How To Play Ranger in Dark and Darker!

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what's going on everybody got a little bit of a different video coming for you guys this week uh I've had a lot of people coming into the stream asking me you know um my Ranger setup what kind of perks I use how I Gear Up Etc so I figured I uh take a little bit of time to show you guys what I got going on going over the perks Sharpshooter is an absolute must have when attacking with a range weapon gain 15% headshot power you cannot drop this perk it's an absolute must have if you're using a longbow you have to pair it with nimble land there's no other way it must be done these two perks are a must have quick reload in my opinion also a must have but depending on how high you build your dexterity and action speed you can maybe drop this with a recurve bow but with a long bow I think it's a must have and this perk right here range weapons mastery this is probably the only one you could inter swap with spear or chase or kinesthesia if you want a crippling shot cuz the 5% is kind of lackluster you can drop it if you have enough and that's that's about it if I was playing solo and using a recurve bow I would probably drop Nimble hands uh for maybe crippling shot or chase or you know I could drop both of these leave both damage perks and then have utility perks however you want to set it up if you're using a spear it doesn't really matter as far as the skills go I like to use quickfire for both recurve and Longbow an additional 50% action speed for 8 seconds while using bow type weapons I don't think any other skill kind of comes close to the value you get from quickfire in my trios [ __ ] Loadout I use penetrating shot with the current meta being high PDR and everyone stacking really high PDR it's an absolute must have but however if I was playing in Goblin caves I would probably drop penetrating shot cuz you don't really see too many high PDR players in the goblin caves I would maybe put on quick shot or drop quick shot for back step and testing that out I think it's got potential back step yes sir um um I'm going to die probably no now we're going to transition into gearing up the ranger in the current meta they up the amount of additional physical damage you can stack on jewelry and Cape so it's no longer two it's up to three so I think at the highend if your high-end Ranger builds you're going to go for additional physical paired up with armor pen whereas also you have an alternative to do a budget build and just stack true physical on pieces so let me just show you what I'm talking about so you have rings with two true or you can get a ring with three additional fist so true physical damage ignores armor additional physical doesn't but if you pair it up with armor pen it does the same but you're just doing more damage essentially so if you're if you're going for a budget build I would stack true true physical on each one of your rings and your neck piece like this this would be a good little budget build then once you get more of the like the high-end gear you want to start stacking additional with armor pen so fortunately I was wiped last night so we have the honor of regearing again this is what my rings are currently looking like stacking additional physical with the armor pen so I like to get armor pen on any piece that it could roll on so I could roll on the helmet gloves cape and jewelry so you want to make sure you're stacking enough armor pen if you are going for the armor pen with additional build this is this is how I currently have my build set up I got a nice little Forest h two decks 3.4 armor pen one Fizz Dam bonus paired up with a pair of riveted gloves two additional armor pen two Fizz Dam bonus then I have a a cape a DEX Cape with armor pen two true and Max health I would I would prefer if the true fiz was additional unfortunately it's just no good ones on the market so we have to make do with what we got when it comes to the chest and legs those are two pieces that you're able to roll two all on and I don't I think the value is just way too high with the two- wall gear currently they might change that in the future but at the current moment you need the two wall on the chest and pants so this is what my my chest and pants are currently looking like um you can use you can use other other chest pieces um like a doublet will work too cuz it's got the base decks I like to hit a be if I'm using a long bow I like to hit 25% action speed and the wanders and the cloth pants really help hitting that threshold as far as the boots go Adventure boots work as well heavy boots also are really good cuz they help you boost that fist power up um a healthy number of fist power would be anywhere above 25 30 you don't really need to force too much as long as you have damage on all your jewelry a lot of people have been asking me why I prefer the long bow over the recurve bow it just comes down to a preference thing uh I think in in the Crips you're going to find yourself in a lot more long range like poking battles so I think the the Longbow has just way more value as for the Longbow rolls you're looking for a 45 weapon base with three additional and armor pen those are your most important roles on your long bow uh recurve bow I do think is your go-to for the goblin caves cuz you're by yourself you don't really have anyone body blocking so the distance people are going to be able to close in on you it's going to be way easier so you need to you need to have a little bit of movement but like I said the the projectile speed on the recurve bow is just way slower compared to the long bow so at medium to long range the the long bow just clears by a lot but with that being said I do think the recer bow is the best best option for the goblin caves I have been this swipe I have been enjoying the spear a lot because everyone has been building High PDR and penetrating shot works works uh paired up with the spear as well so if you ever have a high PDR fighter or Barbarian just kind of aping you you have have something to keep distance and you're also pretty lethal with it um as far as rolls go same thing like Longbow you want a high weapon base I think Max is 45 I was only able to find 144 but it does have the three weapon damage and the armor pen roll so those are our most important rolls I throw that on if I don't have the option to use a good spear I would probably drop uh the spear perk and I would put on Range weapons mastery and then I would substitute it uh with a Rapier and a lantern I don't think it really matters what you pick you can definitely use an arming sword it always just comes down to preference um just a Rapier or an arming sword with a lantern preferably with two weapon damage and you're good to go the most optimal race to play as a ranger they always ask me if orc is the best and it probably isn't you gain the one strength but you lose the Agy um but I have been playing orc for a really long time female orc is just who I am and I can't change that I can't change that about myself so so it is what it is but if I was going to be you know Min maxing I would probably use the nightmare skeleton for the extra armor rating it's a little little too strong right now if I was maybe just starting off with a budget build I think lizard men is probably your best option with the extra armor rating and the head shot reduction um and if you're going for a full move Speed Build I would definitely go elf for the extra Agy although you lose the strength but you get the move speed going over ranger supplies if I'm using a long long bow I like to have four stacks of arrows with me four stacks of red pots four stacks of bandages keep it nice and even if I'm using a recurve I'd probably add an extra stack you can never have enough meds I like to go in with two surge kits if you have if you have um the option to I would definitely grab a trolls blood if you're ever stuck fighting in gas all right another thing I wanted to go over who is the Ranger supposed to be shooting at now if you're getting aped by Barbarian you definitely don't want to plant your feet and start shooting at him you want to make sure you have a a good amount of distance behind you back up bro any type of Front Line you never want them to close the gap on you you always want to keep like a solid solid Gap and when I say front line I mean um fighter PDR Barbarian like I just said or a very tanky cleric they're they can also they can also front line from time to time cleric They're All Dead your main job as a ranger is to kind of pick off the back line and make sure anybody in the back behind the front line is not able to do whatever they want meaning if they have another Ranger another Wizard or maybe just a Bard sitting in the back buffing up the front line you want to make sure you're putting pressure on the back line as much as possible okay so we know the state of dark and darker is kind of a a rock paper scissors on what matchup you run into and as a ranger you kind of want to cross your fingers and hope that you run into any type of casters um maybe like squishy clerics squishy Wizards well mostly mostly all wizards will be squishy and warlocks those three are probably your easiest matchups if you're ever trying to fit Ranger into your 3v3 comp you need to be aware of where you're taking the fight if you're playing a Frontline comp uh for example Ranger cleric fighter you never want to take a fight in a in a doorway or tight hallways cuz it's going to be really hard for you to apply pressure and you have to jump over your front line so you always want to make sure you're coming to your teammates and you're you're letting them know when the fight isn't favorable for you and kind of want to be vocal and let him know to kite back into a more open space so that you could have more value in the fight all right guys that pretty much sums it up if I forgot anything make sure to leave a comment uh ask any questions maybe we make a part two Ranger video maybe we dwell into a warlock Guide dark reflection baby and that's it thank you guys for the support don't forget to like comment subscribe all that good stuff check out the twitch live every day at the same time thank you so much for watching peace
Channel: PromoZ
Views: 4,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darkanddarker, ranger, ranger guide, howtoplayranger, ranger tips, #1 rank dark and darker, best ranger, montage, gaming, education, DnD
Id: WQxSuKvnbS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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