How To Process Scrap for Extra $$$$ Pt 1

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so today on project shop we are absolutely overrun by scrap and then um i compounded the issue by going out and picking up more so i paid like eleven hundred dollars for all this scrap here got a cool air compressor motor it's got a rotary motor that actually works i'll see if i can't keep that it came with a i don't even know what this is some type of dryer because they were using it for um cleaning cell phones or doing something with electronics so the air had to be extremely clean extremely dry so i've actually never seen one of these before but he said it worked um but most likely i'm gonna scrap it and then we're gonna tear that motor apart get the stator out for the uh pile of stators and uh motors and stuff i got for the stator wrecking machine i'm gonna keep building up today we're going to work on strictly the hid fixtures and the transformers got quite a bit of them they're just everywhere four big ones here piles of them some of these already started processing a couple bins back there i still need to get to and then um yeah right over here uh i got a pile here i got a bunch of transformers already up here i think the blower's right under here and then um i already started shooting a video but i got sidetracked and the scrap got overrun over here um i'm starting making a video on these things and i'll tell you what they are and where i got them and how you can make some decent money with them so unfortunately i'm doing something that i hate doing which is uh staging scrap up and moving it twice you know uh but i'm out of room at the moment i just wanted to show you guys something i made this this is a drum dolly i actually made this um 10 10 years ago or something i made it out of a concrete cutting blade back when i used to cut concrete this is a 36 inch blade behind saw and uh what i did is i just took the blade and then i welded some two i think it's two inch square stock and then these were actually angles so i took one angle i cut it in half and then i split it on the angles and welded it on there and then i welded this hook on here and um i made this specifically so that i can roll the drums when a 55-gallon drum is sitting on here it's literally like goes right underneath here it slides right in there when that drum is full um it weighs about anywhere from 12 to 1800 pounds depending on how the steel's packed in there like little tiny it's funny the little tiny transformers like these ones uh i get more more steel they lay down in there better and uh they're heavier some of those barrels weigh 1800 pounds this big chunky steel there's a lot of air gaps especially the big ones a lot of air gaps in there so all right we're getting a little pile of transformers here i'm hoping uh here in a short while we're gonna pile like up to here so uh we got this ac units off we're not going to break those down today we're strictly working on light fixtures i took a big chunk out of here all them transformers down there and looking here big old copper plates big old copper transformer coils [Music] look at that wow that's heavy all right so this all came from one customer and this is uh pretty much about what i get from my uh electrician customers all kinds of stuff some of them even do ac stuff this is the first time i got something like this i mean like this is for a air compressor so we're going to save the stator out of this take it apart and uh save the copper for my stator but uh i wanted to show you guys i don't have sides on my trailer so i'm constantly building walls out of scrap to contain my scrap having fun this thing is heavy this led nothing's super heavy we got a nice little pile going over here actually making a i already shot the first half there was a couple of these i had i took apart and i'll show you where i found them and what they are um that'll be in another video i gotta shoot the rest of the video for that we're gonna stack all this up here until we get the trailer cleared and then we can start stacking the stuff back on the trailer which i won't do until tomorrow probably because tomorrow i'm hoping to get to these ac units and possibly all these large transformers i got one two three four five six i got one sitting over there um i've already made a video on how to break these down most of the time they're aluminum foils but who knows we might run into a copper one because that's what this came from you know it's very rare but sometimes you get copper pills and i told the guy that i bought this from i asked him how he did it he shook his head goes man that was tough he took the plates out uh which i wouldn't do i would have just cut that right down there and i could have that part in 20 minutes which i'll uh i'll show you how to break these down in about 20 minutes a piece [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give you a little head cam action here i got some weird music playing in the background because usually i like to rock out when my uh when i'm working makes me work a lot faster but uh youtube copyright strike the crap out of you if you got someone's music playing in the background so it's some type of royalty-free music it's just something so i don't go insane not having my music and uh we'll see how this goes now most of these light fixtures i'm taking apart here are different it's just a random selection of lights these all came from the same customer not sure how long he uh was saving this stuff for but it's actually the first time i went to uh a lot of times like i'll have a customer and then the actual individual employees will save stuff from side jobs and i'll go to their house and buy it that's what i did here and this guy he lived uh so yes we got a nice nice little pile of transformers started trying to knock out all these lights so we can start running these transformers um maybe around two or three o'clock i guess more coming he's over there pulling him out i got him in the drums on the deck more lights um and then i got those two bins over there we're gonna knock out got a nice little pile of cast going some ballast i guess i'm gonna have to uh start a bin for ballast i don't have anything set up yet so we're just gonna uh throw them over here for now now i really hate moving process scrap and staging it up um but this is kind of the situation you get into when you just have way too much scrap and nowhere to put it it's like all on top of each other and just uh gets out of control really quick so that's when you got to bring in some help and just knock it out real quick okay so we got here [Applause] it's all different you know everybody should use the same freaking screw even if everything just these nut drivers that'd be great but you wind up getting [Applause] some with two and three different freaking screws in it man it gets crazy that's a different size there so we need a smaller bit bunch of random now we need a flathead i don't understand why people are still using flat heads it's the most annoying screw you can come across phillips head phillips that's why you need like three or four guns man you're just constantly swapping out bits and and i have a nice drill here um but these impacts uh the nut drivers the impact drivers or whatever you want to call them they seem to be they spin a little faster i think i don't know i gotta look at the rpms but just that impact uh it's way better than just using a drill uh the drills just uh they're good for drilling out uh pop rivets and stuff like that but that's about it and the reason i like um tin snips is because a lot of times like these here i can just get in there and cut them with the tin snitch you don't have to unscrew them and uh you just keep cutting and they're long so you got all these wires here you can get on there and just about get that in in one snip you know you're not making multiple cuts and they're spring spring loaded so you're not constantly fighting to keep them uh open but cutting this wire and all that thing they last i probably had my i had to put that pair down because it just wasn't cutting anymore i probably had them for about a year cutting steel and cutting copper we missed the screw um and uh if you got the right tools and you get into a good rhythm this actually goes pretty quick [Applause] balanced time to mess with that so so that looks like a lot of plastic that's aluminum okay let's send that as cast that's garbage here i'll show you a little uh a little trick with these bulbs take your cable cutters right you got clean glass throw it in the trash or recycling or whatever and then you keep cutting down on that and you can recover the brass and then that you save and take that to your local dump and tell them it's light bulbs and you're recycling there's actually a little piece of mercury somewhere in there i want to run these through a hammer mill and a water sluice a dedicated water sluice and i want to recover the mercury last time i looked into it mercury was like three thousand dollars a gallon or something so um and then you can even go further and clip these like that and then you're just left with that and this is brass and that's steel sometimes there's actually stainless steel in there but uh sockets and stuff like that these things here are loaded with brass so that's why you see me saving them i got a i used to have a hammer mill i would run these through and just beat these up you know we're going to take these apart as much as you can with a drill and you know that's aluminum brass sometimes they're stainless in there so these here you want to save and then you can reduce all that bulb down to just that you know that's the only thing that's actually contaminated and then you can recover a bunch of brass you can clean this up even more um get that black stuff out of there and then you'll pretty much have clean brass at that point you know so i was um these light bulbs i used to run them through my hammer mill uh just kind of testing them and uh i was trying to see if i could separate the glass from the brass and uh i was gonna try to recover the mercury um i probably ran 30 light bulbs through there to see what would happen and uh the machine that i had that was breaking these down i couldn't feed it fast enough i mean i could probably do a couple hundred light bulbs in a minute through the machine but i i had to i would have had to build um which i probably still gonna do a dedicated water sluice so i'm not contaminating anything else with the mercury something we'll look into here in the future now see it's the problem right here with these damn uh light fixtures some bird was living up in here a lot of times you'll find eggs dead birds and all kinds of you really shouldn't be touching that uh you know could have like bird crap a lot of these light pictures especially the big ones that like that that been out in the parking lot um birds will sit on top and crap on them you really should be wearing gloves and i wash my hands a lot when i'm dealing with this stuff especially if you're gonna go eat yeah that's nasty okay some sheets cash sure what these are so these are like an led um just see if we can't get the driver out of it and most of the time i just smash the glass with a hammer and send it so these electronic drivers are basically like an electronic ballast um it's really this is actually exclusion i wonder if that'll come apart um i doubt it [Applause] yeah now i've never actually tried but i wonder if we could freeze this like i did with the ballast yeah you can see that's excruted aluminum and uh i'm not gonna think there's too much copper in here but that's uh yeah i'd say that's extruded you can see the see the stripes where it was forced out of the extrusion but like a play-doh machine see if we can't get in there i know there's really not much oh wow that's easy so this is encased in like rubber that's interesting oh look there's more screws to get it apart i shouldn't be wasting my time oh look at that and that's why that's no good nothing cooked oh oh look at that little transformer in there some more aluminum and these electronic uh drivers might be worth saving now i know these things here usually got like copper on the bottom some type of contact there or something and then these transformers here i've come across this style before there's not steel on them usually it's like this um i don't know what it is but it's brittle and you can crack it i don't think it's steel let me see what's my maggot oh maybe it is steel some weird weird steel you know i've always cracked these with a hammer and then there you go some number two copper wow some extruded aluminum who knows what else is in here feels like a block of rubber i wonder if any of these electronics are worth anything all right played with that enough it's the best part have to start an excursion pile now i don't know if that's uh worth i got a couple of them here if they'd be worth taking them all apart nice little chunk of exclusion on there though maybe i'll do a video take those apart and see what the percentage of the materials that you can get out of them a little chunk of number two see stuff like that i'd like to run through a hammer mill grind it up all into a dust even these i watched that dude throw these right in the hammer mill and separate the the problem with that is like it's a a big mess i mean i guess if you got the right water sluice it's worth it um so let's see here oh cats now what i would do with that is just try to um smash that glass and i'll send it just like that that's a heavy chunk right there these leds even though you don't get a transformer with some copper in there um a lot of times the the fixtures themselves are made of like a high or a heavy dense a real dense cast aluminum so we'll uh scrap up sometimes you got to pay attention to this wire a lot of times this wire is tin coated um if you uh separate it i consider that number one i mean that's solid because i can actually run that through my wire stripper but i mean this is real tedious to to do that with this wire um i don't sit there and check it all the time i probably should because of the price difference between number one and number two i think i'm getting 250 for number one insulated and uh a dollar a pound for uh number two insulated copper so this is some kind of weird weird light let me get my short always try to get to the next screw as fast as possible usually when i'm taking something apart minimum i try not to let five seconds go by before i get to the next whatever i'm doing wasn't too bad nice little chunk of cast now some of this stuff just gets tedious you know and like this like you know what do you do with this what the hell is that no idea it's interesting it's like unwrapping a present hopefully oh it's batteries so battery backup that makes sense i don't think those batteries are recyclable now some of these boards i don't know i see the guys uh depopulating them and doing all kinds of stuff but it's a little transformer there see all the little copper i'd like to take some of this this um and just throw that in a hammer mill grind all this down into a dust run through a nice water uh sluice shaker table and uh separate all this stuff silver solder the copper the iron you know something that you can run maybe like one or two tons an hour through so that's just uh just got a chunk of cast on there that's a nice little heavy chunk and a bunch of like nasty sticky oh that's a piece of copper look at that that's cast aluminum so that's number one copper i don't have i guess i gotta find a copper bucket now okay all right garbage cast cast cast cast garbage garbage cast ballast oh that's nice it's that rubber okay having problems oh it's light you know those are electrons yeah electronic ballast now if you separate the electronic ones from the magnetic ballast there's two different prices on them they pay you more for the magnetic ones or at least to where i go does they're not all the same that feels like uh uh that feels it feels pretty heavy for how big it is [Applause] no just bend the bend the bottom it'll go through the machine yeah just knock that over yeah look at all that a little transformer in there i showed you my video how to get that uh potting compound off of there real easy oh this one's burned up real brittle and uh there you go nice little copper transformer right there see sometimes these things are definitely worth taking apart man and that one there looks like we could just uh put it on that lip see that break it open and run that through my press now so you can recover copper from old magnetic ballast steel let's see here these are kind of kind of tedious um when you're trying to do these fast especially if you've got a long bit it's good to use your second hand uh the guide to get you in that screw as fast as possible if you're doing 50 lights that are the same you know you really want to get yourself in a good rhythm and try to do as many of the same as you can as many of the same lights as you can at once it'll it'll make everything go faster that chunk of copper's in there like that pretty interesting cast garbage now these shears are starting acting out just garbage cast cast cast yeah we're getting there okay that's a battery so i'll just click that and uh let's throw that in the garbage sheet that looks like stainless very slightly magnetic garbage excursion okay a lot of times little lights like this uh sometimes i'll just throw them right in the front sometimes they don't have drivers in them this one's got a little baby driver so [Applause] um [Music] uh a lot of times i won't even worry about the screws on the glass these seem to be coming out pretty easy so most of the time i just take the hammer and smash the glass and be done with it a lot of times these lights get moisture in them and those screws are just rusted and uh it's hard to come out these ones are doing it pretty easy okay i saved a couple of these leds see if they work and we are moving along so so that's getting sketchy uh another form of driver and now you're making them plastic cheaper and cheaper oh this is my uh fancy hollywood uh style camera holder that's how i get all them good shots okay a little excursion just throw that over there for now oh i did start a thing for ballast look at that okay steel run the maggot through here now most youth scrappers probably know where that magnet came from and uh i gotta tell you something i've never actually taken apart a microwave i got all these magnets from the guy that used to work for me he would take them apart all the time i've never recovered a transformer out of a microwave um okay let me sit here i'm getting a little out of control with this glass i'll have to deal with that here in a second there's mine i like to keep this clean i'll keep sweeping this up because you keep working over top of this you'll be kicking up all this dust and his fine glass probably not too good to breathe that so we'll uh keep it clean and keeps you from cutting yourself i love this table it contains most of this crap um now if i could just find i always lose that damn dustpan oh here it is i know i put it somewhere close [Applause] just try to somewhat clean up as you go otherwise gets out of out of hand real quick process when you're lot of scrap [Applause] okay all right let me let lights oh okay someone already gutted them i'm not gonna complain about that nice piece of cast now since i just cleaned my table we're gonna take these over here break the glass now when you're breaking glass with a hammer you know sometimes you can sit there and beat on it you know or you can do uh my favorite and uh just full send you do that do that with a hammer you don't like because it's gonna tear up the handle i actually like this hammer but i've got like three of them okay now there are like hundreds of different style lights look at this phillips flat head nut driver square bit flat head all in one why not just make everything not drivers come on there manufacturer of lights get with the program yeah that flat head ahead there we go flatheads are always difficult oh something happened to my royalty free music whew i didn't think that was going to loosen up that's why i like the impact drivers and a lot of times man you get one shot like that one there that's about stripped out and see all the corrosion you know you get one shot to get that loose you better have a good bit in your drill i'll be using some worn out crap that's why i like um i keep a a box of these on hand it's brand new bits you know all kinds of stuff it's it's worth having new stuff because you strip one out then you're fighting it you'll be drilling it or just like me my favorite thing is to beat the crap out of it okay now i had where'd it go here these cutters right here now these ain't cheap man these are like 80 bucks at a home depot i've had these for years but you see that gap i don't know if you can see there's a gap in there i would clamp these in here like that and i would just run like 100 of these bulbs like that that's not going to cut through i actually bought a new pair i don't know where they are because that groove it's not going to cut down here no more get that brass brass i don't know where my brass bucket went but we'll throw it there for now you know and then you can just cut this crap off and just send that now you take a bunch of these big bulbs as a residential like a homeowner you can take these hid bulbs to the dump and usually they'll take them for free but if you're like a commercial guy and you're bringing in like 150 200 of them um they're going to charge you for them if you take them apart and put them like that you could probably get 150 or 200 of them and five gallon buckets so when you go there and you show hey i got this five gallon bucket of light bulbs they're just gonna be like yeah okay just put it over here with the light bulbs and not charging nothing for them and you're recycling you don't let that mercury go into the landfill um and poison our water that's probably already extremely toxic okay where'd that flat head go two more see that it's got these little doohickeys here yeah majority of time i'll just smash that glass i can't get it sometimes you got to get in from behind it i can't get in there we go get in those corners [Music] and he actually can make that glass bend it's probably gonna break see this is something i wouldn't sit here and do this all day once you get that going so you put glue in there yeah most time this glass gets straight up hammer treatment i like to resell that glass um sometimes when i had my big warehouse i would actually store back in the day i had a customer that would buy some of these old fixtures he had like you know he'd tell me to keep an eye out for a certain style and i've actually made good money on when i get a whole parking lot that they change out to leds there's nothing wrong with the fixtures they're just old they were working when they changed them literally we'd be out there they'd be on working they'd disconnect it and put the led up and you know i'd take them apart and scrap them they'd still be hot the transformers would still be hot when i would take them apart um nut driver so uh i used to try to sell them but nowadays everybody's nobody's interested in uh hid lighting no more they want leds that's the future but it's not the end-all be-all because they're having all kinds of issues with leds um especially if they do a retrofit where they take a fixture like this and they gut it and put an led in there well this big old box fixture it's just gonna create a bunch of heat in there and cook cook the uh led the drivers and the on the actual led damn they're rusty ass flatheads why aren't all these flatheads electricians love flathead screws probably not so much because i know i don't see this would be a good candidate i'll keep that a little mini set of bolt cutters around here somewhere where the hell they go where's my bolt cutters the hell is going on oh they're right in front of me i always lose and they're usually right in front of me so that's why i like keeping the little mini bolt cutters um always coming in hey look at this little guy come on get out of there what do we got here more nut driver and a lot of times man you need a damn extension always have good extensions on here well help if and have nuts in there it's the only downside about having a um maggot in your thing and yes i'm saying maggot when i talk about magnets now see sometimes like these ones where i'm getting a whole bunch of different ones it gets a little tedious because each one is different when you got like a bunch that are the same this just goes really fast you know so we're making good progress i would have liked to had all these broke down by one o'clock but probably gonna be like maybe two o'clock now this year i know it's going to be tedious to get that out i'm going to open that up just to show you um this is actually a lot of times these arms are excursion [Music] depending on how much time and effort it takes to get it open um yeah see i had to get in there with a wrench and then i'd have to get in there with a wrench and i'm not doing that so i'm going to forfeit the extrusion and just sell this entire thing off as cast and actually look at this that's excursion too um i i that's just too tedious you got to draw a line somewhere between your labor and what you're going to get out of it and that was actually number one insulated if you're really uh anal about your crap or there's actually a lot of number one in there but then again you know you got to think about your time you know how tedious is it going to be to separate that when you got a load of other stuff like transformers that are going to make you a lot more money that you want to get to i'm always looking to get to those transformers because uh nothing not even buying copper wire pays like transformers or at least copper transformers steel and i got a little main nut driver that's not it okay gotta figure out what happened to my royalty-free music i was listening to oh we got a a message here my wife will love it when i build one of these in the garage honey we have to park outside for a while and should we impress the boat bottom workbenched [Laughter] okay all right look at that no copyright uh youtube so don't be copyright striking my crap now i had a clip uh it must have been 10 or 15 seconds um of a song in the background that was on the radio and they claimed it and then because of the song uh it was a notorious b.i.g song or something like that that just happened to come on in like a mix of songs and apparently in belgium or somewhere i think it was belgium the the whole video was blocked completely for the whole country because of that song i guess they can't play no uh notorious b.i.g in belgium which i thought was pretty funny it's a piece of tinted glass in here that's pretty cool that's like blacked out why even have a piece of glass like that that's really weird it's aluminum looks like double aluminum i still run those uh and i do i i don't know what i did with the paperwork i had with the numbers but i broke down a whole bunch of these aluminum one day and weighed them i'll do it again here you go have fun we're getting a little little pile almost time to break down transformers okay [Music] flathead boy this one really likes flatheads [Music] um i don't know what that is garbage say stuff like stuff like this that looks like some type of contact in there it's probably silver silver contacts cast brass i see stuff like this you run through a freaking hammer mount and uh recover all that stuff what you got man critter trap sheet garbage and sheet steel yeah these things are starting to stick i wonder if it's like all up in here that's getting dirty or something looks like it's rubbing send that just the way it is oh wow look at all that wire in there now i know these probably the contact switches here probably got a lot of silver in them i'll do you know what i'll do this in a separate video i got i got to worry about getting on transformers let's set this to the side for now a lot of copper in there i'll show you a little trick i learned back in 08 i can't find a allen key to fit these little allen bolts but you can use a star bit and it pretty much works the same see that so just keep that in mind if you got some star bits or if you can't find the right size just use a star bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Project Shop FL
Views: 78,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scrapping, Making money scrapping, copper, copper wire, scrapping copper, copper wire stripping machine, wire stripper, wires tripping machine, granulator, copper chopper, recycling, recycling copper, recycling aluminum, Aluminum, scrap aluminum, cast aluminum, recycling lights, hid lights, led lights, led, Electrical contractor, Transformer, scrapping transformers, how to process transformers, scrapping for cash, scrap metal, metal.brass scrap, diy scrapping, scrap processing
Id: KSdnCQNU_jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 32sec (3872 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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