How To Play: Patchwork!

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everybody what's going on my name is Paul I started the dicy and tonight I am going to show y'all how to play a two-player game designed by Yui Rosenberg called patchwork this is one of my favorite games right now and one is hitting the table quite a bit because it's a it's a hit with so many of my family members and the wife they all really enjoyed this game so here's the cover so you can know what to look for in the in the game store should you go and this is one of a few games made by Yui Rosenberg for two players this is by far my favorite this is actually one of my favorite two-player games period right now it's it's very simple to pick up the gameplay is is really straightforward but the game itself is very deep and once you play it the more and more you play it you you really kind of get to dive into the gameplay and and the more that you play you really learn these strategies that can unlock you know higher point totals at the end and it's just a really deep experience the more that you play it so what I've done is I've kind of laid things out how they're gonna look at the start of the game but what I want to do right now is I want to go over the basic setup of how you how you set the game up alright so for setup what you're gonna do it have it's already done so you're gonna have all these little patches and what you'll do is you will lay them out in a circle around the main patch board here in the middle and it doesn't matter what order they're in and you want it to be random so you'll just set up all these patches in a circle around the board and this is the main player board now this is or the patch board ever you want to call it this is double sided so on the other side you'll see a different pattern and different different artwork it doesn't matter at all which side you use they have the same number of spaces they have the same number of buttons which like these little button symbols and these leather patch symbols and these are different bonuses that you'll get during the game it's it's whichever side you prefer I kind of like the way this this board looks better so I use this one now what you'll what you'll do is you'll put this board out in the middle and you'll see all these little spaces right here where you'll see this letter what you'll do is the game actually includes five little leather patch tokens that you'll put on those faces it doesn't matter which one you put where it's just so long as they're on those spaces because when a player passes these spaces on the board they're gonna pick up that patch and get to use it immediately and that'll help because later on you might find yourself in a situation where you just need one little patch to fill out a space after that each player is gonna get five buttons to start the game and this is your currency meaning these are your points at the end of the game and this is these buttons are what you use to buy patches throughout the game as well to fill out your board so as you can see each player has been given five buttons and there's these little player markers one for green one for yellow you're gonna put them on the starting space up here and then you're gonna place that little wooden marker next to the 2x1 square this will always be how the game starts out now this square can be anywhere in the circle of patches like I said it's set up randomly but this this token will always start next to that little square and the reason that this marker is important is this marker will move throughout the game and it dictates with which patches you can buy so you can only buy the patches that are on this marker and the next two so essentially you have a choice of three patches that you can buy whenever you know throughout the game because you can buy the one that this is right in front of and the next two after that so at the start of the game someone can buy one of these three patches and when you buy a patch this marker will move to the spot that was just emptied so say for instance at the start of the game somebody bought this patch and it left this marker would get moved right here and then the next player would have the option to buy one of these three patches and it would continue that way so on you know however however many patches you buy it would just continue around the circle that way so now that I've explained the setup the game is ready to go I want to talk a little bit about the actual gameplay it's very simple but I want to explain a little bit how that works all right so now that we've talked about the setup we're gonna talk about the gameplay this game is very straightforward what you're trying to do you're trying to fill up your player board right here you're trying to fill it up as much as you can and you don't want there to be any open spaces because at the end of the game if you have any open spaces on your board its negative two points so you want to try and fill up your board with patches and what you can do is on your turn you're gonna have one or one of two actions that you could take now you can buy a patch and how do you do that is you will spin some of your buttons depending on what the patch says it's much it costs so say for instance I'll pick one that I can buy here okay so when you look at some of these patches they're going to have two numbers on them they're going to have a button and then they're gonna have an hourglass the button right here is how much they cost so I would have to pay four buttons to buy this patch then the hourglass is going to dictate how many spaces on the player track in the middle that I would have to move so say for instance I bought this patch I would pay my four buttons to the bank and then I would move six spaces like this so one two three four five six and that's that would be what would happen when I buy that patch now another interesting thing happened on this on this track here I passed one of these blue buttons and the spaces that I moved on you're gonna notice on some of these buttons that they have blue button markers on them and what that means is that that's how many buttons this patch is going to generate every time your player marker passes one of these buttons on the track so say for instance I had my player board down here I had you know I'll just put something out here just for an example say that I had this many patches out on my board and my quilt was starting to look like that anytime I pass one of these blue button markers on the track any of these right here I'm going to get however many buttons I have on my player board so I would have one two three four five six seven buttons just to start off and as you buy more patches and as you fill out your player board that's going to continue to grow and grow and so you kind of want to buy some button some button patches early that will help you kind of generate your your engine to get more buttons at the start of games to even buy more later etc and you have to be careful with these and have a lot of buttons on them because they move you a long way on the track and you kind of want to manage your time that's what this game is about it's about managing your resources and managing the time and so that's one action that you could take the other action that you could take instead of buying a patch is safer instance you don't have enough buttons to buy one of the patches that are out on the board what you can do is you can move one space past your opponent and get that many buttons get a button for every space that you know so say for instance yellow was needing to buy a patch but they don't have enough buttons what they could do is they could say okay I'm gonna move one two three four spaces because I've moved one space in front of my opponent and then that player would get four buttons because they've moved four spaces on the track you're gonna continue to go around the track and buy patches in the end the amount of patches that are available will shrink as the game goes on and once you reach the end of the track right here once you get to the middle whoever has the most buttons wins and now it's tricky because at the end of the game you have to take two points away for every space that you don't have filled and hopefully you have positive points I know for the first couple games that we played we actually had negative we had a negative score but that's that's essentially how you play and once you go around them once you go around the circle and buy patches you will slowly fill up your boards and whoever has the most buttons and things the game wins now what one other thing to mention I did I did say that there were these patches around the board the same way the same principle applies whenever you pass these patches that applies whenever you pass these buttons the first player to pass one of these leather patches gets to pick it up immediately and put it on their board anywhere that they want to and that's essentially the game so once you get to the end you score it up whoever has the most buttons after they've after they've subtracted all their empty spaces in their player board wins the game so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you have any questions please remember that you can email me at the dicey review at and please feel free to come by the blog and check that out and leave comments there as well I hope you've enjoyed the video until next time I'll see you at the table
Channel: The Dicey Review
Views: 28,644
Rating: 4.7908497 out of 5
Keywords: Board game, Tabletop, Patchwork, Uwe Rosenberg, BaronVonTerror, super french, super south, diceyreview, thediceyreview, Mayfair, catan, 2 player games, valentines, quilting, gaming, fun games, family games
Id: VYM8T09fAJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2016
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