HOW TO PUT AN IMAGE INSIDE TEXT USING GIMP: making text stand out with this great effect tutorial

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hi guys it's Z again and today I'm going to show you how you can create this really great picture in text effect using so this is our final image I'm going to show you how to create this now using and it's really easy to do so what we'll need to do first is open the background image with the the fish on so we've got file Orlin find the image Wortman that's our background image and now we're going to put some text on top of that so the ocean text or draw text tool tip up text size up a little bit to 4:30 yeah I'll make sure that the text color is white and then we'll apply the text on top of this image type oh sure I just expand the text box so it all fits yeah that's great no we're just gonna align that to the center of the center of the image by using the alignment tool click on the text click central horizontally and then central vertically that's our text sitting nicely right in the middle of the frame so the next thing to do is for us to tear the text go control right-click offer the selection and now when they add and muskan layer above that it's all gone new layer make sure the background color is selected to open of career and press ok so we've got a layer above our text now on this there will one other a muskan layer so we will control right click apply a layer mask and that needs to be on selection but click Add you can see that that selection has cooked out already they text from that layer mask the only reason that's why is because we've got the text still visible you should turn that off and you can see the picture behind it okay so now we're gonna work on this layer mask and add in the splashes so we do that by using the eraser tool click on this one here called splat or to the size about 112 will do hardness needs to be up to 100 and then wasn't just oh sorry before that when you add in a selection so rectangular selection until drive it around the text just a bit more expand that out a little bit more okay back to the eraser and now we should be on the rears part of the the mask that it's pretty good so I'm a top of ink and right over here on the end as well that looks pretty good just go back a little bit I'm not quite I don't quite like that last one that I've pulled up and do ariza yeah just a little bit less aw that's great okay so that's our our masks done so now we'll click back onto the text and what we're going to do now is put a drop shadow all around the text so all got control right click duplicate layer more drag that you might get a layer up above our mask on there click on the visibility and now we're going to add the drop shadow sort or filter light and shadow drop shadow and we'll need to turn the opacity right that we open it to so we can click on and type to and now you can see the drop shadow but that's a little bit too heavy for what for this particular image so I'm gonna drop that down to a roundabout yes 9 yeah 9 okay and now we'll just need to remove the white from that text sort and see what's what's beneath it you can do that by going colors call it that alpha okay I'll go select no so that's the text which is looking good and we're just gonna finish it off and really me I could pop by changing the background slightly so when it click on the background and we're gonna use the gradient tool and we gonna set the opacity to 100 and then gonna make sure that were clicked on the background and not the mask not the mask but the background and then click right in the center we're using radial as well which means that we're gonna have a radial gradient coming from the center working out so then we're gonna click right on the center and hold and drag it out to the outside edge just like that now if you want to change the outside color and the inside color you click on the cross so I'll click on the center won't see that's white I'll click on the outside edge that's a career would increase that Grier just using this one here it's not a little bit darker she's actually quite nice in a little bit yeah so that's it click walk here cross and then put on the selection and that's how final image I hope you've really enjoyed that video guys and if you have please give us a like if you'd like me to show you something else in that you struggling with and leave us a comment down below
Channel: Tutorials by Zee
Views: 6,672
Rating: 4.7707005 out of 5
Keywords: how to, clipping mask, gimp tutorial, photoshop tutorial, how to put an image in text, tutorial gimp, text, text effect in gimp, photo effects, gimp text effect tutorial, clipping mask tutorial in gimp, clipping mask tutorial in photoshop, photo in text, gimp basics, image inside text, gimp text tutorial, gimp tutorial for beginners, gimp, image in text, gimp 2.10, cut out, learn, photo, inside, text effect in photoshop, photoshop
Id: RfEsF428spo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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