GIMP Tutorial - Picture in Text with 3D Pop Out Effect

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[Music] hello and welcome to yet another tutorial by Davies media design my name is Michael Davies and today I'm gonna be showing you how to create this picture and text effect with this pop out sort of text added on to it I've got the Denver Capitol building here and then I've got some Denver lettering as well before I get started real quick I just want to show you guys my website Davies media slash tutorials you can see video and text tutorials on here and you can also enroll in our photo editing course from beginner to pro photo retoucher and I'll have those links as well as links to my social media in the description of this video so the photo we're going to be using today is from Flickr and it is by Ken lund and this is of the Denver of the Colorado State Capitol here in Denver Colorado and you can come over here and click download and download this for free you've got the large original and other sizes here I just downloaded the large size for today's tutorial so I'm gonna go ahead and minimize this and once you've downloaded that go ahead and go to file new to create a new image or a new composition and I went with 1020 by 720 and that's because this image is about 1020 and width and I just shows 720 because you know the standard is 1280 by 720 but feel free to do whatever image size you want so click OK alright so once you have this new composition created the first thing I want to do is grab my blend tool and I'm gonna create a gradient for the background here I've chosen like a dark blue almost teal color for my foreground color you can copy this HTML notation here click OK and then for the background color I'm going to choose this light blue again you can copy the HTML notation here click OK and I have the gradient set to foreground to background RGB and the shape is set to radial and then I'm going to find the center of the image here and just click and drag out and I'm using two point nine point eight which is the newest version of it's called the development version but in this version you can click and drag this gradient so you can basically live at at the gradient if you're using an older version of you'll just have to click and drag and just kind of keep doing it until you get the gritty and the position you like otherwise you can just drag the point here if you're using two point nine point eight and set this where you want it so I like that position right there the next thing I'm going to do is grab my text tool and I have my font set to advent Pro bold that's a free font I downloaded and I'll include that link in the description but you can click on this font box here and scroll through the fonts that you want to use and choose your font and then I'll have my size set to 395 and I'm going to change the color to white and click OK and then I'm going to just click within the composition here and with my caps lock key engaged I'm going to type Denver and then I'm going to select this text because I do want the text to be a little bit more you know squished together a little less spaced apart so I'm going to highlight this and this is my kerning and I'm actually just going to use the arrows here to decrease the kerning until I get it where I want it as you can see our letters are a little less spaced apart now but one thing that arises when we do this is that the letter over here kind of comes off of the text box so it gets cut off here and so to remedy that I can click on these ends here and I can drag the ends out until that D comes back in now one thing you'll notice is that the left side of this text box here there's more there's less space sorry on this left side then on this right side so basically that kind of rules out using the alignment tool to vertically align this to the center of the composition but we can still grab the alignment tool click on the text and click align middle of target to align this to the middle of the image and then we're gonna have to eyeball the rest using the move tool and just kind of go until we get to relative center here alright and that looks good enough for me so once you've done that you can go to layer layer to image size and that changes the boundary of your layer to the boundary of the image so once we've done that we want to go ahead and bring in our photo here of the Denver Capitol so I'm going to hit control C and come over here to our original composition and by the way if you don't have this open you can go to file open and you can find this file on your computer to open it in or you can just click and drag the file from your computer into this little area and that'll actually bring it into as well so I hit ctrl C over here to copy this or you can go to edit copy and then I'm gonna hit control V on my keyboard or go to edit paste to paste this in here and that'll paste it as a floating selection layer but we want to make this a pasted layer so to do that we're going to make sure we're clicked on that floating selection layer and then click create a new layer and then now we have this as its own pasted layer so I'm going to double click this to change the name to capital and I had my caps lock on so I'll just redo that and now what I want to do is color correct this image real quick so to do that I'll go to colors and I'm actually just going to increase the brightness and the contrast on here it's already a pretty good photo so we don't really need to do too much but I just want this to stand out a little better click OK we can also adjust the levels a little bit if we need to and you can hit the split view checkbox here if you want to see it before and after and then the last thing I'm going to do is go to filters enhance unsharp mask and I'm just going to sharpen this image a little bit and I like the settings as they are now and again you can hit the split view if you want to see before and after and click OK alright so once you've edited your image the next thing we want to do is duplicate this three times and then I want to duplicate my text layer at least one time so I'm gonna go ahead and hit that duplicate key alright so the next step I'm going to hide one of my text layers here and I'm going to hide two of the Capitol layers here and I'm just going to go to layer transparency alpha to selection while I'm on this top text layer and that's going to create a selection area around my text then I'll go to select invert and click on that Capitol copy layer and then hit the Delete key and that's going to delete everything outside the Denver lettering there then go to select none and you can hide that lettering and now you can see that we've got an outline or we've got a picture in text here with the Denver text and the capital picture so the next thing I want to do is unhide the text again hide that capital copy layer the copy number one layer which I'm just going to name this capital copy 3 real quick so it's a little easier and then name this capital two and so I'll unhide the capital 2 layer and what I want to do now is create a layer mask on this layer because I'm going to erase everything that isn't this Dome of the Capitol building so I'll right click and go to add layer mask and make sure initialize layer mask 2 is set to white full opacity and click add and now we have a layer mask over here and I'm going to grab my brush tool change the color to black the foreground color and you can increase the size of your brush here I have a hard brush it's set to 100 hardness and that's just because I don't really need a soft brush for this so now what I'm gonna do is this is called non-destructive editing and what I'm doing is I'm using my paintbrush tool to erase the background of the image here and by using a layer mask instead of the eraser tool this allows me to if I make any mistakes I can paint some of the photo back on using the white color on this layer mask and so I'm using the bracket keys on my keyboard to decrease the size of the brush here so I can control Z undo get into some of the more detailed parts of this photo and I'm erasing everything except for the only parts I'm keeping of this are this part that comes into the end here and then everything sort of from this dome here around so this is the only part I'm keeping and I'm just painting over the rest so we can paint over that right there and then you can paint over all of this and then I'm going to grab my zoom tool and click and drag to highlight this area to zoom in on it and I can zoom in a little more grab my brush again and decrease the size with the bracket keys so that we can get into some of the more detailed parts here you so we'll grab the zoom tool and hold ctrl and check on our progress here and there's a few spots towards the top that I need to take care of but for the purposes of this tutorial and for the sake of time I'm going to leave the rest as is I think it looks pretty good so come up here to the top and clean some of this up grab my zoom tool zoom out again and again just for the sake of time I think that's going to be good enough so now we can hide that main text and you can see some of this is a little wonky behind here but it doesn't matter because it's going to be hidden we can unhide the first Denver picture and text layer that we did and as you can see we've already got this cool effect where this is popping out of the Denver text here and the more time you spend on the details around erasing around the edges of this dome the better it's going to look obviously but now you can unhide that original capital photo layer and go ahead and decrease the opacity of that by sliding the opacity slider here and just decrease it so that basically this looks like an overlay this blue background that we created looks like sort of an overlay on top of the original image which creates a really cool effect so now we're going to come over here to our Capitol 3 layer which is our Denver picture and text and you can go ahead and rename this Denver pick in text and we're going to come over here to filters light and shadow and choose drop shadow and what this is going to do is put a drop shadow around our Denver text here which is going to create a pretty cool effect and so I have the X&Y here currently set to 0 and I have the blur radius set to about 20 and the opacity to about 0.72 1 feel free to adjust this I'll turn the blender radius down a little bit to around 11 and go ahead and click OK and then you can go ahead and grab your eraser tool here and increase the size of the eraser and I'm just going to erase I don't know if you guys noticed but when I applied that drop shadow it kind of puts some of it on the outer edges of the image here and that's not really what I want so I'm just deleting that drop shadow around the outside of my image then I'll grab my move tool all right so now what I want to do is come over here to my capital to layer and the next step is I want this capital dome to be on its own layer right now it is it looks like it's its own object but it's not it's it's got a layer mask that's masking this larger photo here but I need this to be its own cutout shape and so to accomplish that I'm gonna come over here to my layer mask right click on it and go to mask to selection and that'll create a selection around the dome and then I'll come back over here to the original photo and hit ctrl C and then just hit control V and that's going to paste the dome as you can see as its own floating selection there and so I'll go ahead and put this on its own layer and rename this dome and if I hide that mask that we created earlier you'll see the dome is still here and now it's on its own layer and so now what I can do with this dome on its own layer is I can come over to filters light and shadow drop shadow and now the stone has its own drop shadow which is sort of a continuation of the drop shadow we did for the Denver text here and so I'm gonna keep the settings the same and click OK all right so once we've done that the next thing I'm going to do is put a border around the text here and what I did with the original was kind of a lighter border but what I'm gonna do for this one is more of a gold border I just think that looks a little better and so to do that what I'm gonna do is come over here to my Denver picking text layer and go to layer transparency alpha to selection and that'll select our text then go to select grow and grow this by 5 and then create a new layer and you'll name this gold outline like I did here and you can assign a color tag to this if you have a newer version of click OK and now I'm going to come back to our Denver pick and text layer go to layer transparency subtract from selection and that's going to give us sort of a 5 pixel border around our text then come over here to our gold outline layer grab your blend tool and you're gonna change the gradient to this golden gradient it's a default gradient that comes with if you have an earlier version of you might not have this specific golden one but you should have a golden layer a golden gradient and I'm going to click from the top left corner of the D here and drag to the bottom right corner and we're gonna replicate the location of this gradient for the next gradient we're about to do so keep that in mind remember where you drew the start and end of your gradient and then go to select none and now we want to go ahead and repeat that for the dome so to do that we're going to go to layer transparency alpha to selection select grow make sure it's set to 5 pixels once we've done that we'll go ahead and create a new layer and name this dome gold outlined and again give this a yellow tag and now we're going to come back to our dome layer and go to layer transparency subtract from selection and then make sure we're on the stone gold outline layer grab our gradient tool one more time and we're going to click from the top corner of that D again to the bottom of the R and that way these gradients are the same between this gradient and this gradient then we'll grab the move tool to solidify that then we'll go to select none and now our gradients should match up here the only issue is that this gold kind of goes along with the text and cuts through our capital building which we don't want to happen so we'll grab our eraser tool here and just go ahead and erase wherever that gold outline intersects here and you can erase some of that if you want all right so now that we have that finished the last thing I want to do is go ahead and unhide one of these text layers and I'm going to grab my free select tool here and I'm going to make sure that it intersects with this bottom of the D and it's going to come up here to the top of the R and then we're just going to bring it around like that and connect it grab our move tool and that's gonna create a selection area around this top part here hit the Delete key then go to select none and go ahead and grab that layer and decrease the opacity a bit and that's gonna give it just a little bit of a highlight there all right so that's it for this tutorial if you liked it please subscribe to our youtube channel at slash Davies media design you can also visit our website at Davies media slash tutorials and you can see our social media links in the description along with the link to our udemy photo editing course so thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Davies Media Design
Views: 12,914
Rating: 4.9483871 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp 2.9.8, gimp tutorial, gimp for beginners, how to gimp, gimp graphic design, gimp photo editing, pop out art, 3d pop out, pop out effect, picture in text, photo in text, photo manipulation, image manipulation, text tutorials, text effects, 3d text, photographic text
Id: VPGyOc9adbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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