How to Play Mistsmall: Mistfall in Your Pocket

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hey everyone this is gonna be a video about missed small this is my 18 card version of mistfall and i wanted to do a rules video because um it is it does try to kind of replicate the weight of the bigger game mistfall and it's probably going to be a little bit tricky to learn there's a few things that i do that are kind of hard to wrap your head around just because you're used to words like discarded meaning putting things in a discard pile and i sort of turned that on its head in order to make the 18 card version work and so um instead of just explaining that in in a rule book which i do have out there i do have a rule set out there for missed small but i thought a video would go pretty good my goal for this first video is just to gear it towards people who either have learned um through whatever reading the rule book or watching videos learned how to play mistfall or already own the game or have played the game and are familiar with the rule set so that's where i want to start i think i'll probably get ambitious at a later date and try to cut a video explaining from scratch how to play but the thing is it's gonna be pretty tough missed fall is a pretty heavy game and i try to preserve a lot of that complexity in missed small and so there are much better teachers out there um who have done video series ex explaining the rules and doing play-throughs on missed fall and um i just it's going to be quite a bit of a commitment for me to try to try to explain it as good as they have so actually my recommended i say this in my real set i have a rule set included when you go and download missed small um and the rule set again has the same approach as this video is going to have it's just going to show you how to play if you already know the rule set for missed false so if you ask me what do i recommend for how to learn this game on this little game i would actually go download the pdf of the rulebook for missed fall heart of the mists and if you aren't familiar heart of the miss is the standalone expansion to misfall and they made some updates to the rules that i think are really beneficial and that's actually the rule set that i based my little game off of um so i would go download that i'd read through that a couple of times um the rule book is actually pretty good and then i would go if you still want some extra help which i definitely did when i was learning the game um i'd go on youtube and look for grayboardgamer is his name and he has an excellent excellent playthrough series of heart of the mists and once i watched that through and then actually read the rulebook one more time then it really started to click uh so i would recommend that i would recommend download the rulebook for heart of the mists then um and this is if you don't know how to play it all i'd say download the rulebook for heart of the miss uh go watch that video series or most of it and and get the hang of it then the third thing i would do is actually this is a resource on board game geek and um let me see those are the folks who put it together but it's a flow chart of the turn order and this was the hardest thing to wrap my head around and this this is all preserved and missed small in the mini game so i would highly recommend download this print it out and you can honestly learn most of the game i mean there's edge cases and everything but this is what made it click for me i still use this when i play um and i reference it every time and it just it makes it work for my brain and so i highly recommend using that even for this little game another resource that's out there that can be helpful is this guy here it's like a turn order reference and i actually prefer the flowchart to this but it gives you setup which is really handy and what i really think is good is this assorted rules section there's a bunch of stuff it says easy to overlook that's exactly what this person has done they've made bullet points of stuff that's easy to forget or easy to misunderstand that you get wrong a lot so this is really handy as well um but what i wanted to do here is probably show you setup and then i'll i'll walk through just the changes from miss fall so if you know how to play miss fall hard of the mists this is the video i'll try to keep it short um er and uh so if you know how to play the big game this is this is the one i'd recommend watching and i i left it in the box on purpose i wanted to show you setup uh so here's all the tokens that come with the print and play file i made them a little thicker just so they felt a little more tokeny so i'll push those to the side and i think i'll be doing really good if i can actually fit all of this in frame i'll just do a quick setup here so here's your character card or your hero charter you can set that guy out you have five feet cards and maybe i'll just jump right into it this is the single biggest difference between mistfall and missed small which is how your hero cards function and and the discarding and restoration mechanics and maybe i'll get it set up first and maybe i'll mimic a turn or something i haven't really planned that out but this is the main thing i'll focus on is you have five cards as you're playing they always stay face up so there's no like flipping them over and you'll notice they're double halved so there's two halves top half bottom half and then there's two sides and what i've done is i've put the advanced feets on the back and the basic feets on the front you don't add cards to your deck you just flip cards over to have access to the advanced side and once you upgrade it it stays on that side and it stays face up and you interact with it that way you'll notice that there's a starting half and it discarded half and this is i this is the most confusing part and i think i'll just finish setup but first and then i'll go through that but if you get that part down if you get okay when do i rotate it um when do i put it into my deck and when do i put it in my burial pile and how does restoration work those are the biggest things to wrap your head around for the tiny game so when you're doing setup set them all to the starting half all five of them and then we'll just set that aside and this will be our hand so i'm just gonna set that over here there's two gear cards and they function just like the feed cards and it says what it is here um like normal you don't have to worry about this criteria you can just you really don't have to pay attention i just carry those through they have a starting half and a discarded half and you only get to use the half that is active or oriented on top if it's upside down you can't use any actions from it so when you're doing setup go ahead and place your two starting gear cards in your hero area here's your locations card eight locations see if i can get it to focus a through h a is your safe starting location um your haven i guess the hearthfire in h is the final location we're going to be playing the i think it's the second quest in the mist fall quest guide and this is our oops hit my camera there this is our it's a combination card here's the special encounter and here's a special enemy i'll store him up there we won't interact with him obviously until the end and here's your two encounter cards there's eight encounters they're numbered here but that number doesn't really serve a purpose it's just um for reference but they are again double halved and double-sided and what you actually do at setup is close your eyes look away whatever rotate and flip these shuffle the order and then we'll just set them out like this so i'll probably just set them up here after the game is set up and what you'll do when you're looking for which encounter you're going to play is you'll reference your location and whatever encounter type it demands you know wildlands let's say you go through this in a sequence so instead of you know drawing cards and just looking for the next one we're going to go on the top left right and then we'll go to the bottom left right and if we still can't find one we need we would flip both cards over and then start that process over top left right bottom left right and then you'll hit one that you can play so for example if we were looking for a wildlands encounter okay borderlands that's a miss we'll move on dead lands that didn't work move on this one's a wild lens and so what i would do is i would take it from up here and this is where i would actually put my locations card i'd take it from up there you know it'd be up here i'd take it and i'd orient the one on top that i want and then that's now the active encounter right here and we obviously wouldn't do that until we've moved into uh new location and needed to do the encounter setup here's your quest charter we've got everything packed in here we've got the time track reinforcements track and then the darkness track and so since this is also the the darkness track we're going to stack our if you're familiar with how the heart of the mists time interaction works you've got the objective tokens stacked there and so actually i'll do that now i'll give myself the four objective tokens and i tend to put them right here whoops and then we remove those as we pass icons on our focus track what would i do next here all we have left for cards is your enemy cards there are one of each color of enemy blue red green you can see i've kind of mushed together the information whether or not they're a raging enemy is now up top with their name and their color here's their stats as normal and all the information is here i had to abbreviate some information but it's all whoops it's all there actually every single enemy type is represented a couple of them have duplicates but i didn't need many duplicates actually so pretty much these are all unique enemies and so you shuffle these you don't rotate these but you shuffle these by shuffling the order and then flip some over and then here's our enemy deck i'll set my cubes out set the time track to starting reinforcement track to zero darkness track to that first square there's my other cubes here's one i'll give myself my starting focus i know i've got one more cube in here somewhere okay my other cube is apparently missing and that's important so i mean we're not playing through here but i need that down here so we'll just remember where that's at i'll have to go find that later then you set up your tiles or i call them location tokens in the rulebook and these have the letters a through h on them can i get it to focus there we go and so what i would do is per the quest rule setup i would take the h location which is our final location in our a location which is our starting location i'd flip the rest over and mix them up and then i would set up my kind of map here and all you do with the locations is here's your little here's your token to help you remember where you are so i put him there you can put a wound token on it just like normal when you go into a perilous location if you are interested in like if you want to make it into a standy i made a little bit bigger one if you have like the little plastic base and then i tend to just leave my tokens in a one big kind of token pool over here uh and that's set up obviously i had to steal my cube from up there but this would be completed setup for me and now i just want to get to the things that are different there's not that many things that are different i've kind of talked through some of it um for one for enemies uh i don't quite have enough room here so hopefully it'll work but you only are facing the enemy of the appropriate color so if i want if you know let's say my encounter called for three green enemies i would just set out i draw from the top leave them face up and i've got my three green enemies set out and i just ignore these guys and i i'm facing these guys and if i had more room i would be able to distinguish between my quest area up here it's a little harder because the cards are vertical so you need more vertical room but then they would come down and be in my quest area as you discard or disperse or eliminate enemies they get flipped over so let's say let's say they all came down and i ended up defeating this guy you flip over the card and you put it at the bottom of the enemy deck so he's ready to draw next time and then so there's no shuffling the enemy deck you just flip it over put it at the bottom and that cycles that way if you ever let's say i've got let's say i'm doing really bad i have all these in my hero area and i've got one in my quest area and i need to actually say i need to i'm supposed to draw some enemy reinforcements but i can't the deck is empty there's only five cards so what you have to do then is you have to interact with one mechanical change i made in the game and that is this track right here this is vitality it's think of it as your reserve tank of health there's a there's just you don't have as many cards in miss small you know you've got five cards it feels like more because they're double halved but when you're taking damage and burying cards it just it's not going to go as far you just simply don't have as much health and so this is like your reserve tank on a normal game you start at seven if you want to play on nightmare mode i have you starting at five and if you want to kind of play on an easier mode i have you start at 10. so you can start that cube wherever you want and what vitality does one one thing that it does is it's your penalty for when you can't draw enemies and you need to so if i get to the reinforcements phase and i'm supposed to be putting an additional enemy in play i would instead of you know i can't draw anything so i reduce vitality by the number of enemies that i was supposed to put in play that i was not able to put in place so if i was supposed to draw two reinforcements i automatically have to take two hits to my vitality the loss condition is actually different in missed small or just it's nuanced but it's different um you in the normal game if you're supposed to bury a card and you can't if you're supposed to bury a card and you um from taking damage and you can't that's when you lose but in missed small the the mini game you actually have one more fail safe if you're supposed to bury a card and you can't you have to reduce vitality if you have it and when your vitality gets to zero then you lose the game so it is it really does help to think of it as your reserve tank of of hp okay so that's enemies put those guys back i told you how encounters work already when you are facing the final encounter he can just act like an enemy card so you can just move them around your quest area in your hair area but you know if you're putting tokens on it obviously the encounter is traveling with him and it's fine you can put object objective tokens on here and you can move them around and when you flip it the objective tokens just travel with it i told you how this card works like let's say i want to move relocate to this token here put my wound out or my perilous marker and then so it told me i was on location d then i just reference here to see what the location information is okay so on to the hardest part which is learning how the discarding and the restoration mechanics work with the double-sided and double halved cards maybe what i'll start with is the easier part which is when you're i call it upgrading cards you're not adding cards to your deck when you buy advanced feats or when you get reward gear buying advanced feats in terms of when you can do it works just like what you're used to in mistfall or heart of the mists where anytime during your turn you can you can pay your resolve and you can buy the fee the fees are on the back and so all all that it means is when you when you pay the resolve and you buy it means you get to flip the card over and you get to keep it on this side so all of these have an advanced side it has the cost up in the corner and the other half doesn't the discarded half doesn't but this cost pays obviously for for for both halves of this side of the card and you'll notice that the costs are increased a little bit to account for that because you're basically getting a two for one deal you know i'm getting lettuce stray or lita stray and candy diversion for the price of for one cost so that's why they're a little bit higher to balance that out a little bit and so yeah like if i just i'll just look through these okay which one do i want to buy okay i want to buy this one i get to flip it over and you know if it was in my hand it stays in my hand if it was in my deck it stays in my deck if it was buried it stays buried so that's one thing with upgrading your cards or buying advanced feats in this game is it doesn't automatically go in your hand so if it was buried i'm gonna move these tiles aside since we know how those work already if it was buried yes you can upgrade it but it has to stay buried and when you upgrade feats it doesn't automatically get rotated to the starting half if it was discarded it stays discarded so let's say worst case scenario probably i really want to upgrade this one but it's buried and it's on discarded all that i get to do for paying my resolve is flip it over and leave it where it is you'll actually notice um there's no discard pile and i'll get to that in a second but there's just your buried pile over here your deck over here that's a little bit different than your feets and enemies i'm getting ahead of myself a little bit where i want to walk through really quickly when you complete an encounter successfully and it's time to collect your rewards this is your option for rewards these have the reward gear on the back this functions just like the the feats um except when you when you get done with the encounter you complete it you just get to pick one of these cards to flip over or you can take to resolve so obviously if after the first encounter like you're gonna be playing through at least three so after the first encounter i grab this one after the second encounter i grab this one the third encounter reward you just have to take your resolve or if you're in a situation where you would just rather have resolve than flip one of these over so you're a little bit limited in what you get but i don't know these reward gear cards are pretty good i had to make one up because he didn't have enough specific to him and obviously these are modified to work within the constraints of the mechanics of this little game so i think the reward your cards are are pretty cool okay so back to what i kept alluding to and kept preventing myself from talking about discarding there's no discard pile i already kind of use uh reveal that spoiler but they're still discarding in the game so if i play a card from my hand for example say i want to play this guy everyone say my focus is up there and i want to play this guy normally the quote unquote cost to pay this to play this card is you play it from your hand which means you would normally in the big game you just put it in your discard pile and you have played it and that's the only cost okay so if it's a starting card in missed small in the in the little game here when you discard a card there's no discard pile you rotate it to discard it and then you put it at the bottom of your deck obviously you don't start the game with a deck all your cards are here or in your hand because there's only five here so you'll be starting your deck pretty much i mean almost every turn i want to play this card i rotate it to discarded and it goes bottom of my deck and it's gone for this turn i can't play it anymore let's say i mean even if it was the defense phase and i wanted to use this as a reflex same kind of thing i obviously i have the focus cost here too um oh and i have to discard a mobility card so that's actually probably a good example so let's say i was blocking some damage with this card i would have to rotate to discard it put it at the bottom of my deck and then i want to get that boosted action and so i want to discard a mobility card as well so i would put it to discarded put it at the bottom of my deck uh what's really trippy is when you get to the end of your like your hero turn and you have let's say we've discarded a couple of cards even three cards this is what i've got left in my hand and then it's time to draw back up to five these just come back and they stay oriented with the discarded half on top so now going into the defense phase and as i go around the phases and i get back around to my hero turn this is what i got to work with i have my two starting cards left if i can get it to focus and i have three discarded cards to work with now these are actually available to be played so it's not the end of the world when you discard cards you draw them back up and these are available for me to play so this is my hand of cards except i've got the other half of the card available to me for these discarded ones but then you have to ask what the heck happens if you need to discard a card that's in a discarded state already so let's do an example of that i guess it doesn't matter which card but let's just say i want to do this action and it's on the discarded half when you discard a discarded card you rotate it to starting and you put it in your at the bottom or i guess it doesn't matter you just put it in your buried pile okay um so that's it if you can wrap your head around that that's the biggest challenge of figuring out the differences for this game if i want to play a starting card and i have to discard it i rotate it to discarded put it at the bottom of my deck if i want to play a discarded card and i have to discard it i rotate it to starting and i put it in my buried pile this is laid out in my rule set and so you i don't know if you'll need just that as a reference printed out next to you but that's the biggest difference and the hardest thing to wrap your head around just because of the discarded words and not having a discarded pile and it just feels weird so then when we get to restoration let's say we got to the end of it and i have three restoration points um for each restoration point it's still kind of you know you're digging yourself out of that hole buried still feels like a deeper step than discarded still feels like a deeper step than starting you have a number of different things that you can do for restoration now you can well and this this really isn't that hard for one restoration point you can take any card from your buried pile and put it to the bottom of your deck but no matter what state the card was in in your beard pile if it was on starting or if it was on discarded it remains in that state so you can take any card from your buried pile for one restoration point put it at the bottom of your deck but you have to make sure it stays like if it was on discarded in your buried pile you don't get to rotate it to starting you have to keep it on discarded when you put it at the bottom of your deck then it takes another restoration point if you want to rotate a card from discarded to starting and you can do that with any card you can do that with cards in your deck in your hand you can restore gear card so say this one was on discarded i could spend a restoration point to rotate it back to starting uh i'm trying to think that's about it for restoration so you can use a point to take it from discarded or buried pile to the bottom of your deck keep it oriented the same way don't rotate anything or wherever the card is if it's in my hand or my deck or whatever you can spend a restoration point to rotate one discarded card to starting and you leave it where it is so if it was in your hand um and i want to restore this one okay that was one restoration point or if it was in my deck i can rotate it or if it was here i rotate it and i leave it where it was okay okay that's not so bad right that's that's the most difficult part to wrap your head around um now taking damage is the final thing that's a little bit that's different that you just have to learn and remember normally taking damage you just have to bury a card for every point of damage that you can't cancel or block you you would have to bury a card you actually have three choices instead of one choice so that's one of the choices when you're taking damage so let's say this guy wants to do two damage to me i can just bury two cards burying a card when you're taking damage you always rotate it to discarded or leave it on discarded and then put it in your buried pile and you can do that with cards from your deck you can do that with cards from your hands so let's say i'm supposed to take two damage um i would rotate one two cards to the discarded half i can get it to focus and put it in my buried pile if one of these was on discarded already um that's a little bit better deal for burying cards so i would actually probably take that deal if i needed to bury a card i'd probably go find a discarded card if i had one because it's a it's you know one less step of penalty if that makes sense so um you leave it on discarded so i would bury that one that's one and then i'd have to rotate one of these or find one in my deck to rotate and bury so i rotate this one to discard it and then discard it and i've taken my two damage that's one option is varying cards to take damage your second option is discarding two starting cards from your hand so that option is kind of there to to make sure that you know restoring cards all the way back to starting is actually of benefit to you you know why don't i just make sure all my cards stay on discarded and not spend that restoration well because it opens up your options for when you have to take damage is one of the reasons and you just might want the card effect as well but so instead of you know say i have to take two damage um how about this so this is this is my game state i have to take two damage well i'm gonna bury my discarded card okay that's one and then i can rotate two starting cards from my hand to discard it and keep them in my hand so i'm not discarding them if i was discarding them you know from a card effect or from playing them you rotate it to discard it and you put it at the bottom of your deck this is taking damage i'm just changing it from starting to discarded so i can for every two cards that i do that for i can cancel one damage but burying is still the one to one relationship you bury one card to cancel one point of damage or to take one point of damage i guess and you rotate two starting cards to discard it to take one point of damage then the third thing you can choose to do is back to vitality back to your vitality track anytime when you're supposed to take damage you can actually take that damage with vitality i think in the rubric i call it absorbing damage so you can absorb the damage with your vitality track so let's say i had to take one damage i really really don't want to discard or bury any in my cards so i take that to vitality instead so i reduce it from seven to six the thing with taking damage or absorbing damage with vitality is the cost goes up the more you do it in a single encounter so every encounter the cost resets but the first time you take damage in an encounter by using vitality it's a one-to-one cost so one i can absorb one damage with one vitality the second time that you take damage in the same encounter to vitality it costs two vitality to take one damage so the next one would take me down to four i would have to go two down so just to say that another way let's say i had to take two damage i either can't use my cards i can't bury or discard two starting cards from my hand to take that damage or i just want to use vitality you can always choose to use vitality to take damage i have to take two damage so i'm on seven right now if i reduce that to six that takes care of one damage but that second point of damage cost me two so that takes me down to four from six to four to take that second point of damage and that cost continues to scale up uh incrementally for every single damage that you want to take in that encounter so let's say this was three damage that i had to take i'm not sure that would be wise to take it all to vitality but let's say i just have to let's say you know it's like the final encounter seven to six takes that first point of damage six to four takes care of that second point of damage and then four three two one so three takes that third point of damage and this this cost escalation um it counts for the duration of the encounter so let's say this hero turn um i use vitality to take one point of damage and let's say we go through every other phase and then it's back to my hero turn or sorry it would have been the defense phase that i took the damage so this defense phase i reduce it from seven to six to take one point of damage and and that was all the damage i had to take well we go back around the phases and then let's say i have to take another damage to vitality it's not a new encounter yet so that one's gonna cost two but then the next encounter um it resets your vitality doesn't reset but the cost resets so the next encounter the first point of damage i take just cost me one vitality you cannot use restoration points on you can't restore it so uh let's say it's the restoration time to do use restoration i can't like increase it from four up to seven or anything i have to leave it where it is so once you use it it's gone you lose it forever and like i said when it gets to zero that's that's it for your hero um let me think what else you do have the i think that's it for the these mechanics um maybe one thing to note is if you ever are ever forced to discard one of your gear cards it works just like other discarding so you still have to rotate it to discard and put it at the bottom of your deck um [Music] i really think that's it there's one tricky card here and let me see if i can find it i think it's preparation one one sort of faq that i want to address right away is the special if you discard this card while resolving another action draw one card yes you can draw the discarded half of this card so let's say i am required to discard a mobility card based on another action well discarding this card involves rotating it from starting to discarded so i i rotate it and i put it at the bottom of my deck but then it says i get to draw oops this card effect says i get to draw one card so you can actually draw this card back up the discard it so i've i discarded it let's get it focused here i rotated it to discarded and put it in my deck at the bottom of my deck but the artifact said i could draw a card well i'll go ahead and pick this one back up i'm trying to think what else you might run into you have the normal and then the nightmare side of your hero charter you can dial the difficulty of the vitality and then you have the normal and the nightmare side of the quest charter it removes a little bit of the modularity because um all of this is lumped together and in part of the miss you can choose whether or not to play on the difficult side of the darkness track and then these two are on the same chart or two but here you have to you have to face the difficult all at once if you want to face any of it um okay i'm sure i forgot a few things but i probably rambled enough and uh i hope you guys like the game please comment on the video if you have questions let me know your feedback and and i hope you guys enjoy it
Channel: Joe Klipfel
Views: 1,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2rI0ghbmFIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 29sec (2309 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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