our show which will make it easy to drag and drop them in later so let's do that right now so we're actually going to rename audio one to our pre-roll so if you just double click this you can change the name so we'll make that pre-roll and then we're going to add a new one by clicking this plus button and we're just going to make it the same sort of microphone line input audio file and then I'm going to rename that one to be intro music and I'll just fast-forward through all this so that you'll see them all when they're done all right so here we are with our tracks already laid out and I'm going to go down the list for you really quick but before that I want to reiterate why this is important to organize your file this way it's important because you know for one it just makes it easy to organize and to know where things go when you're dragging other files into the into its place here but it's also important because in the future if you ever wanted to change anything out it would be incredibly easy for you or if you go tim ferriss style a VA to come in and do it for you for example if you wanted to change the intro music or you've changed it later and you want it to make it cohesive from episode one you can come into your older episodes and just interchange the music here or maybe you're adding or taking out or changing advertiser's down the road if you had a track for advertisers you could do that now again these lists of tracks here this list here it's just a recommendation you can add your own tracks if you have other things you could subtract tracks it's up to you now let me go down the list really quick you have your pre-roll your intro music your introduction and you'll see two do different interview tracks the purpose of that is one track for your voice and one track for the person you're interviewing the reason you want to separate those tracks and I'll show you how to do that in a second but the reason you want to have them separated here is because sometimes the people you interview they don't have the best audio quality or their levels might be too high or too low you can adjust them here to match yours so that it's just a seamless sort of audio experience going through your show then you also have your post role and your outro music as well another thing you could do to make your life easier is if you know that your intro music is going to be the same in every single episode that you have you might as well include it in your master template file to drag and drop any audio file into your timeline in any track here I'm going to show you how to do that right now so open up your find your find an audio file doesn't have to be an mp3 it could be like a wave or an A iff you can drag it and drop it right into that particular track so this is the intro song so I'm gonna put it into this track here and you know for your template file I wouldn't worry about where it is because you can move it around later if you'd like but I'm just going to have it there and you know I'll play it for you just really quick so you can hear it welcome to the smart passive income podcast and that's it so you can see it going across this timeline it's made up of different waveforms and you can even move and shift this into different tracks if you'd like it's really easy and intuitive but for now I've done all I can to prepare my master template file so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to click file and save as and I'm going to name this the - master episode template so it'll always be at the top and hit save and congratulations you have your master template file the file that you're going to open every time you record a new episode the most important thing to remember is when you open this file to save as the new episode that you're recording or else you're going to forget and you're going to overwrite your master template so that's it now let's reopen this file and do just that and then record our first session together actually really quick let's fix just a couple more things let's highlight the pre-roll let's move back to 0 and we could turn off the library by clicking off this button here to give us more room and then let's save it again that way when we reopen it it'll look just like this okay so when you reopen GarageBand you'll see the same screen as before you can actually go to your recent files and open the file from there or you can just go to your Finder window and open it here as well alright and here we are back at the timeline now what's the first thing we do when we open this template file we save as for this particular episode so I'm going to go into the episodes folder and create a folder that is named 0 0 1 since this is episode 1 it's good to have a specific folder for each episode as well in case you wanted to record different versions or you wanted archived versions or whatever other things to go along with the episode it's just nice and clean and then I'm going to name this zero zero one dot band band is just the garage band a file extension and here we go now we're all ready to record our pre-roll so what I'm going to do that for you right now this intro song is here already which is good but I'm going to move it out of the way because we don't need it now you could also mute it if you'd like by clicking this mute button underneath which I turn to blue and I'm just going to make sure the pre-roll track is highlighted and then when I press this red button it's going to record and then I'll whatever I say will be recorded into the episode so here we go hey everybody what's up this is pat flynn and welcome to episode one of the sample tim ferriss podcast there we go we're done now let's listen to it hey everybody what's up this is pat flynn and welcome to episode one of the sample tim ferriss podcast now did you notice that click sound for my mouse at the end we obviously don't want that in there so I'm going to move the sort of timeline cursor here a little before the end and you'll sort of see where you're speaking based on where these waveforms are and I'm going to hit command T that splits that track at that point in time and you'll see it's highlighted and I can just hit delete and it goes away so now let's listen to it again hey everybody what's up this is Pat Flynn and welcome to episode one of the sample Tim Ferriss podcast boom all good to go now let's unmute the master intro and I'm going to scoot it over back here again you'll be able to see where everything lines up again remember that graph I made sort of pretending it's sort of like a movie well this is all the magic happens so now I'm just going to test it a little bit you can just click around and see how it sounds and again I can make it you know I can shift it around if it doesn't sound good but let's play it various podcast welcome to the smart sounds good now if I want to get a bigger overview of what the show looks like as far as a timeline I can use the horizontal zoom here sort of zoom out just to get more of an idea of what room I have and of course it only goes up to a minute now because we haven't recorded anything else but I'm going to do more right now and you'll see it just go up over time but next I'm going to record the introduction now making sure the introduction track is highlighted I'm going to record and you'll hear the episodes intro before I record that's there to help me again I don't want to mute that because I want to know exactly when it's time to come in so again I'll do a very short truncated intro for you because this is just a tutorial but here just check it out I'm gonna hit record right now and what's up everybody Pat Flynn here thank you for coming on to today's episode I appreciate you guys blah blah blah today's episode so and so forth don't miss it and at the end make sure to catch this this and that boom here we go here's the interview with Tim Ferriss and stopped it and there we go so let's hear how all that sounds together hey everybody what's up this is Pat Flynn and welcome to Episode one of the sample Tim Ferriss podcast welcome to the smart passive income podcast where it's all about working hard now so you can sit back and reap the benefits later and now your host who cannot wait for football season to start again Pat Flynn what's up everybody Pat Flynn here thank you for coming on to today's episode I appreciate you guys blah blah blah today's episode so and so forth don't miss it and at the end make sure to catch this this and that boom here we go here's the interview with Tim Ferriss and we're done now I'm going to zoom in here a little bit so I could see the end and just so I can make sure to get rid of any clicks that might be there so again come and t delete and again that's kind of how the show is put together now let me give you some tips as far as the interview is concerned I'll drop the interview track I did an interview with Tim Ferriss a while back and I'll just sort of put that in here I'll add the post roll and outro music and then we'll be done and then I'll show you some tricks for exporting and making sure everything is leveled off as well but let me go into the interview folder really quick just to give you some tips as far as the interviews that you're capturing if you're using call recorder for skype this is a tool by ECAM you'll see that the episodes that you record are the interviews that you recorder actually movie files and the reason it's a movie file is because you know you could record a movie you know the the what's on the screen if you're actually seeing video but since it's audio it's a movie file but it's just audio and you could actually change this to an mp3 directly from the tools that ECAM and call recorder provides you right here in your finder by right-clicking and go to open with now you could just convert this directly to an mp3 it turns it into an mp3 file and then you could drop it in a timeline in one track but I like to split movie tracks there's split size the conversation or split movie track I just found that split movie tracks is just better as far as the vert is the quality that comes out so I'm just going to click split movie tracks and it'll take a little bit of time but you'll see in just a moment that you'll see track 1 and track to show up okay now one of these tracks is actually my voice and the other track is Tim's voice now here I'm going to do the same thing except turn it into an mp3 so now I'm turning each side into its own mp3 which I'll then drag and drop into the timeline so I'm going to open with convert to mp3 the latest version this is track 1 takes a little bit of time but you know I'll fast forward for the purposes of this tutorial all right and so now we have the Tim Ferriss interview track one in Tim Ferriss interview track two and I'm just going to shrink this down so I could show you how to drag and drop them in here and so we have track one where to go track one I'm just going to drag it right here and it takes a while to convert especially because these interviews sometimes go for several minutes but just be patient now I'm going to do track two I'm going to make sure the beginning is at the same point in time as the other one because again you want the conversation to be very natural I mean if it's off a little bit somebody is going to answer before somebody else finishes a question it's going to be weird it's happened before it's okay you can always move these things around if you don't get it right now just let me zoom in just to make sure yep they're at the same time and now I'm going to play the beginning of this however note that typically when I start recording these interviews and this might be the case for you I'm not recording at the very moment we actually start the part that we want in the podcast and just might be small talk but I'm not going to play the whole thing for you I'm just gonna play the beginning so let's see what it sounds like right I'm all yours here we go three two one what's up everybody I'm so happy to welcome back mr. Tim Ferriss the smart passive income podcast what's up Tim how are you I'm great I'm enjoying Hawaiian weather in San Francisco while it lasts alright and that's it now I'm just going to cut this short so I'm going to highlight both of these click command T just to delete all that because I want the tutorial to be very short for you obviously but that's track 1 in track 2 and as I play these I could notice the different levels here you'll notice that as I was speaking you've probably seen this already or have noticed it because it's the only thing moving on the screen but these levels sort of go up as the voice becomes louder and if they are in the red like for a very long time that's going to mean that the people listening it's going to crackle in their earphones or on their computer you don't want that to happen the if the audio is in the yellow or maybe just a tad bit at the bottom part of the red that's good and you want both tracks to be there luckily Tim was on some good equipment which he's told you in this particular a tutorial for the podcast as well so there's no worries there but like I said before sometimes people aren't on good equipment or their levels come out different but I'm going to show you a little trick even if you can't you know mess with the levels enough where it sounds good there's a tool out there you can use to make the levels of everything in your episode all the same and I'll show you how to do that in just a sec but let me just finish up here with the post roll and then I'll drab dropping the out outro music and then we'll export so I'm going to highlight post roll and I'm going to just come back a little bit so I can prepare myself Francisco while it lasts alright I hope you enjoyed that interview with Tim Ferriss you can find him at all the places you all know where to find him and you could find me at all the places you all know where to find me thanks melting in the next episode that was a terrible outro obviously you want to call to action you know subscribe to my email list download my ebook here that sort of thing but again just for this tutorial and then the last thing I'm going to do is plop in the outro music so let's get the outro music here as well and again I can move it around and I'm not even going to play it for you but you kind of get the idea so let me kind of zoom out here so you'll see exactly how this episode is laid out pre-roll the intro music the introduction the interview on two different tracks the post roll that I just recorded and then the outro music and there you go so that's the episode so now what you want to do is click Share and export song to disk and this is where you'll get a few different options I like to name this the same exact as it was before zero zero one and I wanted to do it as an mp3 just comes out a lot better as far as file size because the end you're gonna be doing a lot of these but you know you know let's look at these qualities really quick you know medium or high is okay I mean typically if you're doing music highest quality is what you want but you know you have some music in your show typically so I mean I usually do it at high quality and click export and it's not going to take much time because this is a short episode and boom we're done so we'll see the file here let me go into episodes and then episode 1 you'll see the mp3 file and you know if I wanted to I play this and we could hear what it sounds like hey everybody what's up this is Pat Flynn and welcome to episode 1 of the sample Tim Ferriss podcast welcome to the smart passive income podcast where it's all about and I'm not gonna play the whole thing for you but that's that's the idea now the last thing I want to give you is a tip for level leveling out your show meaning keeping the volume as loud as it can without crackling for all parts of your episode whether you don't come in with the best quality where your settings might be off or maybe the person you've interviewed their settings are off so I'm going to take you to a site called auphonic that's au ph o ni c and i'll show you how that works ok so here we are at cool tool that i use after every episode just to make sure things are good you know it reduces a lot of noise and Hum it makes all the loudness all normalized in the same you know it sort of balances the levels for everybody that listens to the show so let me show you how to use it really quick I'm gonna log in and use one password here and you'll see that I've done a number of episodes in the past already for a number of different shows that I've done now I'm going to click on new production now note that they give you at this point in time at least two hours for free to do that for some of you might only be two episodes but you know you could try it out see if you like it pricing is based on you know bulk purchases and you know all that stuff I won't go over that right now but again it's a really cool and handy tool that I use it comes with a lot of features as well you can even export your file after it goes through all that normalization stuff and balancing with all the basic metadata that you want for your show you can use this if you want for metadata but I'm sure Tim or somebody else will teach you how to do that you don't need to do that I just do it through iTunes specifically so I can drop my artwork in there and all that stuff so I'm just going to use this just to normalize these particular episodes and I'll show you how to do the one we just did so I'm gonna click on choose file I'm going to go into our podcast folder click on episodes get that mp3 file that we just got click open and I'm just going to go down to the bottom and you know the default settings are already there and hit start production and then hit start production again and you'll see it's not going to take that long because the file is really short but it'll show you sort of a waveform and a place to download that particular episode and alright that episode is done I'm going to click download just to download it to my computer and that's the main file you want to use as far as putting your metadata in your cover art upload to your server whatever server you end up using and then you know having your RSS feed from your blog and then have it sent out to iTunes and everywhere else you have it so before I let you go there's one final thing I want to say thank you so much for watching this tutorial I really hope it was helpful for you now my final piece of advice for you is this please please with the information I just served with you please create a test episode first don't wait until your first interview don't wait until you record your first episode do it now record a 30-second conversation with a friend put it through this process and see what it sounds like actually listen to that episode on your desktop on your laptop and especially your mobile device because most people are listening to podcast episodes on the go do that and you're going to know exactly what to fix if it's not right you're going to make your life so much easier thank you and I'll see you at the top of iTunes Tim thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to be here and share with your audience for those of you out there who want more for me you can go to you can also find me at Pat Flynn on Twitter thanks I'll see you around thanks for watching this video guys if you want more videos please let me know what you would like to see how to instructionals whatever it might be in the comments and please be sure to subscribe to this YouTube channel so you don't miss any new videos that I put out I'll be doing a lot in video and TV and there's some very cool stuff coming thanks for watching
Channel: Tim Ferriss
Views: 127,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tim ferriss, 4 hour workweek, 4 hour body, 4 hour chef, forbes, timothy ferriss, entrepreneur, author, writer, best-seller, public speaker, angel investor, ferriss, twitter, Facebook, stumbleUpon, evernote, uber, tim ferriss blog, timothy ferriss speaker, Garageband, How to podcast, How to record in garageband, Pat Flynn, Pat Flynn Smart Passive Income, How to use Garageband for podcasting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2016
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