How to Rec Room - Creating animations with the Animation Gizmo

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[Music] welcome back record players this is a basic tutorial on the animation gizmo let's get started first things first we're going to want to animate this cart back and forth we can do that by grabbing an animation gizmo but first we need to get our maker pin you can find your maker pin in your backpack by pulling up your watch and then going to your backpack and then pressing use on your maker pin and your press use on your maker pin you can go ahead and pull up your maker pin menu and then open up your pallet and then go to gadgets and then you'll find animation gizmo right under gizmos there so let's go ahead and select an animation gets boom and spawn that let's go ahead and close our pallet all right now that we have our animation gizmo we can start animating this cart here but first we're going to need to hook up this cart to the animation gizmo you can do that by grabbing our wire tool here grabbing our wire tool and selecting this object and connecting it to the top of the gizmo now that it has been connected to the animation gizmo if we hover over the animation gizmo you will see a little small green light that highlights around this object any objects that are connected to this animation gizmo which could be multiple will have a green little highlight that surrounds them this will let you know that this has been connected to the stand the machine gizmo so now that we have added our cart to the animation gizmo let's go over a couple options here we have play you have stop you have reset and we have done now these are more advanced features but let's go ahead and configure the 0 here by going to our can pick your tool and then selecting the 0 we can just make that one by giving it a variable of 1 or any variable we are now turning on the animation gizmo alright so now that we have turned on our animation gizmo what we need to do is we need to now start animating we can do that by going to our edit tool and then selecting the animation gizmo now that we are editing the animation gizmo we are now in this container and now we can edit our cart go ahead and pull up your maker pin when we come up with a couple more options here you will only see these options once editing the animation gizmo we have select move rotate play copy and paste animation frames we have add and remove animation frames and then we have this timeline here that allows us to sift through the different animations we also have this time which allows us to adjust our speed between animations and this section here which allows us to control whether an animation is collinear ease or ease fast between in and out of animations and then we have this squiggly line here which allows us to have a quick adjustment smooth animation between animations so now that we went over all of these animation tools let's go ahead and add an animation let's select this card I'm gonna just let move here and then I'm going to move this animation to my left just a little bit you can notice that we have our first point of animation and our second point of animation so the scissors start to our in animation at this time this is the line is the transition between our start and are in transition of animation we can open up our maker pen and change that which is linear for now ease which is gonna go ease into this animation and ease fast which is gonna ease and then it's a little faster into this point of animation so you can also select this line here which is gonna have a more smooth transition between these animations you can also change the timing between these animations by selecting if we went back to the first animation we can give this about let's say 2 seconds and then let's go ahead and play that so this animation is taking a little bit longer to get to this point so that is how you can change the timing between your animations and the transition between those animations whether it's in and going out of different points of animation so now that we went over in detail about those informations you kind of want this card to move from this rail to this rail at this time it's actually not doing that let's go ahead and open up this make our pen let's remove these key frames so I'm gonna go back and remove all of these key frames in here right so now I have no keyframes so now that we removed all our animation points I'm gonna go ahead and move the cart to the end I want this car to move back and forth and I can do that by adding a keyframe here go ahead and add a keyframe then I'm going to move this cart all the way to the end here then I'm going to add another keyframe and alright go ahead and press play and that is looking pretty good there and press stop and then I'm gonna go to the beginning of this animation I can change the time between those two animations or I can also add things between my points as are coming in and going out well I really want it to be easy for each animation point and go ahead and change that not right go ahead and play well done great so that's actually pretty good so you know I shouldn't going kind of fast and I kind of want this animation to go a little bit slower so I'm gonna go ahead and press done editing and I'm gonna go to configure you can figure this animation tool here alright so here are some quick settings that we have we can loop our animation with playback mode it loops the animation right back to the starting point we can ping pong our animation which moves back and forth seamlessly we have stopped at the end of your animation stop at the start of your animation lowering the speed of your animation it's a really quick edit to speed up your animation or slow it down let's try to input 50 all right I kind of lowers our animation by quite a bit pretty slow there let's try to speed it up let's go like 80 percent that's about right that's pretty great alright so that is how you edit the animation gizmo so the great thing about this object as its animating players will stick on to the animation so they'll move with this animation another really great thing about it is if you make this animation climber Bowl you can actually hold onto it by opening up your maker pin and then selecting configure and then you can select this object here as you select this object so we also have this option here is grabbable which means that players can pick up the object and run around with it well we really don't want to select its grabbable what we want is to select is Klima bowl so that players can hold on to the object while it's moving pretty great huh just remember to make it climb and Bowl instead of grabbable so you can do stuff like this another thing that you can do is you can clone the animation tool after you're done cloning you can actually connect the gizmos by going to the wire tool on your maker pin connect the top of the gizmo to the other top of the gizmo so after you wire the top of the gizmo to this guest mouth you can see that it's highlighted in green so they're all part of each other so what we can do is that we can move them so that you can have animation gizmos connected to each other pretty cool huh if you find these videos helpful please like and subscribe remember be creative and giving a rec room best [Music]
Channel: Rec Room
Views: 285,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rec room, recroom, build, building, builds, create, community, featured rooms, oculus, quest, rift, virtual reality, VR, funny, vive, rift s, maker, pen, roblox, creative, game, games, social, multiplayer, minecraft, builder, top, best, ps4, PSVR, mobile, iOS, iphone, ipad, paintball, rec royale, creation, creator, feature, playstation, screen, PC, playstation4, playstation 4, sony, social vr, PS4, emilywafflesyay, free, mmo, mmorpg, virtual, world, avatars, second life, wow, fortnite, co-op, coop, battle royal, fun, room, Meriesa
Id: ngoiTZh0g0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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