Advanced Smolder Tips & Tricks

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did you know that smoulder gives vision of himself and his allies while using enab Bush or that his q and next Auto Tech will both get increased range from Rapid Fire Cannon well this video will teach you everything there is to know about smolder tips and tricks interesting interactions and even what to look out for when playing against him so let's start by diving into his passive smolder gains Stacks each time he hits an enemy Champion with an ability or whenever he kills a minion or Monster with this Cube his basic abilities will grow stronger the more Stacks he has enemy clones like Niko's W are also considered as enemy Champion so it wouldn't be bad to sometimes just attack them to get some extra stacks and Fiddle stick swords will give you two stacks since you killed quote unquote an enemy Champion with an ability swolder has a nemesis quest with Arion Soul which begins if they both have 70 plus stacks and are both at least level 9 from now on each stack earned by either smaller or a ReliOn Soul increases the size of the reward the first Champion to take the other one down wins now to his queue smolder fires a point and click Fireball to a Target at 25 Stakes the fireball now explodes at 1225 Stakes it will send out three more bolts behind the Target and from now on every 100 staks will send out one more bolt and that 225 Stacks enemies burn and get executed below a percentage of their Max HP smaller his horns will actually grow brighter each time his que evolves his que is considered more like an auto attack however life steel will only be 50% effective since his Q is like an auto attack it will deal the unhal damage on enemies hit by the que and not only the main target hit but also all the targets that get hit by the Q explosion so all the items that upgrade from recurve bow will work very well with the que except Kraken Slayer also there's a weird interaction with runan hurricane after critting with your basic attack the next runan bolt coming out from your queue will always crit until you Auto take again Sheen will also instant L proc with your q but the sheen unhit damage will only apply on the main target hit the Q range is based on your auto attack range so increasing it with rapid fire Cannon will also increase the Q range if you q and auto attack very fast both of your attacks will for some reason have that extra range of Rapid Fire Cannon navori quick blades reduces the cool down of your abilities after using basic attacks since your Q is technically a basic attack it will reduce its own cool down the red buff burn will also apply an all day enemies hit by your que like many other abilities in League you should always use your Q in between Auto techs to cancel the attack animation always Auto attack q auto attack runes will also consider the Q as an auto attack so you can almost instantly proc press the attack with this as well enemies with spell Shields will receive zero damage from the que it can also be blocked by J Shen and Nila completely even if you hit someone else and only the explosion hit them it will still be completely blocked but blinds won't stop the que from the in damage ha eat Teemo flash during the Q animation and it will still go off even if you flashed out of the Q range you can also flash sideways to angle the bolts of your que differently because the direction of the bolts is chosen relative to you the moment the projectiles hit the enemy fun fact you need at least 2,100 passive Stacks to completely surround your target with cuq balls will you ever have that many stacks in game probably not unless the laning face is very hard for smolder his Auto attack range is relatively low compared to other Champions like Caitlin for example and since his Q is main poke ability is not longer than his short attack range he will always get outrange his abilities also like damage early game so going in for Fair Trades will be difficult late game however you will deal a lot of damage with your que thanks to Essence Reaver and aori quick blade and since your Q gains range from Rapid Fire Cannon remember you will hit very hard late game now it's time for the W tips and tricks but before I continue can I please ask you to subscribe if you like the video so far it's free and I really wouldn't mind if you unsubscribe later if you don't like my future content thank you very much so his Deb smaller sneezes a fireball that creates an explosion when hitting a champion also slowing them for 1.5 seconds H CH deals 140% damage against minions and monsters there are two ways to check a bush for enemies inside it with your W throw your W towards the bush and count how many explosions you see if you see none that means there are no enemies inside a second a more accurate way is to look at your Stacks after throwing your W and count how many stacks you receive because sometimes you might only hit one enemy with your W seeing only one explosion but thanks to that explosion you hit everyone and receive two staks in total the W will be cast at the end of your flash animation so this is an ability you should use w and then flash with and not vice versa a spell shield will only block one part of the debut the explosion or the ball itself it will however block both the Fireball and the explosion if two Targets are too close to each other now to the E smolder takes flight for 1.25 seconds gaining 100% movement speed while firing bolts at the nearest most wounded enemy the more crit smolder has the more bolts he will fire this ability might be one of the best Solutions versus Bard or zeri while running away since you can follow them over the wall while still dealing damage to them it will also show Kane hiding in a wall so he can use your abilities on him and force both of you out of the wall the movement speed you will receive is based on your current speed so having a movement speed bonus before using your e will make smolder fly a lot faster your e only gives one stack for the first enemy hit and that's it even if you hit another champion in the process it will not give you another stack while flying smoulder gains slightly more vision and can see over walls since smoulder can see the enemies they can see you if you are in attack range from over the wall revealing you and a small area around you so you can also betray the position of your allies what you should be even more careful about is using your Ena Bush because when using it inside bushes you will show that small area of vision again to your enemies while attacking in his e it seems like smolder is throwing Auto attacks but you should consider them more as ability unlike the que that is considered more like an auto attack remember so it will not interact with any form of unhit items or runes which makes the E damage not really great late game that's why you should mainly use it to reposition yourself in fights the good thing is however is that the E attacks cannot be blocked by Jack Shen and Nila nor will teo's blind stop it from doing damage ha it sh again teimo your e is a great way to counter spell shield since it will negate the whole spell shield with only one bolt and that one bolt will still deal the full damage the E attack range is slightly bigger than your normal attack range but it will not get bigger with rapid fire Cannon only hard CC like roots and stunts will interrupt the Eid flight but being silenced or grounded wound which is funny cuz grounded means you should be on the ground right the best way to hit enemies over the other side of a wall is to e for vision then q and then use your W always in that order since if you e and then W first you will lose vision of the enemy and you won't be able to queue them if you didn't have vision of an enemy champion before using your e since he was behind the wall your first bolt will attack the closest enemy making you lose one bolt worth of damage look this is the biggest burst combo of smolder at first glance it might look like just W and Q but you can use your e as an animation cancel and hit the enemy with one extra Bolt I never said it was smart using your e like that by the way but this combo looks cool no be careful when going over walls because it will make you a very easy target for Champions like Bard and vain to stun you on a wall the E is not considered a day so it will not stop when walking over theia's e or it won't give vexer ow attack even though smoulder seems to face his enemies while attacking them with his e he's facing the direction where he's going and lastly his ultimate smolder shouts for his mother creating a big wave of fire starting from behind him dealing more damage and slowing the enemies in the middle and healing him if it hits him do not underestimate the range of this ultimate it goes mega far and gives you Vision where it passes but only the center of the ultimate will give you vision of the enemies in bushes speaking of vision for some reason the enemies can always see the beginning of a smolder R in fog of War use it before team fight since it has a long cast time and it can really mess up the positioning of the enemies all of Moulder his abilities are blockable by yasu's wind ball his Q his W his e his R but there is some ways to play around it of course you can e over ywal but he can walk just back to the other side since the r starts from behind smaller you can use it backwards to make it start behind yaso of course you won't get the healing but at least yaso got damaged another way is to W an enemy next to yo that way the explosion of that ability will still hit yaso for some damage smolder his R is only interrupted by that so CC won't stop it and if it does get interrupted you will get the whole cool down back so you can try again once you respawn a fun little thing about smolder is that he has a 1% chance of saying this voice line when taunting an enemy by pressing control to well my mom works for Riot and she's going to ban you thanks for making it until this part of the video the next video will be an as in-depth smaller combo guy with some interesting animation cancel combos but that video will be uploaded it in a day or two so make sure to subscribe to not miss it
Channel: Cannon Minion
Views: 178,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smolder, League of Legends, LoL, Lol Tips and tricks, smolder tips and tricks, smolder guide, smolder combos, smolder abilities explained, smolder explained, lol tips, tips and tricks, lol guide, cannon minion, 2 fireballs per cast?, smolder ability guide, full smolder guide, everything you need to know about smolder, newest lol champion, newest league of legends champion, season 14 guide, season 14, patch 14.03, patch 14, patch 14.02, abilities, guide, smolder interactions
Id: Di86xPEYh_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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