How to practice bowling without spending hours at a time on the lanes

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[Music] all right what's up everybody so we're going to run through a practice session here not everybody has time to be able to go and practice every single day let alone be able to practice for an hour or two hours a day just repeating shot after shot after shot some of us actually only have maybe a half an hour a day and if we can't even get out every single day you know some of us can only get out once or twice a week if that so when we go to practice we need to make sure we're getting the most out of our practice and we're doing the right things to prepare our body prepare our mind and make sure we know what we need to do going into an event so here's what I do I'm going to show you exactly what my routine is for the most part when it comes to getting prepared for an event now it doesn't take days upon days upon days of practice to get you mentally prepared or even physically prepared to go out to an event so the first thing I do is always go through all my drills there's a couple different drills that I do that help me to get myself in line to make sure that my physical game is in shape before I go and take full approaches and try to throw shots and actually practice certain things so a half-an-hour regimen may just consist of you know 15 or 20 minutes of just doing drills and maybe then another 10 minutes of making shots in certain parts of the lanes that I struggle at and then another you know a couple of minutes of shooting spares and working with different bowling balls so here's the first drill that we do when we go to the lane we come up I haven't even thrown a single shot yet and I'm actually really tight because I just got done working out I had my lunch hour so I work out at lunch hour because I don't have any other time that's just another example I try to make time for things as much as possible so the first thing we're gonna do just to get loose is we're gonna stand at the foul line left foot forward right foot back however you want to do it we're just gonna swing it a few times and just release the ball exactly how you want to release the ball make sure your hands on the spot that you want your hand to be in it doesn't matter how many pins you knock down or if you even know where the balls going for the most part that's not what we're worried about we're just worried about getting loose and getting our hand to do the right thing at the bottom of the swing so you're gonna do that however many times it takes for me it's usually about maybe five anywhere between five and seven shots that I do this for to make sure my hand is doing the right thing okay so once you're a little bit more loose and get your arm a little loose from there then you're gonna move on to a one step drill to help continue to get you loose and then to also to work on your balance to make sure you're landing on your slide foot properly and you're also getting your hand in the right spot just as you were with no step so the one steps just with your left foot back your right foot forward and you're going to swing the ball as soon as the ball gets to the top of the swing that's when you're gonna step forward with your left foot and you're gonna hold your balance on that slide foot and just continue through the shot so here let me show you again and again I'm gonna do this for probably five or six shots to try to make sure that I feel fairly comfortable where I'm at with the ball with my feet with my hand with my physical game on all together so we're gonna swing step keep your balance just let the ball come through your hand your hand come through the ball so then after you do that however many times it takes for you to feel comfortable like you're doing the right thing I'm gonna do one more because that one felt I was a little wobbly with my feet so I'm gonna do one more and again remember I said I was probably normally would do about five or six so I'm rushing through this a bit to try to make this video not be half-hour long so we're gonna make sure I'm here swing that's better now I felt more balanced felt more everything on my left foot my swing felt okay was going in the right direction so now I can move forward now we're gonna step back we're gonna do a three step drill three step drill is just what you see with a lot of the pba guys when they're standing in front of the ball return they have the ball they swing it and then they step and they take three steps and they go this is a really good technique not only for getting loose here as you back yourself up into a full approach but for getting in front of the ball return so that way if you get so far the ball return gets in the way you have the ability to do something like this and not feel like you're shut out because you can't move far enough left so again left foot back right foot forward we're gonna swing it and what soon as you swing the ball you're gonna step with your left foot and everything stays the same so even though now you're taking three steps now you're just actually you're still focused on your balance you're still focused on the swing your hand all those same things you were just focused on all the way through your one step in no step so we're gonna do that again probably about six or seven times for you it can be however many times it takes you to feel comfortable now you may not be very good at doing this so this may not be a drill you do you know to get loose this may be something you just practice to try to get better at and again it's all about balance that's all about having a free swing it's all about making sure your hands on the right spot and not worrying about how many pins you knocked down I'm a lane so let's move forward now so after we've done that about five or six times we're gonna move on to a four step this is what I call a modified four step you're gonna move up on the approach to where you would if you take a normal four step if you take five obviously I have to move up a little bit you're gonna have the ball to your side arm out in front okay and then as we swing it your arm will come to the side you just don't want to let this arm get way behind you out here okay so as we swing it's just all about keeping a free loose swing you're just taking four steps you're swinging it forward again just about balance it's all about balance it's about having a free swing and it's about keeping your hand where you want it to be okay you're gonna do that however many times probably five or six times for me again just to make sure I feel like I know what's gonna happen with my body I'd do it again real quick ball to the side and out in front good so after we do that a few times we move on now we do the same thing except we're taking five steps if you don't take a five-step approach you don't need to worry about doing this step you just stop at four this is where you would then go into your normal approach but for us normal hurt for us I said normal people huh like five steps normal but for us five step approach guys and gals we're going to now back up to where we would normally stand same thing ball by your side our mountain front you're just gonna swing it from the bottom just swing it up keep everything loose just focus on your feet focus on your tub pull with your footwork focus on your arm swing just get everything loose and in line make sure you're doing the right thing so now after we've done that a few times getting loose now our body is nice and loose we have our physical game in shape to where we want it to be for the most part you may struggle in some of these drills whatever drill you struggle with spend a little bit more time with that so now we move forward so now we're actually going to work on our actual practice sessions so we got to figure out what we're good at what we're not good at for me I've struggled lately playing further in and getting the ball to go through the pen still so I'm going to throw a few shots from further end trying to create the right shape let's see what we got I'm gonna move left whoo a little uneasy with the balance there after with the first full approach well that's okay it was still a pretty good shot we just wanna make sure we get everything going in the right direction now what this game is all about is it's all about angles it's all about making sure you create the right angles so even if your physical game isn't perfect every shot if your angles are right you're going to give yourself a chance to strike give yourself a chance to strike more often yeah good one to keep our balance visualize it that's usually where I struggles right there I can get the ball to go in the right direction I can get it to do this the right thing in the middle of the lane it's the back part of the lane that I struggle with so for me that's just gonna be a minor change I think to get that ball to go through the pins I'm gonna try and get my hand around it just a little bit more see if I can get it to finish a little higher up in the pocket definitely got to finish a little higher up in the pocket so now I'm going to shoot at a spare which I should be shooting at my spares throughout everyone I leave anyway as it's the most important part of the game and don't let anybody tell you anything otherwise so everything stays the same make your spares move on so after you practice whatever it is you struggle for a while once you start to feel comfortable now it's it's not time to stay there and gain comfortable people be more comfortable it's time to move into another spot to make yourself uncomfortable again so for me I'm gonna take I'm going to take my plastic ball now I want to play a little bit of straighter and see if I can't get lined up with that all right not bad so I'm gonna shut my angles down a little bit and I'm just gonna try to make as good a shots as I possibly can and I'm gonna pay attention to my bad shots more than my good shots because I'm gonna try to make sure that those bad shots don't happen anymore we'll move one right and we'll keep my eyes the same perfect all right so now we do that now I'm just cutting this short I'm not gonna go through the whole practice obviously I would be throwing a whole lot more shots than this but the idea is to challenge yourself during practice in certain spots go through your drills make sure your physical games up to par challenge yourself on the lanes challenge yourself to make all of your spares that you leave and then challenge yourself into playing parts of the lanes that you're not used to playing so that way you get better at that when you go to an event you're not gonna be able to just play your a game the whole time you're gonna have to play your B C & D game you're gonna have to figure out what to do on the lanes so we create these videos to help you to get better at this so hopefully this practice video will help you to understand all right I can't just go into a bowling center and throw shot after shot after shot striking in a part of the lane that I'm good at playing with that that does you no good you have to go in with a plan to physically get better in one part or another in order to actually start to get better at the game because if that one shot that you really like to play is in there now what now you're screwing yourself and you're not going to be able to be the best that you can possibly be because you're so prone on playing just that one part of the lane so we need to start getting better on all of them so the next time you go practice go through your drills go through making all your spares challenge yourself all throughout the lane and I promise you you will get better so I hope this helps leave the comments below if you have other advice for anybody if you feel like you have other things that you like to do when you practice let me know I'd love to hear it so until next time guys we'll see you later make sure to sign up for the mug Club we'll talk about all this plus more in the podcast of the Mudd Club and you get the cool mug shown over here so we'll see you guys later take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: JR Raymond
Views: 159,077
Rating: 4.871037 out of 5
Keywords: bowling, coaching, education, bowling ball, bowling fit, bowling game, bowling review, USBC, PBA, pro shop, Bowling pro shop, Bowling tools
Id: y6Vv2DZbEa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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