How To Play The Queen's Gambit

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welcome everybody to another 10 minute chess  opening video today we are looking at something   that so many people have requested the queen's  gambit now i'm actually going to include a little   bit of material here on both sides i rarely  do that but first we're gonna start out with   the queen's gambit for the white side and i'm  gonna give you a few weapons to be aware of   with the black pieces as well the queen's gambit  begins after the moves d4 d5 and c4 the point is   that you are gambiting upon you are giving away  a pawn early uh and what you want in exchange for   this pawn is you want two pawns in the center  right because that pawn has now moved it has   seated control of the center and in a perfect  world white will then take that pawn back with   the bishop which has now opened up with the move  on to e4 and white has a dominant center notice   that now what happens is that black is left  with one central pawn and white is left with   two central pawns which is which is good that's  at a very elementary level that's really what   this is all about now from a theoretical chess  standpoint i want to address the queen's gamut   for beginners intermediate players and honestly  if you're watching this somehow as like a 2000   i'm still going to include something that might  be useful for you so if you're going to play the   queen's gambit on move 2 you should be aware of  the queen's gambit accepted any time this pawn   is taken accepting the gambit does not lose for  black by any means you should know what to do   against that i recommend that you do take the full  center and there's some dangers if the opponent   just defends like this you can already begin  to play moves like a4 undermining this pawn and   creating some serious weaknesses for the opponent  if the opponent plays a6 you just take and they   can't take back because of the rook if they take  back if they play c6 you now can uh take once and   then just develop your knight to c3 and it's again  difficult to defend this pawn with the tactic a6   you just take and there's a exchange down on the  other file which is going to be an issue at the   same time you also can just kind of develop  your pieces and if black spends all the moves   in the opening just defending one pawn black  will fall behind in development considerably   there are other defenses so the two ways to  reinforce this pawn with pawns this is the   queen's gambit decline which i'll also flip so  you see it with the black pieces queen's gambit   declined is a legendary unbreakable tier opening  if you haven't watched the opening tier list   that i did along with hikaru it is seen at all  types of grand master level blitz rapid classical   does not matter it has not been broken for many  many years uh and the point is that black will now   play knight f6 bishop e7 and castle now there are  branches of the queen's gambit uh declined some   of them are for example uh this is the classic  with bishop e7 knight c3 bishop e7 the two main   lines being bishop f4 and bishop g5 uh here black  can play more aggressively in the center this is   called the tarrasch defense and here you know  you've got to know what you're doing with white   there's also bishop b4 which doesn't play  passively instead goes here this is called the   regozen defense and so on and so forth i mean here  black can play c6 now you're in a semi-slav which   we will get into the point is not to memorize all  the deep theory uh the point is to have a solid   foundation on which to play an opening and and  then start adding the more theoretical layers as   you move up the ranks you're not going to need  to know the intricacies of the ragosan defense   i mean up you know until you're pushing maybe 2  000 just have a good fundamental understanding   of what you're looking for early on uh if you're  going to play the queen's gambit with the white   pieces i recommend the two knights approach and  then i recommend putting the bishop on f4 or g5   you can play for g5 simply with this in mind that  if black castles very quickly like let's say like   this you don't actually always have to castle here  there's some positions where you play a very early   queen c2 and now you've lined up the queen to  the h7 pawn and if they play h6 you can sometimes   play this you're gonna say levy what the hell is  that and i'm gonna say that's called a fish hook   or a fishing pole and the point is that you're  setting a bait you would like your opponent to   take the bishop after which he will play h takes  g5 and now your queen and rook hit down here if   they play here obviously take take queen e4 and  good luck stopping the queen from infiltrating   now you're not always gonna win games like this  but that's just one of the attacking ideas behind   bishop g5 but black has to castle the other idea  is that you're actually happy to make this trade   and reinforce like this you don't want to play e3  unless your bishop has gone out and now you've got   a very solid center you can again look for a short  castle attack with g4 h4 g5 and so on uh this is   for the more aggressive players and for the more  solid players like if black castles then you just   play bishop d3 you castle like i don't know black  can play in a lot of ways if you're gonna be solid   you play rook c1 bring this rook to the party and  then try to play e4 going for a more positional   and slow approach to the game that's really how  you play the queen's gamut from the white side now   that's if black plays queen's gambit declined the  other way that i haven't really looked at yet is   the slav defense the slav defense is different  than the queen's gambit because black reinforces   but the bishop stays a bit more open the knight is  the problem the knight now cannot come out to c6   you can play this all the same and the only layer  here that i will add that potentially you should   know is that you have queen to b3 a common idea  that only exists when this bishop leaves and queen   b3 will hit the b7 pawn when you're a beginner  this is going to work a lot when you're a slightly   stronger player than a beginner uh people are  not gonna lose this pawn anymore but there will   be other opportunities that await you on the queen  side with bishop f4 potentially getting a knight   to b5 and knight into c7 but if you just want to  keep it all the same you just want to play like   you know bishop g5 e3 rook c1 by all means by all  means go ahead and do it those are the two ways to   decline your gambit and that really leaves us with  other stuff um if they defend with the knight you   just take your levy what why would i take i mean  you you didn't take the other way the difference   is that when they don't put a pawn there they're  not taking you with a pawn and if they have to put   the knight in the center now you take the full  center don't forget that at the end of the day   chess principles exceed or supersede opening  knowledge of some form right like if you can put   two pawns in the center that is what you  should be doing and if they take with the queen   well then you just play knight c3 i mean  you can't play e4 so you play knight c3   knight f3 and e4 like you try to take the  center with two pawns get your dark squared   bishop out get your light squared bishop out and  either you don't castle and you try to attack   or you castle and you play it slow the queen's  gambit is so solid except against gambits   and against c4 there's a few gambits so  for example there's the baltic defense   which is very aggressive system against the baltic  defense you should try to be as solid as possible   and play things like knight c3 for example and if  black tries to cheese you early on like again with   something like knight c6 looking for knight b4 and  knight c2 just stick to your game plan bishop g5   rook c1 not really worried about something on  c2 just develop your pieces you're extremely   solid and at the same time there is something  called the albin counter gamut now this one's a   little bit dangerous uh because if you take on d5  i bring my queen and now i'm pressuring the center   with two things you don't get a very peaceful  position if you try to play knight f3 i play   e4 and all of a sudden it's like whoa black's  attacking me and if you play taking this pawn   black can lodge the pawn into d4 and now it's not  so easy to develop actually one of the benefits of   playing knight to f3 on move two is that you avoid  the album counter gambit basically completely   if black plays knight c6 black is in a totally  different situation uh and now you there's other   ways i mean you can even go transpose into the  london you say levy this is a queen's gamut video   why is the london here we're taking advantage of  this move order that's all it is uh but the album   counter gambit with with e5 after you play c4 is  nothing to be afraid of you just have to know what   you're doing just play knight f3 and learn one of  the lines i mean there's some a3 g3 systems where   you develop like this or you can immediately fight  against this pawn this is for the more advanced   players watching as i said beginners intermediate  advanced players all are going to learn something   but that's generally how you do it i mean that's  nine minutes you can x out right now if you just   wanted a repertoire for the white pieces but  i said i was gonna give you one for the black   pieces as well so let's do that let's flip this  around uh we are now going to be the wrecked   noob huh so let's not be the wrecked noob let's  change this around now we're the gotham viewer   and they are going to be the wrecked noob and  let's say they play the queen's gamut against us   now you say levy queen's gamut only exists after  d5 what about knight f6 well you're not gambiting   anything that's just a different position so first  things first you can accept the gambit but it's   very risky uh and when you accept the gambit you  need to develop very quickly in the center against   e3 and e4 i actually like to play e5 the point  being that if black if white takes on c4 you   just take this pawn and if they go like this  now you get a queen trait early and you get   quick development so knight c6 attacks the center  you're looking at bishop g4 check and long castle   so you get a very quick lead in development on  your opponent which might throw them off so i like   e5 a lot but if they play knight f3 you cannot  play e5 because of this so you should just copy   occupying the e4 square develop your bishop play  pawn to e6 so you don't block in your bishop   develop the other bishop like to b4 and castle you  can accept the gambit it doesn't lose by any means   however you can also decline the gambit and a  good setup to play against the queen's gambit   declined is something like knight f6 uh i did a  video on the catalan system so with g3 bishop g2   what i recommend here is you can either play  bishop b4 or bishop e7 if you play bishop b4   be ready to trade the bishop for the knight  or the bishop for example like that uh and if   you do know something like castles bishop g2 and  you're gonna have to get this bishop out with b6   that's what you're gonna have to do because the  bishop can't come out this way bishop b7 knight d7   and then c5 so something like uh castles let's say  this happens i said be ready to take knight d7 and   pawn c5 so you at least have two pawns fighting  in the center of the board your games are going   to look a little bit different but that's if you  basically want to play the queen's gambit declined   slav defense is okay it's not you know the the  it's not any better or worse than the queen's game   decline i think they're equally okay uh the same  game plan develop bishop out pawn etc now there's   one spicy thing that i want to include and that's  the move knight c6 uh this might be interesting   because i did say that if you're able to put  the queen in the center you should and this is   actually called the chigorin defense if you'd like  a queen's gambit declined weapon this might catch   a few people off guard c takes d5 queen takes  d5 the point is that now two things hit this   so knight c3 you just take now if they play e3  they've blocked in the dark squared bishop at   the cost of opening up the light squared bishop  and now i like to strike in the center with e5   the point is that if they play knight  c3 you don't move your queen now huh bishop b4 and you pin them  and you're just getting a quick   lead in development you're going to trade off  that bishop you're going to develop this bishop   and castle long maybe you like that because you  get a lead in development people are going to   be very uncomfortable here especially beginners  that just want to get a solid queen's gambit setup   uh and obviously i have to give you a weapon with  the white side now right so uh the best thing for   white to do against the chugoran is to just be  very solid so just play something like knight f3   uh and set up knight c3 in the future uh and  generally with black what we'll do here is   again we're gonna try to play bishop g4 as fast  as we can white might play knight c3 and now we   kind of see the problem so you can play this  in the form of a scandinavian something like   queen to a5 and looking for a quick castling so  d5 something like this uh and we're just trying   to play aggressive chess which the computer is not  always going to like uh but okay i mean it doesn't   really matter what the computer wants because if  you're playing someone who's around your level   and they're not cheating then they don't have a  computer i hope this was helpful all right i hope   this was helpful uh we're about 14 minutes into  the video but i wanted to do this for white and   for black since people have asked alright and in  case you're wondering because you like my shirt   it's from all saints it's made of silk it's  really nice i got it today and uh i know you all   were wondering i like to wear different patterned  shirts so yeah i figured i'd share that uh i don't   really have much more to say but i'm not going  to cut it here as always drop a comment leave it   leave something in the in the comments with a q a  king's uh oh my god i don't even know what opening   i'm doing anymore what game in the queen's gambit  that you played whether with white or with black   if you're not part of the discord yet that's all  in the description there's so many useful links if   you want to support the channel and get something  back you can get an opening scores e4 d4 and   openings courses for black i don't have  much else i'll see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: Gothamchess lessons, Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, hikaru nakamura, gotham guide, gothamguide, how to play e4, gmhikaru, gotham chess, gothamchess, evans gambit, chess gambits, gothamchess openings, chess openings, english opening chess, how to play english opening, simple chess openings, easy chess openings, chess openings basics, chess openings beginners, queen's gambit chess, queens gambit, queens gambit chess opening, how to play queens gambit, the queens gambit
Id: mtsabsZ4wG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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