How to pot roast a rack of lamb with vegetable and black olives

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welcome back everybody so i think it's been quite some times we haven't reviewed a pan roasting technique and i never hear pan roasting and it's actually very simple so today we're going to be pan roasting a rack of lamb and we're going to cook it with some simple vegetables with a recipe that's called in french the carrie daniel alaniswas meaning the rack of lamb cooked in the style of the town of venis in france it is in the south of france so we're going to have the rock of them with courgettes tomatoes few potatoes thyme i'm adding some garlic it wasn't a recipe and some black olives the olives are meant to be from this hence the name i cooked alanis was it is an appellation in france when we say allah something it means it has to have certain ingredients in this case usually you have to have the olympus harmonies but if you don't have them like me you can use black olives in brown it's fine you're also going to need by the way a cast iron pot like this like a dutch oven it works really well for that sort of recipe so let's get ready and let's cook and now let's start so the first thing i have to do of course is the miser plus a lot of work of chopping in this one as you can see there's a bit of a theme going on everything has to be chopped in small cubes the reason for that is that when you're pan roasting a rack of lamb and when you're cooking the rack of lemon in the oven it's going to take about 20 to 25 minutes so you have to make sure everything is cooked including the raw potatoes that we've got here this is why when they're small like this they're not going to take as long to cook what we're going to have to do first before we color the rack of lamb and prepare it for the oven we're going to have to apply the same treatment to the vegetables so let's recap on the pan roasting technique what is the pan roasting pan roasting you've got a cast iron pot or any kind of pot we're going to be coloring the meat on all sides to give first the color and then finish the cooking in the oven so it is first the coloring then the cooking and we're going to do the same for the vegetables we're going to pre-cook them and color them in pans independently courgettes potatoes i'm afraid in the oven okay and then when everything is brown and ready and nice looking everything together in the pot and boom finish in the oven 25 minutes you can relax and then it's ready how easy is that there's no real order in which you should start to brown or color the vegetables and we're going to start here with the courgette why not we're going to use one and a half tablespoon of olive oil i'm using a non-stick pan because user but if you don't have you can use a stainless steel is no problem perfect so make sure your oil is hot enough doesn't have to be super super hot but make sure it's hot and everything in there as you can see there's not much just a little bit and a tiny amount of salt and pepper so you don't overdo it because honestly salt is your worst enemy if you add too much you can't remove it so better put less salt and then if it lacks salt after you can add more okay we are going to do a bit of multitasking i've got a hot pan here for the potatoes and i'm going to just in the same time same treatment for the potatoes a little bit of salt and pepper and we're just gonna color everything perfect so i'm done here so when we say color the vegetable it's a big word and it's just some slight little coloring on the courgette that's enough and my potatoes there and they should be ready bye now and i'm gonna transfer this everything back into their bowls now the tomatoes you can use the oven it's actually meant to be in the pan i'm gonna show you in the pan but it's just really just a bit of a flash fry and it's gonna be it so not very long and just just a few minutes and a bit of salt and pepper so now we're already very quick look on the the rack of limb i've added some salt i don't usually add pepper anymore because pepper when you kind of pan roast and you get a high temperature it tends to burn and it can become a little bit bitter so i'm using some salt flakes and it's a bit everywhere and that's what you get and we're gonna use that and color all the sides that you see here so all this the fat here the sides the meat we're going to start to color this to give a nice coloration before we put it in the oven that's what it is so we are back where we started basically exactly the same mizon plus except now that all the vegetables have been pre-cooked i've got now my cast iron pot i've got a tablespoon of oil i'm not using olive oil in here because it can burn i'm using sunflower oil and i'm just gonna wait for that to be very hot and we're gonna grab a rack of lamb here and start to color it now you will note that this particular rack of limb i've asked the butcher to cut the excess of bone and we usually do that to be able to turn it around in the pan because if you have these huge bones it's awkward and you're not going to have the you know the agility to kind of move around and color all the surfaces so this is why the the bones you can see that have been cut okay so let's do this so i'm going to put first the fatty part on here at the bottom because there's a lot of fat i'm going to melt the fat and start the coloring here now one thing you have to do as well now is to preheat your oven at 210 celsius i'm using a fan-forced oven perfect so it's smoking away i'm gonna start to put it on the side here and color the end so i keep on going as you can see you see why we've cut here the bones because now i can go on any side i want can turn it around all the way so you know the name of the game here just brown everything as much as you can but not too long because we don't want to cook the whole piece of lamb here so you see there's some white i'm going to turn around after it's gonna be nice perfect so my piece of lamb here is ready i'm going to take it out i'm going to remove the excess of grease from the pan so look at this we're back to square one again so except that this time in the middle plus we've got the pre-cooked vegetables all the aromatics now we've got the rack of lamb that has been colored and this is the pan roasting we color everything first and what's going to happen now we're going to finish the cooking in the oven see oh what we're going to do we're going to place the rack of lamb back into the pot that's been clean i've used a paper towel to remove the excess of grease and then we're going to arrange the vegetables and the aromatics and that's it all right so let's grab this little guy here rack of lamb in okay once the lamb is in basically we're going to arrange everything it's a bit of vegetables i'm starting with the potato but you can do pretty much whatever you want there's no there's no real order for these kinds of recipes you know what i mean very nice a few tomatoes here and there up little bay leaf i'm using a lemon thyme today i feel like lemon thyme instead and i'm going to add which is not in a recipe i think i'm going to add a few garlics that's just me you don't have to so there we are so the question comes why pot roasting now pot roasting as you can see here you can assemble everything and you can get the look you want before you cook everything so now i know that everything has got a nice coloring i know my vegetables are pretty quick i can arrange everything and the game here of course is not to have to mix things around all the time you're not going to want to make a mash of vegetables they're just going to stay like these vegetables and now that i've got everything like this i'm going to put my lid on cook this for 20 minutes in the oven and i know exactly how it's going to come out it's going to look exactly the same so all i need to care about now is to make sure the meat is cooked so the lamb of course when you get a rack of lamb the safe internal temperature to cool temperature is about 145 degrees fahrenheit which is like 60 65 celsius and if you want you can put a probe a thermometer to check the temperature to know exactly when it's cooked for me i'm going to cook this for 20 minutes i've got like six and six chops in there so i think 20 minutes should be fine so i'm going to put my down in the oven and i'll share the result with you when it's ready and here we are so this is just out of the oven it's a little bit rustic and we need to arrange it of course you're not going to leave it like this the recipe says you can serve it like this on the table but i think we're going to make another effort try to play this a little bit better take some of the veggies out but as you can see most important you see the vegetables are cooked the lamb is cooked everything is ready and boom you can serve all right so i've taken the rack of lemon i think the only thing i want to check with the vegetables we know how they are but just want to make sure that the cooking of the lamb is going to be all right oh see just go there but i like it a little bit less cooked than that that's fine and there we have it carried a new alanis was a.k.a the rack of lamb cooked in the style of the town of nis so the first thing i would say is that that rustic garnish that you see here doesn't look like much but really surprised by the results the beautiful mix the texture it is the texture of the potatoes mixed with the courgette the black olives and a hint of tomato with that lemon thyme really worked beautifully the lamb that you see here the rack of lemons you can see the color i've cooked this rose or this is considered to be the safe zone above 145 degrees fahrenheit which is above 62 degrees celsius it does not yield that kind of super red meat that is almost raw that you see always on magazine and things like that but this is how it looks like when it's in that kind of safe zone that said the meat is absolutely tender it melts in the mouth and is absolutely no problem but if you want something less cooked all what you need to do with this recipe is to change the cooking time for the rack of lamb so it is really absolutely up to you i think the star of the show here the lamb we know how lamb is good quality lamb but the garnish the combination of the lemon the garnish is absolutely absolutely nice and these little touches like the black olives at the end really everything add something different than what you would expect but anyway that's it for this week's recipe look at you alanis hope you enjoy it and really i would really appreciate if you try that recipe and send me some pictures on instagram hashtag frenchcook academy for the rest if you want to follow me you can use facebook and become a patreon my patreon page and as always we've got our online culinary school that is going strong so if you want to join you're all welcome i'll see you all next week take care bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 15,154
Rating: 4.984436 out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french food recipes, french cooking video, the french cooking academy, lamb, lamb rackj, pot roasting, how to pot roast, a la nicoise, provincial food, provincial vegetables, lamb with black olives, recipe with black olives, carre d'agneau, nice
Id: wmQyhB7fuNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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