How to prepare best end of lamb from a Scotch Lamb rack

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here we have our rib section of the double loin the lumbar section has been removed to separate the two racks I'm going to saw the point of the ends of the ribs either side of the vertebrae bone taking care not to cut into any of the underlying meat listening for the saw note to change do the same the other side so we've cut both sides of that central bone and I just want to turn it over and work either side of the bone that runs along the back of the animal so we're just keeping close to that either side then we just work our way round down through our cut mark with a saw that will take us off our rack nice and tidally without cutting into any of the expensive eye muscle of the loin so there is our two separate racks with our Center bone removed from this part of the best end I'm going to turn it into a rack of lamb and just go through the process of trimming and cleaning up the piece first of all the yellow gristle that runs along the back line needs to be removed the blade bone cartilage white line of gristle take it out then I'm looking to what we term lard a trim or clean the ends of the bones I always find the best way to do this is to use the eye measurement as a marker for the length of tail that I'm going to trim so if I take in one length of the eye muscle and cut the tail of the loin the same length so basically the measurement is twice the eye muscle then using that measurement I'm going to use half of that eye muscle measurement to mark and run parallel with a back line of the carcass that now gives me a uniform shape or length of tail in conjunction with the eye and then this mark drawn up and taken through to the other side again joined up on this side and then that and the associated muscle below is removed so it's working down the back of these bones so working around both sides of the bone moment and then come around making sure we've cut that line and then it's removing that little bit of muscle between the ribs by using that measurement of the eye all the length of our exposed rib ends are the same and just finally taking that last bit of tissue off the bone now finally we just look at the bark or the skin on the back of the loin several options here we can actually remove all of the fat but for this exercise I'm just going to remove the external bark covering the fat so that membrane comes fully off the back so I do that up made sure we've removed the bone cartilage the yellow gristle from the back and if you wish just to enhance the appearance likely diamond score the back of the fat ready for seasoning and there we have a little rack of Scott lamb
Channel: The Staff Canteen
Views: 43,337
Rating: 4.8615918 out of 5
Keywords: How to prepare a best end for roasting, Best end of lamb recipes, Scotch best end of lamb, Rack Of Lamb (Food), Lamb And Mutton (Food), Food (TV Genre), Master butcher, SCotch Lamb PGI, Roasting (Culinary Technique)
Id: Je0pvSyu_4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2015
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