How To Get High In The Holy Ghost | Prophet Uebert Angel

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now hear this it says Redeeming the time the Bible when it says Redeeming the time is talking about buying back the time in other words you can actually purchase time now now in what way can time be purchased let me show you something Ephesians 5 Redeeming the time because the days are evil way for being not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is it says the wise understand the will of God now we about to be told the will of God what is the will of God do not be drunk with wine listen this is not him telling you we it might be no this is a commandment don't but but but but but you might get angry if you drink wine God says no no no I have a better intoxicating liquid than this wine he says don't be drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit drunkenness is allowed it is just the object or the agent by which you become drunk that is in dispute ah wine should not get you drunk but the Holy Ghost should get you drunk no I know you're not getting what I'm talking about and what about the Bible say it says you should never be drunk with wine but be drunk with something that I'm giving you now now if you are drunk you understand one thing people who are drunk speak to themselves verse number 19 speaking to yourselves Isaiah 55 in The Message Bible verse number one hey there all who are thirsty come to the water are you penniless come anywhere buy and eat come buy your drinks buy wine and milk buy without [Music] [Applause] money I don't know about somebody here but this sounds like my scripture says come byy anywhere don't use money there is no need for me money here what kind of Madness can cause the scripture to tell you something that needs money to buy when you get into a certain Dimension money is no longer necessary your problem is to think there is something wrong about wine Luke 5: 27 and after these things he went forth and saw a Publican named Levi one of the disciples hear me well sitting at the receipt of of custom and he said unto him follow me and he left all rose up and followed him and Levi made a great feast in his own house and there was a great C of publicans who who who whose party is this one they didn't get it so let me try maybe [Music] you who is he throwing the party for ah you're too slow who is he throwing the party for Jesus all right we want to see what was at the party so Jesus is going to a place where he knows the party is mine and Jesus has no problem attending parties let me try here I did not say attend any part I'm just saying this Levi made him a great feast made what made who Jesus made a great party for Jesus in his own house and there was a great Comm of publicans another sat down with him but the scribes and the Pharisees mured against his disciples saying why do you eat and [Applause] what so the party had wine and Jesus still went to a feast that he knew it is my party and on the menu there is wine I I I knew I was coming to a wrong wrong Branch I I knew this one was we here bring it how does God go to a party that he knows is my party and guess what on the menu says wine [Applause] list let me go to my wine drinkers [Music] here so so so they said why do you eat and drink with publicans and notice the Pharisees had no problem with wine they had a problem with a company he kept while he's drinking the wine and Jesus answered him says they that Areo need not a physician but they that are sick says my company I keep them for an impact this party is to impact people so I need everybody at my party the problem is the day you were born again you begin to shine people that were not thinking like you m he not much a Christian like me I I don't think he they have actually reached my level sir sir it is the same person you are shining that will bring you to a certain level of financial [Music] prosperity and and when they wanted wine the mother of Jesus said unto him they have no wine 10 to someone say there is no wine how do you plan a wedding and there is more the biggest thing that they need at a wedding is not sufficient Supply isn't it amazing how the Bible if you keep reading you hear that they were rulers of the feast that means the rulers of the fist are sitting in the high table they a table with all the important Governors now they are drunk and there is no wine but what made them to be drunk is old wine so sometimes we have a problem with new wine because we already drunk with old wine no no you are not hearing me uh the biggest problem that is happening now now is when people are used to old wine that when they hear new miracle if they hear that youber angel can change the sex of a child in the womb and oppose the doctor they say no it's not godly when they hear there is Miracle money they say it's not godly how did money just appear listen to me do you understand that Jesus Ted water into wine yet they were not grapes [Music] Miracles that will begin to happen in this ministry they don't need the process no yeast no salt no sugar no flour no water and bread will come [Applause] [Music] out why are we saying it like this because Jesus is the bread and Jesus said is this way how can Jesus turn water into wine it's very simple he's doing it without creps without the necessary ingredients because the Bible says he he is the vine so since he is the vine he knew he doesn't need the graps I'm talking to somebody who has been waiting for years and is waiting to get that degree waiting to get that job waiting to get that marriage waiting to get that connection your money is [Music] coming Glory I speak to just two of you uhuh uhh [Music] I speak to 2,000 of you 3,000 of you 4,000 of you and if we go around the world we speak to the millions around the world there is a move of new wine I said a move of new wine when the ruler of the fisted tested the water you notice it wasn't wine it was the water tending to Wine it is still referred to as water turned into wine because it is skipping the fermentation it's skipping the movement and the processes just to get to you this is why I save Jehovah I called my god Jehovah which is transliterated the god who is an Apache helicopter he doesn't need a Runway to CFT he doesn't need a Runway your Miracle doesn't need any minute to take off it is just from one manager to a director from One Security man to a director from a toilet cleaner to a CEO new [Applause] wine I see somebody here confusing your relatives you don't need a lottery sir I said you don't need a lottery M there is a certain d mention where you are crazy to a point where you can buy without money
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 31,321
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Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, Prophet, Africa, How to Hear the Voice of God, Miracle Money, Angel, Angels, GoodNewsworld, Goodnews, Spirit Embassy
Id: tpx3Mf4bChg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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