How To Rebuild 47RE Dodge Cummins Transmission

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[Music] what is up everybody welcome back to the channel today we're going to show you guys exactly how to tear down a 47 re transmission and rebuild it using gear and parts in this particular application we're going to be using the 47re gt2 master rebuild kit and then also we're going to be using the 4748res xd converter and shaft kit this transmission i pulled out of my 1999 dodge cummins and we're gonna be rebuilding it today on the channel so make sure you guys watch till the very end actually let me know in the comments if you watched all the way till the end it'd be very interesting to know so we're headed to kodiak truck in north prairie wisconsin so let's go ahead and have some fun let's go and tear into here oh we got our overdrive section out now we're going to knock this assembly down in a little bit and we'll as we build the trans we'll go through each assembly showing you guys everything just flipped around our side now we're going to get this pan off and get our valve body out we'll go to the front and pull our pump and stator assembly and then putting everything else up got a little bit of metal in there all right we got our filter off inside here and get that extension hosing off for the filter the good thing about the garand transmission pan that we have and let me show you this while he's doing that is it does come with a different type of filter i know it doesn't look the same but the cool thing about it is that these right here are rated for built mess that transmissions just a hair there we go and just like that we got a valve body out it's a girl it's a girl you want to spank it see if it cries get our band loose be able to come in here pull that out so we already took all this out the band adjustment we loosened everything up here so we're gonna leave this band loose and then when we pull our front pump assembly and stator and everything out of here we'll be able to work that band out and the drums and everything else so we're gonna go ahead and take this pump out now all right those out sometimes yep we've got two of the bolts across from each other that got threads in there that if you want to thread in a slide hammer you can pull that pump assembly out of there on the stator or you take a big flat blade and if you cautious you can get back in here and you may be able to pop that loose we came back in here we pushed that drum we moved it up as far as we could and we separate it up in here and just be very careful don't be a maniac on this and just pry and we should be able to get this pump right up and out of here see we got a few hot spots on there few burnouts yep just got a little warm we're gonna release this back take the pressure off so we get the this band released and get the rest of it out here we got to get our apply piston out back here so we can get to all these bolts we gotta unbolt that and that's gonna allow the rest of this assembly to come out so and we're gonna obviously clean and inspect all this stuff we're gonna use all the new seals and we're going to look at everything with a fine-tooth comb okay there's a snap ring in here we released it fell down in the case no big deal we're going to get that later now we can lift this drum assembly out so our sprague is down in there our band so we're going to carefully remove this there's our snap ring just a snap right here back side only thing we got left down in here now is the sprig so these things can be a ball of fun we're gonna pull a sprag out don't be surprised if some of these needle bearings come out of here just keep them all in place and take note of which way this came out because it's got to go back in the same way you can't flip this upside down so we're going to set this piece off on the side for now we'll clean that later gallon plug or right in the front up here that's going to come out that's going to allow this rod to come out take this pole off of here and we'll get this all emptied out and we're going to get the case in the washer we're just going to take our quarter inch ratchet grab it we'll take that pin right out and it does it's falling right into my hands it's out let me get that out of the way so a couple more pieces here and we got this thing in the bag and uh we'll get her in the washer get everything washed up we're gonna get the rest of this stripped out of here so you get a nice clean bare case we'll get the electrical switches out of here and everything else i'm going to get into the overdrive section of the trans first we're going to pull this snap ring out of here and that's going to start allowing us to get our clutches out of here they actually look really really good yet we got that all out okay here's our wavy snap ring take these are t25 torx we're gonna take those out of that we're gonna have a snap ring that we're gonna need to spread i'm gonna take that apart and we'll be able to slide the rest of this assembly out of here we spread the snap ring and we gave this a light tap maybe a little bit more in the light tap you're going to hurt anything with a dead blow and we knocked that assembly down and out so now our housing will pull up and off here we're gonna go ahead pull the speed sensor knock the seal out and then there's a snap ring inside we're gonna try to fish that out of there and just run this down through the hot tank then get this cleaned up and there's our snap ring all right we're going to go ahead and rig this up we need to press this down in this and get this snap ring out and the snap ring inside here there is a very very high pressure spring inside there that you don't want to wear upside your head so we're going to go ahead and get this apart so we've got everything released now snap ring wise and we're going to slowly release this up there's our clutches and this is the spring we didn't want to wear upside our head and go ahead and take this all apart get the clutches out of here get everything cleaned and get this assembly back together [Music] all right we got our clutch pack apart clutches don't look horrible again uh this trains have a suncoast kit in which we're pulling out um we are going to uh put all the good gear and stuff in here so we'll wash our bottom and top apply plates and uh got our new clutch pack here and we'll stack our clutches so we got our snap ring off we're gonna pull our uh bearing off there's really not a lot of press fit to it i'm gonna grab a hold of it pull it off and put our new one on we got our new bearing down in here and uh the drive gear here we're gonna put our spring back in we'll drop this piece back on we're gonna go back to the press i'm gonna press this back together put our snap ring on and then come back and stack our clutches [Music] [Music] a little bit of a fight getting that snap ring in there but we got it in and then we'll leave our pressure back off here real slowly we got our clutches soaking they've been soaking for a little bit we're going to drop our clutches and our steels back in with our top apply plate and then we're going to go back to the press press this down reset the snap ring and we'll have that assembly done i'll leave this the wavy snap ring just lay here until we get everything pressed down and we're going to set that snap ring and slowly release it you don't want to go too crazy this is just kind of a makeshift piece we made up um just so we can get in and do this and get both of them at the same time but again it's pvc plastic and we're pushing pretty hard on it so you got to watch what you're doing and don't over push it if you got the tools proper tools to do this it makes it easier but we do not build dodge transmissions normally and probably will not be okay our snap ring set all the way around and we'll go ahead and slowly release this again and there we have it and yes you guys that are watching the video yes this is the allison c1 clutch drum got to use some allison parts on a dodge build okay we're gonna put our new seal in the back here got our seal driver we're gonna tap this down in there we are good to go i'm gonna put a little bit of uh transdell just around there to lube that so it's not a dry seal when it goes back together with the input from the transfer case flip it around and start putting the front side together see right now guys you look down in there we went past the snap ring so there is actually a little case saver we're going to put in there so we're going to pull this assembly back apart and we're going to drop that case saver in there to make up the distance in the back of this housing guys here's our what i'm gonna call our case saver um and that is gonna go down in there and relocate our snap ring groove back to where it originally was so we're just gonna drop that down in there it's sitting on that ledge now ryan's got the snap ring spread and i'm going to go ahead and drop this assembly in again see we're at ryan yep it's on yeah okay guys perfect that thing dropped right in where we needed it to be our snap rings on there k saver saved us purpose perfectly you can see right where we're at i mean it absolutely worked perfect so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna dump our clutches in here next and get this assembly together completed so that the overdrive section will be ready to go back on the trans okay the assembly is down in here before we put our clutch peck in we got to put the snap ring in and then the wavy spring goes last we're gonna put our clutches in with the top spring and then we'll put our torrent bearing back in here so we're gonna go ahead and get this stuff set in here garen gave us a brand new wavy we're going to kind of offset that the other direction and we're all in place i put some trance gel in here to hold this torrington bearing in place you'll notice it only goes one direction so properly anyway so you got to pay attention when you put these back together that'll hold that in place then we're going to size up our clutches and get those in place next all right i'm going to test fit this stuff we're going to alternate the clutches and steels and then make sure everything fits properly then we'll take it back apart and soak all the clutches soaking we're good to go check their clutch clearance everything's perfect uh you're probably going to hear me like a broken record here saying this stuff but i love using this gear and stuff i mean they're when they say they they test fit this stuff and they know what they've got it's just spot on all the time there's no second guessing with their their products so we're gonna go ahead and stack these clutches get the snap ring in and basically all we'll have left to do is just put the speed sensor back in and uh the cover on the tail by the snap ring with the new gasket and the overdrive section will be done always make sure that that snap ring is down in the groove if you look all the way around we're all the way around complete in where we belong where these wide open gaps are try not to have the split in the snap ring try to have the split in the snap ring somewhere up in the casing here or down in the bottom um you don't want this thing just in no man's land so there we have it we'll go ahead we'll put our speed sensor back in the tail here we'll wrench that back in and uh this assembly will be ready to go back on the trans and we'll start working on the front half of everything next guys the other thing we are going to show you here is our clutch clearance how we're going to check that basically what you want to do is put a straight edge across here you're going to use a veneer come down and just let it bottom out you're going to take a measurement you're going to record that measurement you're going to take four measurements at four different spots around here just offset them you're gonna add all four of those measurements together and then divide it by four and that's going to give you your average you might be off by a thousandths or two around the block here when you're done with that measurement you're then going to go back and take your vernier and measure your thickness of your straight edge so you can subtract that back off of there at that point in time you've got a number to work with the clutch clearance we want to see is 125 to 150 000 in here we have 133 so we are spot on with our clutch clearance so we thought we'd share that with you if any of you guys at home are going to build one of these transmissions it's a super simple process i'm sure other people have documented it but at least you can see what we're doing here today guys we're going to lay our new gasket in here with our cover plate as you can see our snap rings closed fit on the bearing just nice you've seen us drop that case saver plate in the back to make up the distance of the wear that was in this housing i'm gonna go ahead and we're just gonna snug this down just with a little quarter inch ratchet we're not gonna go crazy on this and uh we'll set this unit off to the side and then we'll get working on the main housing and start going with that we're gonna pop out the old seal out of the case and uh we're going to pop that out and that's where our selector shaft comes up through that's out we're going to clean that down we're going to throw that away and you can see we got our new seal sitting right here we're going to put that in all right we got our seal driver we're going to put a little bit of chance drill on this so that when we put this in we don't pop the spring off on the back side just to hold that spring on the seal in place so put some on there to hold it and put a little bit on the lip of the seal once that selector shaft comes through so we're just going to put it down in place put our seal driver there we're good to go all right we're going to go ahead and torque all six of these bolts to 13 foot pounds [Music] got everything all kind of set and prepped and you guys can just kind of sit watch here and we're going to lube this stuff up and start putting it back together we're going to want some trans fluid on most of this stuff i'm going to lube the bores a little bit and this kind of a game of finesse probably if you're building this yourself you're going to want to have one of these little tools just to kind of finesse everything around to get that seal so it doesn't doesn't bind or tear or anything else okay we're down in all right we're in there seals on here i'll loop that a little bit also a little reverse arm will go in for a low reverse band this will take a little love tap on the backside to go in okay we got that in and we're just going to keep working our way forward here guys we got our sprague down in here um i've already test fit the drum down in to make sure that the drum spins clockwise but not counterclockwise that's how the sprag works we're gonna drop our reverse band in here got to get it down between that pin and so our adjuster will hit it and we're going to adjust that down the road after the fact next we're going to drop our drum in here kind of finesse it in down in next our thrust goes in and then this snap ring and that'll hold that whole assembly in there [Music] all right if you see it spins freely this way you try to back it up and it's locked tight we'll spin the trans right off of here so that's what we should have we're good to go there we'll lightly run this this uh set screw back down in but we're not going to go crazy on this by any means because we still want everything to spin freely so and we'll uh we'll touch on this later as far as our adjustment and everything in this assembly apart we're going to take these thrusts off here these washers we're gonna have a snap ring back here and then we're gonna drop the planetary out of here i'm gonna pull all this stuff apart and inspect it we're gonna look we're gonna replace all the thrusts and everything else slide the shaft out the back side here and see this thrust got a little bit of wear on nothing all too crazy but again we're going to be replacing all this stuff so stay with us we're going to get this stuff washed up and we'll come back to you and we'll show you this assembly going back together we're going to go ahead now with our spring compressor and compress these springs take our snap ring off take this whole drum assembly apart and clean everything we have a different piece for inside here and we'll show you guys everything as we go back together first [Music] got our new seal down in here and everything replaced we've already pre-tested our clutch clearance and everything we're gonna go ahead compress this put the snap ring on soak our clutches and drop this drum assembly together and then we'll move on to the final drum assembly we're going to check clutch clearance on this before we take it apart just for the heck of it the max spec was 36 so i i've got 36 thousands here right now on the feeler gauges and we're right out there at max clearance right now which considering it's a used trans and it's probably been whooped on pretty good that ain't too bad so we're going to knock this down we're going to look at the clutches we're going to get everything cleaned up we're going to get new seals on our ply piston back in here and uh we're gonna come back and do the clutch clearance and we'll show you everything and we're gonna put a brand new billet input in here so we'll knock this down right now and then uh we'll get everything washed up [Music] we're going to also replace this bell view that's in here we're going to use a different bell view this one's got a plastic spacer the one we're going to put back in there is going to have a steel spacer and we're going to put a new wavy washer uh snap ring in there also so we're down to this point let's see if we can get this input to come out of here so we're going to get this out give it a good shake we'll pull the seals out of here we're going to wash this all out put new seals on and we'll have our new billet in but also we'll put back in clutches that came out of the trans you can tell they've got some hot spots up in here where they got a little warm you just tell all the way around here they got hot looks like they ran uh black colleen's in these if i had to take an educated guess i'd say these are probably alto clutches um so we're gonna go ahead kick them aside we've got our new clutches ready to go in and uh we're gonna go ahead and load this drum up and put everything in here it had some hot spots in it um the ones that we had here we couldn't get it to shim properly so i did use the old top apply plate so we just reversed it around where it had hot spots from the prior transpill so we'll be fine here our sun shell we're going to try to get this on camera for you so you can see this we got some damage the edge of this sun shell is all burnt up here i'm going to try to just take my my screwdriver and kind of point out the tips here this here is damaged pretty good in fact if we turn it this way we'll try to get in the camera the corner here where it's squared off this corner is rolled back now and there's a big bur on the outside edge this drum is junk and then if we look once this drums down in there you'll see how much movement we have this drum is tore up pretty good so um luckily we were able to get another drum here's our other drum we're going to drop that on in place and now you see how tight that one is way better than what we had so we're gonna go running run ahead and get this together and uh start getting our transmission together this is the last assembly we had to deal with knowing what we've seen here with the trains apart it's a good thing we are going through it rather than just uh you know saying well it was a good use transmission we're gonna run it because definitely there was some damage here it definitely was some wear some of the clutch packs definitely got hot the bell view for the uh clutch drum that also uh it had some wear on it and did not have the pressure that it should have had anymore so we've got uh everything pretty much handled here and now we're just going to start putting these assemblies together and getting them back in the transmission case a good thing that the trans is here that we're rebuilding this and going through it that way we know exactly what we have guys we have our new front seal in we put a little trans gel on that to lube it up we got our new bushing in there our bushing if you look we got two recesses we're going to want to dimple that we're just going to simply take a punch give it a dimple on each side we'll drop our pump back in there we'll drop our stator in we'll torque everything and then we'll drop everything right into the front of the trans with our thrust on there and then we'll go ahead and check and play on the front of the trance all right we're going to torque these all to 15 foot-pounds we got our ceiling rings on here we used the steel ones not the fibrous ones which you can't sell tell we got a lot of trans gel on there right now obviously we got all new bushings in the stator assembly we've got these torqued to 15 foot pounds we went back double checked them we put our new o-ring on the outside we lubed that up with some trans gel obviously we never want to slide any of this stuff together dry so we're going to go ahead drop this in put the bolts in the front pump assembly we're going to torque it and then we're going to check our end play and see where we're at come back here now we've got our low reverse drum already in as we explained this should turn one direction clockwise but if we back this up counter-clockwise it should lock and it does we put our bronze thrust in there we got our snap ring set everything's good to go we're now going to drop our output shaft assembly in here and start stacking everything in all right we got that down and in and now the next is going to be our whole front output checks and we got everything stacked in here ready to go so we're just going to drop it right down and in and there we go guys we're in okay we're going to drop our band in and get our strut in here kind of got a lot of fingers in here at once all right we got that in place and all i'm going to do is just take this down finger tight for now just put a little light pressure on here and then we're going to come back and adjust this all later and then we'll set that in with our thrust and we're going to check end play on the input shaft i'm gonna go ahead now we've got the front half assembled we've got our end play everything where it needs to be we are now gonna go and install this valve body we're gonna go ahead put that in get the pan filters on everything else and then uh basically we got the overdrive unit to deal with and and she'll be done guys so we're getting our pan on we're going to get all our hardware in here these pans are awesome i really like the way garen designed these pans they got a lot of strength to them some of these pans run a little tiny allen plug or something in here with an allen head and half those things strip out once you get them in tight you can't get them back out this has got a nice hex on it um plus just all the casting and all the extra webbing in here adds so much strength to this pan plus the pan itself both to the housing just adds more integrity to the overall transmission case itself so we're going to go ahead and keep running hardware in here and uh we're going to snug this thing down and then all we have to do is get our overdrive unit on here we're going to slide our overdrive unit up on here and uh torque everything and we'll be done and then it's just a matter of we're gonna do a light sand on the outside of the trans it's already been through the hot tank and uh we're gonna paint it up and you'll be able to see the finished product we have a white transmission and what's really cool about the white transmission that's completely done here is that the engine is going to be blue and that's coming from miller engines the transmission the guaran fully built transmission that we have here from kodiak truck is white and then the transfer case that mark built as well red so red white and blue i think it's going to be a pretty cool you know thing once we're all done with it i got to keep it patriotic but one thing that i've learned over watching the process of doing this for the fact that i'm the camera guy here is that although this transmission was built it definitely needed a rebuild i mean the band that i have here in my hand is smoked it's black it's got pieces missing the clutches there were some clutches that we noticed some clutch material it was missing from that and then the sun shell as well was chewed up and we had to pull some shrinks to get one so it was a good thing that we rebuilt it like we did and we did it right we used the good stuff the correct stuff and then we also talked about that big secret we're going to tell you at the end of the video what's our big secret our big secret we do not build dodge transmissions um we don't have tech support for them neither i know a lot of you guys call on the allison stuff i'm so far behind right now and allison some of you guys that are probably watching this are on my list we're working through it we're trying to get parts so on and so forth so we simply did this because josh a friend of mine we wanted to help him out garen has been a fantastic company to deal with through this build reach out to them if you're interested in any dodge transmission parts whatever you may want even kits if you guys want to do them yourself but you want to build your own allison reach out to them again we don't sell kits we have limited manpower in the shop here and we are very very busy so with that said uh again when some of you guys call i am in the middle of a build i don't answer the phone when i'm in the middle of getting built on a transmission if it was your transmission you probably wouldn't want me jumping on and off of it so again reach out to garen great company can't say enough good things about them i was thoroughly impressed with the pieces that went into this trans there are some high dollar parts in this transmission and uh it should perform flawlessly for them yeah and again i do appreciate all of your support all of your help with this one if you are interested in an allison build from mark and kodiak i'd highly recommend that if you're going to do this you're going to bring your vehicle here because he doesn't actually ship transmissions out not like most other transmission companies that build them and ship them out to you he personally would prefer for you to bring the vehicle here first and then of course you do the the leg work on that end so just so you guys know but one thing that i do strongly recommend is their transfer cases i talk about them all the time they're absolutely great in my opinion i would call them a built transfer case for some of the one-off touches that are done within those cases themselves so i will leave that link in the description also use my coupon code truck master on his website i will also leave a link in the description for the garand products this isn't just correlate for a 47 re this can go for a 48 it can go for an allison 5 speed allison 1000 if you will alice in six speed they got some pretty cool stuff on there so guys i do appreciate your support as always i want you guys to let me know in the comments what you guys think about this build let us know what other things we should do with this cummins build hopefully maybe i'm wrong i'd like to get close to a thousand horsepower with the valve body as well as the converter and the stall that they choose from guerin's tech support they were able to dial this transmission in effectively so we don't have any issues once we actually bolt everything up but that's all the time that we have for today thank you so much for everything all of your support make sure you guys subscribe hit that notification bell so you don't miss a video you guys can't miss anything right now we'll see you on the next one take care and stay tuned oh yeah stay tuned
Channel: Truck Master
Views: 98,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LMM, Lml, Lbz, Lly, L5p, Chevy, Dodge, Ford, Chrysler, Tranny, Trans, Alison, 5 speed, 6 speed, Diesel, Silverado, Hemi, Ram, 1500, 2500, 3500, 5.9l, 24v, Converter, Suncoast, Tourqe
Id: xm89d3uGbvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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