How To Play VRChat On PC (Without Virtual Reality)

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let's talk about playing VR chat just on your  PC I'm gonna walk you through some basics yeah   and kind of get you situated with starting off  and for everything VR so yeah welcome to the   our chat if everything worked out correctly and  you pass the tutorial as difficult as it was you   should be here now if you've already made it to  here you may already realize what the controls   are obviously you have your mouse you know to  look around your world that's gonna be pretty   much how you're going to look around and you  know check things have around you and then you   have WASD are gonna be your controls for moving  around you can't hold down shift if you want to   go a little bit faster so that's kind of you move  around a little bit faster but otherwise WASD are   gonna be your go-to you can press C if you want  to Crouch so see you crouching let me go ahead   and I'm gonna go to a mirror so you can check this  out you come over here to visit mirror so si si is   crouched and then if you press Z interesting thing  certain avatars will have different Z's a lot of   the time there Z is going to be them crouching  and the camera is gonna be like them kind of   laying down but the cool thing about certain  avatars and this is obviously a tip for later   on but if you are playing on PC and you want to  kind of like sit down with other people but you   don't want to be like laying down on the ground  certain avatars have this it's like a squat or   it's like you know like a crisscross applesauce  motion and this is nice because it brings you   down it lowers your camera angles so you can talk  to smaller avatars but also if other characters   are sitting down you can kind of sit down next  to them so it's just kind of nice to have that   option really the main thing is is your camera  angle you just want to be able to kind of talk   to people where they're at a lot of the times  that people have a VR headset they're gonna want   to you know make eye contact with your avatar  so this is kind of helpful so yeah so you're in   your home world this is the home world and if  you you're noticing that certain objects when   you have this little cursor here in the middle  of your you know middle of your screen that's   basically that's your cursor so you'll notice  you can equip certain things like if I want to   pick up pick this up this pen right here I'll  grab it once so it says equip so I left click   to equip and then I can also left click again  to use this Uzi I can draw a little little blob   there you know and it that I put that and then  when I'm done I'll right click and it stays it   stays right there yeah so that's how that works  with objects and it's the same thing for pillows   and other objects if you want to hold hold down  the left click that's how you hold it and that's   how you can kind of carry it around I can show  you guys in the mirror here so see carrying it   around holding it down and then when I right-click  that lets it go and you know obviously if you're   um well not obviously this is a tutorial but uh  if you're pretty comfortable with playing games   on PC the format's pretty basic it's gonna be your  mouse and WASD obviously and then you know C and Z   for crouch and then to go a little bit lower and  then you'll notice in certain worlds you'll have   different avatars you can choose from so I'm  going to go ahead and change my avatar right   now and the way you do it is in a lot of the  worlds you'll have the pictures of the avatars   and you'll just click on it and then eventually  after a little bit of buffering you're grab a   throttle load maybe this one z is I yet there you  go so this avatar has the the full Z that's like   them kind of laying prone and you know I'm not  a big fan of this one cuz the hands kind of in   the way but then obviously I see the Crouch she's  got her hand up there and then see again to stand   back up so now I'm gonna go ahead and hit escape  now after I hit escape this brings up kind of   your menu for VR cuts this is how you're going to  navigate to a lot of different things this is how   you're gonna go to different worlds this is how  you can switch your avatar this is how you can   check and see if your friends are online so let's  go through that one by one so first and foremost   I would say before you do anything else in VR chat  go ahead and click on your safety settings so now   your safety settings are extremely important  especially if you're playing on PC you want   to make sure that they're calculated correctly  so that you don't get crashed by other people   so that basically you can run at the you know the  most optimized performance you can go and I reckon   and actually going with the safest settings  first seeing how your computer responds and   then you can bump it up from there bear in mind  depending on what your settings are you might not   be able to see certain custom animations a lot of  the time custom animations are what take up a lot   of your space on your computer so right here you  see there's different categories there's visitor   there's new user user known user trusted user  and then friends so I personally I like to give   my friends the people I do friend I like to give  them everything because obviously I trust them I   trust they're not gonna crash me so I have all the  things on but then as you go down a good rule of   thumb for me is I just have only avatar and voice  on and then I unselect audio lights particles   you know shaders custom animations I turn all  of those off so I recommend to all of you go   through visitor new user user known user and turn  off everything except for voice and avatar yeah   just just as a basis and then as you go through  the game you can mess with these settings later   on but I just think as a start it's a good way to  go I know in the beginning especially when I went   to public worlds I was getting crashed a lot and  it's because these settings weren't optimized for   my specific PC I realize it's gonna be different  for everybody but I feel like that's just a good   thing to know and a good thing to start off with  secondly we can go up to performance options in   the safety settings and you have this thing called  Avatar performance and then dynamic bone and if   you click on both of these you can kind of mess  with the settings so for Avatar performance I   have mine on very poor just because that's as best  as I can do and then dynamic bone you can limit   dynamic bone usage and again this is basically  it shows you it's like what what it's going to   show for other avatars and it's just going to make  things easier for you if you lower those settings   and you can turn those off but you don't have to  again you couldn't mess with these settings I'm   just kind of making you aware of them if you go  into settings just regular settings you have a   couple of different options here you can click or  click off personal space and that's gonna affect   whether or not certain avatars can get closer you  or not you can toggle your voice you can you know   switch your mic on it off if you want let's see  what else do we have here so this one the only   other thing here is allow avatar cloning so this  one's interesting if you want to allow people to   clone your avatar look let's say you go to a world  find a nice avatar and other people who are like   oh hey can I clone it like turn your cloning on  that's where you're gonna find it here in settings   other options and then allow avatar cloning you  can click that on or off so that one's kind of   useful I don't really utilize anything else here  obviously you have your microphone volume there   you have your the microphone that you're using so  I'm using I should be using my snowball where is   it there we go so that's my snowball mic that's  the one right here and then you can turn your   volume up or down depending on you know if you  want to ask people if they can hear you or not   and then mouse sensitivity you can change that  as well up here for audio volume now this one I   I like to mess with this I like to put the world  volume down a lot of times when you go to a world   there will be music playing and sometimes it's  too loud so you can come into here turn down   your world volume and then you want to turn voices  and avatars up because obviously if you want to be   talking to other people if it's a social game you  want to hear other people mess with these settings   optimize them to where it's a good comfort level  for you just it's just what I recommend now here's   another thing within the settings if you go up to  advanced settings this is something you're gonna   want to do quite often if you're maybe running on  a laptop or a PC that's not as good you know if   you run on a hamster PC like me you'll notice up  here you have a coach and it's it uses a certain   amount of space right now I have five hundred and  ninety-eight point two three megabytes used I'm   gonna want to clear all of that and now it's clear  but if you're ever noticing that your your avatars   aren't loading very well if it's taking you a long  time to go into Worlds you know I'm just trying   to help you look at all the different options for  optimization to make sure you have smooth gameplay   I'd recommend going into your settings going into  advanced settings and clearing or downloading your   code now this is different than clear all local  profile data that's gonna log you out but if you   just clear the downloaded coach I'm not a hundred  percent with that sure what that is because it's   not gonna get rid of your avatar it's not gonna  get rid of your saved worlds it's just gonna   get a lot of lip so trying to get rid of a lot of  temporary data now I'm thrown a lot of information   at you and I am sorry about that but I'm trying  to give you you know a comprehensive understanding   of everything about the our chat in as little  amount of time as I can so it's most effective   I didn't want to break it up into too many videos  so let's talk about changing avatars so if you go   into your settings you click on Avatar you'll  notice here you have a scroll wheel of all the   different avatars you have now you can favorite  avatars and the way you do that here I'll show   you right now so let's pretend let's pretend I  don't have any other avatars I just loaded into   the world I come up here and I see this dog when  I go great I want that dog avatar so it's gonna   load up and then I go you know what I like this  so I'm gonna go escape I'm gonna go into avatar   and then down here you see change and favorite  I'm gonna go ahead and click favorite and what   that's gonna do is that's gonna add it into the  favorites up here so see there it is it's got the   gold star cuz it's favorited so now I can leave  this world I can go to other places and I know   that this avatar is always there alright so now  let's talk about world so you know you're loaded   into the home world here and now I'm going to show  you how to go to different worlds how to search   for worlds and kind of what the stats on these  worlds mean so right here is the worlds page so   this is gonna show you the our track categorizes  it into different categories for you so up at the   top is hot and that just means like these worlds  are really popular at this moment there's a hoot   on alpha spotlight sometimes they'll spotlight  certain worlds that are new or certain worlds   that the our chat thinks you know deserve a little  bit more attention 100% sure how they categorize   those most importantly are the ones up at the  top these are the hot worlds these are the ones   with lots of people probably gonna want to go  to them so you just go through let's say I want   to go to the black cat so I'm gonna click on the  black cat now there's a couple numbers here that   appear that are pretty important so right here  it shows me next to this person icon it shows me   how many people are in this specific world so 17  out of 18 so one more person can go to that world   before it reaches max capacity it's not going to  let any more than 18 people into that world at any   one time certain worlds will have different max  numbers certain worlds maybe have 4 other worlds   will maybe have you know 30 40 it all just really  depends now another thing to point out is if you   look over here there's something that says public  so different worlds can have you know different   kind of like barriers to who can come and who can  go let's pretend I wanted to create my own world   so I'd come over here and click on new instance  so this is me creating a new instance of the   black cat I'm basically creating another copy of  the black cat but it's my world I'm gonna be the   owner of it and I can decide what setting I want  to put for this world and this is basically just   like a gate for you know what limit do I want  to put on what types of people I want to come to   this world and if it explains it right here so  public anyone can join friends plus that's any   friend of a friend just friends obviously just  friends invite Plus means that it's only invite   but whoever you invite can also invite someone  else and then invite only is you're the one who's   in control this is the one that you would use if  you want like maximum privacy like only you can   accept or decline requests and only you can send  requests other people no one else can send them   so obviously the most secure the most private type  of world is invite only do that if you want it to   be like a private conversation or if you just want  to be in a world by yourself select that setting   and then obviously public if you don't really  care so you'll see down at the bottom here it   shows all the different instances of the black cat  that are available so you got you know ten people   in this world nine people in this world seven in  that one just one in that world and it'll show   you it'll show you what they are it'll show you if  they're public you know friends little bittle show   up here so now let's talk about actually going  to world so let's pretend found the black cat I   see 10 out of 18 people cool maybe I want to go to  something with a little bit less 9 out of 18 cool   that seems fine so now there's two ways to get to  it there's go which will just take me directly to   that world or there's another option that says  drop portal this is kind of useful let's say I   want to do that so I dropped the portal what's  gonna happen so this now this dropped a portal   to that world so you'll see public 9 out of 18 and  there's a little timer there's 25 seconds to get   into that world I would use that if maybe I had  some friends and you know I don't want to spend   time inviting a bunch of people I can just drop a  portal and say are everyone into the black cat we   all head into that portal and you know off we go  and obviously it's gonna disappear at the end of   25 seconds we'll go ahead and wait for that to go  away boom and it's gone now why would you not want   to use drop portal well let's say I'm in a public  world with only a couple of people I want to go to   the next world with let's say you know I'm in a  world with 20 people I only want to invite four   so in that instance I would just say hey I'm gonna  go to a new world join off me what does that mean   what does it mean to join off someone else so  let's pretend I was in the black cat right and   I had some friends and I was like alright guys I  want to go to a new world but I only want you guys   coming with me so I'm not gonna drop the portal  because when you drop a portal only certain people   can come unless you change the settings on what  the portal is so look here I can go to world I   can go to black cat I click on new instance so I  can make it maybe just friends just invite plus   I'm gonna make it just invite only look at that so  it changed it up here for invite only now I drop   the portal now look now it's invite-only so only  people that I want to have invited can go through   that portal I think that's how it works I might  be totally botching this if you don't want to   mess with portals cuz might be giving inaccurate  information there I'm not sure if that's a hundred   percent how that works if you don't want to do  that you can just go to the world directly so I'm   just gonna say alright new instance invite-only  I'm gonna go I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna load   up the black cat or it's just invite-only instead  of dropping a portal I'm just going through this   world directly and then from there I can go into  my friends list and invite people into this world   and that's what I'm going to show you how to do  right now but obviously if you have any questions   obviously if you have any comments obviously if  any of you want to help me out with that and by   only drop portal any of that please comment down  below I just want to make this I just want to put   out good information for people who are playing  VR chat just PC so let's go into this world so   now we're in the black cat and it was invite only  so now I'm gonna go here go into social and now I   can look at my online friends so these are the  people I just friended so you can only invite   people or your friends I should also mention so  I can click on den did that let's pretend I want   to have him come so I'd go over here and I click  on invites he'd get an invite notice and then he   can join on me that's pretty much how it works now  let's get into the social aspect of VR chat let's   go find a friend not literally I don't think I'm  gonna be able to find someone super quickly but   let's say hypothetically you meet someone and  they're pretty cool you're on PC and you want   to friend request them I'm gonna show you how  to do that right now hypothetically so here we   are in a public world I've turned off voices so  we don't have to hear these people's chatter but   yes it was people hanging out over there and I  found this person over here in the corner and I   just want to show you how to friend request people  and how to have other options in relation to one   specific person so if you press escape on PC and  then hover over their avatar a little blue tic-tac   pills appear I'm gonna click on that and when  I do that that's gonna bring up this person's   avatar preferences so over here you can see I can  friend request them if I want I can show or hide   their avatar I can turn their voice on or off if I  need to block them I can and if you want to clone   someone's avatar if you see someone's avatar you  like and you want to clone the options here but   yeah that's pretty much it for that otherwise  hopefully this was useful for all of you guys if   you have any questions or comments please put them  down below I enjoyed playing VR chat on the PC I'm   sure all of you will as well I can't wait to get  a VR headset I know that the our chats obviously   way more fun with VR versus just on PC but it  is a good social game you know it's a good grab   so yeah thank you all very much for watching and  I'll see you all in the next video thanks bye bye
Channel: Sweeneytv
Views: 415,644
Rating: 4.9387054 out of 5
Keywords: vrchat, how to play vrchat, how to play vrchat on mac, how to play vrchat on pc, how to play vrchat with mouse and keyboard, how to play vrchat on chromebook, how to play vrchat without vr, how to play vrchat on pc without headset, vr chat, vrchat how to play, playing vrchat on pc, who to play vrchat on pc keyboard, can you play vrchat on pc, can you play vrchat, how to play vrchat on phone, vrchat worlds, how to go to worlds in vrchat, vrchat how to
Id: 0mEheqrEwFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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