How to walk in heels

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[Music] hey everyone I'm Cassandra Brooks here and you're watching a high maja TV and this episode is going to be all about how to walk in high heels so whether you've never slipped on a pair of heels before because you've always been kind of nervous or maybe you like like even heels but you just need a little extra boost of confidence this is going to be the perfect video for all of you guys some high heels can be tricky in certain environments like grass or cobblestone can make walking in heels nearly impossible well I'm going to share with you all the tips and tricks that I have learned along the way and picked up during my time in the fashion industry now one of the first things that everyone's probably going to tell you when you're trying to learn how to walk in heels is to start small and to work your way up this means start with the smallest heel that you can find possible and then work your way on up to those big huge stilettos I do agree with this but I also believe that it's really important to find a heel that's stable that's why I think it's a little bit easier to learn how to walk in heels in a chunkier maybe a little bit taller but definitely thicker heel opposed to walking in a shorter heel that's very narrow because the wider are the heel with is the more stability you're going to have because there's more surface area hitting the ground another thing to think about that will give you more stability as an ankle strap now only our angle straps fashionable but they're also functional as well another great option for beginners is wedges what does have more surface area that hit the ground which makes them more stable and also a lot more comfortable now once you find your beginner heel whether it be a kitten heel a wedge or a chunky heel you're going to want to practice practice practice I'm sure you've heard it before practice makes perfect and learning how to walk in heels is no exception you're going to want to start out by putting one foot in front of the other that's where I could say but no really you're going to want to do one foot in front of the other in the heel to toe method this means that the heel of your shoe is going to hit the floor first followed by shifting your weight onto the toe of the shoe and that's gonna go like this heel toe heel toe if you to do this in Reverse toe-heel for small this is going to feel really awkward and it's going to look just as weird so you want to stay away from doing that you also want to stay away from being horse footed this means putting all of your weight down on the toe and the heel at the same exact time this is going to make a stomping loud noise and it's not going to look very graceful at all you're gonna want to practice this heel to toe motion around the house practice it so much to the point where you don't have to think about it anymore and then you'll just be walking and it will just flow gracefully now it's time to invent a signature walk you can easily perfect your stress by practicing walking in a straight line now this sounds a whole lot easier than it is so the best way to do this is to find a straight line anywhere you can find hardwood floors parking lots or straight lines and concrete's are great options you want to start at one end of the line and practice by looking at your feet and placing one foot in front of the other in the heel to toe motion by doing this you are creating an illusion of a more slender streamlined frame and this also causes your hips to sway which is sexy and has a runway vibe now let's talk about your stride this is different for everybody just keep in mind not to overextend if your legs are overextended too far and you step on something slippery you could unintentionally end up in the splits and you don't want to take too little of a stride because this is going to take you a lot of steps to make it to your destination your destination chances are you're probably gonna have to learn very quickly how to run in high heels I'm not saying that late all the time but I have definitely mastered this move when you want to master the art of running in high heels you are going to be aware of your surroundings you want to make sure that you look at the ground because you're going to be moving fairly quickly so you want to make sure that you scout ahead make sure that you're not going to be running into any potholes or different pavement if you're going from concrete to grass that really mess up your whole entire day so you want to be aware of your surroundings all right it's time to cover how to walk on unforgiving grounds such as grass if you're walking across grass be sure to not do the heel too method instead you're going to want to try to tippy tail across the grass otherwise your heel will be digging into the grass you could fall over and you could be damaging your high heels if you're walking across uneven pavement such as cobblestone you want to make sure that you proceed with caution and glanced down frequently that way you can plan out your steps also if you have a friend with you you can lean on them for stability now it's time to talk about walking up and down the stairs don't be scared this is actually a whole lot easier than it sounds and there's usually a handrail to help you out always always use that handrail even after you've mastered the art of walking in heels I recommend using the handrail because slips happen to the best of us when you're walking up the stairs you actually want to put most of your weight on the front of your foot if you were doing the heel to toe motion going up the stairs would actually be very easily to lose your footing and that heel could be hanging off the stairs and you could fall completely backwards so you don't want to do that as well when you were coming down the stairs you kind of want to put all of your pressure down at the same time if you're going heel to toe that's okay too but it's a little bit more safe if you put like you just plant your foot you do that horse foot down those stairs and it will get you down safely let's talk about high heel etiquette we've all seen this before it's late at night and a girl is walking on the dirty concrete barefoot that's because her feet are probably killing her and she did not bring any back up any fashionista words will tell you it's very important to always keep a pair of flats or change of shoes with you at all times you can get these like little fold up flats that you can even carry in a clutch nowadays so there are no excuses okay I'm holding the shoe to show you that not all heels are created equally you don't have a super high pitch to your arch because there's actually a hidden platform here that's two inches so while the back heel may be six inches the front platform is two inches which actually makes this heel feel like it's a four inch heel ladies it's very important that you don't forget to relax and smile I want you to remember that the most sexiest thing you can ever wear is confidence hopefully by now you guys have mastered how to walk in high heels thank you so much for watching this video we hope to see you again soon keep it hot bye [Music]
Channel: Im Haute
Views: 6,941,057
Rating: 4.8569226 out of 5
Keywords: how to walk in heels, how to walk in high heels, heels, high heels, how to
Id: 5QkT4F4bb6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2014
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