How to put your custom GPT onto your website (ChatGPT Training & Tips)

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so you've built a custom GPT you spent hours getting the knowledge base and hours fine tuning the instructions now what do you want to do with it I'm going to show you how to get your GPT out of the GPT store so you can put it on your own website and have anyone use it free and Anonymous if you want to make a business out of your GPT you're going to have to get it out of the GPT store because the GPT store has three main issues first any potential customer is going to have to have a pro subscription and yes it's only $20 but this might be a turnoff for many people who don't have that subscription second on the GPT store you cannot charge for your GPT so let's say you do have a user that's Keen to pay for access to your knowledge base once your GPT is live on the store anyone can come in and use it for free I'm going to show you the steps to start charging access for your AI and you know why not it's a great product and thirdly you cannot view the conversations on the back end this takes away the opportunity for you to learn about the effectiveness of your GPT and takes away the opportunity for you to learn about the sorts of questions that your users are asking and don't worry this is super simple and we're going to go through that in this video making sure that we have a robust legal controls in place since we are collecting data and think about it integrating GPT into your business toolkit isn't just a tech upgrade it's your way of leapfrogging your competition imagine cutting down response times personalizing customer interactions or even automating ating content creation this isn't just an improvement this is a game Cher for your efficiency and customer satisfaction but you can't really do that when your GPT still lives on the GPT store so I'm going to show you how to solve those three problems before uh by making your GPT Euro but those three problems are not the only three problems that exist uh make sure you let me know in the comments what you find most challenging and I can make a video about that too so with all that being said let's take a look at a GPT that I've already made and put on my own website uh for my potential customers and Prospects to use this GPT was made to help people with their social media posting and did originally live on the GPT store I decided to put it on my own website to give prospects some free value before deciding to work with me I could very easily put this behind a pay War to and charge a few dollars a month for Access and just to give you a heads up you will need to pay to use the tools that I talk about in this video and the amount will depend on how much your GPT is used by users uh but after you watch this video you'll be much clearer on whether this will be a profitable Venture for you I'm going to show you how to make this GPT from start to finish and don't worry I promise that if you follow me step by step you'll have this on your own page in no time right so I'm going to assume you've already got a custom GPT but if you don't don't worry let me know in the comments if you'd like me to make a video on this as well let's revisit the three components of a GPT you got instructions knowledge and and actions and for this example we're going to keep it simple and not put any actions in uh it's just going to be instructions and knowledge and let's talk about the tools you're going to need firstly open API and that's not open AI I know very confusing maybe they could have chosen a slightly less confusing name uh but this is your management Hub and where you pay for usage of your open AI open open AI API repet is a website where you can write run and share codes it works in your web browser so you have to install anything it's great if you're trying out code quickly or working on projects with others uh but don't worry I'm not a coder all I did was copy and paste some code and finally voice flow this is the front end of your chatbot and where you get to choose branding colors pictures and and whether or not conversations are remembered or they start from scratch all this stuff uh which will which which you can choose once you get to that stage okay so we're ready to start building uh let's take a look at a GPT that I met to help me write social media posts super basic I even got GPT to write the instructions here and I'm using a PDF that I got online that goes through some of the accessibility and this is great if I want to use it just for myself but if I want to make a business from this I need to get it out of the GPT store so imagine we've done the testing within this GPT environment and I'm now happy with both the instructions and the knowledge base the first thing we need to do is to go to open API create an account and we're going to talk about three parts of this site so first go to usage and increase the limit charge up a small amount let's say $5 and we're going to need this to get started now let's go to assistance you can see that I've created a bunch already but if you're coming in here for the first time click create give it a memorable name and enable code interpreter and retrieval next go to API keys and create a new key you only ever get shown this key once so make sure you paste it somewhere for later okay that's it for open API for now let's head over to repet this is what it looks like I know it's very overwhelming especially if you don't know how to code but don't worry it's just a copy and paste job for us now if you want to copy and paste my codebase for free head down to my free resource Hub and you will find a link to copy and paste and I can't take credit for this code I got it from Liam od's resource Hub so if you haven't checked him out I recommend you do so anyway so we forked the code and basically Fork means to copy and paste code into your own system and now we need to make a couple of tweaks first I want you to do two things first delete the knowledge file once you delete create a new one called exactly knowledge. dox and once you do this I want you to go into it and paste all of your knowledge onto this tab then you want to head down to the instructions part where you'll simply paste the instructions that you've already made make sure you are careful to put all of your instructions within the two parentheses here now you want to link up this to your open API accounts go to secrets and add the key that you made on the open API Secrets page simply copy and paste now you are ready to deploy your Bots click run and it doesn't look good with all this red text but trust me that has worked and that's it for repet for now but we will come back to it let's go on to our next tool voice flow so now we're in voice flow you can copy and paste this exact flow using the link in my resource Hub and I want you to look at this box here this is where you're going to put all of your own introductions you know say hello or whatever and and tell the user what you want them to do and genuinely that's almost it we're almost done with the voice flow part of this only two more things to do on here we need to link this up to the code we just made in repits and we need to do this twice so so let's go back to repet click on this button here once this opens in a new web page we want to copy this URL here taking care to keep the the slash starts let's paste the link in here and be careful again you might end up with two slashers we only want one for this part of the journey okay do that again for this box over here and we're ready to start testing click this button here and make sure you have enabled training for your assistant let's see how it goes all right so the response is pretty ordinary but the important thing to note is that it does work great so it works in a testing environment and this would work if we put it onto our own website but it would stop working as soon as we exited the repet tab or stopped running the code on repet let's go back to repet now that we know that it all works uh we want to deploy our code so that it's always on and we want to do that by clicking on deploy up here and choosing reserved BM which stands for virtual machine now I've already paid for this so I don't want to do it again but it will ask you a couple of questions just choose the lowest simplest options for now you can always come back and upgrade them if you need to Let's also change the url into something easier then go back to voice flow and update those two links with your new deployment link now that we have a codebase that is deployed and it's working and no longer in that flimsy testing environment we are ready to publish this chatbot click publish choose a name and embed widget now we can choose branding pictures where the bubble would appear whether or not the conversation is remembered or started from scratch each time and now we just need to embed it onto our own website let's copy this code block here and we're going to paste this onto our own website provider so I use for my website provider and it's not a sponsor I just love how simple they make everything but the other providers will have an option to add custom code or widget to and once you find the option simply paste your code and publish your sites this widget can also be pasted behind a payable or two so let's see what it looks like awesome we can see the bubble and now we can click on it and we can pretend that we're a random user looking at this website for the first time let's go ahead and upload our social media post and here we go we got a response it's all working now let's imagine our chatbot has been patiently waiting on our landing page for one month we can go ahead and see the sorts of conversations the chatbot has been having with users entering the page coming back into voice flow going on to transcripts we can go here and see all the things that have been said this helps us understand what our users are asking and gives us the data that we need to make our chat vot better so that's all super cool but let's take a moment to talk about the risks of collecting customer data and it's not just you this is probably the hottest Topic in AI at the moment as business all scramble to get tools integrated into their business you should have a robust privacy policy in place because it ensures that all interactions from monitoring to personalizing experiences uh are legally compliant and ethically sound focusing on standards of data privacy is not just beneficial it's the law so I recommend getting in touch with a lawyer from your own jurisdiction to make sure that you're all above board on this part of the journey so that was a brief look at taking the chat gbt functionality out of the GPT store and into your own environment this allows you to reach those who have not yet paid for a GPT Pro membership allows you to observe the conversations on the backends and allows you to charge for your knowledge the potential benefits are too significant to ignore you know from smashing your efficiency targets to delivering unparalleled customer experiences in real time without you having to lift a finger the sooner you can get AI implemented in your business the better the AI apocalypse is not a question of if it's a question of when and you want to be ahead of the curve remember to like And subscribe if you did get value out of this it really helps me understand what video I should make next and if you've got any questions or need a hand drop them in the comments or hit me up directly on any of the Social Links below thanks for your time
Channel: diversifAI
Views: 3,005
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Id: 1eCzUgHwRI4
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Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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