How to Recall Different External Effects Routings | Club Cubase April 9 2021

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hi welcome to the april 9th 2021 club cubase live stream we'll get started here in just a couple minutes i'm going to make sure everything is okay on our audio feed just a second and we'll get started okay so everything is sounding fine on my audio feed so uh my name is greg undo i'll be the host for the live stream today uh if you have not attended a live stream before how it works is you can submit questions in advance to clubcubase at or you could just simply ask them in the live chat field we'll try to go through all the questions as completely and as succinctly as possible the ability to ask questions will far exceed my ability to answer them in a real-time manner so it may uh take a little while for me to get to your question but we'll try to go through each of them chronologically so if we could uh so if you don't see an immediate response there's no need to type the question over and over again that's not going to speed up the response only kind of slows down the whole process so if we could try to avoid that that would be helpful also if when you ask a question if you could specify which version of cubase it is and maybe which computer operating system that information is also useful so you can see i'm running you know cubase pro 11 on mac os or i'm running cubase elements 10.5 on windows 10. that information is uh helpful so and so we're going to wait a couple minutes let people get logged in and then we'll get started but if you want to if you're watching this live you could go ahead and introduce yourself and tell us where you're from once again my name is greg undo i work for yamaha corporation of america as a product specialist focusing primarily on steinberg products and so i'm based in united states and just outside of washington dc and alexandria virginia so if you want to just let us know who you are and where you're from and also if this is your first live stream that would be uh it's always great information to see as well so let's go ahead and see who is on so you see sir robert from atlanta we have john john wells from japan robbie bowling from dallas all right so we have filter freak is eat the week in a row from sunny south uk we have vinnie sabatino from orlando walter from uh st louis in the united states all right all right so we have kent from washington so i'm not sure if it's washington state or washington dc all right so we have ali great to see you on we have agent k who also will serve as a moderator uh for us when needed we have uno from finland also if you wanted to search for to see if we've covered the topic in the past we can you go to it's usually yan from stockholm has a site called so if you say oh is this covered in a live stream before you could just kind of search there or and you could also find a lot of valuable resources at the cubase nation discord all right so we see uno memento from finland all right michael teams on earlier than usual from weatherford texas we have capped energy music from uh he's outside harrisburg pennsylvania all right so we have paolo from portugal all right we have tor from of course my from norway we have taylor from pine grove all right yan with cubase from stockholm all right so we have alan from toronto all right so we have pete from portland maine we have matthias from hamburg all right so we have met or mete from norway sorry for very butchering the pronunciation of your name all right so we have alex morgan from la all right so we have david and kristen from nashville great to see you guys all right gareth is on early that's great all right all right so we have serbia all right so we have tim from mission viejo we have marina from california all right gareth is checking in from antarctica so we always used to joke that i would get all all five continents except antarctica so so gareth made a pilgrimage down there just to log in for me so i appreciate it all right so i have alex from salzburg with matt from london all right so we have allen from maryland probably not too far from me i live just across the river all right so we have pablo checking in from galicia espana we have jazz dude uh from heidelberg in germany so he's helpful with a lot of computer configuration stuff all right so let's go ahead and get started all right so i'm going to scroll back um so question from from fabio uh is it possible to import in cuba say pdf sheet music and transform in midi thanks so cubase doesn't really have that functionality i think that there was a lot of notation programs that kind of offered it and i think over the years the inaccuracies um that would be generated by it would often you know take longer to fix than to enter it in manually so a lot of workflows have kind of shied away from it because it wasn't such a reliable uh technology there may be some companies that are working more on it i think that there is a company that will allow you to scan um you know to scan a sheet of music and and export it as a music xml file and that music xml file you could import uh directly into cubase just by going to import music xml and that's more of an interchange format for notation so but cubase doesn't really have any of the ocr capabilities and i think you'll see a lot of the actual notation programs that offered it or you know some of them i don't think are even offering it anymore because of kind of the reliability issues all right so we have john wells checking in from the future in japan where it's april 10th already so okay so john has a question when importing a sample cubase automatically changes to the pitch to an octave lower which is quite frustrating how to set up import the sample its original pitch at all times so usually if it's doing an octave lower that would indicate that maybe it's a sample rate issue so if it's you know the samp if the sample is at 48k and you're working at 96k that could uh do that you know that would create something or 88.2 to 44.1 so double the sample rate would mean one octave higher so what i would do is if you go to your preferences you could have cubase automatically convert to sample rate so let's say if we go to editing to audio and you could say convert to project settings and copy to project folder if needed in this way if it's a different sample rate in the audio file what that will do is it will convert the audio file to the sample rate that's being currently used in the project so if something is an octave lower that would probably mean that it's probably half the sample rate of what you're working at and that's what i would check so every time that you go to import a file it would automatically convert to the correct sample rate great to see robbie bowling from dallas all right so we have a question from daniel um hope y'all safe and sound so sometimes my mix downs does not obey my location preferences for saving files and pro 11 updates up to date uh could you um so when you go to export a particular file you know it may stick to the last uh location setting so you may have to manually set it so but if you wanted to come over here we go to export audio mix down so this path may always um you know could stick now there's little options here so you could choose um you know you could have it do a project mix down folder which would be a mix down folder within the particular project or you could just have it do uh place it directly into the project audio folder or you could choose so make sure that you actually choose the particular file right there and you know just choose your settings because this choice may stick unless you set it during the mix down process and cubase may not assume where you're going to mix down to so i would just always check the path before exporting all right so we have a question uh could you show how to convert vocals into midi so all right we'll take a quick look at that okay so we'll just and we can do this uh through very audio just get this project opened up okay so if i wanted to okay so now just come here let's look at our vocal so we'll go here to our very audio tab and we click here to do its analysis and under functions you can see extract midi so we could choose to carry over excuse me all the different inflections as uh the node expression vst3 tuning curve so and so at this point you could just say okay i want to do my node expression and we could just come over here and hit okay and what that's going to do is to at the very bottom [Music] here's our midi part and we could just have that opened up directly into a new folder or just have it you know or to a new track or go to you know you could have it in your copy you know in your buffer for copying and pasting but all you have to do now is just again from the very audio editor just to just after you do enable very audio editing just to just do an extract midi function that will turn your vocal into midi information okay just reading through comments here uh so we have a question uh is there a way to export the signature signature track so it could be used in other daws so that could actually be exported as part of a standard midi file so let's come over here i'll add just one so you may have to add kind of a blank midi part and i'll just put in one kind of fake note and let's add a signature track okay so now what i want to do is to just export this as a standard midi file and this could also export different tempo track information as well so if you wanted to come here and now we have this let's go to export midi file so we'll call this taylor all right so when we do this we could say we wanted to um all right so we'll have all this information here so let's go ahead and so that'll be exported i'm going to close this particular file i'll just do a new project or let's just import a midi file and i'll do it to a new project okay here's our midi file and now when we go to open up our signature track and our tempo track you'll see that all those are just carried over as part of the standard midi file so that could be an easy way to just transfer that data between different daw programs all right so we have a question could you discuss some of the ways the readings in statistics could be useful for production all right so let's say if i wanted to just take a like i wanted to look at an audio file um and i want to know get a sense of you know what my levels are you know and see if i'm peaking if i'm doing sample based stuff with the pitches so go to my audio menu and let's go to statistics so it's going to do an analysis of let's say my mixdown file or any file that is selected so here we could determine you know what our maximum values are for left and right what the true peak is if we need to do dc offset uh what the bit depth is of the file what the sample rate is the estimated pitch the average rms and your loudness information so at this point you could copy that to the clipboard and just kind of give that to a client as a you know here's a little statistics report that you know for your you know finished mastered song done by me uh that could be helpful for a mastering engineer or whatever you could just provide this information but often just kind of knowing exactly you know especially now for different delivery formats kind of what your loudness information is and being aware of that is really helpful and that's a great thing to use the statistics all right uh so you see from taylor sapp is there a way to sync an arranger track to the score to show repeat signs all right so let me just take a look i think there might be some way of being able to do this let's see i think i have a ranger track kind of okay so once we have this active we could have our arranger and let's say i wanted to take uh i haven't done this in for 10 years but let's take a look at let's say our score editor and let me just clean it up a bit here okay so let's say if i have this and all right so now that we've added kind of the arranger track here all right let me just clean this up just a little bit more [Music] just change this to eighth notes quarter note rest i'll just do this maybe on a quick new project and see but i think there is like some kind of integration with the score editor let me just try something a little more obvious [Music] okay so let's say i'll just take these and turn them into midi parts here okay so just go [Music] okay so let's say i'll make different arranger okay so let's say now that we have um the arranger track let's go ahead and activate it okay so now we can see that we have eight measures of music and now that when we get to our settings here let's make sure that we have the arranger so i it's something i'm not sure if it'll if it will match the score without flattening um but if you want to email me taylor i could play around with it some more but i think that there is so say if we just play [Music] all right let me just but i think there's something that you could do like in this area of the program but i could play around with it and show it on tuesday's live stream and i could do a little more research on it but i think it i'm not sure if it will do uh the repeat signs but it may automatically have the score uh automatically just indicate that let me just see if there's so here we go to go to the next chain step in previous chain step but i think that there is a way to do that but if you want to just email me and i can show it on tuesday's live stream okay uh so question hi greg you mentioned last week about being able to flatten the tempo make it a constant tempo of an individual if the tempo fluctuates could you please show us this function again in cubase 11. okay so what we need to do is to figure out kind of what the original tempo is from the original file and we could do that by just kind of playing so we can see that the metronome that we hear isn't matching up with the music so i'm going to select the event go to project and just go to tempo detection i'm gonna do an offbeat correction so now it's figured out what the tempo is [Music] so what we want to do now is to make this all playback kind of a steady tempo instead of fluctuating like it is so what we could do is going to select the file and we could do this for multiple files at once go to your audio to advanced and we want to set definition from tempo we could store this in the audio file metadata itself but what this is going to do is take the metadata of all these files and embed that in all the tempo changes at every single beat and embed that directly into the clip or we or within the project so now that we've done that we'll see this little icon appear in the upper right hand corner of the file and as we play we see our tempo fluctuating but i could just now type in a new tempo let's say i want to be 144 steady so you see kind of the white line here indicating the steady tempo and how that's deviating from the original tempo and if i wanted to go back to the fluctuations i enable the tempo track i want it to be steady i just disable tempo track and have my tempo value there [Music] so that's how you could do it so once again do a tempo detection select the file due to template detection select the file or files and go to advanced and set definition from tempo and then you could just type in one static tempo value and it will be kind of like a tempo parasite all right great to see josh from india glad you could join us for the live stream today all right we have trond from norway okay uh so we just see greg last week i'm trying to delete muted elements on the track by track basis not whole project uh using project logical editor however you're suggesting from last week seemed to not work um all right so let's see if we see if i could take another stab at it um and i could put this on a list of things to uh see if i get prepared for next hangout if it if we don't get it going so let's see i'll just copy over add an audio track here okay so we wanted to basically uh delete uh muted elements on the selected track okay so i'll just move a couple of these closer okay so let's go to your project logical editor and i think maybe this was kind of starting from uh the basis of one of the presets which was delete uh muted events so just something kind of like that so let's okay so i'm just going to try to build it from scratch here okay so we're gonna say our property is set to um okay because we needed to make sure that it's the track that is selected so we're gonna say container type is equal to track and its property is set to event is all right and i'm just going to duplicate this track here with different events [Music] muted all right so i just want to because it has to be you know the container type is the track that's selected as opposed to the event and that's the tricky part of this so container type is equal to track and it's selected i think when we go to property is set to so if i just wanted to come here we could say you know property okay so let's say we're gonna so i'm just trying to say if we come over here media type is equal to audio and property is set to vent just mute it so i will i'm sorry to do this so many times at the start of a live stream but i will play around with this one as well and see if i could have an answer for tuesday um so i don't spend like a half hour trying to figure out this one thing but if you want to send me just a reminder uh alex to club cubase at i'll add this to my list of things to show on tuesday sorry about that see that gareth is representing the penguins in antarctica all right great to see john cost again all right and occasionally my chat field will jump on me where i may lose a couple questions so apologize to that which is it just kind of jumped on me when i get behind so okay so i don't think i lost any questions um so we have a question is there an option to reverse polarity and phase in cubase so you could do it kind of on a particular sample so if you have an audio file selected here we could come over here go to audio to processes and there is an invert phase so you could just kind of process that directly on the file itself so that just inverted to phase if you wanted to do it at the mix console level what you could do is come over here to the channels themselves so say if you go to the channel eq or you can find this in the pre section that you see a phase switch right here and this is uh that could reverse the phase on a particular channel so you could do it on a stereo track um directly you know through the direct offline processes or just go to audio to processes invert phase or just on the channel itself if you need to on an individual track um all right so we have a question from matthias uh if i delete a no more needed plug-in effect from my computer by de-installation sometimes the the entries in cubase 11 are already there how to get rid of entries in the plug-in manager so the plug-in manager will scan whatever plug-ins that your system is seeing so when you come over here to your vst plugin manager so let's say if you go to you know your vst effects here so you could uh you know this will show the different plug-ins so you may when i've seen this happen for people is sometimes they may uninstall the vst 3 version but have the vst2 also installed and they didn't remove both versions or sometimes if you're running bridging software for to use 32-bit plug-ins in your 64-bit environment that those plug-ins could still show up and if it's still kind of an issue for you you could just come over here and if you wanted to uh you know copy the current collection of your default plugins so we'll just call this april 9th and then once you're in a newly created collection which you could do just by clicking on a little drop down menu you could come over here and just choose to delete plugins and then cubase won't access that if you're using that plug-in collection but make sure everything is uninstalled as well so okay uh so we have a question um can you change the side chain envelope uh when you use sidechain compression so if you wanted to adjust the amount of the side chaining i think you could do that just by automating the send let's go ahead take a quick look okay so let's say if i wanted to take this synth and have it sidechained from uh the kick above it so i'll go to my compressor here let's activate the side chain let's add our source of the kick and now once we do this um make sure this isn't too loud we're gonna have this side chain but if i go to my sends on my kick track and let me just put this into a loop so you could automate the send of how much so if you want it to be or less or hardly any side chain at all so just on the track that you're using as the side chain input just adjust the sand that's going to the side chain and you could have varying amounts and that's automatable all right all right so we have a question what are zoom presets okay so let's say if i wanted to [Music] come here and i'm working on this particular part of my project we could come over here and uh let me just see how so at this point we could add so let's say i want this to be side chain and i wanted to zoom in on this here to see all these tracks and i'll just click on this little uh drop down menu here so i wanted this so this little drop down arrow and let's go ahead and add this and we'll call this alignment so i believe if i did this right i could just say there's a side chain here's a line so this way you could have these kind of predetermined uh zoom states so that you could just go back and forth so you're not constantly having to uh you know navigate so okay i want to see everything and now i just want to go back and i'm working on the alignment section i could just go right there oh now i need to do something with my side chain so just click there and all my settings will be preserved for me so just this allows you to save different uh you know different levels of zoom for different parts of the project as well um so just see i have a cubase project that i'm working on at the moment where the convert mono to multi-channel function simply does not work any idea what that could be so sometimes what happens let's say if i duplicated this um okay so say if i wanted to take these two or let me just so say if i want to take these two mono files and convert those to stereo so if we go to your project uh convert track so let's say mono to multi-channel all right so you want to often i know in previous versions like this may um not be there may not be a choice for the destination format and i think this changed in 11 maybe but just make sure that this destination format i think in earlier versions like in 10 5 and 10 might have been blank and then you would have to choose stereo so let's go ahead and all right so now i just have my stereo track that's been created from there but just make sure that you have um when you go to again the convert tracks that you have kind of the destination format chosen if you don't have that and i think for some reason it doesn't do that by default just in case you're working in surround or ambisonics stuff like that so all right so michael teams wants people to whack the like button so okay just reading through different comments okay so we have a question from robbie bowling we hope your eyes are doing better robbie uh how do you change the default project default folder location for projects uh i can use the prompt and that works fine i would like to simplify it so if you just come over here so say we do a new project so we can use default location here and then you could just you know place it wherever you want it to so we could say i want this to go into documents and i'm gonna do a new folder for robbie and get my right computer keyboard working for this okay so now when i come over here um so my default location will be user defined directly there so that way all your projects could go to one particular folder all right good to see space crawler made the the live stream okay so i see a question uh why is it that on all cubase versions when i grab the right range locator it drags the left locator slightly away from zero all right so let's take a look all right so let me just i'll just do this on a new project okay so let's say we have uh starting at one one one zero ending at nine one one zero so let's say okay so i'm not sure if it's this one but let's say so we if we watch kind of just a position here we could see on our transport so our left locator so i'm not sure if it's the just make sure i'm reading it right so when i grab the right range location uh it drags the left locator slightly away from zero so if it's the range here the range is staying constant if it's the left and right locator that position doesn't seem to be changing for me um so i'm not sure if you're just grabbing a selected range if you're grabbing the edge or if you're moving it so if you grab it you know with if you have the hand tool that will move it but if you just go to the edge where you see the arrows pointing left and right at that point you could uh the start of that particular range doesn't seem to be moving and this could also work in the you know where we can move the left and right locators or you know we can move that globally or if we want to just adjust the end position whatever is selected so if you grab it kind of in the middle that will affect it but if you grab it by the edges i don't see that affecting the actual start position in any way but let me know if i'm doing something differently all right and if you've learned something new make sure you hit the like button so all right so we just see uh an idea for kind of an in-depth uh session on sample management content suggestions the sampler control core track and media bay with its samples content included cubase pro yeah so that would be a good topic john so all right so we have ram free checking in from arkansas okay so we have a question from john costigan uh hello greg i've been working at 48k and 64-bit floating point i wonder if i should mix it uh mix down to this kind of audio file type format would your sightless golden ear buddy approve um it really depends on you know he can hear the difference so but it really could depend on if you're gonna play it for yourself or if you're sending it to someone else that won't be able to really uh be able to open the file because uh their program or their playback may not uh offer that resolution so but i would always kind of you know keep a high resolution file keep a file that could be you know uh worked with in other programs you know it could be imported so i i think it makes sense to kind of you know if you're doing that you know keep you know render it twice uh when it's 32-bit floating point knowing that if you're sending it to a mastering engineer that you know they could probably open that if it's just you know something that you're working on you're going to listen to in your studio then you know do everything in 64-bit floating point because um but make sure it could be that you know some of the plug-ins will take advantage of it and some don't so and you know see what you actually find so all right so we have a [Music] question from gabriel carson um hello can i program my cc 121 so that the four function buttons are assigned to uh c1 c2 c3 and c4 so i i could just press the function button number for my cc 121 to listen to my reference mix okay so let's go ahead and take a look um so this is if we have your uh we're listening to maybe a reference mix that's going through a q mix so let's go ahead and take a look so we'll go to our cc 121 all right so let's see if we have this set all right so let's see if it's that yeah so if you come over to your studio and go to your studio setup you say function one and then you could just say select control room source so it doesn't take you immediately to the particular qmix but you could just cycle through the different cue mixes so as i hit the button here so and i think yeah so it's going to be not going to a direct qmix but you could just toggle between the different cue mixes and i just see you mention i could choose user assignable for one of the buttons and then choose select control room source for that button but then i have to press the function four times to come back to my main mix so it could also depend how many cue mixes that you have set up so if you only have two cue mixers i think it will just go back and forth between the two so if you're kind of doing that you're probably at the mixing level so try just to maybe get rid of the other two cue mixes or other three q mixes all right so we have seiko checking in from montreal or sacko okay we have a question uh how do i safely and cleanly remove previous versions of cubase namely version 10 version 10.5 and windows 10 without breaking the current version 11. so once it's actually version 11 is installed it'll have migrated all of the settings uh so all you have to do is go and uninstall the program so you could just go into your windows select cubase 10 and cubase 10.5 right click and just just choose to uninstall and that's why all the content and all of your user assignable presets and your profiles and all that is kind of stored not in that program files folder but that's all you have to do is just a normal uninstallation okay reading through comments all right so we have brazil checking in all right uh so it's to see a question hi greg i have a problem with my uh cubase pro 11 i can't make metronome work i used control room i activated the metronome from control room i also tried with direct output and nothing can you please help thanks i just ran into this with a composer and he's running the 14-bit midi sherlock um and he found that he there is just his and kind of as a like a a remote control solution software but if you wanted to go to um your transport menu and you found it when we go to the click sounds that it had the audio click level make sure that that didn't get adjusted so a lot of times people may have the click track and um so as we're playing so i'll just hit c and we'll hear our click so often make sure that you have the control room activated there like you do but then check just that you go to your transport to metronome setup to click sounds and at this volume didn't get accidentally reset to like zero because then you won't hear anything so but if you just now come here so that's something i would check that it seems like some control surface solutions are kind of affecting inadvertently okay um so question is there any plug-in or other method thatcher can simulator the whiskey effect on vocals in cubase so i'm not sure what the whiskey effect on vocals is um so maybe if you could let me know what a whiskey effect on vocals um if it's maybe making the singer sound more drunk or um so but i i don't know what the whiskey effect is i've never heard that uh but maybe if you could give me an indication what the whiskey effect is i might be able to help okay uh so he says my name is jackie is there a way nuendo cubase uh has recording status light features like adr panel in the video player also in normal transport function too um i think nuendo [Music] can have access for gpio so let me just see so if you have like a recording light kind of indicator um you know there's different like used to seeing more traditional studios where you know the red light would turn on so i know you could do it with the the yamaha nuage will have gpio capabilities but i think that you might be able to do it from with innuendo for gpio stuff just seeing if i can remember where i know if we have the uh like the nuage that you could do it directly from the nuage control surface as well and but there are some devices that will interpret just the record message from midi and be able to kind of display that um so i'm not sure if you want to see it in the video player or you just want a visual representation jackie but i know that there are some um you know some boxes that will just respond to midi record like when it sees like a midi record message from cubase that it will light up and say recording so but i'm not sure if if that's what you're looking for um so generally it was handled under like a gpio but you could there are some that just will work over usb as well it says uh say also appear in the video play or even change the background color in video player uh that would be very cool and no need for actual on air sign so a lot of people i know when they're tracking like a friend in nashville and he has each of the different tracking stations can see their own uh has their own keyboard mouse and display monitor so everyone can see the timeline as they're tracking which is really nice and and obviously when you are recording and you make you know say we add an audio track and you know let's say you make the active track that recording and you just come here and you make it very red you know that's a pretty strong visual cue um that you're tracking and recording you know when the person sees red or when they don't that that is you know being recorded just like that so a lot of people use that as kind of a visual indicator but there are some you know some different ways hang on one second my son might be on the screen break hang on all right sorry for the interruption okay so i just see a question i recall there's a logical editor hangout plan for sometime this month did i miss it or is it yet to come so it hasn't happened yet maybe we'll do it towards the end of the month okay so we have a question from sub 403 what's the difference between the logical editor and the project logical editor the logical editor is really just going to be for midi functions uh in a project logical editor will allow you to do more stuff like for automation and tempo tracks as well as you know renaming uh different tracks so but the original logical editor is just for processing midi data all right so we have a question uh can i out a guitar tab for the vst guitar so depending on the guitar part that you've played in so let's say if i wanted to [Music] just kind of go over here let me just see if i have i may have like a decent midi guitar part in our project so if you want to do different guitar tab so if you have the different information in as midi all right so let's say i want to select not sure why this project always does that all right let's go to my score editor um so all you have to do is when you go to the go to the score settings and just activate tablature you could adjust the tunings and then you could just kind of see the different tab modes right there so if you wanted to not hide stems or rest you could just kind of turn that in so so that's how you could convert it to tab so if you don't want to mirror you can now just come over here and just see the different guitar tabs automatically done and you could do you know up to 12-string guitar you could do you know different tunings scales uh different midi channels you could mirror so but that's how you could do uh guitar tablature so it's been in since i think atari version a cube a score probably 94. remember seeing it debuted in hamburg okay so to see a question can i import a tab or sheet for vst instruments so you know there really isn't a standard you know um you know we kind of covered this uh earlier so if you wanted to do it from like a printed score um cubase doesn't really do that you'd have to take like a standard midi file or a music xml file okay so to see uh hi any date for the next version of wavelab so i'm sure that there's a bunch of people um i think it's kind of you know we usually don't really you know announce stuff so far you know in advance but you know i'm sure that there's people working on it you know so generally steinberg will just kind of release something when it's ready so uh so question regarding the zoom presets is it possible to have different zooms such as all the way in or zoomed all the way out uh maybe one of the zooms halfway so you could definitely kind of get that configured and there's you know some keyboard shortcuts that a lot of people like if you wanted to see everything in the particular project you could come over here and just hit like shift f and that will zoom kind of the whole project so that it's visible um that's a good keyboard shortcut to know but you could definitely have you know different presets that will be uh you know that could be used for different states but you know it's also pretty easy just to you know like hit g h and you could store so however you want to do that you could you know you know so let's say if you're really far in and then you just wanted to see the whole thing just shift f and then that will take you back so there are some keyboard shortcuts for that all right so seeing more discussion on if on phase versus polarity so if you want the polarity setting again you would just go to the audio channel and in the pre section this is your the polarity switch right there so all right so we see pro wash dfws on the live stream okay thanks for all the great questions if you learned something new make sure that you um hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that already all right great to see sable winters on the hangout pablo is he was on earlier so i think he may be just watching and learning okay so you just see a question is it possible to have the mix console and inserts at one page in the down zone so when we come here you could switch between either views so it's kind of a lower zone um so it you know if you wanted to see you know you know generally depending on your screen resolution so this would be kind of an either or scenario but you could set up you know a let's say if i turn off my lower zone and i move this up and i'll hit f3 and i'll just kind of tweak you know so if you want to see your inserts and volumes you could do something like this you know so if you wanted to set that up as like a a workspace visual workspace you could do that as well but you know after a while there's only so much vertical space that people tend to have but you could have these as two separate windows and see you know your inserts and sends and you could just have these kind of grow as necessary so you could set up kind of the two separate distinct windows to do that function okay so we have a question how to change the display of meters db to more advanced in the mix console so let's say if i'm i'll just do a quick just find a quick project i was thinking of okay here we go so here we can see kind of our different and if you wanted to change some of the meter settings you can go to preferences so let's say we want to go to metering [Music] so you could have kind of you could change the color schemes there but if you want to also right click you could adjust the hold times when you go to your global meter settings so you could change your mix position or if you want to hold peaks not hold them forever so those are a couple of areas that you could kind of tweak the meters but let me know if that's what you uh but i'm not sure what it says to more advanced um but you know there's different coloring options as well as uh different you know metering position points as well right so sub 403 wants people to hit the like button all right uh so we just see anyone know if there is a preamp plug-in in cubase 10.5 so you know generally there's some you know for the guitars you know you could use the vst amp rack or the vst base amp for kind of you know that will be modeled on the preamp of those particular devices some of the distortion plug-ins will also have that but it's not like a mic pre that's particularly modeled okay so we just see uh do a video for beginners in cuba so you know we have probably thousands of different videos on our youtube channel so there's lots of different video content but if there's anything you want to see you know just feel free to ask a question because we take you know questions from uh anyone whether you're a brand new user or you've been running cubase for 30 years so then that's kind of why we do these live streams is just to kind of answer the particular questions that you have so if you have a question on you know how to do something just let us know we're happy to to do that directly on the live stream here all right so sir robert robinson is bragging that this is a first i'm watching the hangout while grocery shopping so that's pretty good that's pretty good multitasking i'm impressed so you'll probably spend more money and since you're at the grocery store you have to buy ice cream for michael teams to send it out to everyone and if there's a starbucks there you have to get a mocha for me but enjoy your shopping um hello i have problems with resizing a midi track so that the tempo of the midi track is changing by stretching the midi notes inside but without using the time warp function okay so let's say just a new project it could be the state of whatever mode you're in for the object selection tool okay so i'm just going to come here and do an incredibly exciting composition okay so let me just okay so let's say i have my lovely composition here um and so when we look at this we could place this track into musical mode usually midi tracks are in musical mode by default and as i change the tempo they're going to keep their bar in beat position regardless of what the tempo is so the tempo is slowing down but those notes are tied to the bar and beat when i come to musical linear mode as i adjust the tempo we'll see that those midi notes are tied to their time position and not to the beat so we we could see that now if you're using kind of the object selection tool um so let me just take all these notes and let me just raise them up an octave here quickly okay so we could see kind of the midi notes here so if you're in there's three different sizing modes so you could say sizing moves contents and or nor if when it's in normal sizing if i grab the edge it will just kind of truncate those particular notes but if this is in sizing applies time stretch that could be just automatically [Music] time compressing those notes there without doing any kind of like audio warping so it's so it's probably going to be either musical or linear mode or that the if you're doing sizing functions that you need to be set to normal sizing as opposed to sizing applies time stretch so let me know if that if that is applicable and if that helps all right so we see that jvi is just indicating he loves the hangouts just he just keeps learning so it's great um so you see does cubase support hand write on sheet music so you know if you want it to you know so it's not going to you know do any scanning or any kind of like optical character you know character recognition so uh but there are several different fonts so if you wanted it to be more is let's say if i just wanted to [Music] come here so all right so let's say if i wanted to you know change the fonts i could come over here let's get to your project um and then go to font settings so if you wanted more uh like a jazz font kind of a little more real bookie or if you wanted to have brevura which is the dorco font or petaluma which is also used in kind of a lot of jazz stuff but it's not going to you know people often don't want to use the computer to make it look handwritten or it's not going to do any ocr recognition uh of a handwritten score and convert that into midi and again that's kind of a lot of that technology is kind of very unreliable overall so all right my chat field just jumped see great comment from jvi screen break how the world has changed so yeah my son i think he has one more week where he'll be hybrid and then uh starting on april 20th he'll be back to four days a week in person so we're slowly getting things a little back to normal but yeah okay uh so i just see hi can you tell me about side chaining so what side chaining will allow you to do is to kind of control the dynamics of one track from uh another track and this is often used uh in some different genres uh we see it a lot in edm music uh you see it a lot you know it used to be like in the 80s like you'd even see some hard rock groups that would do stuff where you know they always wanted the snare to be um very prominent and they could you know sidechain everything you know down from the whole mix just to get the snare up a little bit more to cut through you know um so but let's take a just a quick look here and we'll show you just an example of what you could do for side chaining so let's say if i want to start off with just a quick part here and make sure i don't kill you volume wise so i wanted the base to kind of duck down every time the kick comes in so that the kick has more impact so i'm going to go to the synth to the base part here and on its inserts i have a compressor and i'm going to go to the side chain input and we're going to say it's going to be coming from this kick track so now the input of the compressor is being triggered by the bass drum so every time that bass drum comes in the the bass synth gets compressed so that's that's kind of the and you also can see this sometimes on vocals to make you know or you know a lot of times bass and kick drum uh you know basin and kick in pop music r b as well as you know especially edm side chaining is very very crucial for that all right so a question uh when i plug in my midi keyboard with cubase already running it won't see it i have to restart cubase in order for it to be seen is there a way to scan without quitting so i think you know depending on the midi device um you know it generally you know it used to be a problem before uh never on mac but on windows and if you if you're running prior to version 8.5 uh the midi keyboard wasn't hot swappable but if you have version i think i think goes version 8.5 or later you should be able to have it automatically be seen so anything that's connected and recognized by the computer's operating system will be able to be accessed with cubase without restarting so if you're running a version prior to 8.5 you know consider updating so okay reading through comments and if you learned something new make sure you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel just reading through different uh okay how can we have a question how can i move this song cursor position in a score editor's page mode okay so let's go ahead and take a look at that okay so let's say i have my score here and i'm currently in page mode um so if you want it to move i think you hold down uh alt or option plus shift and that will take you [Music] so anywhere you are just alt or option plus shift and then [Music] if you want to start here so anywhere you want to navigate just alt uh option plus shift and i'll just take you right there see michael teams is saying i'm cubase yoda so there's lots of people but i know cubase better me so but thank you for the kind words okay so we just see uh hi from wales in uk why is it in cubase 11 when recording midi the notes are never displayed on the beat the whole recording is slightly before the beat no matter how hard i try so on the windows version if you go to you know there there is some settings for ignore port filter um and there's kind of uh some settings depending on your midi interface that you're using so one thing to try first is to make sure that you know you you see if you toggle the constrain delay compensation all the way in the lower left hand corner at the very far left of the transport and see if that makes a difference for you but if you just come over here you there's also just kind of a cubase like a knowledge base article on how to kind of walk through this so let's just see there's probably just a but there is a knowledge base for it you know but just adjusting like your system timestamp let me just but there is a let me just see if i can yeah so if you just go to kind of your midi port setup and unfortunately it's different on the mac os um but you know try enabling the use system timestamp for windows midi uh and that will probably take care of it for you you could also check to make sure you have the latest midi drivers okay so just seeing um [Music] and this may be uh just a further continuation um it says like from db to lofts in mix console three so i'm not sure if this is with the advanced metering so you know if you want to you know what some people do for you know their advanced metering is let's say we have this going on is in the control room you could just open up like a supervision insert here so this is under analyzer here you can see any good places on your control room and monitor all of your loudness units your db level so there's a number of different you have i think 18 different meters that you could work with and even a special game [Music] so you could put that on every single channel if you wanted to but you know generally um you know how it's currently working is this will show you db in the channels and then if you wanted to on the master bus that's when it's kind of more critical to show loudness units but if you wanted to you could just install that on every single plugin as an insert and be able to see your lufs and db meters simultaneously if you wanted to okay sorry my chat field just jumped on me thanks for all the wonderful questions from everyone uh so to see hi greg i have a question sometimes the cursor will disappear when i fast forward or rewind you know a fix for that i'm using cubase 11 pro thanks okay so let's take a look and see if mine is doing it so let's say i'm gonna now [Music] so let me just see it might be a preference for the fast wind so let me just check my cubase preferences uh all right so it seems like cursor is so this with that preference that stops to play back until [Music] you go see if it's under that there's maybe one more preference let's try to quick zoom let's see if we [Music] so you see that sometimes where if you like if you have a large project and you do a quick zoom that sometimes the waveforms can uh go invisible but it seems like the cursor is kind of staying you know visible as expected um i'll just take a quick look see if there's anything else that kind of might cause that you know and maybe you could you know let's see if i have this set to fixed if that makes a difference and i'll try one other thing let's see if this isn't impact so it seems like it's all visible for me but you know check just out of curiosity like you know your wine speed options and see if those look uh similar to what i have okay i just see what is the tool when you select the first tool and hold down shift uh what is the tool when you select the first tool and hold the shift down so so i think that will just turn it into a range tool so you could select a range of events uh so you could just kind of chop it without cutting it if you wanted to so it's probably just if you're in combined mode you just hold down so it might be just turning into the shift tool but also uh like i just got a call from peter frampton about this last week and he just wanted to how to select you know like all the parts after a particular part so if you wanted to hold down shift you could double click and that would select all the events from that part after so if i wanted to just hold down shift double click it would select all the events from that point going later in time okay so just the question i have several user requests uh that i really would love to see implemented uh i'll get to those in a minute but what is the best way to make user requests and see if it is a priority so i think if you go to the forums that you're gonna be able they have a feature request section there you know i have my list of feature requests that i get from people uh from you know from the live streams that we do in the hangouts so there's lots of you know great ideas that we get and you can see that you know all the features that are implemented you know you know i sent over you know i send over like all of our you know data to some of the project planning team so that they could see the questions that people are asking and they do monitor these things and monitor the forms there's also you know surveys that they do a couple times a year so make sure that you participate in those but you could always send them to me and i'll pass them along too so sometimes you know a feature request something that seems really simple might be you know a small element to something that's part of a bigger scope so you know as you're working on something you say oh if they could just do this and then it's like okay that's going to be part of something down the line you know so uh but you know they're i think they have a lot of you know feature requests that you know they're working on i'm sure uh you know i know like right after cubase 11 was released they're already working on you know stuff for the next version and there's a team doing that and one team that's monitoring looking for maintenance stuff you know so there's always uh activity going on but you could email them to me at club cubase at steinberg dot d and i'll be happy to pass them along too okay so to see a question with regard to the midi reset sometimes you can disable and re-enable the midi interface after making sure it's loaded by the os you know so if it's you know if the midi interface is losing communications with the operating system you know cubase will tie directly into you know how the operating system is communicating with the midi interface so if the midi interface itself is being dropped by the operating system there's nothing that cubase could really do for that so um all right okay so jbi uh can we please have an embedded to the project text editor notepad editor something embedded into each and every project the notepad uh per track doesn't work for me all right so we'll consider this christmas so if you just go to your project you do have a project notepad already so this is not on the actual tracks and i'll show you just a project that i used it on you know because there's a lot of information that can be stored in your projects so when i go here to my project notepad for this i have you know the name of the song who the composer was uh you know the key the tempo copyright information i have the lyrics and all this is just kind of you know um stored directly in the project as a notepad as notepad and you could export this as a text file so we could export the notepad data as text you know from the tracks and the global notepad so um so make sure that you utilize that feature jvi so just go to edit or i'm sorry project to notepad and then you'll see it visible there all right so we have a question from michael teams and since he's nice enough to buy ice cream for everyone on the on our live streams uh how to set up new colors on the tracks so if you come here and you're like oh i want more colors to work with you go to the project and go to project colors setup so if you go to different presets you could say i wanted 32 and i wanted four color tints and you could just come over here and now you could have 128 colors to kind of choose from if you're so inclined we won't call it anal but if you're very picky about color choices you could also just go to your project color setup and then you could choose to double click and adjust all the cues for each of the colors as you come over and that way you could adjust the colors as you wish so you can set up hundreds of you know lots of different colors and color variations okay my chat field is just jumped on me okay just finding my spot where i was so just uh further uh comment from jvi on feature requests uh it'd be great to know how best to make a user request and have some requests i made before but i have no idea if steinberg is working on it so you know generally we don't share a lot of information uh of what is being worked on not that we're trying to hide stuff from customers uh but there's also you know you know we have competition in our marketplace and we don't necessarily and if you look at kind of cubase over the years or is that a lot of people have significantly borrowed concepts from cubase uh so we don't want to necessarily give them a head start so you know i think it's pretty fair to say that steinberg is the innovative innovative company in the marketplace so with working with that we try not to tip our hat not only uh to users but to our competitors as well so they could start kind of you know coming up with the same features afterwards or trying to imitate the features afterwards but you know send any of your user requests you can send to club cubase at okay so we see from uno memento how can i fast forward and rewind a song with a keystroke in the score editor let's take a look we'll just jump back to her so i'm just using on the numeric keypad the minus key or the plus key so on the numeric keypad just plus set the normal fast forward and the minus for rewind so now when i fast forward i hit the plus sign and the numeric keypad of the computer keyboard and minus sign to rewind so yep so just use the plus and minus keys uh and that will work for you all right great to see jeff sabelski from chico california mm-hmm okay so i just see uh fast forward going into the next page it disappears so let's go ahead and i think this is with our fast forward question that we had so maybe it's you don't have the follow um on so let's say if i wanted to come over here so let's say if uh there's auto scroll settings and you can turn this on and off by hitting f so let's say if i'm playing here [Music] and now let's say i fast forward so if i fast forward now if it's not following just try to hit f [Music] and then the displayed project should just automatically reflect exactly where you are in the sequence so let me know if that's so tried and it's just kind of right over here and there's also kind of an alternate mode where you could have it on stationary cursor or suspend auto scroll while editing when editing so check maybe you have that those checked but just make sure you have the page cold turned on uh so greg is there a key command that can switch between channel strip and eq window in the edit channel section okay i don't know of one but let's we'll take a look and find out i think my son just got out of pe class now he's all hyper and he's gonna be happy to start his weekend so i think that's just in the so i don't know of one i don't see one but i can see where let's see if we're here so if i hit tab i can navigate between the two different ones and let me just see if there's a way to do it look at another method all right so if i have this selected let's see yes i don't know of a keyboard shortcut but that would make sense uh but a lot of times i would just kind of come over here and you know tend to do things directly here but yeah that would make sense um yeah i'll pass that along as a in my missing keyboard shortcuts file so we see that sub 403 is going to work on recreating his insane template with only stock plugins all right okay we have a question hi there i i had a question about the record enable track becoming stuck we're struck on midi tracks is this a setting i have turned on or is it a bug so if you wanted to record enable it's a preference so if you go to uh i think it's under editing project and mix console so you could just say enable record on selected midi track and you could turn that on or off for audio and midi tracks so see if that will fix the problem for you so once again editing preferences editing project and mix console so i just see oh so frampton didn't retire just from touring so yeah he's um he has a new album coming out uh i think april 23rd uh and he has a couple of like little videos on youtube so it's kind of an instrumentals covers version so he did a david bowie song he did avalon by roxy music uh he did a radiohead song and i think the next one he told me next video that's going to be released is uh for isn't it a pity by george harrison so he's doing kind of all covers and i think when he was uh diagnosed with his um with his inner body myositis which is kind of a degenerative muscle disease that you know right after he got off tour he recorded four albums of material and i think he has another couple albums planned so he's he's doing well so so and he was gonna tour last year uh in europe right around this time to kind of finish off in europe but yeah that was obviously cancelled due to covid so all right so you see jeff szabowski is going to use spectral layers pro for cleaning up some noisy audio of recordings of his father so that's great okay so let's see pablo um just has a suggestion for the edit channel settings and he has it set up for e so let's go ahead and see if that will toggle back and forth between the two all right so we'll see if this will toggle between the channel strip yes i think that will open up the channel but not toggle back and forth let me make sure i get that in correctly see if there's another location for it all right let me try this one i'm just gonna make sure that took yeah so i think that opens it up but doesn't toggle back and forth between the channel strip and the eq but i'll just take a look in there yeah so i don't know way to toggle but that could open it up but thanks pablo for the suggestion okay so a question uh i'm a cubase pro 11 user say i needed to get a new pc laptop do i simply download and reinstall my cubase software again to my new pc using the license on my dongle yes that that's kind of the the beauty of that system is you can install it on you know 200 different computers and it won't run unless your usb e licenser is connected to it so once you do that then everything will be set for you okay so michael teams wants everyone to whack the like button so okay so i just see uh from jeff zebelski uh i'm not sure it's feature request uh editing a plugin then choosing another preset that preset window pops on top of the plugin always needing to move the pop-up preset window to the side so all right so let's say if i'm here and it could also be so let's say if i have my mod machine here that let's say if i come over here to my media to vst effects and i go to come over here to delay that you could just drag these um so if i just drag it to the particular track that will create so let's say if i come here so yeah so i can see where you know you could just keep that so just the preset window pops on top of the plugin always needing to move the pop-up preset window to the side so i mean while you're going through presets you may not want to take up the real state but i could see where maybe that could be that can make sense for you and sometimes you could like as you're auditioning presets let's see if i just drag presets over sometimes instantiating a new uh instance of the plugin but you could to see if you could drag it on top of the plug-in here but yeah so it will open on side but you can kind of go through your different presets here as well so all right my chat field just jumped on me let me just find back where i was thanks for all the wonderful questions and if you learned something new make sure you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel okay uh sorry to see hi greg how would one write down song lyrics to read them synced to music on playback instead of the scoresheet so the scoresheet is kind of the um you know the best way to have it synced what i've seen some people do is let me see i may have an example of this that i could show uh but a lot of people i i see will do it for um as part of like a marker tracks it's not necessarily synced but you know if you're doing a tracking session you could come in here let's say let's get to my track visibility but i know lots of people will put it yeah so kind of like here you know you could have the actual lyrics um you know show up kind of in the marker track so if you're tracking you say the singer is you know just going to um you know like oh and the singer is like yeah i want to get to this line da-da-da you know i want you know go right to where you know it says see me so you could just kind of pop over here so let's say if we have the marker tracks visible let me see if i have so this way you could see kind of the markers and so i've done this with songs you're tracking like really complex vocal parts where i'll just you know have you know the markers each little phrase tied to a marker so you know because the singer is often they're not saying oh measure 32 beat three they're saying you know when i say in my eyes you know and you could just say okay from the beginning of that lyrical phrase you could have it as your marker tracks and as you're doing even midi sequencing you know you could come over and see lots of different parts so let me just you know in the global tracks so if you wanted to just see your global tracks you could at this point uh enable and just navigate to the different markers so some people do the scores i've been trying to get a lyric track for a long time so but i will keep lobbying for that so we could have almost like a bouncing ball type of environment all right so we see question how to do tab to transient like in pro tools so it's not a tab key but we'll show you it's the same exact function so let's say if i have my drum part i could just come here and then it's just going to be i think it's alt or option n so it's so i'll just have this select it so it's alter option n to go to the next hit point and alt or option b to go back so if i wanted to go to a different track i could just scroll down so let's say if i go to my kick track so alter option n and b so that's how you can navigate between the transients okay just reading through uh some more comments um thanks for all the great questions so i'm just saying um so just seeing a comment is also possible to preview visualize each signal in the shape of a wave track in the top uh of the routing inserts not included in the mix controls thanks for the answer so yeah if you're not familiar with uh the wave meters it's really helpful thing so let's say if i have this going on in my project i can now this is my go to my full mix console view so i'll say let's have my meter bridge and then in the top meter bridge here we could choose our meter type to be wave file so we can actually see when tracks are coming ahead of time it's your tom fills bass guitars so again to get the meter view you could switch between ppm meters standard wave meters so that's a cool view good eye candy for clients that are paying you money uh so you see you should release some plug-ins for mastering for older versions like ozone or oxford so you know there's lots of plug-in updates that you know have come so i'm not sure if this is you know saying cuba should do it but if you wanted to come over here you could go to some more kind of mastering type plugins if you want to go to squasher so let's say under dynamics [Music] so it's kind of intended for edm stuff but you can see that it works great on a rock track too [Music] and then if you want to get into more eq getting into the frequency eq with its ability to do left right independent or mid-side so i just want to come here adjust the middle part of the eq just the middle part of the panning spectrum where i want the edges [Music] to be brighter i want like a mid-range cut with a different cue factor all together and i wanted to be able to audition so and only here so that's just in the middle part of the painting spectrum and just on the outer edges or just on the left or right channels [Music] so cool stuff you could do with those are just two of the new plugins plus you know plus the [Music] under analyzer for mastering type stuff where you could [Music] so i think the new plugins came with cubase 11 are great for mastering purposes as well as other functions okay reading through comments all right great to see michael pierce made the live stream hope you're doing well okay so i just see a question to copy a section and move it to a different spot would i use locators or not you don't really have to you could just use like the range selection tool and then just hold down alt or option and drag and you just made a copy so again just kind of grab the range selection tool and alt drag copy so you don't even have to use locators you can if you want but that's probably the fastest way you could physically cut if you want to but if you just want to move just a section you can move it or hold down alt or option with the range selection tool and that will just move that particular range and copy it for you okay so we see uh dear greg uh bobby's from greece here uh how can i have audio preview bar when i export in real time until 10.5 it was possible and an 11 it disappeared so yeah i think there was like a slight change with that but let's go ahead and take a look at it and i thought it was i'll just do just a small export here okay so i'll just do a stereo out okay we'll just get this title and we'll choose real time export let's add it to the queue [Music] so i know in previous versions that there was a volume control that's not in 11 but it still seems like it's you're able to hear uh so yeah and i know it's just a feature that was just kind of taken out of 11 because it's just using the control room volume for the for the volume level of that okay so i just see uh from jeff sebelski uh most real to reel tape hiss from commercial half track decks all my captures is there an eloquent way to use spectral layers pro routine somehow for my mass production uh hipping uh i guess you know kind of to make the process better so let's go ahead and just take a look all right so i think i have a hissy audio file that we could probably use okay so let's say i have something with like tapis like this [Music] so in a smaller piece so if we want to use spectral layers to kind of clean that up so if we have the spectral layers pro so i'll select this let's go to [Music] our extensions and we'll choose spectral layers i'll go ahead just take it full screen all right so a lot of times we may just be able to just kind of zoom in we could kind of adjust our view here a little bit so you could kind of just take a section um i'll just do a quick horrible but you can't get good results with this is to kind of find the isolated bit of noise okay so let's say i want to do so we're just gonna find okay so i don't want too much of the musical context so what i'm going to do now is just go to a process let's go to noise reduction and we could register the noise and now we'll come over here and do noise reduction if we undid that so just go through and you see that was that was pretty effective with that so so once again just kind of go in and you could often find and i'm sure if it's there's little periods in the recording of no noise going on you have no material and those are just prime and basically just have uh have spectral layers learn that a little bit of noise i always like the composite view and just kind of come right over here so and when we do that we're only listening to [Music] the actual selection so that's kind of what we want to get out so let's go ahead and again process noise reduction register noise and then process noise reduction i just did the default values and then and here's always a fascinating perspective because you're seeing the whole harmonic overtone series here and as the winds get higher the strings get higher so with just about you know two minutes of work you could probably uh be in really good shape with that so give that a try like that jeff and i think that you'll probably be pretty happy with the results okay so we have a question uh is it possible to let the automation fade out linear in a specific time instead of going hard step to the original value so you know you could you know if you're doing automation you could you know if you're you know one way of doing it as well could kind of get you the same area let's let's say if i have the cursor selected here uh on the event i could hit uh i think it's the letter a we just you know and you could do fades to range but you know if you wanted to just let's say i'll just switch my line tool here so let's try it with a different audio file here all right so like if i'm let's say my song position is here i think it's let's see if i set that but i think i've had my keyboard shortcut set differently yeah okay so it looks like so you know if you wanted to just do it directly on the audio file if you have the range selection tool you could just hit a and that will automatically just kind of write in a fade out so but so it says is it possible to let the automation fade out linear in a specific time instead of going hard step to the original value so if you want to do it in the automation view you know you could just grab the line tool and just say okay i just want to [Music] draw in my fade out you know just like that so i could just say okay let's move this fade so i don't have to sit there and draw in a whole bunch of different points and you could also just let's say if we have your automation here so let's say if you have your two automation points you could also just kind of drag and drop just like that as well so there's a couple of different options but let me know if that's not what you want to do but it seems like that might help with you so instead of drawing these in you know you could just put in two points and just move the automation up or down and that will just do kind of a straight linear curve for you or use the line tool all right we see that gareth is multitasking today so we just see oh cool thanks for that on frampton and that he uses cubase so he's innuendo guy but you know it's everything he's doing can be done in cubase as well he just loves the sound of it i think chuck ainley got him hooked on it okay so just seeing this question again uh what is the tool when you select the first tool i guess it's the object selection tool when not in combined mode and hold the shift down so i don't see any functions there other than selecting so i know that generally just you know as we showed previously holding shift and double clicking will do that but i don't see other than just so you know multiply selecting different portions and deselecting with the shift key so all right just reading through comments thanks for all the great discussions from everyone seems like the likes today are weird it's like they go up to a certain amount and i think it was at 72 then went down to 50 and so see if it makes any sense later on all right all right going through some more questions here thanks for all the great questions all right my chat field jumped on me all right so i think okay now see jeff cebelski mentioning one day i'll purchase greg's cubase knowledge on a usb flash and plug it into the usb slot in the back of my brain usb 3.1 so that would devalue me so if i do that i won't have a job and yeah my son has to go through college okay uh hi greg is there a way to rearrange all the channels to have eq before compressor or vice versa so let's go and take a look so see if this would work in quick controls in quick link so i'm going to enable quick link on these four channels so it doesn't look like it works with the quick controls um just try just holding down a keyboard shortcut and seeing i move tools here yeah so it doesn't like the i would think that the quick controls would do it but it doesn't seem like that is applicable for changing the signal routing in the the channel strip so i don't know way but i could do a little more work on that if you want so i just see uh too cool on those wave meters didn't know that when was it introduced it's maybe been 10 years or so i think so probably [Music] uh so nine years i think so i think it came in uh cubase seven so that was 2012 october like december 2012. so uh so you see question greg does it matter once capturing analog in high definition is it always better to make edits of sound before rendering file to flack or cd format can we hear 64-bit for real thanks so i think it you know for especially for different types of processing having more information uh to work with can can improve the results so people can hear the 32-bit and 64-bit floating point and you could try to do uh an experiment yourself and see if you hear it and you know it may be trivial depending on the material so if you're capturing something but you know why a lot of people use and sound designers will use lots of high resolution recordings and converters is like when they do like extreme time skating you know time compression or pitch shifting that you get better results with lots of additional information so if you have more information to work with it gives kind of you know there's more data for the math to do its computations and that is beneficial to a lot of different tasks so i i would you know do all the editing and high resolution it doesn't cost you any more uh and then you know put it to cd format or put it to a dvd or whatever you know 24-bit files 32-bit files whatever can be played you know for in whatever you know system that you want to be played on for archival purposes so okay so we see a question how to switch between windows example i open a plugin click on the project at this point the plugin disappears under the project window thank you again for your answer okay so a lot of times you may have let's say we have a plugin all right let's just all right so now i come over here i click in the project window my plugin disappeared and it's like oh what a pain and it's just an always on top behavior so what you have to do is let's say we have our plugin open so we can open it once here right click near the top and you just want to say always on top and now when you click the plugin won't disappear but the project window becomes the active window so right click or control click on the mac and just activate always on top okay uh question greg if i range select an alt move between different tracks can cubase lock it to its original position on a new track example i'm not selecting on quantize or bar thank you so yeah we could do that so i'm pretty sure we could do that let's just take a look all right so let's say i just wanted to add a couple of audio tracks here okay so i wanted to so a lot of times when we copy an event um depending on how you move the event the very first time so if i wanted to come here i move this vertically so right now so if i move it vertically and i want to go to this track and keep the same time i could hold down control or command and that will restrain now i can't move it in time left or right so it's kind of stuck just because i have the control key held down so that will constrain the direction so now if i move this selected range here in time first and now i hold down i can move it anywhere but now i can constrain the direction of the edit by holding down control or command so now i i can move it in time because i moved it in time first but i can't move it vertically so i could constrain the direction you know horizontally or vertically depending on how it was first moved so all you have to do now i think that you could also there's a probably just a nudge command and i haven't tried this with the range selection tool let's give it a shot i'm inclined to think it would work so if you go to nudge uh that there's a nudge you know up and down key commands so let's say if i you know if something wasn't recorded on the grid i could just come here i think i just have it just check my key command again see if that works okay so i think i have option shift down so let's say if i wanted to take just that so the nudge command doesn't work but just hold down that can move it vertically and then hold down control and now that i'm going to hold down control or command i can't adjust its position in time and if i wanted to make a copy of that i could hold down i move it vertically first hold down alt and control and now i've made a copy that's in the same exact time position because i constrained the direction of the edit so that should make your studio life easier michael okay so you see question greg i just upgraded to cubase pro 11 from cubase 9 when i opened projects i recorded in cubase 11 they are opening in cubase 9. am i doing something wrong any help is appreciated so all you have to do is and this could work for both mac and pc it's just a sign it's kind of an operating system type of function but let's say i go to documents let's say i go to my projects folder here so all you have to do is just kind of right click and just choose open with and then you could choose whatever program that you want and that should set it by default in the operating system so pablo is telling me i need more projects so i'll be happy to take any projects that will be volunteered to me so chase uh has volunteered a game audio project so um i'd be happy to take any project that youtube won't flag for copyright infringement all right great to see ian rushmore made the hangout and taking place in the live stream okay uh so i just see can spectral layers do frequency shifting so i'm pretty sure can i may not be able to figure it out but let's take a look at it and try so i'm going to select this file okay so if i think if you have the spectral layers pro that you could choose to select you know based upon frequency selection so let's say if i wanted to [Music] let's take it to full screen view here all right so we could kind of select those particular frequencies then i'm just i think i'm pretty sure there's a way i'm not i don't i'm not the total world's expert in spectral layers um okay let me just try the frequency range selection here so i think there's a way of doing it i could try to have an answer maybe for the next hangout but i think that you could just kind of take like even you know just different layers and be able to kind of take those particular frequencies and adjust them accordingly sorry about that i'll see if i get it figured out for next presentation on tuesday but there's also you know different spectral layers live streams as well michael teams is so creative with my giveaways for people that are tardy for our live stream reading through different comments thanks a lot a great discussion yeah the likes today are weird they're kind of going up and down hopefully i'm not irritating people all right my chat field just moved on me uh so i just see hi greg is it possible to dissolve a midi part so each part is not on its own instance but still references the original instrument i can dissolve to lanes but i can't rename them um so i'm not sure like if it's uh let's take a look and see if we could create this okay so when i have an instrument track and i choose to dissolve parts from my midi so i'm not sure if this is uh like a multi-take performance but if i wanted to now go to dissolve part we could say separate pitches and since it's on a instrument track it'll now add multiple instruments i think of groove agent so when i come here this will be a different instance than this one so they're each going to be on different um you know different instruments now if you wanted to let's say if this was set to a instrument rack so let's say i go to my vsti and i want to go to my rack and i have groove agent se here okay and i'll just load up okay so now i'll take this pattern and drag it to the instrument rack and i think the behavior will be different so now if i do my midi to dissolve part it's now just added midi tracks here and we see that this is going to 07 groove agent 07 groove agent 07.07 so this is all going to the same uh actual midi part itself so if it's an instrument track it'll recreate uh multiple instances now if you and you also mention um i could solve to lanes but i can't rename them so you know if they are kind of on lanes you know so lanes would be you know so if you have everything kind of in lanes here you know what you could also maybe try is if you select these come over here to um if you get a project and under track versions is that you could create versions from lanes and that way you could just have each of these on different track versions so that may be something else to try to see comment that uh peter frampton made a great choice of songs to cover yeah he's just a wonderful musician so all right so a question uh i would like to create a drone note to play against i would like to have the drone note uh play however without having to transport moving it would be similar to a latch on note so let me just see um if we could do it maybe in a sampler track let me just but i think it may stop while the transport stops but let's take a look [Music] [Music] yeah so i think it's going to just i mean i think all the loops would just continue the only way i think to have a drone that would play on after the transport is stopped might be using something like the uh multi-tap delay if you kind of put it on an infinite loop um but i i think that once you stop you know it's going to run out of time eventually so i think the different elements will um you know will you know as soon as the stop command goes that they will stop playing back so i just see hi greg the event envelope the blue line on the audio event seems pretty unusable to me no numbers shown jumps all over the place can you please show uh can you please show how to use it any plans to improve it so i haven't heard of any plans you know what a lot of people use this for you know is like quick vocal edits you know say okay i'm here i just want to take this and you know i need this to be louder i need that to fade in you know someone just kind of made a mistake right here so you know so a lot of people will use this for um you know doing just like independent words on vocal tracks so you know one of my friends joking vandersong who you know has done you know a lot of work over the years with you know david foster so i mean he's he does like you know barbara streisand's vocals and he does you know like michael buble and all the whole david foster camp whitney houston and for him this is like one of his secret tools is that he likes to you know go in with this particular you know on it he doesn't care about the what db value it is he's listening and okay i need this breath a little you know accentuated or i want this breath to decrease but i want to hear the breath i want to be able to do these little types of adjustments that people often spend a lot of time using compressors on that now you don't have to necessarily use compressors you could do the correction here and use a compressor to kind of you know add the glue to kind of stabilize the track but you don't have to use it multiple stages of compression for fixing things so see capped energy is a uh don't click more than once on the like it'll undo it so if you've done that make sure that you go back and re-like okay so when exporting a mixdown after the mixdown is done cubase starts automatically to play the song how can i avoid that all right so let's take a quick look so let's say i'm here and i'll just set my left and right locator quickly all right so i just after export i'll just choose do nothing okay so i'll add this to my job queue all right i'm gonna deactivate real time export so let's say we'll just start our q export and see if mine plays so mine didn't play at all so just check uh when you do your export audio mix down that you like after export you know maybe it's you know trying to open in lab or sound cloud or create a new project you know so see if one of those settings try setting that to do nothing and see if that makes a difference for you okay reading through more comments thanks for all the great questions okay reading through more comments thanks for all the great questions okay just all right my chat field just jumped on me so yeah so you see from tim weinheimer youtube's messing with our channel so yeah it's just the likes have been going up and down it gets up to like 76 and then goes down to 50 and it's kind of been doing that the whole time just kind of odd all right so we have a question uh is it possible that owners of cubase artist 11 can get a discounted upgrade to pro i upgraded from cubase 5 studio so i can upgrade to the pro version from that so you could always kind of jump from any version to any other version so yeah you could definitely you know so there's two different terminologies so there's updates and upgrades but if you just do an upgrade is like when you go from an elements to an artist or an artist to a pro version so you're upgrading the capabilities and an update is going from like version 10 to 10.5 10.5 to 11 so but you could always jump uh you know so there's always an upgrade from cubase artists so that you don't you know uh so that we you know because we want you to be able to expand your capabilities in the steinberg portfolio okay uh hi greg i do a radio show that needs to edit the cart chunk metadata of the wav file so uh cubase doesn't do that but uh wavelab does that quite well so let's go ahead open up wavelab so once you have wavelab open you can go to the metadata and edit and here's all of your cart metadata and then you could just have that uh entered in via wavelab to your files so that's kind of one of the things that dedicated wave editors can do so wavelab has that so again once you're in wavelab come over here to you'll see just the metadata tab in the upper left hand corner by default click on edit and then you could see the cart right there so give that a shot i think that will we have lots of people using it in radio production okay question are there any other side chainable plug-ins other than retrolog any third-party ones is steinberg planning to add this to third-party vst plug-ins so it's cape it's it's part of the vst-3 specifications so other side chaining plug-ins could be the full version of groove agent hallian and retro log so it's not up to us to you know add features into third-party plugins but the capability is there as part of the vst specific specification so you should contact your third-party plugins and have them implemented so it's not being kind of held back just part of the vst spec that probably the company third-party companies aren't choosing to implement but you know we're not going to you know be the big bad bully and tell them what to do it's you know it's their choice of how to make their products okay so uh we have a question from yon how do you reset the time at my project starts i usually start a bit in for example and beat 50 because i want space for scratch pad area in front of the project so say right now look at this and say okay we're at measure one so i think it's just going to be in the project setup and then you could just say display bar offset so let's just say 8 so now you have that area there so you could start at measure one and have negative bars so just go to your project setup and you can do that from the project menu to project setup or just hitting shift s and just say display bar offset and then i think you'll be all set okay so a question uh would there be a way to live track time from recording live midi or analog to capture the time variations for groove agent to follow it could recognize a basic quarter note tempo opera area style so yeah you could definitely do that using the project tempo detection so i will just go back to this project here quickly okay i'll just revert all right so if you want a groove agent to follow this so let's say okay we'll have a jazz piece here so it could be a midi performance or audio recording and again project to tempo detection and this is going to basically figure out the beats like the quarter notes just like you asked and there's some adjustments like for offbeat correction so now let's say i wanted to add a groove agent um like percussion agent from the fall version of groove agent [Music] all right so i'm just going to find a percussion agent here and now this will automatically tempo sync so now this is just following the tempo that's been extracted [Music] and that's all you really have to do that we'll just kind of play on and on and on um so and be tempo synced so just that easy jeff uh so i just see could you make something like studio one sound variations in cubase it will produce better it will perform better with vienna symphonica library please do so i'm not familiar with the feature so but i'll pass it along so maybe if you could tell us what it does that could be helpful but i i could i'm sure i could look it up okay just reading through more comments you see that uh for graham that frampton comes alive which is the soundtrack when he was of his life when he was 16 yeah it's a pretty amazing record still people say it captured frampton that uh like you know captured a magical night from frampton and then i've seen him probably 50 times live and it's like oh every night is like that with him uh so i see from uno greg i have do nothing in wave labs uh and no wave labs it still starts to play the song um so i'm not sure why it's playing the song you saw that when i did it that it wasn't um did you have play engaged before you did the export audio mixdown or was play stopped so let me just do a quick test here say i wanted to export this range i'll just turn it down so it's not annoying okay and so i i'm not sure why yours is continuing to play or plays after um and is it playing in cubase or is it playing in another program so maybe like it's opening a wav file that was created like in windows media player or itunes in the background i know itunes annoyingly does that for me you know you create a wav file and it just immediately opens up in itunes um so let me know if it's playing actually from cubase or if it's just playing the audio back in your computer and maybe through a different program like itunes i just see a question uh why do you use automation in this way why not later so i'm not sure uh what that's in context to um sorry maybe if it was kind of more the like this style of automation so when people do this it's more corrective and could be a little more surgical so if that's what it's referring to that's why some people will do that and just kind of solve the problem as you're tracking to minimize breaths and stuff like that okay so i see question uh when using rme total mix fx with cubase pro 11.01 f2 hides the transport bar or or opens the army preferences how can i lock the transport on one of the three monitors so you know you have on cubase pro 11 you could have just a dedicated transport at the bottom so if you go to the setup window layout you could just have the transport bar that's fixed at the bottom and then when you hit f2 that's a completely independent transport bar so um so that way this will always be locked to the main project window just by activating from the setup windows and turning on the transport right there so that'll be locked to the bottom michael teams once everyone hit the like button so we can see it go up and down up and down uh so did you see i downloaded auto tune 8 and it deleted my auto tune pro do you know what caused this so no i'm not an expert on uh antares software so i'm probably not the best person to ask so maybe if you want to reach out to antaris and see if they could help you with that but i'm not sure why it would be replacing so sorry that happened to you but yeah maybe they have a live stream you could ask them on okay so i just see a question how to download bro please help with plugin and all so you know once you have the cubase license purchased you could just get it from the or from the steinberg download assistant and you would need to be using kind of uh you know if you're running cubase pro you need a usb e licenser for that so so question are there any other ways to do scripting inside of cubase other than the logical editors are there any future plans so i'm sure that you know you know some of the logical editor stuff has been in cubase for a long time so you know it's still you know developer that created it i believe is still with the company for i think he's been with the company since 1984. so you know i'm sure he's probably you know thinking of expanding it i don't you know but we'll have to see what what they come up with all right so i just see a question from pablo cannot purchase the percussion agent separately for howie and sonic so no it's tied into uh the full version of groove agent so but yeah i think it's worth having groove agent just for that you kind of put the percussion agent on the track and it's like oh it's an instant production all right so a question how do you tap the tempo of a project okay so i'll revert this so i'll just add a quick instrument track or midi track okay so if i wanted to find out kind of like let's say i'm watching something and i just wanted to tap like my space bar you could go to the beat calculator so if it's something we're like oh i want it to be and at this point if i just come here let's say i hit tap tempo you could hit the space bar and that will give you the tempo if you wanted to record midi data so let's say i'll just i'll just record like quarter notes here let me just erase what i had sorry about that so i'm just tapping in a midi keyboard all right so now what i could do is we could take a look at this performance all right so just my awesome keyboard debut and then we'll go to midi and then under functions you'll see merge tempo from tapping and we'll say we tapped at quarter notes and hit ok and that will automatically make a tempo map for us so when we go to our tempo track we could see our tempo map just created just like that so again under midi functions merge tempo from tapping all right so we see from david king orchestra how to download this cubase full version so uh purchase the license and go to the and you can download to steinberg the steinberg download assistant and you'll be all set you see that john is like how could he miss the the bar offset features for it's an easy one to miss don't worry about it that's why we do these live streams all right my tempo all right so i got a couple minutes sorry we i got some questions that were sent in sorry we're running a little late thanks for all the wonderful questions let me just get my keyboard on the right program i have one keyboard i switch between multiple computers on so sometimes controlling the wrong computer okay so um so how to recall external effect configuration so sometimes people will set up uh very elaborate external effect uh configurations and then they're not able to recall them so one of the things that we could do if you go to the audio connections we see that a lot of the different functions here will have presets but if i have like you know 16 channels of io and i have those all routed for different io configurations for external processing there's no ones that we see here so what i could do is i'm just gonna [Music] so i will come over here to favorites so what i've done is once you have everything kind of set up you can come and say okay i wanted this to be inputs one and two um and then if you just kind of click on favorites here you can come over here and just say okay i wanted to let's remove the stressors i will come right here and we'll just say add to favorites so and now when i want to recall that i o configuration again all i have to do is just go to my favorites like say okay here's my 1176 here's my distressor and all the mapping will automatically be and routing will automatically be preserved for you so you could have the same effect unit in mono or stereo but in different configurations for favorites greg when doing the mix i sometimes want to hear how it sounds in on another system however when i mix down and take it to example the car it is very quiet even though i put a limiter on before mixing down to bring the level up am i missing something while doing the mix down or should should i be bringing the limiter higher i have it set to -1 db i am just trying to get the mix to play in a car with the normal volume i listen to my radios so i can get a rough idea of where my mix is compared to commercial releases any suggestions would be helpful all right so a lot of times when i get this question it's because someone is using their master fader more as not a master fader but as a monitoring volume so this is kind of the intention of the control room volume here so make sure that when you're doing your mix down that you have this set up as close to zero as possible adjust the gain structure because if this is down because maybe your monitors are cranked up um that's basically saying we're gonna take away minus 23 db of gain from the mix down track so the mix down process goes directly through this bus here not this bus this is just your monitoring process now when you do your mix down also just export it and you have the option of when you do an export audio mix down on after export just to create an audio track and that will put it directly back into the project so you could see immediately if there's going to be a discrepancy between what you're kind of hearing and what the mix down result is if you have your file you know and you look at it and you say the amplitude looks kind of really low uh lower than i expected you know let's say you look at it and the waveform kind of looks like this you know you could go to your audio to processes and normalize the audio but i think probably if you just raise the master volume up that would help you okay so we have uh hey greg here's a problem i have an electron analog keys and i can't set it up on cubase pro i can hear sounds and it monitors but no record also i want to use four tracks of the electron on four separate tracks on cubase i've tried this but still can't get it to work any help would be very appreciated so he had included a link let me just see so you know when you have your external effects or external instruments rather so they're going to be kind of defined here in your outputs so you know there are limitations to a lot of um you know a lot of different devices so you may have to you know if you don't have like four outputs on your device you probably won't be able to have four inputs going on in your external uh external instruments so just because it may produce four um you know make sure that you have all the inputs and outputs defined here but then you should be able to record it as midi data so you'll see when you go to record a midi track or an instrument track you would just say i'm going to my external plugin and you can say like okay this is my sub 37 you know and at this point this would be connected somewhere to your audio interface so make sure you have that and you have to have enough outputs on your instrument and enough inputs on your audio interface to capture all that otherwise you just have to you know take each track and record it as you know as odd once the midi is kind of polished and edited just take those tracks and record it as audio into cubase so it's just kind of a design it's kind of a paradigm limitation of external instruments but i'll take a look at the um at the link you provided as well all right so i just saw a question about um how to get groove agent to have eight controls uh to have like the different envelopes for the amplifier and filter to have the same quick control settings so let's say if i go to groove agent and i will spend some more time on this so i'll have some stuff prepared for tuesday's presentation but let's say if i want to load a kit quickly here i'll just that they wanted to have the you know like the envelopes here to uh be global and how it's kind of set up is that you could assign the cc controls for these uh for each pad and um so the question was is there a way to have this set up so that i could have my uh amplifier envelope and my filter envelope controlled from the same eight knobs regardless of what pad and he had asked about an options uh an automation in the global tab so i haven't figured this out but i'm going to email our team tonight and see if i can get an answer for tuesday's live stream sorry about that okay um so question i'm having trouble with my cubase pro 10.5 recognizing my complete control s88 mark ii i'll be working with them and everything is fine and the next morning cubase does not recognize my kx my kks 88 i check with native instruments for updates but there are no updates needed this happens every few weeks and i've resolved the issue by uninstalling and everything and reinstalling but uh this method can't be right please help so if cubase isn't recognizing it go into your computer's operating system and seeing if see if the computer operating system is recognizing it usually when this happens it means that you've lost usb communication between the device and cubase or between the device and the operating system so if you see it in the operating system as being available and you don't see it working in cubase you know but cubase ties into on mac and windows directly into the core midi and you know the windows multimedia midi extensions or whatever it's called in windows 10 but the the the windows midi drivers that's what cubase uses so my bet is that there's a communication pro problem and then when you see that cubase is not seeing it that your computer is not seeing so there's not much to do so i would check that and you could email me and let me know okay so i think we have just another minute or so i like to thank everyone for all the wonderful questions and let's go ahead and see if there's one last quick minutes okay so last question is it possible to detect tempo from only one instrument example accordion with no drums recorded certainly so yeah it works surprisingly well with like you know stuff um that doesn't have percussion stuff um all right now you see also from uno memento greg no itunes or or another program so if you let me know uno if it's actually playing back in cubase and you're seeing the cubase transport play that would be helpful information all right so we're just let's see i think maybe excuse me if we have one last minute quick question okay we see the transport uh bar problem is fixed okay so we're just about out of time i don't want to lose our translations but i want to thank everyone for the wonderful questions i hope everyone's learned something please stay safe and healthy and we'll see everyone on tuesday's live stream take care you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 8,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: 0vQZxMlTqMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 20sec (14300 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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