How To Read Anyone Instantly - 21 Psychological Tips Understanding Others Using Chinese Face Reading

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type in your name where you're tuning in from and uh as always are you a first time a second time or a third time and uh by the way can you see do you see what what do you see when you uh when you look at the screen are you seeing the little picture of me and with the purple background is that what you're seeing cool all right did you hear my little uh greatest showman preamble there i thought we'd get a little bit of a little energy going really quick cool excellent excellent excellent so in a moment not yet but in just a moment i'm gonna switch to uh my facial screen although there's probably uh something i should do before i share my screen um let me just see if i can do that real quick uh you may actually be able to watch me do this in real time uh let's see here so i need a pen so first and foremost if you watch my face just like this here here we go see i believe in truth in advertising so there we go that's better can you guys see that [Laughter] why am i doing that you might ask well because i've been cooped up in a house way too long and i do weird [ __ ] shipping a technical term uh in a webinar plus good to see you all again uh so i i see a lot of names flying by in the chat so today is going to be kind of kind of fun for us um my name is david snyder and i'm a type of 10th degree black belt in the martial arts i'm going to give you my pedigree in just a moment but today is going to be a rather on you know most webinars that you type into you know we're going to try and pitch they're going to try and pitch you something or sell you something and there is an offer um available at the end of this webinar but this webinar is more about connecting and teaching you something really useful that you can go out i'm gone that was quick did we lose the did we lose the picture again hey brandon all right i'm back okay pedal faster it's not going yeah it might be the fact that there's over there's over a thousand people enrolled in this webinar it's filling up pretty quick okay cool just refresh okay so everybody's good yes yes okay so excellent so um just as a quick aside how many of you is this your first time with me again i mean there's a lot of people filtering in i don't have anything just refresh your screen you should be there's a lot of people still flooding in so i apologize for that right off the bat um so let me tell you a little bit about myself first of all uh today's training my name is dr david snyder i have a a doctor's doctoral degree in acupuncture and oriental medicine i am the world's leading authority on or at least as of as of 2020 i'm the number one rated nlp teacher in the world and i've gotten i've got over 15 different products on various forms of human influence and i'll go back over that pedigree again but as you're typing as you're coming in um in addition to just typing in where you're tuning in from first or second time uh just let me know what it is that you want to take away from today's webinar just type that in the chat okay yeah there's again uh by the way i apologize uh in advance we did do a brandon and henry told me that they did a last-minute upgrade uh with the tech prior to uh just prior to the webinar they always like to pressure test um their system right before i do a big event so just reloading and you should be fine so there's a lot of different directions that we can go in terms of how to read people instantly and understand their personality and this training is kind of for you if you really like to be able to just look at somebody and know instantly aspects of their personality that they might never tell you uh how to relate to them how they think and and feel and what they're how they're most likely to respond to different types of influence um you can tell you can look at them and know what their trauma history is in other words when did not necessarily what happened to them but when it happened to them and how significant it was in their life you can look at people and know if they're going to be a potentially romantic romantically compatible partner for you if you're in sales or business you can look at this and know are they are they someone who's very data driven are they someone who's very pragmatic and practical and cares only about what's going to get the job done in the shortest amount of time possible are they someone who's just got to go with their gut and love what's going on uh and what's being presented to them before they're willing to listen to anything else in your presentation these are all this is just a tiny piece of what we can do uh with the art and science of face reading so before we uh before we jump into the actual content for today um we're going to be this is kind of a non-traditional webinar that we're going to be starting off with with some basic administrative stuff we're going to go through my introduction again just for people who got in late or what have you and then we're going to go into the content that you want to know about in other words do you want to know about emotions in the face do you want to know about you know thinking styles do you want to know about personality and temperament and we're going to go as deep as we can in in the time that we have get rid of wrinkles well actually anna that's actually part of what happens is when you do face reading i call it chinese vibrational psychotherapy because it literally if you if someone comes in and there's and if there's people who did one of my favorite face reading classes go ahead and type in the chat room if what i'm saying is true in your experience or not when someone comes in and you start to do a face reading i call it i call this this process chinese vibrational psychotherapy and when you actually clear a trauma based on the markings on the face those markings actually change sometimes they fade away completely sometimes you'll see a facial feature uh literally get larger or broader the colorations will change and there's lots of things that we can do with face reading and that's why that's why i like to tell you right now that um if if this is the scope of everything we could cover in the next however long we're going to be on here we usually schedule our webinars for 90 minutes but our web our webinars are very heavy on content so they tend to go a little bit longer so my promise to you is this i will take you as far and as deeply as i can in the time that we have and then i will point you in the direction of where to go for more is that a fair trade is that okay type yes if it's if it's okay for you okay cool excellent excellent excellent we're going to talk we're actually going to talk about the uh which sides are which excellent i want to thank you guys for coming in i know i hope everybody is doing well in these tough times i know a lot of us are getting stir crazy i know my kids are like gnawing their arms off to go and do stuff and get um and and so i hope everybody is you know on a bus they may be a little bit controversial but uh i hope everybody is staying safe and i'm doing things smart but at the same time not giving in to the fear and the panic that seems to be you know surrounding us and inundating us you know um because of the times that we're in okay okay so let me go ahead and if it's okay with you uh i'm just gonna go ahead and go through my my uh a brief couple of slides just to kind of reiterate where we're coming from i got some administrative stuff i'd like to get out of the way first though so first and foremost if this is your first time with me and i'm and if it is your first time with me uh thank you so much for for choosing to spend a portion of your day with us and i hope that you come away from this webinar with something that you can truly use you can something you can take it right out of the field and start and start putting it to work for yourselves right away so first and foremost uh i'm a guy who likes to call things the way they are i like to call a spate you know a an ace and ace a spade a spade um i don't believe in in [ __ ] personally um i'm gonna tell you things the way they are that being said if politically incorrect language colorful metaphors swearing or the word boobies offends you this is probably not the best use of your tuesday afternoon if you like things told the way they are and as you know up front a manner as possible that's cool if you like a little tongue-in-cheek humor uh that you're probably in a good place um if like i said if this is the scope of everything that we have to teach is here we have time for this and i'm going to take you as deep into these things as possible um this well obviously i'm uh i'm i'm a i'm a teacher who believes in interactiveness and i love questions now that being said it's always one of my biggest achilles heels as well because when we ask questions i love to give you answers but sometimes those questions take us off in directions we weren't actually planning to go and that can be frustrating for some people who aren't used to my presentation style okay chinese face reading certainly has a very deep and uh rich history within the in within the chinese medical systems as well as in in most parts of asia malaysia japan uh korea as well and i'm going to try and answer as many of those questions as i can so let's just take a moment and and let me just uh jump to my powerpoint so we can talk a little bit about who i am and how this all kind of comes together for us feel free to keep typing your questions in the chat room i probably unfortunately the chat the the questions are flying by really really fast um so if i miss it just keep asking it give anna's saying give us the [ __ ] without the [ __ ] david thank you anna all right so let me go ahead and jump to my powerpoint if that's okay and uh we'll go from there welcome to our official presentation you can see my little do-it-yourself beard and goatee there uh how to instantly read anyone's personality in just minutes and then if you follow the process that i'm going to share with you you're going to learn in a very short amount of time how to look at somebody's face their shape of their head the size of their cheekbones the size of their eyebrow bones the shape of their ears and be able to know how these people think and feel and behave and be able to predict their behavior you're going to be able to look at somebody and uncover hidden traumas both things they know about things they they're that are obvious and as well as things they don't know about you're going to look at the people and and be able to take a snapshot of their emotional life you'll be able to know instantly are these people harboring a lot of status have they had a loss a lot of disappointment in their life are they over nurturing are they are they holding on to a lot of bitterness and you'll be able to if you follow the processes and the protocols that we teach in in upcoming courses you'll be able to help people clear these things from yourself as well as from other people you'll be a look at people know how they make decisions and one of the funnest the best parts of this is you'll actually be able to look at somebody and know how sexually or romantically compatible they may be with you or with one another and that's just again a tip of a very large iceberg which brings us to the question um who the hell is david dr david snyder and why should i care well again to just go through my a brief history i have a doctorate acupuncture and oriental medicine from pacific college of oriental medicine and i've been trained in the full spectrum of chinese medicine everything from herbs to acupressure to uh needling techniques things of that nature in to this year 2020 as well for the last this year in 2020 i was named the number one nlp teacher in the world by prior to 2020 i was the top i was in the top two nlp trainers in the year so four years at the top of our field uh this year our our our flagship influence course killer influence secrets of covert hypnosis was voted by my peers and ranked as the number one best program in the world for nlp and covert and conversational hypnosis so we're very proud of that um and as you can see this is our this is these were the runners-ups so to speak and and we're right here i don't i can't i don't have a marker so i can't show you that but that's okay uh i also have a 10th degree black belt in route 2 kempo karate a fourth degree black belt in shaolin kuntao a second degree black belt in kosho kempo and a first degree black belt in fancu jiu jitsu i'm a certified instructor in combat systema cinco manuscrima and modern ernest now as i go through all these things people in the background are are kind of out there and they're going well okay fine you're you're a doctor of this and you are number one in that and you're a black belt in this and what the hell does all that have to do with face reading everything everything because every single thing that every single discipline that i've shared with you that i've been trained in goes back to one big piece and that is pattern recognition hold on a second i can actually i've discovered i can actually make markings on the space pattern recognition the ability to look at us a process or person and understand the telltale markings that that reveal underlying patterns of thought patterns of emotion patterns of behavior patterns of movement everything that these disciplines do is about recognizing cycles and rhythms and patterns within the human being as well as the in the internal universe or the microcosm as well as the macrocosm and so it's very very important that everything that i'm going to share with you uh has over 3 500 years of observational uh experimentation and exploration behind it in addition to that a lot of modern uh neuroscientists as well as social psychologists are discovering large amounts of correlation between certain markings and architectures of the face with certain behavioral and emotional predispositions so and if you want i'll see if i can provide a few links to some really cool articles like there's one article i came across the other day uh researchers have discovered that uh you can actually detect narcissists by the shape of their right eyebrow it's very bizarre it's it's it's really and they did this using like big data crunching uh ais and things like that rather supposed to um as opposed to just observing it was really cool how they did it so i wanted to share that with you but then if you stay until the end i'm going to show you a really cool way to get the biggest training the deepest immersion in these skills so you can go out into the world and be the most popular guy or girl at a party you can look at a potential date or mate and know right away is this going to be is this person going to be a fit for me or is it going to be an oh hell no kind of a kind of an experience you know you can walk into any jury or courtroom or sales presentation and know instantly how to present your information in the way that's most emotionally and cognitively power palatable desirable for the person in front of you you're going to gain tremendous tremendous insight into people as a natural byproduct of the training you're going to receive today okay and so that brings us to the cool question of the day which is hold on a second what do you want type it in the chat what do you want to learn you want to learn about emotions in the face you want to learn about health and healing you want to learn about pattern matchmaking and business applications what do you want to learn about first okay i'm seeing a lot of emotions emotions business applications all the above health okay health and healing healthy oh we got a lot more people doing healing today that's good all right excellent liars okay very cool unpacking emotions and healing okay i'm gonna have to have stephanie go back over all of these and see um where we start okay perfect not interested in dating not a problem motions and business emotions and okay all right i think the best place to start is with emotions and business uh and then we're going to transition really real actually we're going to do emotions first because from emotions we can translate very very quick we can cover both healing and um and business right off the bat uh and then we'll trans we'll kind of circle around into dating and sales now here's what my plan is for let me just uh jump out of this real quick for you and let me kind of give you my my evil plan for today hold on where's my where's my uh there it is oh that's why i got the i got the writing control on there um this interview okay um sorry about this guys i'm still learning my way around all these um let's turn that off okay and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna jump back to my full screen view so i can see you or at least you can see me talk about what we're going to start with so there's certain things there's certain foundations that we have to cover now in the what i've been doing over the last um probably three or four years ever since i started learning i actually started learning about facial retention about 10 almost 10 years ago my teacher is uh lillian bridges she's the world's leading authority on on emotions and the fate or face reading i should say and everything that lillian teaches is brilliant it's spot-on but it also pre-presupposes that you have a background in chinese medicine and so what my one of the projects i've taken on for myself over the last i got i would say probably a good three years you know four years now that i've been teaching face reading uh is i've been trying to re-engineer or reorganize the system so that people who did not have a background in chinese medicine could actually just go in learn what they wanted to know and apply it right away without having to spend a year learning chinese medical theories and and learning the elements and things like that so i'm gonna um there's and there's certain things i think jump right that that go immediately to the usefulness of the system um right away and and so that's where i want to start um with some basic ideas of head shape and and some some basic nomenclature so the first and fourth thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna i'm gonna pull up some pictures and i want to talk about uh three things jing chi and shen these are those are three chinese words and jing is kind of like intrinsic life force or energy it's kind of like the material energetic basis of your body it forms your bones and your soft tissues and everything material about you but hidden and and and stored within that material substance is the energetic components the the directions and the instructions for the material side of you and we inherit that from our parents and so when we look at so first and foremost you have three components or three elements that we look at as face reading the first one is called jin can you guys see my screen okay can you see where i'm highlighting the word jing and the things we can see when we look at a person's jing we can see their overall health we can look at their lifestyle in their constitution we can assess their trauma history we can uh we can see if they've inherited a lot of traits from their ancestors this is kind of it's kind of weird in woo-woo but if you look at modern studies in epigenetics and things like that they're showing us now that genetic alterations from trauma and and various other types of uh emotional factors or environmental factors can be passed down through the generation so we can see those things in the face of the people that we're reading we can also diagnose their fundamental energy so that's that's so when we talk about jing what i want you to think of is health lifestyle trauma history and constitution that's about us you know those areas are going to be anna's asking what can support jing in the way of herbs or supplements the way that you support jing anna is by managing it appropriately now classical modernized versions of chinese medicine as well as many of the classical schools of chinese medicine say you get all of your jing from your parents from your mother and from your father you have a finite amount of it it cannot be replenished and once it's gone you shuffle off this mortal coil to the next incarnation but there are certain more esoteric little-known schools in china that say yes it is possible to make more jing but it's not easy and you have to live a life live lifestyle a certain way and so it comes down to what but and so all these styles regardless whether you believe you can make more jing or not they want you to do something called yang chang which is literally means right living and that's for the purpose of jing management it's to make sure that you get the most mileage from the fuel that you have okay so again i'm not going to spend a lot of time on these terms but i want you to have a basic framework so when you hear me say jing you know what i'm talking about robert's going [ __ ] what's going on brother uh jing is on yeah jing is on the screen so is chi right the next place we're going to look at or the next substance we're going to look at is chi and and that was very good okay and when we look at we thought we talked about a person's chi and what we can see from a person's chi or their energy is their personality and temperament we can see which experiences they have spent the most time uh going through uh repressing or or or not processing we can we can look at a person's chi and by the markings of the face the shapes of their uh of their facial features we can look at their relation we can start to extrapolate the relationship styles that they have how they relate to people how they communicate with people they're cognitive predispositions are they very data driven are they very uh are they very pragmatic are they more intuitive or impulsive or driven by their gut instinct and from these things we can start to combine traits look at how they interact with each other and we can start to actually predict their behavior we can start to predict how they'll do in certain types of jobs what kind of uh decisions they'll make in certain situations anne marie is asking so jing is the outer energy chi is the inner energy no actually the best metaphor let me switch back to uh to my video for this jing we're talking about chi there is a relationship there okay um but here's here's how i want you to think about about your jing and your cheat there's probably a little bit of lag when i change from one yeah think of think of a log and a a burning log okay there's a log that has all of this put the stored potential in it and then there's this spark this energy that comes in and it starts to combust the elements of the log and as it and as that that combustion that process happens heat is released energy is released just if you lose me just refresh your page because our our uh i'm on a hardwired connection so uh yeah just refresh your page you'll be fine um so here's something think of the log that's burning as the jing there's there's a finite amount of energy that can be tapped into in that log the fire is the process of releasing that energy the energy that's being released and expressed is your chi now depending on what the log is made up you guys ever noticed that if you go to like a like if you do a lot of camping or like around the holidays if you go to like ace hardware or a lot of these seasonal stores they'll sell you a log that when you put in the fireplace it burns like green or it burns red or it burns purple you guys ever see those logs yes or yes okay if you haven't i don't know colored logs yeah so if you think about that how that energy and that log interact and what that log is made out of the components of that log you have a pretty good metaphor for how the jing in your cheek express your face the the the bill and the and the life that you lead the colorations the the facial features the size of certain facial features uh the proportions of them the colorations of them all uh are based on the jing inner and qi interaction okay so but there but each of them is different enough to warn its own approach now the idea behind yang shang or or jing management is that through living a proper way you can minimize the use of the jing that you inherited and you can make up the difference or the buffer with chi because chi is a renewable resource you can get chi or energy from the food that you eat and the air that you breathe and if you understand advanced meditative and dallas alchemical practices you can you can condense and transform chi into it into a higher higher substance a higher vibration energy so tyrus is asking removal of bone can affect jing yes removal bone can affect jing because it is jing and so talking about we when we can take that chi we can convert it into shen and and what it really means is by taking the jing and the qi and through an alchemical process usually which usually involves a lot of emotional clearing a lot of emotional clearing we transform that energy into a higher vibration the energy known as shen and that and so let me go back to my oh shoot that didn't that didn't work when i planned it and so once we can start doing that we can start looking at shen and shen literally means spirit you talk about shen you talk about shen what we're actually looking at aside from the trans-personal aspects of something is we're talking about a person's mental and emotional health we can look at a person's shen and the way you you you you measure shen is there when you look at somebody there's a light that emanates from behind their eyes and beneath the skin or from beneath from below the skin the brighter that light the brighter that glow if you've ever seen yeah i don't have a lot of ice he's asked if i can please share my slides i don't have a lot of information on the slides i'm actually doing this on a onenote because this is kind of tailored to what you are asking for i can share that i can i can show you some stuff though so there's a light that emanates from behind the eyes and from below that and and the modulation the brightness or the dullness the lifelessness or the expressiveness of it gives us insight into a person's emotional issues uh we can tell how if someone's manic depressive or bipolar we can tell if they're schizophrenic if they have a proclivity to violence we can look at them and know how charismatic they are and the chinese interestingly enough uh actually classify charisma into five different types which is kind of interesting only they call it peach luck we can talk about that using uh learning how to become a shen reader allows you to detect when people are lying because the light behind their eyes tends to dim or go flat when when people lie you can look at the light behind their eyes and you can look at the brightness of their temples and know if they're prone to [Music] addictions or not if they if they have a strong desire for altered states psychopathy and related areas also show up um when we're looking at shen okay so when we talk about face reading you're going to hear me talk about the and these aspects are are not separate they all interact with each other they're all very very uh interwoven what i've tried to do more user friendly to me and and but i still have to give you some background uh in how that works okay so let's look at some things that we can we can start taking out into the field right away and whether you're when you want to do this for emotional healing whether you want to do this for business applications whether you want to do this for physiological healing uh these are things that are going to pay immediate dividends to you so first and foremost let's look at zones of the head we talk about zones of the head there's several ways we can divide okay we can divide it into a left side and a right side we can divide it into a top and a bottom and we can divide it into three specific zones each one of those is going to tell us something very very specific about an aspect of that person's life okay um and this and then this is directly relevant to emotions so just stay tuned we got it we got it we got to give you the picture frame before we give you the picture so let's look at now we're looking for the pdfs and i don't want to do that to you guys so first and foremost if we take we look at the face uh we'll do this whoops what just happened here we go can you guys see my screen okay okay good all right so first and foremost if we take a line and draw it right why are you not letting me draw hold on a second okay here we go we draw that line right down the center the left side of a person and this is true left so it's going to be over here is i'm sorry my screen reversed that for me the right side of a person is their public side this is the persona that they want to show the world okay so most people are right eye dominant so when you look at somebody you look at them through your right eye with your at their right side and this is the face you'll see if you take if you cover your right eye and look at somebody the left side of somebody's face through your left eye you'll start to see their private life or who they are when nobody's looking now this has immediate ramifications in in both relationships as well as business applications left and right are always what we call true left and to right in other words it's the person's left side in other words if they lifted their left hand that would be the side if they lifted their right hand that would be the right side so true right is always their right-handed side true left is always their left-handed side okay when you're doing business with people you want to play to their business persona their public persona you want to talk to them as the person they want the world to see them as rather than peeling back their social masks and and and and getting very personal and private with them now in classes like killer influence and things like that we'll show you how to peel back those per those public personas to get right into the things that are most emotionally uh powerful for them and you can use those things and emotionally bond them to your product or service but at an initial meeting when you look at somebody's right side they're going to show you the the face they want the world to see when you look at their left side you're going to see the face they only show very special very uh private people okay is that clear yes or yes yes monty the right side is mother's side left side tends to be towards father's uh in a lot of you know it's it's very it's a little confusing sometimes when it comes to taoist approaches because sometimes they they actually change uh yin and yang and right and left so here's a a good way that you can remember uh male versus female as women are always right and what's left is male women are always right and what's left is male the women always get a kick out of that one for some reason right okay um there will be a replay so if you get bounced out keep trying uh and i will go back over the questions and try to try to get many of them my intention is to is to teach you as much information as i can for about an hour or so then we're going to go back and we're going to cover what we've got coming up and the package we put together for you and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to come back to the classroom and i'm going to keep teaching for a little while so we can get more and more of your questions answered would that be okay yes or no okay so yeah so someone keep time for me at about the 55 minute mark or about you know you know quarter after something like that um you know just let me know and i'll i'll go through what we have planned for you give you a chance to get in on the ground floor something amazing and uh and then i'll come back and i'll keep teaching for a while okay so are we good with i mean let me turn this off before i wind up making markings i don't want to make so we clear about public versus personal side okay cool the next thing i want us to look at and this is probably to me when i first started learning face reading this was the one that to me just popped right out as one of the most uh directly useful understandings of the face and what i found with this was that there was a direct correlation to handwriting analysis one second where my uh okay handwriting i'm also i've been studying graphical analysis now for uh probably 20 years and one of the things you see remember i talked about pattern recognition is there's a direct correlation between handwriting analysis and the zones of the face so i thought that was really cool so your upper zone your upper zone is your data drum your cognitive zone or your data driven zone data okay so when you see someone with a very high forehead and the way you measure this is from the base of the eyebrow or the top of the eyebrow to the hairline to the hairline if the person's upper zone is larger than the zone from here to here they're very data driven in other words if you start to present to these people and you start talking about all the things it's going to do for them and how they're going to love it they'll they'll look at you they'll smile they'll nod and they'll say okay what data do you have to support that what data do you have whereas if you if you lead with the data first these are people these people love charts and graphs and all those things if you ever get a chance to see my my partner jet webinar brandon his upper zone dominates almost his entire head he's very data-driven and every time i ask a question he answers me with a spreadsheet so it's really interesting if you have somebody with a very large middle zone very large middle zone this is somebody who is very practical the technical word would be pragmatic okay these people don't necessarily care about the data right away they're not necessarily going to love it right away until you show them show them or demonstrate to them how it's going to solve a problem they're having in their life so if you see somebody who's middle zone is dominating the entire rest of his forehead do big noses count justice yes they do but they count differently okay when we're looking at the head shapes we're looking at the frames of the picture more so than the the details of the painting a big nose is usually someone who is very very uh driven they're usually quite successful in business they tend to be very dominant okay which if you think about it as a very practical pragmatic kind of uh uh you know an attitude but it doesn't necessarily yeah not a problem uh big noses are good for business if you're if you're a big person in business uh if you're if you're in business and you have a big nose you're probably going to be quite successful you may piss a lot of people off in the process just saying but uh but you'll probably be really successful so having a large nose is usually a really really good sign but you need to buff it needs to be buffered by other traits and that's kind of the real the real art uh behind face reading isn't just not looking at a feature and knowing what it means it's looking at several features knowing what they mean and how they interact with each other large or long noses they all mean something slightly different but when jennifer we're talking about a large nose in general we're talking about this as a surface area how much surface area is it taking up sean's asking what about face surgery does it affect face reading yes it does it absolutely does the only thing i can't really tell you about is to what degree over what period of time but we do know that faces change faces change so the upper zone is your data zone in other words people who have a big upper zone they want facts figures evidence and they generally want it first if you're going to come to these people with a claim you better show them the data first uh different arnold wants to know about the difference between data driven and pragmatic pragmatic people don't care about the data pragmatic people don't care about the data it's kind of like me it's like my i'll give you real quick my uh my my one of my first instructors in the martial arts used to say don't show me your rank get on the floor and show me what you can do right data would be showing them the belts the certificates all that stuff but you haven't really shown them what you can do pragmatic people are say show me what it'll do for me prove it to me and then show me the data that supports your conclusions okay they're not going to be as focused on data so much as what they want to know what it's going to do for them they want to know why should i care if you remember i began this webinar with this guy who is dr david snyder and why should i care it's because i'm a practical dude and most of you on this webinar didn't come here just for the entertainment value and seeing me in a cool vest right you came here because it was something you really really wanted some uh some goal that you have that you feel face reading can help you achieve and i want to help you get it so your pragmatic side you were coming here to solve a problem or learn a new skill to help you solve multiple problems and so i needed to connect all that seemingly irrelevant stuff to why we're learning about reading faces and personalities that's a very pregnant a pragmatic approach i could sit there and bore you with the data and the details but a pragmatist won't care they'll say okay you show me you know they're gonna say show me what you can do show me what it's gonna how it's going to change my life right i could give you some other colorful examples that some of my pr my uh my peers in the in the dating niches used to say but um we're going to try and keep at least a pg rating for this training okay now the final zone that we're going to look at is the one that can be the the most challenging uh and not because it's bad but it's because these people tend to make decisions very very quickly and once they've made that decision um unless you know certain tactics it's really kind of hard to change and we call this the earth zone or the lower zone we call this the the instinctive or intuitive zone these are people who follow their guts or their intuition right they they're very emotionally they make very very emotional decisions they make very very quick decisions if you've ever read the book uh blink by malcolm gladwell he talks about people who are natural thin slicers people who can just look at a a see a couple pieces of information and instantly know what to do if you see people with a big j of a big lower zone a big heavy bottom jaw or a chin that juts out and it dominates the rest of the face you're looking at somebody who's going to go with their gut and so when you present you need to present in such a way that you stimulate the gut region you understand that does that make sense really here's a really good experiment that you can go and prove this to yourself i want you to find in your area the place that is the most the the business that has the most tech orientation that you can find in other words like if you come to san diego here we have uh qualcomm if you live up in san francisco or the bay area or silicon valley you may go to microsoft or apple and look at the people going in and out of the buildings and look at the relative size of their zones and and you'll see what i mean next go to an mma gym like a place you guys know what i mean when i say mma mixed martial arts or a fitness center where there's a lot of a lot of heavy duty weightlifting going on and look at these zones again and you'll see a complete inversion in most cases you'll see at places like micros and again don't believe me just go do it places like microsoft or apple you'll see you'll see a huge amount of upper zone dominance when you go to a place like an mma gym or people who are very fitness oriented boot you know these military boot camps the three zones are equally divided karen uh you're looking at somebody who may have trouble making a decision but the idea is we actually do want these things to be balanced and there's an optimal order that we want to to follow and i can actually show you references to other technologies that kind of verify this asking what if the person has equal forehead and bottom jaw what does that mean it shows you the here's the thing when you look at the the proportions of these three zones what it's giving you and this is something i want you to write down what it's giving you is what information to present first second and third okay you understand it's not that if somebody's got a very large upper zone that you just present only data no no no that's what you lead with so if you have let's say somebody had let's just go one two three one two three if if we have if this is their their largest zone their their second largest and their third largest zone that tells me that i need to present the data first show them how it'll help them and what it'll do how and what and tell them how much they're going to love it does that make sense if you try to present instinctive data first or emotional data first the you're going to get into what we call a framework if you've said any of oren klapp's work you're going to see people go into the in the analyst mode they're going to say well where's your data what supports what you're saying how do you know i'm going to love it until i see the data right they're going to you're going to get into a framework with people but if you match how they consume information how they process information we call this cognitive styles okay now let's let's invert that let's say that this let me use a different color let's um okay let's say this is their biggest zone this is their second biggest this is their third biggest now if i go in and i start and this person is an instinctive or gut driven person emotionally driven person and i go in there with data you're going to see the lights just shut off right you've all had you've all seen this happen right you've all seen people you maybe you're in a sales presentation maybe you're even on a date and there's something that you talk about that that they hit on and they're passionate about and their eyes light up and then you start elaborating or going off on a tangent and you just see the eyes start to dim out you guys ever seen that type in the chat if you've seen that okay that's what i'm talking about if you understand how to look at a face and and extract this presentation code you know exactly what data to hit him with and you covered all your bases so if someone's data driven start with the data if they if they're pragmatic again start with what they do the most first so if someone's very pragmatic like me and i'm pretty balanced by the way but i'm at the end of the day if i can't do something with it i lose i don't care what the data says tell me how what it's going to do for me show me tell me how much i'm going to love it and then show me the data that supports your conclusions right i have a very large but i have a very large forehead so actually if you tell me how something what somebody's going to do for me and then you show me the data that supports it i'll automatically fall in love with it so you see it's not one zone that we're looking at just like i told you before the magic of face shooting isn't just knowing what each of the zones represent it's knowing how they interact with each other and yes muhammad is a form of pacing and leading but it's based on their physiognomy or their their uh the topology topography of their face more so than the words that come out of their mouth okay so tamara is saying i'm very sensitive to people's energies and can read instantly if i like them or not what energy am i picking up on face energy uh it can be a lot of a lot of the information that you do pick up will emanate from the eyes and from below the skin um but there's a lot more subtle channels of information going on there than just than just face energy um but you get there you gotta remember something and this is this is important piece is that um over 55 of the surface area of your brain is monopolized by your eyes by your visual system the second largest proportion is your hands that's why in our in our therapy work we're always engaging the eyes we're always engaging the hands okay so are we cool are we clear on the three zones and how they work type yes if you're good cool all right is that useful is this useful excellent thank you guys and again i apologize um even though it's not my fault i apologize if you're having trouble staying online or wherever i like a lot of it is a lot of people using the internet right now and nothing tests new technology upgrades faster than lots of people using the service at the same time sean hamilton is asking how do you build on the zones for solving solutions you're going to have to elaborate on that question sean because it's a very vague question logan's asking can face reading apply to people under 10 yes but you got to be very careful uh in fact if you're going to look at a child's face i might as well just put this out there the chinese have this concept they call original face we cover this extremely in our ming modules which is a different original face and it shows up you're never close the original face is kind of like your spirit the the the mission you took on when you chose to take on a body it gets a little woo-woo and it's not really where we're going although this stuff can definitely get woo-woo but one of the things that you can see is from the age of zero to three a person is never as close to who they're supposed to be as at that age so when you look at children's faces especially before the from the ages of zero to three you can start to look at talents and things that they've inherited from their ancestors and extrapolate you know kind of where they need to go with their life but one of the things you have to be very careful of especially if it's your child is children are extraordinarily susceptible the the the statements and the judgments that we make and so i was taught that you should never give a reading you should never give a face reading to anyone who's still uh below the age of 18. they're still they're very very impressionable and it's very very easy to uh to install a suggestion in them that that could define the course of their life now it doesn't mean you can't read their face and and look at their face and extrapolate and know within yourself what's going on with that person it just means you have to be very very careful what information that you share and how you share it does that make sense one of the things and this is and this is something i want to really let me jump back to face to face with you for just a moment just because i want i want to have some reading aside from nlp and hypnosis and graphical analysis which is probably the closest to what we're doing now face reading is one of the most powerful skill sets i've ever learned and one of the reasons that it's so powerful is not only can you actually heal people and and help them overcome emotional stuff you can influence them very very powerfully in ways that are very very hard for them to resist in fact one of the most i teach this in killer influence if you come to the training in july defense against the dark arts we'll show you just how this particular phenomena creates hyper suggestibility in people but anytime you as a practitioner as an operator an agent of influence can demonstrate knowledge of people that that they've never told you that you couldn't have known any other way and you do it with the right energy the right rapport and things like that um that person you automatically positions you in their mind as an authority over them they start to become very very compliant and suggestible to the words you speak and the intentions behind your words so not only can we look at people and instantly know their personality not only can we look at people and get an x-ray into their health their trauma history their lifestyle their constitution when we start to utilize the information that we get we can construct very powerful types of suggestions and communications that fit how they're going to process but by just demonstrating that knowledge we can actually make them more and more um susceptible to our influence which if you're if you're a jedi like the people i trained and that's a good thing because then you're only you're only influencing them for their highest good but i wanna i wanna get that out there because this is a very powerful skill set to have on a lot of different levels chrissy's saying does this apply to non-neural typical autistic actually yeah you can look at um an autistic person's face and and get some pretty powerful information and that takes us down a completely different rabbit holes it's interesting when we talk about autistic asperger's and even um down syndrome children chinese actually consider children with down syndrome to be extremely lucky uh they have very lucky faces from a chinese perspective okay okay let's not go down that road okay because we'll be again i want to get you guys to the emotional part would that be okay yes or yes okay so going back to the you guys back is back yes okay yeah that was my fault i forgot to click the button um so let's look at this from up from from a relationships perspective and here's here's the takeaway now i have a whole class coming up in 2021 which is all about face reading for relationships and and uh matchmaking and and sexual and sensual compatibility it was that was actually one of the big three areas that face reading was used in chinese culture and asian culture in general still is for that matter um so if i have somebody who is very data driven and then they're preg and then they're pragmatic and then they're instinctive what would be the best match for that person do you think it would be somebody who is you know maybe their this is you know would have to be the opposite so they fit would it have to be uh some other combination what do you think would be the best fit for somebody who is uh you know top dominant some of you have been to my classes already right exactly this is again one of those places where you see a lot of different systems from a lot of different fields of study overlapping the secret is if you want compatibility match everything the more features that you have that are similar the more compatible you're going to be okay that's how it works literally it's literally how it works okay now again in future classes we'll cover we'll cover the sexual side you know we can actually look we can actually look at your nose and know things about your genitals that you probably don't want most people to know so we won't be covering that in this training but i want you to know that if i ever meet you in person i know things about you okay yeah you'll see a lot of times that couples who spend a lot of time together they start to look like each other in fact how many people you know that have a pet and they look like their pet or their pet looks like them that's not an accident that's a natural phenomenon in fact here's here's a little fun factoid this i learned from lillian and i thought it was amazing did you know if a man and a woman get married and and she goes outside the marriage gets pregnant from someone outside the marriage after the baby's born it will start to look more and more like the father did you know that same thing happens with adopted kids there it's a it's a it's a vibrational survival mechanism that's built into us there's some part of us that knows the more like the people in our environment we are the more chances of survival we have okay bizarre yeah but the the best place that you can see a lot of this is when you look at people and their pets or couples that have been together for 20 30 40 years look at the pictures that uh when they got married look at uh pictures of them now uh it'll start out as the biological father jackie but over time the child's face will morph more and more to to more closely match to either the mother probably for sure and then the father i learned that from million i i had no idea that that was true this is why people are attracted to the same culture yes anna one of the things and we're going to cover this in killer influence in july one of the things that that you cannot beat is known as the the similarity phenomena and the identification phenomena it trumps just no pun intended it trumps just about everything by that yeah to a certain degree you know the only thing i can't predict is degree but that's the that's the trend brain likes familiarity yes stacey absolutely yeah jennifer it may not it may not start out looking like now again i might get a little racially charged here and i apologize but if the father has a different ethnic background um there may be some you know some obvious discrepancies there but but you know the facial features may morph okay not saying they will morph although that's what i was taught there's there's definitely a possibility so what we're going to do now and you may want to take a five minute bathroom break or whatever i'm just going to jump right into emotions when we look at people's emotional makeup first of all everything i'm going to show you in this diagram is symmetrical what i mean by that is even though like for example sadness you can see sadness on this side of the face it doesn't mean you can't have sadness on the other side of the face so every single thing that i'm showing you i'm showing you the relative position it can be on the right side it can be on the left side you need to look at where it is in terms of in terms of relative position on the face okay now again my intention with this webinar is to take as long as i need to take to give you what i need to give you if you've only budgeted a certain amount of time you know thank you for playing uh by all means go to go get on with your life and you know pick up the rest from the replay but i want to get through probably i'm going to give you about five or six of the traits on the emotional map we're going to jump into what we've got coming up uh for the future and then i'm going to circle back and i'm going to gonna i'm gonna take more questions finish the emotional map and look at you know some of the things that that uh you have the biggest questions about so i hope that uh that's okay with you if it is please chop that you know jump in the chat and show me what you got hold on a second cool what does a butt chin symbolize need for attention linda's asking what if one eye smiles and the other looks sadder excellent question and it goes directly to what i'm about to show you this is why i had to say right off the bat each of these is symmetrical when you remember our very first our very first slide was on what right in the left zones of the face right so remember right side is public left side is private okay so now when we look at lines the deeper and longer the lines the more energy and the more repression you're seeing okay so let's say i have uh and one of the first lines we're going to look at is skepticism skepticism can be seen at the rounding of the eyebrow right up here right now when you start to look at people's faces and you unpack their traits it's always more useful a never be judgmental when you when you uh when you talk about a person's face it's always a good idea to complement some feature about them first and then describe the behavior a certain marking indicates okay if there's no marking on the face they're probably deeply dissociated or they've their buddha and they're getting ready to reincarnate as the next bodhisattva or something like that okay people mark differently when it comes to trauma okay so skepticism lines are people who they're not they i i make a little joke when i talk about skepticism i says i can see by the line right above your right above this eyebrow right here that you tend to be very skeptical you don't take anything anybody says at face value you want to see proof you're you know you you want to know you want to have evidence to support the claims that people make before you decide to believe it or not every now and then i'll get a little provocative and i'll smile say you don't believe [ __ ] that people tell you do you and they'll laugh and again it's all in how you present it but skepticism if you're if you're presenting to somebody and you see that line along the outer edge just above the outer edge it's kind of almost like the spock line if you ever seen a spock raises his eyebrow that's almost kind of where that line comes from it's from that kind of a movement and so that's that's skepticism directly below that at the rounding of the eye from the outer campus and moving upward these are joy lines these are joy lines if you see a very deep very long lines here uh this is someone who's experienced a lot of laughter a lot of joy a lot of good times now when we talk about joy we have to understand that uh the chinese definition of joy is a little bit different than what we classically think true joy is like more like happiness or contentment but in chinese medicine they say joy damages the heart and the kind of joy that they're talking about in terms of pathology in terms of being pathological is actually more akin to excitement okay so and the way you can you can kind of um qualify this is you know think about a time in your life when everything was just good there was no problems going on uh all the bills were paid there was a little extra in the in the accounts there was just you were just content and that's kind of the healthy kind of joy that we want but if you've ever read stories about people who like win the lottery then drop dead from a heart attack that's what we call pathological joy that's over excitement does that make sense now it's content time i'm at 75. let me do a couple more and then i'll jump into what we've got is is any of this useful so far i mean is is it is it helping okay excellent as long as again i'll stay as i'll stay on as long as you guys want to learn not that we have any place to be anyway right okay cool stop listening to the people that rush you yeah yeah well i'm a bit i've been i'm a bit of an impatient person myself if you ever saw the little lines between my forehead um you would you would see that right away so right below joy one second come on right below joy's sadness now sadness whereas joy comes from the outer canthus and goes up sadness comes from the outer canthus and goes down and you have three degrees of sadness that we're going to talk about right off the bat sadness sorrow grief and you can think of each of these as bad worse or uh not so good bad really bad something that's relatively new you'll see marked here a person's gone through like you know two or three funerals in the last couple of years maybe gone through a breakup you'll see these lines start to get deeper now one of the things i want you to pay attention to when you look at somebody's face is if they're symmetrical so we say that the outer canthus we can see joy and we can see sadness so the sadness energies go down the joy energies go up when we look at the face the sides of the face where are they deeper are they deeper on the private side or on the public side when you look at the depth and the markings that a person is exhibiting and you correlate that to their public or private side you can start to get an x-ray or a diagnostic of what they've what they've experienced publicly or privately you see how we can begin to to simply extrapolate how a person's emotional life might be okay okay i haven't seen many vertical lines jason um when if i looked at the line what i would do this is not something that again this is how i would extrapolate but if you could if you could take a straight edge see if i can do this for you real quick i'm going to make this oops i'll make this a little bit bigger can you guys see the eye okay okay if we look at the eye and if we can take a straight edge let me see if we can find a straight edge real quick and we draw a line across the the pupil like so very seldom will the line be flush with that line if the lines are traveling are above this line or above that center of the pupil you can qualify them as joy if they drop down you can qualify them as sadness okay now this is a little bit uh this is actually i actually use this technique to measure a different attribute but it might be a good way for you to make a determination as to what a line means okay but while we're on it i'll show you something really quick here when we're looking at eyes and i do i did a two-day seminar just on eyes this is something that um especially if we're doing matchmaking or um we're doing any kind of therapy this is something that's going to be really really important um also for those of you who are more influence oriented when we start let me get us let me make a thinner a thinner point here there we go okay if we take that same line oh shoot sorry about that guys do i'll do a real quick uh extrapolation on eyes real quick and then i'll do the offer and then i'll come back to the facial map so if you look at the kantai and the kanthai are the corners inner canthus outer canthus okay when the outer canthus is at an is above that line in other words the the campus is actually somewhere up here you have somebody who is very optimistic you have somebody who is very open very kind of more happy-go-lucky very optimistic if their campus descends you have somebody who has what we call a downturn die as opposed to an upturned eye downturned eye people aren't necessarily pessimistic although there is a more pessimistic side to them these are people who have a very soft heart for hard luck cases these are people who if you come to them with a sob story um they're they're going to do something they're going to want to do something to help you they know the world is a tough place to live bad things happen and when they come across somebody who's in a bad way um they're going to be more likely to to lend a helping hand and that that soft-hearted good-naturedness to them also often uh makes them right for manipulation by people who know how to tell a good sob story so if you have somebody with if you have downturned eyes understand that you have a natural compassionate streak inside of you and sometimes uh people can read that and use it against you does anybody here have ever had that experience we're not going to get into colors today okay so uh while we're on the eyes and i may pull up a different picture for this when you look at the corners of a person's eye sometimes they're rounded oh that's too big the crop sometimes they're rounded sometimes they're pointed and sometimes they're hooked if you see somebody who has a rounded inner campus you're looking at somebody who is a little bit more tentative verbally if they need to tell you something and it's important or there's a lot of emotion connected to it they may they may stutter a little bit they may kind of meander a little bit they may not get right to the point um if the inner campus has more of a point to it can you guys see this okay cool if the inner canthus has more of a point this is somebody who has um i don't want to say a mean streak but when they're angry they're very verbally aggressive so if they get mad they're gonna they're gonna say mean things they're going to they can just eviscerate you with their words right but if that particular behavior only tends to come out when it's mass so people with disability have a really good verbal acuity people with a rounded inner campus can still be very eloquent but when there's something very emotionally emotionally impactful to them they may meander a little bit before they get to the point if there's a hook to the inner cancers i'll show you some actual examples in a minute if there's a hook to that inner campus this is someone who will say whatever they need to say to get you to do what they want you to do they will use their words not only as weapons to hurt you but weapons to influence you to do what you want do you understand the distinction yes or no yes you may see a narcissist will tend to use this sociopath will tend to use this by the way and if you have that marking it does not mean you're a narcissist it doesn't mean you're a sociopath it doesn't even mean you're a bad person it means you know how to use words to get people to do what you want let me let me pull up a hook for you so you guys can see what that looks like it's useful cool all right let me see if i can find you a good picture of eyes real quick this'll work now this this particular graphic i i use to teach with between the eyes which again is not where we're going today but you can tell a lot by the space between a person's eyes okay but if you look um here's someone with very can you see the hook in the eyes especially that left one okay and over here you also have a little bit of a this is actually hers is actually a little bit more rounded oops so hers is actually a little bit more rounded um here this is katy perry she's got a little bit more of a of a rounding actually she's got more of a marvel hook actually it's what's interesting if you look at katy perry's eyes um and you draw that imaginary line down the middle you can actually see that her left eye is actually more pointed than her right eye hold on did i do that again i'm sorry right but you really what you want to do is you want to take the information and you want to go out and look at regular people and and and see these things and understand them okay um yeah don't worry don't you there is a slight you know when i change from from the video to the the share screen there is a momentary blackout don't panic it's just it's just the software changing uh you know changing its uh its process okay uh questions about what we've covered so far does ethnicity matter in face reading only a slight only to a slight degree and i'll come back around after i do my presentation and we'll discuss that so thea so terrace is asking so when you mention proper diet to help with jing due to removable would you be a bit more specific as to what to eat that's gonna that's gonna determine a lot based on your emotional makeup your elemental makeup but if we're if we're talking about rebuilding bone then you wanna use a lot of bone-based uh foods bone broth chinese bone broth or bone soup is actually very very good at rebuilding the body well roma when one side of the face sags it could mean it could mean anything from bell's palsy to um emotional traumas that have been accumulating on one side of the face could be a lot of things that that that could mean okay so is it okay with you if i show you what i got prepared for you would that be all right cool all right yeah don't worry hold on a second now i'm having all kinds of issues sorry about that um let's just find my powerpoint again because it got turned off by accident okay okay give me some patience here okay so i've shared with you are taken from lillian's book and i highly recommend that you pick up that book we use her textbook for all of our face reading trainings so you guys ready to instantly learn how to read other people's personality understand yourself better and take your skills and your life to the next level cool let's talk so here's what we got for you now many of you know that if people come to me at the end of the training they asked me so david um i noticed i've been to your website i've noticed that the the prices for your live events and your video products are very very similar i'm trying to debate where i should go first should i come to the live event or should i should i get the video course without fail without hesitation i always say come to the live training because when you come to the live training i can look over your shoulder i can interact with you i can i can give you go over your sticking points help you you know if you've been to the live events go ahead and type it in right um and so obviously with this whole corona thing my live events have changed form we haven't stopped doing live events don't get me wrong uh but what we've done now is we've gone to a more virtual format and i'm going to explain how we're doing that um as we go through the process so what we're doing right now for today's today only we're offering a free a video package that we put together called secrets of face reading home study course and this is a 1497 value and this is a three day video course that we which we recorded in las vegas back in uh i think it was 2018 and this is actually a very powerful combination of face reading and personal transformation skills so what we did during this training is we went through the the the different applications of the face we looked at the jing markers we looked at the trauma history we looked at the emotions of the face we taught people how to do face readings but then what we did is we actually sent people out into the world to do face readings with people and notice how faces change the other thing we did was we spent a whole day on transformational techniques in other words not only did we teach you how to read the face we taught you how to unpack the emotions and where they are on the face how to reverse traumas and through the specific uh alchemical processes you know we we actually talked people how to remove the traumas from themselves and from other people and people were coming in with all kinds of success stories about how faces literally changed right in front of them from like in 20 minutes people were looking at different um this this is a very powerful course it's never there's never been a course quite like this one one of the most frustrating things about me for me when i was learning face reading was that it was all diagnostic everybody i spent five days listening to people talk about their problems and my pragmatic side kept going okay how do we fix it how do we fix it how do we fix it and that court the course was that i was being trained in was not about fixing it it was just about finding it so when i decided to put a program together i wanted the best of both worlds i wanted to be able to teach people and teach you how to look at your face how to look at other people's faces how to read those faces unpack those those issues emotional issues through dialogue and through talking but also through very powerful tactical interventions that allow you to unpack those traumas and release those emotions um right away what's cover i don't understand um and so we put this together it's 1497 dollar value but we but what we wanted to do is we wanted to give you even more of a bigger bang for your buck we wanted to make this course one of the most powerful journeys of personal transformation for you it's one thing to be able to read a person's face it's another thing to look at your face and know how to find your stuff and rebuild yourself from the inside out so what we decided to do we decided to put together a program that would give you all the skills that you would need to not only read faces and understand people in a bunch of different settings but also how to fix it so that course 1497 value but we're going to bundle that with our identity by design hypnotherapy home study course and this is a course that has uh been our flagship hypnotherapy certification program for close to 10 over 10 years now and it's going to systematically teach you how to unlock the powers of your subconscious mind you'll learn how to hypnotize people anytime anywhere for any reason you learn how to remove blocks and limiting beliefs find and remove hidden negativity from your body you're going to learn how to clear up issues that just don't seem to go away or they go away and they come back if they've ever had that experience we'll give you very specific techniques to clear that stuff up and uh and get rid of it once and for all for yourself and then we're going to show you how to change that crappy voice inside your head so that it builds you up instead of tears you down if you don't know what voice i'm talking about it's the voice inside your head that just said what voice we're going to show you how to resolve negativity from your past so that when you look back on it you only remember it in ways that make your life better and we're going to teach you systematically how to install the traits qualities and characteristics of the people who you admire and want to be more like so that you can take those skills out into the field and run with it okay and there's a whole lot more we'll teach you conversation hypnosis we'll teach you instant and rapid inductions um there's actually some techniques that are not mentioned in the regular syllabus that are part of this program it's very powerful because it targets the building blocks of identity so that you can become the best version of yourself so that you can utilize face reading and these techniques to help yourself and other people be uh be the person you want to be and desire to be instead of the the self that the environment and the universe the people around you conspired to make you yes it can help you quit smoking yes it's not specifically for quitting smoking but you can address that if you combine the face reading and the identity by design total value if you go to the website today and try to buy each of those courses on their own it would be two thousand nine hundred and ninety four dollars but wait there's more we're also going to include for those of you into energetics there's a very strong energetic base to face reading energy secrets and vibrational healing energy secrets and remote influence home study course it's also a 1497 value we're going to teach you how to unlock the power of your mind in this course to control your energy build it and use it for something other than just waving your hands in the air like most young people do we're going to show you how to balance and clean your chakras both in person and remotely we'll show you how chakras work why they work and how to influence those we're even going to show you i think in this course we actually show you how to take some of the identity by design techniques and turn them into energy healing interventions so you can use the same techniques to do work on yourself we're going to teach you how to influence and heal people in other parts of the room in other parts of the world and we're going to do it in a way that you can actually test it we actually hook people up to machines blood pressure machines thermometers pulse meters reiki is more along the lines of shen actually reiki as actually means universal energy so it taps into cosmic yawn and we actually and in the vibrational healing course we actually have a module which is an overview of energy healing systems so we'll literally put on us on the screen we'll put these different energy healing modalities like reiki chronic healing bankston uh qigong healers um dna theta and we'll put them on a chart right up in front of the room and we'll actually go through each of the different aspects of those of those modalities so you know what their strong points are what their weak points are you'll learn the difference between invocative healing versus evocative healing channeling healing versus the duracell model you'll understand how all of these different energy healing modalities relate to one another and how to use them uh if people wanted to do an uh webinar and image cycling we will but i think we actually i think we actually teach image cycling in this video if it's the if it's the course i have in mind i think it is the one where we actually teach image cycling in fact if you scroll down to the bullets um you're going to learn how to manifest anything you want in the shortest amount of time possible that's usually the man that's usually done through image cycling and image cycling by far is the most powerful manifesting technique i have ever seen in my in my 50 plus years in the world i have not seen a technique that manifests things faster than image cycling you learn how to protect yourself against manipulation and psychic attack and finally you'll learn how to get on the track to becoming your true self the person you came here to be to get on your mission in this life and and start down that path thank you aj says you don't look that old i'll be 54 april 20th of this year 54 april 20th of this year so if you combine the face reading and secrets of chinese medical hypnotherapy identity by design hypnotherapy 1497 value combine that with our vibrational healing energy secrets and remote influence home study course 1497 value if you would go to the website today and try to buy it you're looking at spending over four thousand four hundred and ninety one dollars but wait you're also going to get people reading for fun and profits body language secrets home study course this is the course this course is not about face reading this course is about everything else this is a course about facial expressions it's a course about understanding posture venture orientation the clothes people wear and how to read people's language and expressions and use it to understand the body you learn how to understand the body language of attraction what are the tell-tale signs that someone's attracted to you and this these these attraction cues while we're on the subject of attraction i want to point out the attraction queues are very are also similar similar cues that you'll see when someone's getting ready to sign a deal or say yes to a sale many of these many of these body language indicators like pupil dilation forward liens are actually indicators of happiness and a desire to move forward so you'll learn how to distinguish those things you'll learn how to detect lies and other deceptive behaviors you'll learn how to spot narcissists and people who are more self-oriented you'll learn how to influence people without your word through your posture and your breathing and how to control the frame through your physiology you'll learn how to project charm and confidence and charisma on command you'll understand men better than you ever thought before you'll understand women better because one of the things that i do whenever i can is whenever i teach a body language course or an attraction course i try to have a co-ed audience the reason for that is is that both sides need to understand how the other gender is interpreting what they do and until you bridge that gap both sides are going to be blaming the other person for not picking up on their cues and doing what they think is the right way to do it so we have to become more aware of ourselves internally as well as externally okay you learn how to dress for success you learn what clothes people are going to mark you as somebody who's more authoritative more charismatic you'll eliminate behaviors that weaken your influence in the end you'll be able to close more deals get more dates and be more confident in your ability to read people so you know what to do when what people will no longer be quite so much of a mystery to you and you'll be able to take advantage in the in a gen in a in a heart-centered ethical way of the environments that you're in to get your results and help other people get what they want is that fair to move through the world getting everything you want by helping other people get what they want is that is that a good way is that a better way to move through the world uh camille we teach sphere of influence uh we might teach it in vibrational but we definitely teach it in cpi and killer influence okay so if you're again go to the websites a 997 value and by the way all of these courses are instant digital downloads so the moment you uh you opt in and grab your your course um you're going to get instant access to all of these dudes you can start watching them tonight right and since we have a lot of free time on our hands it might be a good time to build up on some skills uh total value so far is five thousand four hundred and eighty eight dollars but i'm also going to throw in because one of the biggest our most popular video the most popular topic we have on our youtube channel is about lie detection so i'm going to throw in this lie to me if you dare how to catch a liar crash course this was i think a two i think a three or four hour seminar that i taught a few years back and in it i teach the psychological tips and tricks to help you catch liars on contact you'll understand the key indicators of deception you'll learn 15 unique tells that clue you in when people may be lying to you you'll learn the the optimal time you know how to look at somebody's phone or when to look at somebody's phone and know when they're most likely to be talking to their mistress or their their lover how to look at everything the body is doing and understand it from a perspective of a body language expert again you'll learn how to understand men better understand women better you'll learn how to eliminate behaviors that weaken your influence or may flag other people that you're being deceptive and you'll again be able to close more deals and get more dates and most importantly i think for every one of us is you'll never be manipulated again you'll be able to at least have a fighting chance to spot these abusers and these manipulators before they have a chance to sink their teeth into you and and manipulate you in ways that are not in your best interest so let's review right so here's what i got for you as of today for today only secrets of face reading home study course which includes two complete days of intense face reading training as well as a full day of interventions that you can do to completely remove traumas or dissolve traumas from your mind and help other people valued at 1497 we're going to throw in the identity by design hypnotherapy home study course also valued at 1497 we're going to bundle that with vibrational healing energy healing and remote influence this is my basic this by the way this course if you're going to come to it live has prerequisites so this is going to go a long way in helping to prepare you for the live event where you get to do really cool [ __ ] right and the value is 497 we're also going to throw in the people reading for fun and profit two-day intensive value 997 dollars and finally we're going to throw in the lie to me if you dare how to catch liar's crash course valued at 97 if you were go try to go to the nlp power website today and uh and grab all these for yourself you would spend a total of 5 585 so here's the deal this is a great package it'll give you it'll cover a lot of your bases for you but you know one of the things i talked about at the beginning of this part of the presentation was i'm a big believer in getting your ass in a seat and working with you one-on-one for three four five six seven days whatever you know whatever it's you know whatever's going to give you the biggest bang for the buck i could very easily create all these online home study courses and and certify everybody and make millions of dollars but at the end of the day what i have seen is that the vast majority of people who just come to the you know do a course on their own online they come out with a certificate they can't actually do anything in the real world and so it'll be a very very long time before i'm willing to certify people fully and completely online so let me explain to you why i'm talking about that for the next 35 people who register today on august 17th through august 19th 2020 in las vegas nevada i am doing a live face reading for fun and profit certification boot camp august 17th through the 19th 2020 in las vegas it'll be held at the orleans hotel and casino and for those of you who decide that they want to get deeper into these things and understand how to make their improve their lives we are giving anybody who the first 35 people who jump on this offer today we're offering you a free two for one virtual live vip ticket now let me explain what this means if for some reason come august 17th through the 19th we are not beyond this pandemic we will still do this training but we will do it virtually in other words you'll log into a zoom room i'll start teaching you'll break up into the little chat rooms and you'll practice face reading on each other for those full three days once the corona virus issue has been resolved you can now attend a live face reading class absolutely free so it's literally a two for one live virtual event training you're gonna get to any two your choice of any two face reading trainings one virtual one live valued at two thousand nine hundred ninety four dollars you'll be able to instantly read other people's personalities you'll understand how they think how they feel how they behave you'll be able to measure their sexual momentum compatibility their current state of physical and emotional health you'll uncover resolve forgotten traumas their relationships their parents and siblings know how they make decisions and much much more okay total value if you could actually get this you can't you can only get it on this webinar in fact when i sign off this webinar this goes away but this is only available for the first 35 people who register um with for the webinar package today so it's a total value of two thousand nine hundred and ninety four dollars total value for today uh if you were to go to the website and try and get this on your own will be eight thousand five hundred and seventy nine dollars so here's what we've got for you secrets of face reading home study course valued at 1497. identity by design hypnotherapy home study course also valued at 1497. vibrational healing energy healing and remote influence 1497. people reading for fun and profit two-day intensive invited 997 dollars the lie to me if you dare how to catch liar's crash course fight at 97 and the three-day face reading two for one vip super ticket that includes one live event and one virtual event for the first 35 people to take advantage of this offer today august 17th through the 19th 2020 las vegas nevada total value 8 579 now the best part is obviously that i'm not gonna charge you eight thousand five hundred and seventy nine dollars for this in fact i'm not even gonna do it for half price i'm not gonna do it for a quarter of the price because we're in the middle of a pandemic because everybody and their brother wants to know these materials and has lots of free time and you know maybe you got maybe work has slowed down a little bit you can get all of this for one low investment of just 9.97 or if you like you can break that down into three easy installments of just 3.99 okay but and you get that free vip ticket well thank you for that richard i hope i can stimulate you back right there should be a link in your right hand side there link is above the chat to go ahead and uh take a few moments stephanie i believe is online brandon and henry are also online they can answer any questions that you have i'm gonna answer any questions that you have uh we're gonna take about five or ten minutes to just answer questions and then if it's okay with you i'd like to circle back and finish the facial map of the emotions and then go a little bit deeper if that's what you want to do was that it would that be okay ariella i'm not sure what you mean would say how do they compare to the live classes anybody who's taking a zoom class with me in a live class plea please let let all of our attendees know um what your experience was like you're a much better advocate for whether this is worth your time or not than i am obviously i'm biased so i want you guys to to just talk well you will yeah well again you will get a chance to see me in person area it just depends on which one you're going to be able to do first are we going to do it live first and then one virtual or are we going to do it all um you know are we gonna do one virtual first and then one live you will get to see me it's just a question of when well absolutely you get the best of both worlds because you do get the secrets of face reading identity by design vibrational healing people reading for fun and profit the how to catch liars crash course and those are all downloadable instantly you'll there'll be no distractions you can stop the video you can rewind it you can pause it you can play it you can if you have a touch screen like me you can zoom in and get higher def things hi david i need to speak with you someone i should call tomorrow call stephanie and she'll get you set up chris g says you get twice the training and more information to prepare before august the link is gone shared it again okay and again my intention is you know after giving you guys a few minutes i'm gonna circle back um and and finish the emotional map and then i'll answer other questions okay if you guys would give me five minutes i'd like to take a bio a biology break would that be okay and we have lots of we have lots of existing students so please by all means ask your questions and if i can't answer them seth or allegra or jeff or jason naked francine can answer i'll be right back this foreign okay guys i'm back all right so now that i'm back and with your permission um stephanie was gonna stephanie is gonna remain in the uh in the chat as well brandon and henry but as i promised as i promised we're gonna circle back and we're gonna do more face reading uh on the face and i'll thank you glenda thank you so much can't wait to meet you in person vegas as of now is still on and i'm gonna let me tell you something i am gonna be so fired up when i hit vegas it's going to be like crazy because if you ask any of my students um i love being live i love being with you guys one on one um and i just go all out i go to vegas with with one with one agenda only that is to give you and teach you as much as humanly possible in fact i often get in trouble because there's a hypnosis convention that i often teach at during the same time i'm doing these three these three day events and so what i do every now and then is uh you know a presenter won't show up and somehow mysteriously i find the empty room and i just start teaching stuff unannounced and it pisses off the promoters but people love it so much they can't really do much yeah all right so that being said hold on a second uh i'm gonna go ahead and circle back face i want you guys to see my face for a while so uh let me answer any quick you have the killer charisma t-shirt yeah um so before i jump back to the facial map do you have any questions about any of the markings or the the traits that we've discussed so far diane do all facial lines mean something yes one of the things that when you get deeper into the face reading systems which remember is a valid 3 500 year old core piece of chinese medicine but it goes way deeper than anything that made it to this country um within the last 40 decade or four decades um there's everything i even have maps for moles and the position of the moles and the age markings on your face it the the amount of data to be you know comprehensive in this is it can be overwhelming so i spent i'm spending a lot of time reorganizing the data into chunks that are both practical immediately useful and foundational they build on each other so jennifer um brian is asking what if somebody this is a good question brian's asking what if somebody has a scar or a marking in a facial zone depends uh generally what what what that indicates is that they've had some kind of traumatic event or some intense physical or emotional experience at that time in their life uh the narcissistic eyebrow is uh is it's it's seen in the right eye and it's a very defined very uh thick very distinctive eyebrow um and this is not actually from chinese face reading this is actually from neuroscience and uh i think some people were experimenting with uh some some quantum processing like height big number type data and they they they were running these uh experiments to see if i have the i have the video or not the video i have the article link somewhere i'll post it in a chat if we create a chat or something for this um i'll see if i can post that data for you i might even post it does anybody know i did post in our face reading facebook group uh does anybody have those links i can go find them but i don't find them right now there sean found it sean would would you agree with the saying that people ugly on the outside are ugly on in the inside as well not necessarily no in fact some of the ugliest people on the inside have said some of the prettiest experience exteriors but they do have markings that that that can give you an indication of some of their front elections or predispositions i mean let's look at a guy i mean just to to name an example that's a good guy like ted bundy the guy was hot from most perspectives he was a cesspool inside right but this guy was extremely charming extremely socially adept but yet inside he was you know he was he was a monster so stephen is asking what if somebody oh shoot every time i try to find your chat stephen asked your question wait it is what if somebody had multiple surgeries and no sinus jaw or tissue and others were removed and started that started from mercury hypersensitivity how do broken infected empathic teeth relate to the face since it's all interconnected uh steven i actually have a chart believe it or not i have a chart that shows what every tooth in the mouth is related to believe it or not i haven't studied that yet but i have one so the the key to remember when we're when we're looking at surgeries or cosmetics is anytime we alter the bony structure of the face i would extend that to say even cartilage but really bone is where we see the most dramatic changes in people both in terms of maybe the the attributes they had access to prior to the surgery versus attributes they have access to after the surgery every change in your bony anatomy will impact your jing in some way how that impact how that change to your jing manifests i can't predict it uh the one story that keeps coming to mind for me was um my teacher lillian had a client who uh had a son who was had this massive almost cro-magnon style job you know what i'm talking about this big you know gorilla-type jaw but he was an exceptional exceptional football player in fact he was so good that he was being recruited and romanced by a lot of ivy league schools to come and play football for them when he graduated from high school his mother got him plastic surgery for his jaw as a graduation present and as soon as he was out of the hospital he went to play football he lost his ability to play football he just couldn't do it anymore because something about and if you think about the jaw the jaw is a repository for a wood energy the jawline itself is a repository for wood energy and what energy is the compete the competitive energy of the body it's the achievement energy of the body if you're out in the corporate world and you see all these high-level ceos are go go go go go you know they're the regular the regular hours of work are nine to five and they're they're there five a.m to five you know to 12 p.m seven days a week because they love to work that's a wood person that someone has a lot of wood energy that can be seen in the jaw can be seen in the eyebrow ridges and when you modify that it's like taking a big chunk of somebody's energy and just ripping it out so there's going to be ramifications for that i have not seen any ramifications uh for putting like implants in i haven't seen any anything that shows me that there's a change in personality when an artificial implant is put in although i'm sure there is some some impact but i don't know what that would be uh but i've seen people's personalities change from putting a stud through their tongue through their eyebrow through their earlobe these are all places that are very energetically and neurologically react or uh influential in the body and it can change things it can balance it can change things significantly in how a person expresses themselves so let me see if i can i can read the bigger chat here hold on a second okay um camille's got i got one more question about server influence is this technique that allows you to bring people closer to you or is it just circle k no this is a camille sphere of influence is one of those techniques that bridges from traditional rapport skills and heart based coherence to vibrational and remote influence it's one of those bridging techniques that shows you how to utilize the proprioceptive nervous system um heart coherence and certain and the autonomic nervous system to link with other people through the peripheral nervous system and synchronize heart and mind okay what about reducing brow bone you're going to have the same thing this is going to be an area that if anything it's going to make you less it will tend to make people less woody in other instant what that means is they may not be quite as resistant to authority they may not be quite as much of a go-getter they may not be quite as athletic or or driven to achieve by reducing the brow bone um that's because that's the set this the energy in the brow bone is the same as the energy in the jaw not a problem okay you guys um all right anna marie's asking can that mean a piercing can help being yes absolutely absolutely emory um lillian tell stories about people who are bipolar they put a stud through their tongue their bipolar goes away people who are manic they put a stud through their eyebrow and uh they stop being manic um really you know i can i can treat your whole ear i can treat your whole body through your ear i think in this case it was the right eyebrow but i don't know for sure i haven't done those studies and i would definitely would not i would not accept what i'm saying here as a treatment and a suggestion for treatment you should if you're gonna if you wanna if you have issues like that and you wanna deal with them you should probably seek out a competent uh acupuncture therapist or western medical practitioner and you should do that uh with the blessings of your your primary care practitioner whoever that might be right i had a piercing on the top of my hearing what about ear piercings what does that mean both earlobes piercings don't necessarily mean anything but they do they do stimulate acupuncture points in your ears that can have energetic or neurological uh systemic ramifications like i said there's a whole system in in chinese medicine on based on ear acupuncture and we can treat the whole body through your ear so you start sticking posts through those ears uh depending on where you're sticking it you can have a lot of problems do you guys want us do you guys want to learn about some of that stuff or you want to go back to the emotions what do you want to do this is it's your time you tell me what you want to learn you want both all right tell you what here's what we'll do i'll finish the emotions and then if i have any energy or voice left i'll review the package give you guys the last chance to buy or grab your package before they're all gone and then we'll look a little bit at the ear we can't go too far into it but i'll pull up some pictures and we'll talk about that actually angelica there are some points on the ear that you can use to control appetite okay all right so you guys ready for emotions hold on can we apply face reading to what can you re-ask that question because i missed it let me go ahead and go ahead and share my screen okay i just i don't wanna i don't want all this crap so we've talked about skepticism we've talked about joy we've talked about sadness we've talked about the outer inner kantha stephen says can we apply face reading vibrational remotely to affect others in positive ways i don't know i don't know stephen i've never i've never attempted to do that um we've done a lot of really cool stuff remotely but that's not something we've played with so my get my my recommendation is study the materials and practice on your own and see and see what comes if anybody else who's any of my other face reading students or vibrational influence students want to chime in if they've had experience along those lines feel free okay so one of the things i want to i want to draw your attention to no pun intended is this area of the face the area that extends from the outer campus down and up what does that look like to you what does that what does that shape i drew look like to you looks like a lung doesn't it and it does have wings right and that's exactly right if you do any kind of therapy work and you get and because i do a lot of i have a clinic here in solana beach where i've been treating uh acute and chronic illness that are due to that are caused by repressed emotions for the better part of 15 years and so anytime you start to see things like copd asthma allergies um emphysema and you start to to go back to the uh the initial the cause of it the emotional cause it's almost always some form of sadness related trauma and we're talking about sadness but that's one of the things we want to understand is all of these are what we call metal metal diseases and they'll all originate with the they'll all lodge in the lung or the large intestine because they're energetically their paired organs so if you have somebody who's got a lot of irritable bowel crohn's disease [Music] i don't know there's another one but okay you're going to find out many times when the emotion is too strong for the lung to handle it'll dry it'll go down to the intestines right so what's interesting is you know when i look at your face you know we look at people's faces we see their eyes we look at their mouth we may notice their eye color when an acupuncturist looks at your face oh never mind crap um when an acupuncturist looks at your face this is what they say hold on a second i just want to make sure that uh can you see can you see the picture i just showed you okay so you see the lungs are in the cheeks they're at the bridge of the nose the kidneys are below the eyes spleen and pancreas are between the eyebrows the liver is the eyebrow the gallbladder is above okay so when i as a as a medical practitioner or face reader chinese vibrational psychotherapist and i look at your face from a medical perspective that's what i see i can diagnose every organ in your body from your face in fact if i if i put needles in these areas i can treat your liver and your kidney and your lungs and your reproductive organs and your your intestines so if you start to take that emotional map that we talked about and you start to overlay the sadness the sorrow the lost love line it all passes right through that area dry lips are usually a sign of dry intestines this is not always a good thing logan's asking are organs based on behavior recip precipitate damage and healing it's a it's a it's a feedback loop anything that affects your organs affects your emotions anything that affects your emotions affects your organs and that's why if you go to a chinese medical practitioner and you've got depression or you're constantly enraged they're going to treat your liver they're going to use the same points to treat your anger or your depression as they would for something like liver cirrhosis of the liver fatty liver slightly different points but they'll all be liver related because whether it's an emotional expression of an of an imbalance or a physiological expression of an imbalance it's still the same archetypal energy so that's how we're gonna that's how they're gonna change it or they're gonna treat it see it i'm going to try and get close to the camera if can you see the wrinkles right in front of my ear i don't know if you can see them or not can you see the wrinkles right in front of my ear type yes if you can see it [ __ ] detector yeah all right some people can see it some people can't maybe on this side my i just realized my beard might be covering it so i apologize um when you look at somebody's face and you see these little lines like gills right in front of the ears we call this auditory intuition and it's a line it's a line a set of lines that's really worth paying attention to for a couple of reasons a a person who has these lines has the the developed ability to listen to what people are saying and extract what's below the surface they have great [ __ ] detectors these people make great therapists they make great investigators they make great interviewers because they can zero in on on when people are not being truthful when they're um when there's an emotion connected to something or they're deflecting they have this very strong powerful auditory intuition and the reason they've developed it and this is why when i say nothing in life is wasted is because growing up these people grew up in a very unsafe environment they grew up in a place or amongst people where they constantly had to walk on eggshells they had to listen very very carefully so they could gauge and understand what a person's mood was like and know what not to say or what to say so it's almost it develops almost as a form of auditory hyper-vigilance or post-traumatic as a as a result of mild forms of ptsd and and so later on it becomes a useful skill but it develops from growing up in a hostel or potentially dramatic environment okay people with this marking also tend to have a tendency towards dehydration so if you do have these markings you have the ability to just read between the lines hear what people aren't saying know when they're they're full of [ __ ] but you also have problems with water metabolism so you want to make sure you stay properly hydrated and that your energy and your lymph is is is healthy excellent thank you for sharing ray i hope we see you again soon all right um so let me go and jump back to my picture with this that's auditory intuition another line that's very important to pay attention to and i have this one as well if you see a line or a couple of lines on the earlobe let me expand this picture i drew these in over here so you can see if you see lines like this on the earlobe what you're seeing our blood uh it's an indicator of blood pressure irregularities now emotionally what this means here's a line right here by the way it doesn't necessarily mean you have high blood pressure what it means is that you tend to have erratic blood pressure in other words sometimes it's high sometimes it's low emotionally there tends to be um a tendency for people to em over respond emotionally in other words if like say you're say you're walking down down a street or an alleyway or a hallway and your best friend jumps out and yells boo and the level of startle that you would that a normal person or an average person who doesn't have this line would experience would be a five or six you might go to what seven eight or nine okay so there's a there's a tendency towards over-reaction within the vascular and the the pericardium system that is is marked by these so it doesn't necessarily mean you have high blood pressure doesn't mean you're going to have a stroke or anything like that it does indicate that you have a tendency towards neurological over excitement and irregular blood pressure so you might want to have that looked at and and and you know just pay more attention to your cardiovascular health ideally erosion the we're looking at faces that are not contorting themselves in other words a normal face if you have to compress your face to to to manifest a line it's not as much of a problem it's not as much of a problem okay fact certain lines will only manifest when you access certain emotions like lost love lines are probably the one i see the most uh if you start talking to somebody about like if you do like if you come to killer influence in july and we start teaching you three magic questions protocol one of the questions that we ask is um tell me about where you grew up who are your friends what did you play at and they start talking about uh something they used to love to do and then that person maybe the person died or they couldn't do it anymore because they got injured or they moved away as they're talking about that moment where they couldn't do it anymore you'll see that lost love line just pop for a fraction of a second or half a second it'll just come up and then it'll disappear again um anna's asking what is the basis of irregular blood pressure i do not know it could be neurological it could be it's almost always neurological i would believe could be a lack of nutrients it could be a lack of exercise um again i don't i can i could speculate all day long i don't know but i can give you ideas for what it might be okay a line you're going to see a lot in people when the lines run from the outer from the outer canthus diagonally inward this way you're seeing pain now that could be physical pain it could be emotional pain if somebody's if you're a healthcare practitioner and they're coming to you with back issues this will pop right out if they're coming in and their face doesn't show any markings and they start talking about the abuse they suffered when they were 12 this might pop out marie is asking about what what about a line between the ear and the mouth on the side of the cheek from the jawline to the mid cheek ella i'd have to see the uh i'd have to see the marking um from the ear i i have no idea fran the short answer is yes facial scars do influence you any change to your face any structural change to your face makes a difference it makes a difference this is a cool one again our president has these in spades these are called mania lines now remember we talked about we look at the outer canthus lines that extend from the outer canthus and come up and just barely reach come on and just barely reach the eyebrow we call these joy but when those lines start to creep up past the eyebrow now we're now we're dealing with mania this is what um what the chinese would call pathological joy high energy add uh if you know anybody who's up at four o'clock in the morning tweeting um you'll see they probably have these lines going on okay christie's asking what about an ingrown hair or scarring scarring for sure in ingrown hair i do not know it's never come up in any of my classes we'll get francine we're going to get to the line between the eyebrows in just a second we're we're moving up to the 12 o'clock position which is where we're going so any questions about what we've covered so far oh if the scar is from an ingrown hair then absolutely it makes it it'll matter and marie says hi i'm up it's really three a.m trying to learn something no questions okay well what's more important christy is where on the facial map um that particular scar shows up and also in terms of of uh age if i have time i'll show you some of the age stuff zachary says what would a small depression in the upper left cheek mean it shows more when screening upper left cheek well let's extrapolate if it's in the upper left cheek it's probably lung related or kidney related and and is it more like a dimple it could it's probably some kind of deficiency that needs to be looked at that would be my bar if it's a dimple it might be uh it's not it's not a mole can i explain hyperactivity more it's dimple like if it's if it's more like a dimple zack then um it's probably uh it's probably a good thing actually it's probably more fire but if it's in a lung or a kidney area um i'd have to see the mark but but if it's a dimple then it's usually fiery eyelids droopy eyelids are usually signs of criticism either you're criticizing yourself or other people and it says so i may have missed this these lines can be on both sides yes does the side there on relate to the personal public side yes so first again just to review every single trait i've shared with you on the facial map can be on the right side or the left side or both but because you understand right side is public left side is private you can look at the relative depth and strength and length of the lines and know where it's predominant where it's stronger where it's weaker being vegan can impact your face reading yes yeah because um vegans tend to be blood deficient they tend to because there's a lack of um iron in their diets and a lack of the things that meat gives you they tend to become a little bit more blood deficient they can develop paleness in the face they can develop a line right here that indicates a tendency towards anemia or blood deficiency uh and there's a lot of people who have a natural marking right here we call that a human angel marking and these people actually take energy from their blood and use it to help other people and so they're always running a little bit light in terms of blood deficiency okay so let me go back if you take your if you take you know what let's just do it this way things if you take your finger and you just slightly press and rub the tip of your nose if you feel a little indentation you have a human angel marking these are people who have a very compassionate nature they want to help other people and when they offer help or support they take they literally in addition to the actions that they take they yeah kind of like a nose butt richard yeah they literally kind of give people their energy from their blood and so these people tend to run a little bit more and this is a heart related point on the face so these people tend to be a little bit more blood deficient tendency towards anemia so they need to have more iron and more blood builders in their system if you're and especially if you're vegan so you need to make sure you build up that blood justice i do not know if blood types affect any of this i have not been taught anything about blood types the chinese did not in their ancient systems did not um establish or or um into integrate blood typing okay okay uh most of the people who i'll be honest most of the people who wind up in my trainings and in planet david um have that marking they have a sincere desire to more fully embody tap into their potentials become the best version of their self for the purpose secondarily of helping as many people as possible there are people in their lives that they want to help and they want these techniques and these technologies to uh to do that and and that's really all the coursework that we teach at nlp power um is for that is to make help you get the life you want the way you want it so that you can bring your mission to the world and get everything that you want and desire out of life at the same time so that's kind of our overarching mission black screen again just refresh okay so let's go um finally okay last two on our on our line and some people were asking about these if you have lines in this area uh uh two lines indicate impatience annoyance and irritation right if you were sitting there while i was going through the offer we've got and going will he just get to the point you probably have these lines right i have these lines in spades because i have small children and i deal with the internet right however there's other markings that can come up and the one that that's most problematic for people a lot of times is when there is a single line right down the center so when you have one big line we call this suspended needle one second extended needle and this is an important marking because if you have it it means you're not fully empowered and and i'll explain what that means suspended needle usually indicates repressed energy that's usually wood energy and so what happens is uh when you're young when you're growing up at some point in your life you expressed anger you've expressed anger and the ramifications of expressing that anger were so severe that you made an unconscious decision maybe sometimes a conscious one but ultimately an unconscious one to never let that happen again so let's say for example and this is a story that lillian tells uh lillian talks about a time college basketball player and it was the last game of basketball season he was in the championships and there was this one player on the other team who was really good at fouling people and just getting away with it and so what happened is on on like the last quarter of the game or something like that this guy fouled him and was just yelling at him because he got me laughing at him because he got away with it the player lost his temper walked up and just bashed the guy right in the temple knocked his ass out cold put him in the hospital he got suspended from the game from the game he got suspended for the season he actually wound up in jail and from that moment on he developed a mark right there now many times that single marking is is directly related to an interaction with whoever was the dominant parent usually the father in the family at some point as a young man or woman is growing up they reach that point where they want to express their autonomy they want to exert their dominance or they're going to try for dominance if you've ever had a team living in the house you know what i'm talking about they establish their boundaries and they want to keep pushing yours and at some point there's a conflict and every now and then a teenager loses control they express that that liver energy that anger energy they either they raise their hand to their parent or they they actually strike their parent went up getting kicked out of the house getting uh punished in some way and they and the ramifications of that are so traumatic for a person that they literally put a block on how much of that energy they're willing to express now the problem with that is that your wood energy your liver energy is your achievement energy it's the energy that lets you go out and slay mastodons it's the energy it's the energy that allows you to build a business it's the energy that allows you to rise within the corporate structure and so if you see that line you have a certain amount of energy that you're willing to put out there so there's a certain level of success in life that you're going to let yourself achieve and then when you reach a certain point you're going to hit that block and you're not going to be able to go any further so if you have this line it this is probably one of the most important lines aside from trauma lines to resolve because you have a usually when you see people with a very deep one and you see them if you watch enough television you go out in the world you'll see people with lines like this everywhere that single line means they're not fully empowered they're not tapping into the the full level of energy that they have to to make their way in the world right and liver energy by the way it sounds like the liver energy is like this you know violent aggressive energy and it can be but it's also the highest form of wood energy or liver energy is actually kindness and compassion wood people are very very heroic and they're very very compassionate when when they're balanced these are the people who love to be the hero so ladies if you ever have like heavy bags to carry upstairs look for the person with the biggest jaw the biggest forehead and go into your damsel in distressed act and they will happily carry all of your bags to the top floor of the hotel and they'll do it more much more happily than if you offered to pay them no don't look for the biggest arms look for the biggest forehead biggest forehead okay but generally speaking people with the biggest arms also tend to have the biggest foreheads okay and again when you come to the face reading class in july in august we'll show you what all this stuff looks like we'll make it very very functional for you okay okay so yeah so when you see these three lines here this is an indication this is an indication refresh it again because that was my fault um this is indication that they know they've had a temper and they've done the work that allows them to actually manage it so if the [ __ ] hits the fan they get stuck in traffic you know your their five-year-old breaks their favorite uh you know dish or whatever they're not going to lose their [ __ ] quite as badly whereas somebody hold on a second somebody like that yeah they're they're gonna get pissed all right in the final line and i see this i'm starting to see this more and more in my students which i think is kind of cool there's a line that let me let me clear this out there's a line that runs diagonally usually sometimes coming up from the eyebrows sometimes coming up from the third eye area itself we call these transformation lines there's there are certain key periods in your life where you go through what we come we commonly refer to um as a long dark night of the soul and these um we especially go through them uh at every decade mark we call them critical transitions but every now and then we go through these periods where everything is our life just goes to [ __ ] and the only thing we have to do according to the taoist approach to to really reap the benefits of it is just survive it and when we come out on the other side of it many times and we will we'll we'll gain some kind of a spiritual epiphany or insight that dramatically changes how we see ourselves in the world the people in our world our place in the universe it's a very deep transpersonal marking and and so you'll get these you'll mark with a diagonal line that almost radiates like the rays of the sun from from the third eye or eyebrow area uh i haven't seen any top limit uh lillian talks about in her meetings with like the dalai lama like when she says that when when the dalai lama speaks these lines appear they're called buddha wings and then when he's done speaking or preaching and he goes back to being just his holiness you know talking amongst the people um they drop away a little bit there's still some there but there's only there's not nearly as much so there's something very very much related to the third eye opening and and and this critical life transitions that have to do with how these marks show up uh my associate who helps me a lot with my um clinically as well as um running the av for my events tj has started developing a lot of these lines in the past couple two three years um so these are good lines to have there's signs that you've been through a war and you came out a better version of yourself than you were when you when you when you went into it so they're good lines to have and i've seen i've actually seen people when i taught my last golden path workshop i made kind of a joke um i taught the first day or second day i think was the first day of my golden path workshop which is probably the most spiritual class or spiritually oriented class that i teach and i was getting ready to teach day two and i have one line that goes up goes up this way i was looking in the mirror and i saw another line on the other side like cool i learned something and then i asked myself what did i learn and i forgot it and the line went away so the universe plays weird tricks on you but i saw a lot of people coming out of coming out of the golden path workshop with markings i know uh guad i don't know if guadalajara is on she came out with two or three of them one of our one of our attendees because she had she wound up processing stuff that she didn't realize needed processing and those things come out during our workshop which is why you'll never be able to buy a video of a golden path workshop they have to be done uh one-on-one and all and the information that comes out is very personal it's very private it's probably the most intimate class that i teach um but it's all about finding out what your mission in this life is and using face reading and our transformational techniques to get you on that path in the shortest amount of time possible we can talk about disempowerment lines sure diagonal lines that run from the inner campus down the bridge of the nose like so actually and these lines i don't like to call them disempowerment lines because i don't necessarily think that it really disempowerment really encompasses um what that acts the behavior that goes with that you see these lines in people who have been in abusive relationships for long periods of time you may see these lines in children who've grown up in households where they weren't allowed to be the person they wanted to be and these lines are kind of manifest in a way that's similar to the suspended needle and the way this works is in this context in this relationship somebody encroached on your boundaries they violated your boundaries in some way and you initially pushed back you stood up to them you said no you can't do that that's not right i'm not going to stand for that and the pushback to your pushback was so strong so traumatizing that rather than stand your ground you relapsed into appeasing behavior you started doing anything you could to mend the explosion you start becoming the good little soldier or the good little servant that the person who's pushing was pushing your boundaries wants you to be to avoid conflict to avoid the trauma of having to fight so we i call these appeasement lines because that's more of what's happening there you have given up your power but you've done it in a very specific way you become an appeaser an enabler right if someone is a ra if someone a person that you're living with is a rage monkey you do anything in your power to keep them from getting angry when they show the slightest bit of anger or displeasure over something that you've said or done you move heaven and earth to make up for it okay do you understand the distinction yeah you know this this energy up here means you push back because you're afraid of using it and getting and hurting somebody else this one says i'm satisfied i'm i'm pleasing you so i don't get hurt okay i see this a lot in my clients who have domestic abuse uh child abuse sexual abuse these marks have a lot i see this more in rebellious people entrepreneurs um people who just don't like to be told what to do a lot of woody people have this what if you have both then you got some clearing to do that's all none of these here's the thing none of these markings mean you're broken none of these markings mean there's something quote wrong with you what they are like check engine lights on your dashboard they're literally telling you that certain filters have a lot of stuff in them and the filters are now clogged and you need to go in and clean out the filter just like you would change out the oil filter on your car the air conditioning filter the air filter on your air conditioner these are your emotional filters these are your emotional reservoirs that show you what kinds of emotion you're holding and how much they also show you the state they also show you the state of health of your organs and what emotions you're doing a lot of so if you make facial observations or facial um you know going over the markings on your face every day you have an instant snapshot of your emotional and physical well-being and you can start taking direct steps that's when we put the the program together that we did it's not enough it's fun as hell by the way you know it's let me let me jump out of this real quick so i can look you in the face it's fun as hell to be able to look at somebody and know all these cool things about them it's even cooler to be able to do something about it to to look at somebody and know how they're living know what kind of life style they have and be able to walk up and dialogue with these people and make a difference in their lives it's even more powerful and cooler that i can do it for myself and you'll be able to do it for yourself that's why we put the package together that we did a lot of you want to understand people they want most of you want to understand yourself secondarily you want to use this in business you want to use this in relationships you want to use this for healing that's why we put the package together that we did is because it's not enough to just be able to read it you got to be able to do something about it and so we put together the products and the programs that we did so you have the tools and we added that live event training on there so that you can come out and work one-on-one with me with live human beings and get hands-on training because nothing is going to put this inside of you faster than those hands-on trainings okay so that's why we did what we did for those of you who may be uh coming on later um i just want to go over if it's okay i'll just this offer here uh again it's includes our secrets of face reading home study course valued at 1497. the identity by design hypnotherapy home study course right at 1497. the vibrational healing and energy healing remote influence course by it at 1497. all of these courses i picked these very very specifically to make sure that you get the ability to fix or build upon whatever you want to use your face reading for people reading for fun and profit two-day intensive buy it at 997 dollars lie to me if you dare how to catch liar's crash course 97 and of course that that three-day free vip two-for-one super ticket which includes one live and one virtual face reading event our next face reading event is scheduled for august 17th 2020 here in las vegas nevada total package value would be 85.79 if you went to the website and tried to buy it but if you want it today you can get all of this includes that vip ticket for one low investment of 9.97 or you can break those payments up into uh installments of 3.99 okay so um i'll take a few more questions but it's seven o'clock here in my time thank you all for staying on what other questions do you have before i jet off into the into the stratosphere a small kind of shut eyes compared to the whole face that's usually somebody who's very closed off emotionally very guarded francine says thank you you're very welcome francine thanks for sharing uh christy says any other signs for healer's net pass not off the top of my head aj says it's wonderful thanks david all right you guys rock and uh you guys take care of yourselves stay healthy wear your masks if you need to if you're in one of the the populations that are most significantly affected please do your best to stay safe avoid giving into the fear otherwise you might find yourself buying large quantities of toilet paper love you all it's been great we'll see you in las vegas god bless you
Channel: Dr. David Snyder
Views: 16,350
Rating: 4.8214874 out of 5
Keywords: david snyder, charisma on command, how to read people, body language, charisma breakdown, charisma, self improvement, self help, self development, eye contact, communication, personal development, how to, read anyone, mind control, nlp, face reading, conversational hypnosis, dating, covert hypnosis, hypnosis, attraction, seduction, neuro linguistic programming, Richard Bandler, Tony Robbins, psychological tricks, success
Id: dEi2PGemxIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 44sec (9464 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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