10 Things To Know BEFORE You Play VRChat

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hey everybody check it out I got a new mic you haven't that Austin here Sweeny TV I go by sazzle in the online world it's been a while guys it's been a while since I've been in front of the camera obviously I'm happy to be here obviously I'm very thankful for all the support everyone has given me up until this point for those of you who don't know I am going to be doing stuff with this new mic I want to do interviews I'm making a swinging TV podcast channel I also might just post those interviews to this channel so I'm still workshopping everything thank you for your patience for those of you don't know I have been spending a lot of time in the online world making a lot of friends meeting a lot of people specifically VR chat and I wanted to make this video for everybody possibly new to the art chat I wanted to give you ten things I wish I knew before I started VR chat let's get into the list hopefully this will help you before you start playing this game VR chat is an online social game that lets you pick any type of an avatar you want to be and interact with other people from pretty much anywhere all over the world number one you don't need VR to play VR chat now I'd seen a lot of videos about VR chat and the reason I didn't play was cuz I thought you had to have a VR headset to actually play the game so it was to my happiness when I finally looked it up and I realized you could play with a desktop in fact it's not very uncommon and in fact it's very common for people to start playing VR chat on desktop and then move over to a VR headset in fact that seems to be a gradual progression I know one of my friends DJ he's done that so makes a lot of sense but for those of you who are really interested in the game and we're just kind of concerned about that yeah you don't need to drop a thousand dollars to get the valve indexed you can just use your crappy little hamster laptop like me and get crashed every five seconds but still you'll be able to meet people you'll be able to play the game it'll be a lot of fun number two when you finally download the our chat spend some time exploring avatars now this is interesting because this is gonna be your personal brand I think it's it's to your benefit to find an avatar that kind of suits you to find an avatar you want to be known by and it's okay you don't have to go on Fiverr you don't have to have someone build you $1,000 you know customized avatar that's not necessary there's a lot of different avatars a lot of public worlds I know for myself I was super into Slav stuff since I'm kind of polish I found this little cat Slav avatar and that's what I kind of became known for and now I'm kind of branching out but it is helpful when you're early into the our chat you don't usually go buy people's usernames sometimes you go buy people's avatars especially if someone's known for an avatar it is a little lame when you hop in a world and like half the people have the same avatar as you then it's kind of hard to differentiate yourself so spend that time find something unique you'll you'll you'll feel better about yourself and you'll have a better time my third tip is when you find cool people friend them okay now VR chat you could literally be talking to someone halfway around the world right I don't know why they're playing VR chat at 9:00 a.m. but hey you know what to each his own either way when you find someone go on VR chat make sure you say hey we should be friends or don't even say that just go into your settings friend request them and there you go okay there's nothing sadder than having a great conversation with someone and then they leave and guess what you didn't friend them and now you'll never see them again I guess you can kiss that friendship goodbye my fourth tip would be to get discord look if you're already playing games you probably already have discord but for myself I really didn't use it that much until I got the our chat not being said there's a ton of fun to be had on servers as far as like chatting with your friends when you're not online and it helps like interacting with other people saying like what time you are gonna be online it just helps to coordinate things it's a way better alternative to most other things I'm not talking about Facebook messenger of course but either way get discord it's it's nice to be able to say hey can I add you on discord and then you can start talking you can kind of you know naturally progress your conversation from VR chat into discord it just works really well so if you don't have discord I highly recommend getting that set up and then obviously as you play VR chat you're gonna get invited into servers and whatnot and I encourage that again if you're if you're into the are chat for the social aspect discord is the way to go my fifth tip is everyone is a dude until proven otherwise this was told to me by DJ and for those of you that don't really care whether or not someone's a guy girl this may be mayor not affect you but just so you know people do use like voice enhancers so that they're they may be a guy and they pretend to be a girl or they're a girl and they pretend to be a guy either way you know I don't care how sexy that person's voice is if you think they're a female they might actually be a dude so don't take anything for granted just I'm just putting that out as a disclaimer people do these things I don't really know why but it happens so again everyone is a dude until proven otherwise someone who's been through to the arch at divorces already trust me you're gonna want to figure out what's going on in their pants my sixth tip is mutes mutes are a thing now this is something that causes me probably the most stress and VR chat for some reason there are people who decide not to speak however they still use like hand emotions to interact with others now obviously there's the deaf community right and they're actually using proper sign language right and that's that's fine you know and again even with the mutes I'm not shaming them it's just it's really stressful for me because I'm a very extroverted person and to try to guess what someone's doing just based off their hand movements since I don't even know sign language it's kind of hard that being said you know I've met some pretty cool Muse maybe like two it's something I've never really dealt with before but there according to my friend DJ apparently there's a way to figure out what they're saying you just kind of have to have the patience for it I'm just saying there's a whole other group of people on VR chat who just for some reason they don't want to talk and they're called mutes and they got their own thing going on I'm just making you aware of it so if you see someone and they're just not talking at all but they're moving their arms around and stuff it's possible that they're a mute so you might just have to communicate in other ways but if you have a little more patience with them you could still have you know kind of a full-on discussion and it'll be fine you know but don't I say this just just because don't definitely don't definitely don't just like write them off as far as like you know they just don't want to talk to me a lot of the times it just takes a little bit of warming up and yeah there you go my seventh tip is to turn your safety features on now a lot of the time you'll be in a world and it'll get crashed or you'll be minding your own business in a world and someone will walk up and go hey watch this and the next thing you know you're writing a hot dog and there's the two towers and you don't know exactly what's happening but you your computer crashes there are world Crashers that's a total thing but if you go into your safety features and you spend the time exploring it you can change what animations you can see and VR chat has this thing where they have kind of like a queueing system which is kind of nice as far as it progressing from you're a new user to a trusted user and you know so forth and there you go and so I would just recommend going into those features and turning off animations for everyone that's below trusted user obviously your friends you're gonna trust what they're gonna do but it really helps honestly for me I even actually I turn off most new users just in general just because I really don't enjoy getting crashed but I'm putting this out for their for you to understand that this is a thing play with your safety features figure that out I just don't want you to be in a conversation with someone and then your world gets crashed because some Ugandan knuckles said al-akbar and you know there goes this server my eighth tip is don't be afraid to go conversation phishing so in your settings there's a thing called voices and if you turn that all the way up you can hear a pretty good range of people having conversations around you even though they're not next to you if you're having a hard time finding a conversation you want to be a part of go ahead sit somewhere down on the map with a semi nice view it doesn't even have to have a nice view but just be a little patient just sit down somewhere and wait and listen to the conversations going around and then when you hear something that you might be interested in go over to that conversation sit down wait for your chance to chime in and then join this is a tactic that I that I use this is a tactic that my friend slim slim uses I'm sure a bunch of other people use it but yeah if you're just having a hard time finding anyone to talk to you really instead of just world hopping from world to world to world you could go through ten worlds just just kind of sit somewhere that's got a decent popularity and and you just kind of wait it out you know I think when you're a little patient with things it sometimes it takes people to warm up to certain conversations or maybe if you're the person like me that you're the conversation starter maybe it's your job to initiate and then kind of get things started that's been my experience with VR chat okay I've rarely walked in to a world and there's been already a really colorful conversation going on most of the time I kind of have to post up somewhere wait for a few people to join I recognize that there's a few normal people then we start having a conversation and then you know things get better from there but either way this is a tactic that I use and I recommend if you're having trouble finding people to talk to you use this too again no shame in it and it's not really like you're eavesdropping like your intentions are good obviously if you want to eavesdrop I mean there you go but why would you do that to people it's you know none of my business whatever whatever you want to use it for my ninth tip is that mirrors are your best friend and your worst enemy so there are things called mirror gangs in VR chat and these are people who just like to sit down in front of a mirror and just look at themselves they're just so full of vanity they don't want to do anything else I'm totally kidding uh the cool thing about mirrors is that you can see everyone that you're talking to and you can all see each other so you can sit down in front of the mirror and just kind of have a discussion this is nice for people with VR chat headsets if you're a desktop user and you move around a lot don't if you're having a conversation with someone try to just stay still and talk to them because people with VR headsets they can get a little disoriented when you move around a lot so mirrors are kind of like a good way to have engaging conversations make sure everyone's seen make sure everyone's heard that's what it's good for the bad thing is is if that's all you do I mean you know it is what it is but sometimes people get flagged as being a mirror gang win any time they join the world they don't interact with anyone else they just go to a mirror and they look at themselves for whatever reason but I'm just letting you know that if you see a bunch of people staring at a wall there's probably a button somewhere nearby that turns a mirror on and that's probably the reason why they're doing that it's because there's a mirror I know the first time I joined the world and I saw all these people just staring at a wall I was like what it's okay they're just looking at a mirror and you can turn the mirror on and go stare at yourself you can all stare at yourself together in the mirror it's the thing it's a thing I don't know why it's the thing it is we don't do that in real life I want to do that in real life I would love to go sit in front of a mirror drink a bottle of vodka and hang out with my VR Chad friends in real life but you know who knows when that will happen my last tip tip number 10 is save good worlds there are tons of worlds in VR chat the filtering system isn't that great when you search for world sometimes you have to type in the exact name other times when you type in the right name it doesn't work so the searching is kind of wonky in VR chat anyways so I'm just saying if you ever get invited to a world and you're like wow this is really cool or like I would love to go hang out with me and my friends in this world you have a little feature that favorites worlds go ahead and do that because sometimes it's hard to filter back through the worlds you've been there is a recent tab that took me a while to realize that you actually had so as long as it's been within like 10 worlds that you've been to there is a recent tab you can go to lit find that world select it favorite it but otherwise if you go to a world and you really enjoy it highly recommend favoring it that way next time you get back on you can just pop right back into that world or share with your friend I've really enjoyed my experience I've I've never really been into social games before this one so everything I've learned it's just it's just been all new things it's all really cool I'm having a lot of fun doing it I've made a lot of really cool friends so yeah let me know what you think of this video if you want to put down in the comments what tips you would give people who are just starting to our chat go ahead and do it now that I say that I forgot something else that you should be aware of for VR chat don't walk through people in VR chat the our chat had you people who use people who used VR in in VR chat it's really disorienting when someone walks through them or at least it can be so I recommend treat it like it's the real world like don't just walk through people consistently that can get a little disorienting that can get a little annoying for those people but otherwise yeah that's my last tip thanks for watching this video obviously I'm super thankful to everyone who watches my stuff I'll be putting out more content as per usual since I got my new job maybe not as much maybe like once a week but otherwise again yeah thanks for watching let me know what you think of this video and yeah have a good night [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sweeneytv
Views: 901,088
Rating: 4.9006953 out of 5
Keywords: sweeneytv, 10 things to know BEFORE you play vrchat, things to know before you play vrchat, before you play vrchat, how to play vrchat, what to do in vrchat, vrchat, vrchat tips n tricks, things to know about vrchat, tips for vrchat, vrchat before you play, things to do in vrchat, vrchat things to do, things you need to known before you play vrchat, how to play vrchat on pc, how to get vrchat, how to vrchat, how to play vrchat on your phone, vrchat how to play
Id: cLJbm3dmg1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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