How To Create HeightMap from Contour Data using Rasterize Tool in QGIS (+DISPLACE Modifier 3DsMAX)

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel my name is jessica and in today's video i will show you how to create your own head map using contour data and create the height map using rasterize tool in qtis so the first thing here is to go to irene and then after you type in your selection area and then after you set your bounding box selection so to do that um after you set your area selections you can click on this little icon here and then you can click on that copy as pounding box and then it will create a bonding box around the area where you input in your area selections and then you can move that bounding box to where you want to create your counter from so to to be able to see these contour lines you can um go to chain space map and then you can select these terrain type to generate the contour data you can use other stars from other um plus mapping platform that has um counter line data that you can open in qgis so the key here is to just get a contour data where you can open in qgis where you leather can make a rasterize file then create a height map out of your counter data so here after i select my um after i select my area selection here as my contour data i can go to browse and then i can type in a location so here um i can select this figma elevation metro contour one to five meter and then i can select all the attribute and then i can click add so after i have this data set i can click on this little icon again and then i can click on download as shp file now after it downloads my shape file i can open that in folder and then i can rename this um folder as contour bitmap and then here i can extract the files again okay so after i have my um contour bitmap extracted now i can go to um qgis you can open you your qgis um application and then you and then i can go to the download folder where i where i have kept the the counter um file and then here i can see the contour bitmap folder so i can open that i can open the shp folder and then i can drag drag the shp file onto qgis so here as you can see i have my counter lines here so the next step is to create a bitmap we need a black and white kind of texture so to do that we need to create a rasterized file out of this line and the trick here is to create a multiple um rasterized file from different pixels so it creates a final a fine texture of bitmap show you what it looks like so if we go to raster and then we go to here conversion we can select restaurant rasterize factor to raster so we select that layer and then we can input in altitude as our field value and then here on the pixel so the first rasterize file here i'm gonna i'm gonna type in 50 to 50. so the first value here the first value for the pixels here i'm going to type in 50 to 50 and then here i'm gonna select layer x10 and then i can run so here as you can see i've got my my first rasterized file with 50 to 50 50 times 50 pixels now the second one is i'm gonna again do the same thing go to rasterize factor to raster and then select the altitude but here on the pixels i'm going to type in 100 to 100 pixels and then again select the layer and then i can again run the program now you can see the texture is more it looks like it's more defined than the 5250 so the next one is i'm gonna again go to here and then do the same but the pixel here i'm gonna type in 300 to 300 and then here i'm gonna again choose the layer extend and then i'm gonna go around again now as you can see it's it creates a a more defined um layer so the reason why i do this is if i only select the 300 and 300 so if i turn this layer off you can see this um this white spot here where if you use only these and then you try to make the model in in 3ds max this white spot is gonna be read as a high so it's gonna create a lot of um dirty shapes because there is a lot of white spots as as if you only choose these um pixels you can see that the height is not really defined in these um pixels so you can try so the trick is to combine all of them to create a more fine um texture as you can see here so this doesn't have white spots so when you create that in the 3d model in 3ds max the height is going to be more the model is going to be more clean so i'm going to do one more time so i'm gonna um put in 500 to 500 here and then again so now after so you can do as much as you want you can you can go to 1000 to 1000 it's absolutely um up to you i i think i think if you want of a more defined heat map you can do more than 500 so here after i'm happy with my bitmap um with my hate map texture i can click on i can type in ctrl p and then i can name this contour and then here select this 2d map and then i can drag into my paper so here i i can see my bitmap here and then i can click on export as image so here i can save my file here i can name it bitmap too so i have i have my bitmap now my hate map now exported as an image so what i want to do next is i'm gonna go to photoshop so here i can um open up my my image here now what i want to do is i'm just gonna take the clean part of my head map here so i can go here and then i'm just gonna select this part and then i'm gonna type it and i'm gonna type in ctrl shift inverse can against having delete then i can unclean this image now after i have my hype map um clean clean up i can again save this image as um jpeg now after we've got our hype map now we can go to 3ds max so here in 3ds max you can start creating a plane and then you can um type you can um press f4 to to to show these um segments now you can set the segments here you can select it um to have more segments or to have less segments for me personally i'm gonna put more segments because the more segments i have here it's gonna be more it's gonna have a more defined um form of a counter so here after you create your plane and after you um set your length and read and also the segments like and width now you can go to modifier and then you can select displays and then down here under bitmap um selection here you can click on that and then you can go to the folder where you save your height map so here i have my height map here and then i can click open now the next step is just to um change the strength value here under displacement so if you um if you change the value up it's gonna show you the form of the counter that you have um that you have uh created so you can define the strength more or less it depends on what you want out of your model so now if i again press f4 now i can see this um counter line that is from this data so if you can see here this is my counter model um from the height map that i get from qgis now the next thing that i want to do is maybe i want to put like a gradient color of material material to my model here so to do that i'm gonna quickly go to material editor here i have set up um some gradient color as my material to do this you can go to here i use this scan line standard and then i choose diffuse color and then to general and then to gradient and then after i select that if i double click on that now i can um set the color and then on here in here i can choose um assign material to selection or i can drag these to my model so having been done that i'm just gonna go i'm just gonna quickly show you what it looks like so if i can put it there and then so here as you can see here i have my contour model with gradient color the material is completely up to you how you want um to put material on on your model but here is how you can generate data in of counter in irene or other resource and then create a height map using qgis rasterize tool and then create a bitmap in 3ds
Channel: Jessica Lupita
Views: 9,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vOLV0PHEz6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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