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power poses at work have come a long way in this new age of hashtag me too and equality we women need to be very clear of our positions our body language needs to match our intellect especially when the body language does 80% of the talking I'm adding my new take to the power poses for women in 2019 get ready for some power for those of you who are joining me for the first time I'm permit attractor chicago-based image coach and lifestyle photographer welcome to my channel brush with me so post number one hands on your waist now if you're a big girl instead of holding your hands wide apart bring them closer now avoid your hands upside down on your waist that means your fingers facing back it looks like you're supporting your back there's a big difference with what you're trying to communicate with these two hand positions fingers forward shows confidence elegance and power fingers back shows that you're tired you're trying to support your back and it's not that elegant why number two now let's match those legs to those hands keep them slightly open now this is your Wonder Woman your superwoman folder now this looks good on almost any formal wear dresses skirts or pants so when you get tired you tend to rest on one hip like this now leave that for family photos or Instagram if you get tired of standing with your weight equally distributed on both your feet then cross over one foot over another pointing toes of that foot downwards towards the ground now this looks far more powerful than sitting on your one hip this will get you the rest you need and also help you maintain that power pose now when you're doing any presentation chances are you will have a podium or or chair or board around you you can use them not just to give your feet a break but also for some powerful poses in action so you can lean on the table or chair with your fingers wide open elbow on the podium fingers on the board notice how in all these poses I am taking more space the more space you take shows more power now when you're sitting cross your legs in a way where you will take more space think of kings and queens how did they sit they take up more space you don't always have to sit on the edge of the chair even when you lean back and sit comfortably make sure to open up one arm again to take a little more space instead of keeping your arms and elbows very close to your body which does not show power or confidence now it may look a little masculine if you open both your arms away from your upper body some people consider this to be a power pose but I feel like this draws three awkward attention I am just showing you my take on how you can be classy elegant and powerful all at the same time you cannot go through a whole presentation speech conference or even listening to someone else holding just one or two of these poses you need your body to move constantly without losing what you want to communicate again I am breaking some rules here I observed a lot of successful people and constantly learn from them touching your face is considered a sign of nervousness so they say but again how you touch your face can change what you're trying to communicate for instance hand on your chin it's something we see powerful people do Hillary Clinton Steve Jobs on the cover of his biography it's the thinking force a gesture that says when the times are tough I'm going to come up with the solution when you're wearing pants or suit sticking your full hand inside your pocket can look clumsy and distracting but just stick that thumb out of your pocket and you're narrating a completely different story about yourself power poses there's a thin line between looking arrogant and powerful put fingertips to fingertips to increase your authority I call it stippling Oprah Winfrey does it President Obama does kind of a modified version of this people it's like he's holding an invisible basketball which suggests compassion chances are you watch someone do this every week you've heard that crossing your arms makes you look standoffish but research shows that crossing your arms makes you more likely to stay on a difficult task watch this crossing your arms like this makes you look standoffish but crossing your arms like this makes you look like you're engaged in a conversation being powerful makes you feel strong and beautiful and with brush with me / Mita I want you to touch the heights that even you doubted till yesterday every woman out there needs another woman to support her to make her feel stronger be that woman for someone and share this video with her if you like my videos especially this one then please hit the like button subscribe to my channel and follow me on Instagram blush with me under scope Ermita so you can be a part of more such empowering videos and posts your comments boost my confidence too so make sure you write to me time for me to go now give me a high five blush with me I want to thank water song media team for filming my videos with at home my new and improved videos would not be possible like literally would not be possible if you are in an around Chicago area and looking for a fabulous videography team then look up water song Mediacom [Laughter] wait okay
Channel: Blush with me-Parmita
Views: 1,701,226
Rating: 4.9572535 out of 5
Keywords: power poses for women, power poses to become unstoppable, how to look confident, body language for women at work, how to pose, body language of successful women, confident body language for women, look confident at work, amy cuddy power poses, 10 steps to executive level confidence, build self confidence, body confidence, stop being shy, confident girl, confidence ted talk, change your posture confidence, your body language shapes, body language ted talk, office confidence
Id: 1ezWaJ6z7pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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