How to Play Warp's Edge

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[Music] the grouchy nerd all right you anti-social weirdos it's time to learn a game that plays at the ideal player count one warps edge designed by scott alms and published by renegade game studios is a single player bag builder which is basically a deck builder but instead of drawing cards from a deck you'll be pulling tokens out of a bag but the concepts are the same you'll start with a number of basic tokens and you'll use those tokens each turn to make your bag more efficient and more powerful in each subsequent turn your goal in warps edge is to defeat the alien mothership and bring peace to the outer rim you'll play over a series of rounds called warps the number of warps you get is determined by the mothership you're going against and the number of turns each warp is determined by how long it takes you to deplete your bag of tokens however you'll also have to dogfight your way through a deck of smaller enemy ships using weapons and daring maneuvers kinda like that one anthony edwards movie at the end of each warp you'll snap back to the beginning and any enemies that you've defeated get added back to the top of the deck so you may end up seeing them in a different order but at least you kind of know what's coming kind of like that emily blunt movie if you fail the outer rim will fall and everything you know and love will be destroyed kind of like that morgan freeman movie so just like if you can imagine some kind of weird connective tissue between those three movies you've basically got warp's edge so saving the outer rim is your mission impossible no it'd be a terrible game choose from one of the available two-sided starfighter dashboards and choose a side i'm going to use artemis in my example the top of the dashboard tells you the name and model of the ship and in the center are the ship's unique loadout of power tokens which we'll hear more about in a bit on the right are the hull and shield meters on the left is your ship's hold and a listed number of tokens that can be held in reserve there last your ship's unique ability if any place the hull and shield markers on the top most numbered space of their respective meters shuffle the deck of skill cards draw two and choose one to place face up to the left of your starfighter then place the other one face down on the bottom of the deck the activation requirement of a skill card is in the top right and the effect is along the bottom some skill cards have ongoing effects while others are one-time effects place the token trays nearby and fill your power tray to your starfighter's loadout you should have three tokens in each power slot each of these tokens is explained in detail on the back of the rulebook find the 10 starter tokens with the white borders and add them to the bag along with one of your yellow power tokens give the bag a mighty shake not unlike those things in that brian brown movie choose a mother ship the mothership dashboards like the starfighter dashboards are double-sided and have a difficulty ranking system ranging from one to four stars we're going to set up with the easiest one the dread which is the green one green like the color of money if you happen to be american made the mothership dashboard tells you the name of the ship the species how to build that ship's enemy deck the warp track which tells you how many warps you get and the ship's special rule each section of a mother ship has its own requirements to defeat rewards for doing so and attack value and can be fought and destroyed individually enemy cards look like this they've got a name a species type a difficulty level the number of lasers or maneuvers required to defeat it the respective rewards for doing so any special ability and how much damage it will do to you if you don't find a way to deal with it create the enemy deck based on the unique deck setup on the chosen mothership to do this separate the enemy cards by color red orange and yellow shuffle each stack place the number of cards shown of each color so that the red cards are face down on the bottom the orange cards are face down on top of the red cards and the yellow cards are face down on top in the case of the dread there's three red four orange and five yellow cards place the remainder of the enemy cards back in the game box draw five tokens to form your initial token pool for the remainder of the game the current warp ends when the bag is empty and you must draw a token at any time you may feel around inside the bag and attempt to count how many tokens you have remaining but you may not look inside the bag or pull the tokens out to look at them cheater alternatively you can follow along with the included choose your own adventure style book singularity written by banana chan and illustrated by tyler johnson which will guide you through choosing a starfighter a starting skill type and the mothership you're going to face each turn plays thusly enemy arrivals fill the enemy row by drawing cards from the top of the enemy deck and placing them in the left most available position until you have four cards in the row on later turns you may be filling gaps in the row do not slide cards together to fill gaps pilot actions now you have a few different options here and you can do any of them as many times as you want so long as you have the tokens and the skill cards required first fire lasers you may assign one or more laser tokens to an enemy by placing the tokens below the card lasers come in three values one two and three each doing that much damage if the damage and laser points is equal to or more than the number on the left side of the enemy's stats you defeat the enemy immediately discard the enemy and the tokens used to defeat that enemy and receive the reward shown below the laser stat perform maneuvers works much the same way maneuver tokens only come in ones but other than that it's the same if you perform the required number of maneuvers against an enemy discard the enemy and the tokens used and receive the reward under the maneuver stat a full list of the rewards and what they mean are on page 21 of the rule book but for the most part it's either going to be adding tokens into your bag or pulling more tokens out of the bag to add to your token pool enemies which have had at least one laser shot at them or maneuver performed against them are stunned and will not be attacking you in the enemy phase this turn power tokens may be used for the unique effect again listed on the back of the rule book for easy reference if a power token counts as a laser or a maneuver such as photon blast which counts as a laser to two adjacent targets it likewise counts towards the total of that value needed to defeat the enemy as well as stuns both enemies if applied this turn energy tokens like lasers come in values of 1 2 and 3 and you can spend these in one of two ways you can spend energy to restore your shield by twice the value of energy spent so one energy will get you two shield points back two energy will get you four shield points back but you can never exceed your maximum shield instead of repairing your shields you may choose to spend energy to buy new tokens the cost is listed on the organizer tray tokens spent are discarded while tokens gained are placed directly into your bag thus extending this turn leftover energy is lost so try to spend it all activate a skill card by paying the required value of either energy lasers or maneuvers shown on the card this value must be met in full in the same turn once activated tokens placed on a skill remain there until you use them whether it's in this turn or in a future turn when you use a skill card discard the tokens that were used to activate it turn the card 90 degrees to exhausted and apply the text on the card but be careful each skill can only be used once per warp unless of course that skill card happens to be an ongoing skill ongoing skills are denoted by the red border around the cost also the literal word ongoing is a solid clue ongoing skills are activated in the same way but when you use an ongoing skill the tokens used to activate it are removed from the game rather than simply discarded which is rough but once an ongoing skill is active it's active for the whole rest of the game which is less rough you may also move tokens into or out of your hold during this step respecting your ship's hold capacity enemy attacks first one at a time and from left to right assess the remaining ships in the enemy row if the enemy has been hit with a laser or dazzled with a maneuver that ship is stunned and its attack value and abilities don't matter enemies that are not stunned do their attack value in damage to your ship for each damage done move your shield marker down one space when your shield marker reaches the red area continue to take damage from your hull if your whole marker reaches the red then you lose and the aliens take over the outer rim and everything is bad forever and it's your fault you should have known the stakes for each damage done to your shield but not your hull you must remove from the game that number of tokens from your token discard or as many as you can if you don't have enough think of it as collateral damage harsh maybe far and away the best way to get rid of weaker tokens from your bag yeah yeah no yeah it is it is you're welcome for that tip move any tokens in the spaces below the cards in the enemy row and place them above the cards these count toward the total needed to defeat the enemies but no longer stun them on future turns check the attack conditions of the mothership if the mothership can attack you resolve an attack for each section in the case of the dread you can't attack it or be attacked by it while there are still cards left in the enemy deck pilot plans give the bag another mighty shake draw five tokens and add them to your token pool and begin again at step one refilling the enemy row if you do not have at least five tokens left in the bag during this step the warp immediately ends because you died but luckily your ship's savior protocol engages and it warps you back to the beginning of whatever it's seriously basically just that emily blunt movie when the current warp ends the following happens retrieve all tokens in play and in the discard area and place them back in your bag retrieve all enemies from the enemy row and discard pile shuffle these cards then place them face down on top of the remaining enemy deck hopefully you learned all the right moves to defeat them on the next go-around draw two skill cards add one to your available skills and return the other face down to the bottom of the skills deck advance the warp marker on the mother ship give the bag the firm is shake you can draw five tokens and begin again at step one enemies arrive play continues in this way until the mothership is destroyed or the final warp ends if you manage to defeat the mother ship you win you legend you if the mothership is not defeated by the end of the final round well then it looks like you're losing it the game i mean you're losing the game but not the game that's michael douglas okay that's warp's edge now get out of i don't think i can say get out of my rim on youtube oh outer rim i don't know that makes more sense i don't actually think that's better a few good men
Channel: The Grouchy Nerd
Views: 2,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Solo games, solo gaming, Boardgames, Board games, Boardgames for one, Solo board games, How to play, Anti-social activity, card game, anti-social gaming, grouchy, grumpy, nerdy, funny, grouchy nerd, grumpy nerd, nerd, space theme, how to play warp's edge, bag builder, tom cruise, best solo games, board game
Id: qBzdYXXXPkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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