Growing a GIANT Watermelon

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a few years ago I started to get into just a fun hobby of growing giant watermelons and it was pretty cool because like they get so big and then at the end of the season you get to eat it and it's pretty good most of the time but um it's just amazing you do a little bit of work and at the end just to see how giant the Watermelons get um so two years ago I grew one that was 117 pounds and this year my goal is just to get over 100 pounds but if I can get one that's even bigger I'll be pretty excited but I've had some analogies that also go along with that that have been encouraging to me so let's run out to the patch and I'll show you um how it all works and then I'll share that analogy with you too so here's the patch and the first thing you'll probably notice is that all these watermelons have white blankets on them and that's because they're a dark green variety they're called jumbo black diamond and they can heat up with the sun and so I put a blanket on them just to protect them from the Sun but anyways it's pretty simple I just put a lot of Hamilton out here you can tell if you come down that there's um just a layer of hay Mulch and that keeps the weeds down and let the vines grow over it and keeps the moisture in so um I have two plants there's a there's a pink flag there and a pink flag there and there's four melons four big ones but this one here is the biggest one and uh that's the one I'm really hoping will get the biggest so this one here is the funniest shape it's got a really fat end on the back and then the front is pretty thin and then this one over here is really wide it's gonna be a heavy one I think it's just not as long as the other ones are and I'll keep a guessing on those other ones because uh gonna wait to weigh them first to see how big they are the biggest tip you do to get a giant watermelon is you actually have to pull out the extra melons you take all the small ones and you cut them off while they're still small because you really only want to have one fruit that's getting all the energy but it's also really hard because when you cut off a melon that has potential to get really big you just kind of cringe inside but if you don't do that then the chances of the one that you've picked getting really big are a lot more slim so it's a sacrifice you have to make to get that one really big fruit and actually right behind me this melon right here it's gonna have to be cold out to help the big one get the bigger the biggest so here's an example of a mountain that needs to be cold out got my clippers and this one's a little bit small but we got it stem right here it's already pretty heavy [Music] and I see a couple cows over here they're gonna be really excited in a second thank you so at least someone's really happy about it he says loved us and gave himself for us so that we could become his own and so in our life there's so many things that we could put our energy put our focus into but just like the giant watermelons it will take life away from that biggest mountain that we're trying to grow so if your life belongs to Jesus and God wants to prune you then we need to be willing for him to take some of those things out of our life just like we call the little melons and we take them out so that biggest one can really Thrive and I think every follower of Jesus is going to experience how the Holy Spirit calls them to give things up to follow him but that's great we should be so excited because he's producing a giant melon in our lives and it's a giant melon kind of love so don't be afraid of that when God tries to take things away from us because really what he's doing is he's not taking them away from us at all but he's allowing our energy to go in the right place foreign [Music] that's a lot bigger than I thought it was gonna be well that's the first one all right we got two melons left these are the biggest ones and I can't wait to see how much they weigh but look at this stump of here and the stems and stuff you can tell that it's really getting old and getting to the point where it doesn't have much growing left to do and I've been giving them a five gallon bucket of water for each plant every day so I know the vines are still chugging energy into the fruits but they're really at the end of the line so probably gonna pick this one today and see how much it weighs and that one I'm hoping is the biggest so we'll see how big they are [Music] so I picked all the other giant watermelons and the biggest one I had was 116 pounds which was just one pound smaller than my personal biggest so I was a tiny bit disappointed but what I didn't realize was this plant here that I had planted in the orchard on the wood chip mulch I didn't have big hopes for it because I didn't think it would grow that well this wood chip mulch is just a year old so it's not that rich but this fruit check it out how big it is this fruit ended up getting ginormous and it's estimating to be 130 pounds so I'm gonna get this one picked and weigh it and see how much it is this might just be a plot twist I picked the last big watermelon and I had to actually get my dad to come and help because all the other ones I could pick up but I felt that when I was like I'm gonna need help and so my dad came to the rescue and um I was super shocked how big it was we put it on a scale and it was 151 pounds so that was way bigger than the goal I even had for this year so that's really cool but I was thinking more just about our life because each of us in our life we have that one thing just like the watermelon on the plant and even if you have multiple Hobbies there's always that one thing that you find yourself dreaming about you find yourself thinking about it how you can do more of that because it brings you pleasure to do that thing or to enjoy that thing and you could call that your one thing but is Jesus your one thing because he's so beautiful so worthy and when you experience him you just see how there's no one like him there's no one that can fill your heart with so much joy and pleasure but the only way you can experience him as everything to you is if he is your one thing and so we need to go through our life and and call off all those other melons those smaller ones that try to take the energy away and and show Jesus you're worthy of my life you're worthy of my affection I take everything and I set it aside so I can make you my one thing so let's show Jesus how we value and adore him and let's make him our one thing let's go
Channel: Josiah Chad
Views: 39,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faith warrior films, living for a real kingdom and a real king, disciple of Jesus, Josiah Chad, Christian Film, bearing much fruit for Jesus, bearing much fruit, bear much fruit
Id: 94cetplg9-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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