Delicious Lamb Sirloin by 3 Michelin Star Chef Arnaud Lallement

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so this is a beautiful loin of lamb which has been deboned from the rack of lamb all right very good it's very beautiful because it's not too wet that's right it's pretty white so it's obviously a very young laughs yes it's springtime yes springtime yes delicious spring laughs and what's this here meaning of shopping of course every day I do like champagne go let's go yes the first signal salt and pepper so our Don has taking this beautiful lamb loin and he's tied it up with some string is because keep its shape and to make sure that the cooking is even but how are we gonna cook this pasta a la plancha what are you like this switch always so on the griddle with olive oil since three minutes three minutes three minutes on each side three minutes and three minutes there we go delicious so what do I need to do next and we take the bread and F little bits of bread crumbs there we go shop blue as they say in French okay shop will serve a brand promise there we go and this is some chopped past with this shall I put off all of that yes everything this is that's great that's a lot of parsley that's gonna give a nice flavor some pepper some salt and pepper yes the setinterval always a very important there we go salt and pepper we don't have put too much there we go I think that's good enough okay I thought on the mixer we're gonna mix it okay let's go it's the mix son and I thought were you mix we mix that together in the blender so that is going to give us well some marine breadcrumb stones and parsley breadcrumbs so there we have a grocery shopping hey Ashley amber okay so three minutes a bit feeding the product feeling underneath always need to add extra liver oil give it some extra do this at least having I learned use news going in France when you're cooking you have to feed the food yeah [Music] in this case this amazing olive oil from the South of France so the breadcrumbs that smells of parsley sauce on the PLCO alright the photocard on it what a midnight I've wet back up great great so there we have it the parsley breadcrumbs great what else do we need for this dish I see it here what is it what is this how should I know yes and you do okay lamb juice so you've made that a very classical way yes that's good so I know roasted the lamb bones after roasting the lamb bones and put a boon was very small chopped vegetables he rose to them off and then you just put water no no yes but not any water champagne water in case that's special water and then you cooked it for how long how many hours high instead okay a long time happen two or three yet so it's cooked it for two or three hours then he strained it then he reduced it okay taking that string off there we go the lamb is gonna feel a bit busier right okay so once we're gonna roll that how is that from Santa well look at that how beautiful it's okay he's not getting some I wanted so great okay you know I'll use this a little bit of salt a little bit of pepper - champagne vinegar romance is what I love is the simplicity all right well it's you know what the recipes are simple but obviously the products are the best you can find and obviously the technique you're cooking makes the product shine and finish you think of it we take a plate good where we have to play but beautiful loin of lamb the past [Music] you're gonna cut the ends off of this great and look at that done this is such a fee I would love to you that's the great thing about working in the kitchen you always get these scrap bins but you have to be careful not to too much up so tender so you're putting a bone in that's pretty cool so now it looks like Arrakis a special sort of record lock yes your style yes your style of rack of lamb it's pretty cool and you lose champagne vinegar so that's gonna give a nice acidity it's gonna make you very give it a lot of brightness all right okay blue the finish let me try this beautiful look I've shown you it was beautiful I love the acidity from the champagne so nice and bright that is so cool I really like that simplicity but very elegant look at the perfect temperature of the Lamb nice and medium-rare with a good evening coffee she leaves excited fresh [Music] so what else we just need to put the blue shoe ah yes but it's more just a very small amount of the shoe because this issue is so concentrated the flavor is amazing yes I mean with that looks beautiful I mean that is oh I don't know say simple I mean simplicity but elegance and and the product is best them so good I know that looks that looks amazing aroma and the rose champagne well Cheers she co-creation
Views: 149,400
Rating: 4.4616976 out of 5
Keywords: How to, how to cook, Chef, Desserts, Dessert How to Bake, Food, Recipes, Special food, How to Make, Vegetable Foods, Health Food, Fruits, Recipe, How, Cooking, Kitchen, Vegetarian foods, Vegetarian food, diet, gluten free, eating healthy, nutrition, healthy, lamb, sirloin, Champagne, michelin star, Arnaud Lallement, Reims, gourmet, chefs, dinner, bon appetit, 3 Michelin Star, Champagne Region
Id: tT95Faz4094
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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